At the end of the story, a man offers to "take the bags over to the other side of the station", where no hope for childbirth and their relations is seen.
The residents blame the sheriff for it, and Walter also feels guilty in the sufferings of the young girl from the reservation.
The question, therefore, concerns the ubiquitous darkness that surrounds the main characters throughout the story and the purpose of this darkness, whereas the key problem concerns the reasonability of using darkness as the basis for [...]
By depicting the behavior of a teenager named Sammy who works in the supermarket chain, the writer illustrates the way in which an individual responds to the culture dominated by consumption and rigid norms that [...]
The book underscores the error in thinking that the obstetrics and gynecology sector in the US has reached a level that can be considered safe for expectant women, the unborn children, laboring women, and newly [...]
The story opens as the man and the woman sit in the shade of the station cafe, discussing what to drink to cool them down from the oppressive heat.
One of the dramatic changes that Bone makes in his life is when he informs Russ of his decision to leave Jamaica.
In the novel "Tender is the Night," Fitzgerald describes the society in Riviera where he and his family had moved to live after his misfortune of late inheritance.
This essay compares and contrasts the characters of Gatsby and Jean Valjean in the Les Miserable novels and films. Gatsby strikes the readers as a na ve and lovesick individual though his character is negative.
At the beginning of the novel, a moving description of one of the book-burning escapades is brought to the fore. The import of this is that she has learnt to tread carefully.
Valjean's life contains a series of misfortunes in the sense that he has to hide his true identity. Most of the people in his life were there just for convenience and for the fact that [...]
Her works reflect the lives of American upper class through the use of humor and empathy in describing their lives, and changes in New York towards the beginning of the 20th century.
To understand the role of Ultima in the formation of Antonio's perception of the world, it is better to consider the final Ultima's words, "I bless you in the name of all that is good [...]
The only sure way to predict the winner in such a game is to watch the game itself and compare the strong sides of the two teams in the field.
He explains that this is the reason why some of the major companies are gaining an edge in the marketplace by using numbers and data to manipulate the marketplace.
The other factor that contributed to the decline in education in America apart from the decline in political standards and changes in demography and culture is the argument over which subjects to include in the [...]
Achy Obejas provided the readers with her own vision of the controversial situation in Cuba in 1990's with the help of vivid depicting of the character of Usnavy, the protagonist of Obejas' Ruins.
Edna Pontellier and her family spend their summer in the Isle resort belonging to the father of Robert Lebrun. Edna seems to survive in the relationship because of the society and her two sons "Think [...]
Jacob Jankowski appears in the text as a person of contradicting nature, he seems to be both a hero and a coward.
Taking such poems as The One Girl at the Boys' Party and The Song of Myself, one can trace the similarities and the differences between the two pieces, namely, the objects of the poems, the [...]
All these aspects observe the truth in the writer's perceptions through the words of the grandmother that "a good man is hard to find".
Dee and Maggie do not interact, it is only as the story ends that Dee speaks to her angrily as she is leaving; this ending portrays the relationship of the African and American heritages.
But Sammy is conscious of the fact that Stockesie is married and cannot go after the girls but he feels he still has the opportunity and freedom to go after the girls himself.
With the assumption that the story of "Bartleby the Scrivener" is a love story, it can be presumed that the author has taken a certain fascination that is in actual sense bordering on infatuation with [...]