"The History of God" by Karen Armstrong is a comprehensive overview of the history of the development of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
Higgins in his examination of the work of Aquinas states that "the arguments of Aquinas center around the five proofs of God's existence namely: the argument of the unmoved mover, the argument of the first [...]
Therefore, we need to refer to religion as to what it is a psychological sublimation of homo sapience's longing to gain a state of higher consciousness, while continuously developing, in the biological sense of this [...]
Priest and scribes accused Jesus Christ on the account that he blasphemed the name of God for He called Himself the Son of the living God and claimed to have the ability to forgive sins.
The second personality characteristic about the kind of person Jesus is which also tends to create some tension is that He only blesses those who obey Him but does not bless or forgive sinners and [...]
It is the difference in views on the very essence of revelation that conditions the position on the extent to which one can perceive the existence of God and reflect it in one's reality.
His unshakable and unconditional faith in God is demonstrated at the beginning of the text through his interest in Talmud, and expressing grief over the destruction of the Temple.
Moreover, the possibility of God as a representation of God infers that God is not a thing that can be known but, instead, an image that alludes past itself to a higher reality.
The specified argument appeals to the personal style of Craig's approach to the discussion as opposed to the actual statement that he provides, which devalues the overall meaning of Law's claim.
A powerful boost to one's sense of self-worth can be attained by first coming to terms with the fact that we are created in the image and likeness of God and, as a result, take [...]
It can be argued that the Lord is the supervisor; once there is doubt about the existence of this guard, a man who is a potential malefactor is capable of anything.
The question of the validity of belief in God, no matter how it may seem beaten at first glance, is very actively discussed in the modern analytical philosophy of religion and the related sciences.
The key underlying difference lies in the fact that Christians believe in Jesus embodying both divine and human forms, which makes him both God and human.
With that said, Middlemas argues that the form of God is not fixed in a likeness of a man, rejecting both the gendered aspect and the overall humanlike presentation.
Then, Middlemas summarizes the used strategies in two groups and argues that even those texts that liken God to a human use two genders, which strengthens the aniconic interpretation.
According to Booker, it is believed that God is the sole provider of everything including air that people inhale, properties people own, and even families owned by different people.
It is the responsibility of Christians to communicate to both fellow Christian and non-Christians as the only way of passing the good news to God's people.
As documented in the literature, the "image of God" concept affirms our capacity to celebrate the dignity of the human person in relationship to God and the world, and also to reinforce the importance of [...]
Whereas Nagel claimed that "The existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God is thus postulated as a necessary condition for the possibility of a moral life" but he immediately contradicts existence of God putting [...]
It is a strong aspect that is in the article."Defining God into existence" is an article that attempts to define God in relation to apophatic teachings of the "via negativa".
He considers the understanding of God's existence as some of the things that exist in the stated place. He states that the love for God is the main aspect of the just among the human [...]
Christian doctrine says that the New does not replace the Old, but they point to the one and main objective the salvation of mankind through Jesus Christ.
In such a way Aquinas led to a conclusion that there is a thing that is beyond the characteristic of merely possible to exist; a thing which existence is a necessity not a possibility.
But the underlying message of the story and the teachings of the Bhagwat Gita is, in fact, a lesson for all men and women who are conscious of the concept of dharma.
Ye that travailest to keep the good spirits at the hard times; though that hath stood the times of lament and cry; ye that hath no fear for anything but the Wrath of God, are [...]
Jones states that living with a merciful heart and god-like compassion is the answer to the deepest question of god of how to accept all the horrors of life and sustain hope and belief in [...]
These experiences which are known as religious experiences are held to differ from ordinary experiences in that what is experienced is taken by the person to be some supernatural being or presence, a being related [...]
The Nicene question is associated with Arius who was commissioned to deal with the interpretation of the Holy Scripture and provided the largest heresy in the history of Christianity, on the one hand, while promoted [...]
This theory argues that God's existence through the very definition of God and the fact that people try to argue about this shows that indeed God exists.
In religion, mythological cosmology deals with the study of a body of beliefs based on religious, mythological, historical and esoteric traditions about the creation and the origins of man and the universe.
For instance, an African American, whose image of God is that of a white person, may feel alienated and might believe that s/he is not necessarily a 'child of God' because of the difference between [...]
The presence of hardship and suffering is not evidence that God does not exist, rather it is evidence that the world, as we know it, is full of challenges and that the only way to [...]
As the matter of fact, the fourth argument has the moral aspect that shows the Aquinas's attitude towards the relationship between the God and morality.
Each stage of the plotline is characteristic of the freedom of God as evident in his progressive revelation of himself as a faithful God who keeps promises, but on the other hand declines to put [...]
These spiritual pillars are shown to these children to ensure that they are pure in their minds and their hearts in their daily activities according to the wishes and will of God.
Such events include the existence of the universe itself, the interaction between the world and the rest of the entire solar system, and the existence of life on earth.
Nevertheless, the paper unfolds by describing the meaning of God in the New and Old Testament as the manifestation of the mind and will of God, the sacred writings of the Christian religions and the [...]
Thus, the expression "'this text and not that text is the complete and total words of God" can be applied to every religion and presents the problem of religious canons.
Throughout the history of the planet exploration, the pioneers who dared to set their foot on a new terrain not infrequently faced a multitude of obstacles and barriers ranging from purely practical difficulties of settling [...]
The thin line between civilization and savagery shown by the author is the force upon the journey to civilization and the twenty first century is a good indication of leadership.
They argue that the features of the God are "Specially Distinctive" from that of the humans. Similar, the idea of the reward and the punishment of the God is also related to the welfare of [...]
The Trinitarian believers puts the position of Jesus while trying to explain whom he was in comparison to the father in a better and more comprehensive fashion, that the Father is God, as well as [...]
Pages: 10
Words: 2875
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