This scene of destruction indicates the spiritual devastation of the men, as the depiction of death and the afterlife connect with the Christian idea of the soul.
At the end of the story, the Behrani's son tragically dies and the colonel, overwhelmed with pain and frustrated with his fate, decides to kill his wife and himself.
In addition to that, it is possible to observe the reality of modernism in Miller's work when focusing on the influence of technology and progress on a workplace.
Modernism is a term that refers to a movement in art and literature that began in the late 19th century and extended through the early days of the 20th century.
Teenagers in the present age find themselves in a tight situation with decision-making in that their school psychologists made them realize that being happy is based on the ability to make friends and the development [...]
In this paper, special attention will be paid to Walt Whitman as one of major and the most effective anticipators of the modernism movement because of the chosen fearlessness, intents to promote equalities in everything, [...]
The piece is created by means of a thoughtful combination of text and images for the purpose of enhancing the message of negativity of toxic people and the necessity to manage them.
As the paper unfolds, the treatment of the theme of alienation as per different writers will be looked into to establish whether there exists a common denominator in the treatment of the works or not.
In their respective pieces, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "The Scarlet Letter," Irving and Hawthorne reflect on the events from this perspective, and it leads to the similarity of values incorporated in their narratives.
This is because, even though the name of this poem implies the lack of a factual information about the citizen in question, the poem's actual body contains a detailed description of what kind of a [...]
Sometimes the main story within the main narrative can serve to sum up a crucial aspect of the framing story. The tale of Sinbad the Seaman and Sinbad the Landsman short stories are framing stories.
He significantly influenced the development of Hebrew literature by means of the frequent usage of literary techniques. These techniques assist in helping the reader to comprehend the atmosphere of the story and enter the characters' [...]
The book Labyrinths is the collection of short stories written by Borges, and it is one of the most vivid examples of postmodern literature where realty is combined with the author's imagination producing the elements [...]
At the same time, the main problem that is the key subtext of the narrative is human relationships, and the anthropogenic factor is the critical cause of violence, inequality, and cataclysms observed in the novel.
The narrator matures as the story progresses; his focus shifts from mere observations of the town's realities, his games with his friend, to the first feelings of attraction and love to a girl.
The first characteristic of the modernist literary movement found in Updike's A&P is the method called stream of consciousness. From the very beginning of Updike's short story, the reader is immersed in the flow of [...]
The lack of actual historical information is a testament to the treatment accorded to women in the 16th century and this is an element of modernity that Woolf uses; the oppression of women in the [...]
The main character of the poem contemplates the idea of death and religion. She says that "death is the mother of beauty" and that a change of the seasons, a change of the living to [...]
The depiction of the theme of love has always been vital regardless of the literary trend and modernism as well as postmodernism saw a number of literary works dedicated to immortal issues of love, death, [...]
Joyce's "Ulysses" and "Finnegans Wake" experiment with language and narrative structure, creating a new form of storytelling that reflects the complexities of the modern world.
Although it is a short story the author managed to provide a clear understanding of how quickly the son got disappointed in his father and the feeling of excitement about the meeting changed to the [...]
Rather than focusing on the words of the poem itself, Leavis sees the significance of "The Wasteland" as residing principally in the disorganization of the poem.
Taking it upon himself to complete Yasuko's recollections of the dark days, Shizuma must rewrite the journal to bring to the reader an unmistakable account of the injuries, the horrors and the victimization that was [...]
It also forces readers to rely on their own interpretations and inferences to understand what is happening in the story, adding to the overall sense of uncertainty and ambiguity.
Williams to explain the results of the tests and give the list of the products she should not eat any longer.Mrs. WILLIAMS: Truly, darling, you know how I love you and I am trying to [...]
According to Chopin, a passionless marriage coupled with adultery is consequence-free and is as powerful as 'the storm' and that it can help maintain the union, nature, and happiness of the married couple, a view [...]
The radical shift in the aesthetic value as well as the cultural sensibilities of the works of literature of the early 20th century is what people regard to as literary modernism.
Things Fall Apart is a literary work that represents the development of several different ideas like the importance of religion, significance of culture, and power that leads to conflicts of different types; Chinua Achebe made [...]
Huck fears his father and apparently never knew his mother; a homeless waif, he sleeps on doorsteps or in hogsheads; he is troubled by no ambition and steers clear of Sunday school; his life is [...]
In the account, Coetzee enters the mind of his main character, the twice-divorced scholar, David Lurie, telling the story of the experiences that the character goes through.
In understanding the definitions of art presented by Ezra and Pound, the main emphasis is placed on the theories of art they formulated and their approach to literary tradition.
Howe calls one of the distinguishing features of modernist literature its complexity and the depth of the author's thought, presenting the challenge to the reader.
According to Baudelaire, "to contemplate the movements of those who leave and those who arrive, those who still have strength of will, the desire to travel or to grow rich" can be viewed as a [...]
A general image of Girl and the seriousness of its separate elements make the work closer to modernistic style. The first sign of modernism in the work is the seriousness of the story and its [...]
As three girls in swimsuits enter the grocery, Sammy starts ogling at them; however, as the manager leaves an unpleasant remark about the girls and forces them to leave, Sammy takes the side of the [...]
Bruce Schneier is a recognized specialist in computer security who won many awards and dedicated his activity to the investigation of security systems and design of efficient systems as well as justification of their usage [...]
Pond's poem consists of only two lines, which simply relate author's experience of being present in Metro at La Concorde, Paris, with utter exactness: "The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a [...]
Different and sometimes opposite currents within modernism itself make it difficult to create a comprehensive picture of this literary phenomenon in this essay that is why we are going to draw our attention to the [...]
In his writing, "The Achievement of Desire" Rodriguez gives a narration of his life while recounting the reasons and the ways in which he educated himself.
Additionally, stating that he is a camera, which is only recording and reproducing, but not thinking and interpreting, the author pursues the goal of affecting the readers' minds and making his text to seem more [...]
In the personality of the hunger artist, we may notice the generalized character of a modernist artist, and in the actions of fasting, we may recognize the characteristics of modernism as an epoch in history [...]
Images could also be used to advertise and catch the attention of the potential buyers of a certain written literature. These allowed the rest of the world to understand the magnitude of the revolution.
However, despite the seeming similarity between Thrasymachus's point of view and Darwin's concept of the strongest as the most possible survivors and leaders, there is a mile of small differences that sets Darwin's idea of [...]
One front is the gun while the other front is the use of the pen meaning that the forum was emphasizing the use of literature to perpetuate the socialist agenda as well as to control [...]
The logopoeia effect is observed in "In Front of a Candle" with references to the vivid metaphorical and symbolic language used when the phanopoeia effect is produced with the help of the great imagery presented [...]