The author analyzes the main features of childhood in Victorian novels and tries to explain the image of victimized children predominant in major nineteenth-century novels. The author analyzes the socio-economic conditions of the Victorian era [...]
In their works, Tartuffe and Gulliver's Travel, Moliere and Swift depict social and political situations and ridicules the governmental system and false values existing in the society.
A careful analysis of Lady Macbeth's intensely complicated character and her role in the play proves that Shakespeare is actually a feminist writer.
In bringing Shakespeare's classic story of Hamlet to the big screen and reset into a modern context, director Michael Almereyda is forced to reinterpret the role of Ophelia due to significant changes in modern women's [...]
The aim of the study is to relate the perennial appeal of the text to the particular point of view it presents on economics and political relations; on family life and social structure; on art [...]
Similarly, the theme of darkness, as evident from the title of the work, in its spiritual sphere, underpins the merit of the novella.
With the end of the Victorian period, the sexuality of the English society that did not find its reflection in the cultural phenomenon was striving to express itself in graphic art and at the beginning [...]
The protagonist of the novel Emma Roberts is on the very edge of deciding to leave home, and she is feeling disturbingly emotional.
Every action and character in the novel, in this manner, is linked to and affected by the role of the scientist protagonist Victor Frankenstein.
The main accent of Empire of the Sun is Jim's growing and getting older from a boy to a man during the war.
In the sky to the northeast of Shanghai, he searches for a flash that temporarily overpowers the dawn and overflows the stadium with a strange light.
He even states this in his assessment: "But the not-self cannot have the bad, meaning they of the government and the judges and the schools cannot allow the bad because they cannot allow the self.
The short story "The king is dead, long live the king" by Mary Coleridge portrays the dying of the king and the behavior of the court and his retinue.
On the ward, McMurphy proves himself to be a master manipulator, hustling his fellow patients in card games and persistently challenging the authority of Nurse Ratched.
Previous to he was able to try to enter the university; the immature Jude was influenced into getting married to a rather uncouth and outward confined girl, Arabella Donn, who left him in two years.
The book and the film reveals the novel's humor almost always centered on the surprise creation and the sudden critique of unlikely personalities.
The main theme of the story is the love relations between Samson and Delilah. In spite of romantic scenes and love relations, these stories are a part of Lawrence's response to the war.
Through the character of Aslan, the lion, the author explains the Christian ideas and teaches the readers that humility and sincerity are better than all the wealth of the world.
It is valid to say that Braddon represented Lady Audley this way to highlight the subordinate role of a woman in the 19th century and also challenge it.
The style in which Zadie Smith writes serves as a shorthand to introduce the reader to a situation that can be regarded as ethically or socially problematic and approached from the perspective of Zadie Smith's [...]
In the light of Assadourian's argument concerning the innateness of consumerism in human beings, culture defines norms and values in a society, which are hard to smash when they become normalized.
The creation of the project about Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the puzzles the main character has to face with and collect is predetermined by a number of factors: an independent investigation about the [...]
As to the Asians, Crusoe found some that he liked and others he did not, his feelings may have had something to do with religion.
The dramatic structure of this Victorian age drama involves the adaptation of the early Aristotelian primacy of the plot. In the conclusion, the play ends on the same tradition whereby all the conflicts are resolved, [...]
The burden of waiting feeds her fear, and Zoe suddenly understands that she is extremely uncomfortable due to the decision of her friend to refuse to take part in the race. In this passage, the [...]
He felt the pain of killing the man and became an outlaw living in the forest. He became an outlaw in the early19th century.
The research delves into the love and ethics aspect of the Shakespearean texts. For example, the Shakespeare's play "The Rape of The Rape of Lucrece", the text "I will beg her love, but she is [...]
He is not allowed to participate fully in the rites and ceremonies of the Reservation, so he fashions his system of thought out of the scripture and the dramas he reads.
More so, the renowned author suggests that it is impossible to get rid of the sinful alter-ego. Stevenson claims that it is impossible to get rid of the alter ego.
The acknowledgment of this serious, sad element of the character's life circumstances reminds the audience of the inescapable nature of many circumstances in life.
Instead, she wants to provide her readers with a chance to position themselves toward the residue of the past experiences of the country that still can be felt on the streets of modern London.
Dennis Brent is a character who the author includes in order to represent resilience through his will to survive and adapt for the sake of his family.
The next determinant of a book's success with the audience is the use of language and the musicality of words. Rosen's "We are going on a bear hunt" is one of the brightest examples of [...]
Thus, the paper argues that the representation of crime in nineteenth-century literature was based on disparities between the regions of the city as well as the countryside.
Achebe emphasizes that Conrad attempts to show his positive attitude towards Africans, but it is clear that he shares the belief about the superiority of the white race that reigned at that time.
Finally, Adam and Eve had to defend their right to believe and have their faith is the allusion to the changes that were apparent in the religious life of England.
The personal struggle of the protagonist was two-dimensional: the rejection of his own nature and the active rejection of the idea of duty.
It is imperative to consider Merriam-Webster's definition of a knight: "a man who is given special honor and the title of Sir by the king or queen of England", to understand the first component of [...]
Although Shakespeare wrote about the exquisite beauty of a young woman and compared her to a goddess, saying, "I grant I never saw a goddess go; my mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground," [...]
In the proposed paper, I plan to analyze the means used for the representation of violence in one of the famous graphic novels of the twentieth century From Hell.
Finally, this essay will try to persuade that the startling uniqueness of mind highlighted in the struggle to find the balance between "utopian possibility and dystopian reality" is what made it possible to render the [...]
One of the principal plotlines of the novel is a love story. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the author's interpretation of love is different from that elucidated in a typical romance.
The representation of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror in The Scarlet Pimpernel is considered an accepted and popular view on these historical events in the majority of Western countries.
Disguising the work as an autobiographical traveler's story, the author chooses to focus on the issues of race, colonialism, and the indigenous, which become central to the author's exploration and the story in general.
The author is talking about fate and magic at the same time, and also tries to show the way people surround mythical things with beliefs that make it easy for the believers of such things [...]
For instance, the author ridicules this blind loyalty to Gradgrind's philosophy and outlines various ways it has affected the lives of his children and people that surround him.
Moreover, it is known that he published it anonymously to ensure that the reader is not aware of what to expect from this proposal.
Later on that evening, Daisy suggests to Winterborne about her wish to ride on the lake and willingly overlooks the appropriateness of the time.
He studied in Ingolstadt where he discovered the secrets of life, which he uses to create a monster. He does this in secret since he is aware of the dangers of his experiment.
The paper focuses on the main themes of both versions and the way they are delivered, the techniques and methods employed by the authors of both the film and the novel in order to get [...]
From the very beginning, the writer expressed his concern for the plight of the poor, which was central to the whole story.
The most useful kind of isolation is the latter because not only does it allow one to come to terms with all the complexities that one has undergone in one's life but it also provides [...]
Considering the peculiarities of Beowulf, the paper aims at exploring particular themes such as family, fame and shame, changes and cycles, and the theme of religion present in the poem to show how the interpolated [...]
The name of the main character of the novel, who has created the living monster from the insentient substance, became a special sign that in a course of time widened its meaning.
Hyde was not eager to become a part of the community and he tended to avoid communication with members of the society he lived in.
The difference between the Americans and the English and between the peculiarities of their cultures is expressed on the example of the two owners of the Darlington Hall.
This is the only way for the animals to establish equality and create a flourishing, happy and wealthy society."Animal Farm" by Orwell is a description of the metamorphoses that happen within a freedom movement turning [...]
In this, case I am inclined to state that those people who feel and follow God's grace have this grace in themselves as a kind of the power which leads them to see the truth, [...]
As its mission, the European imperialism had the "civilization" of the world and expansion of the Christianity over the conquered nations through the forced introduction of the European administrative powers and its culture.
This is seen in his soliloquy "to be, or not to be: that is the question; /Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer?
The reason for this is that the themes and motifs, contained in it, reveal the hidden reason why, throughout the course of Britain's colonial rule in India, the socio-economic dynamics in this country never ceased [...]
The organisation is running out of funds because the clients, viz.the wealthy travellers, have started avoiding the Sherwood Forest after learning of the existence of Merrie Men. Therefore, Robin faces the threat of the Sheriff [...]
It is also necessary to mention that Donne chooses a very specific realm of the spiritual to show the links between the idea of pure, platonic love and its ore down-to-earth equivalent.
Meyer refers to the concept of information overload, which shifts the historic power of the press and alters the ways, in which the community responds to it.
In fact, Mel Gisbon's power as an act does not provide a sufficient understanding of his ability to penetrate to Shakespeare's world and reach the ideas in the play.
In the story The Birds, Du Maurier posits, "The birds had been more restless than ever this fall of the year". In addition, the story is more believable as compared to the movie.
The first line of the poem creates a picture of the nature around the man: "The sea is calm to-night". The author wants to describe the nature and the place of humans in this world.
The scene divulges the heightened parody presented by Shakespeare where there is bafflement and confusion among the young lovers. The scene sets the stage for confusion in and bickering among the young friends.
At first Hardy could not find the community for his poetry work but one novelist by the name George Meredith advised him to write a narrative and by this he first wrote the novel "The [...]
Though Silas becomes an outsider following the false accusations said against him by his church, he is later the most trusted and the beloved insider of the village following his adoption of Eppie, a girl [...]
On his way to the squash game, the reader realizes that there is a big protest going on in the street, and this is when one comes to know about the political views of Perowne.
But, no matter how strange, awful and bitter it seems, the poet admits that people fail to see that beauty and lose the sense of nature, unity with it completely: "For this, for everything, we [...]
Moreover, within a tale is a message that aims to influence an audience in a certain way."The Mill on the Floss" contains the message that comes from the teller, which is a reality of the [...]
This paper explores the similarities and dissimilarities between the book's events and the occurrences of contemporary society in 2014. Orwell's accounts in the book 1984 strike many similarities with the events happening in contemporary society.
Consequently, Othello seeks to distance himself with the misconstrued stereotypes of a 'Moor.' This essay seeks to prove that the main character's sense of identity leads to his self-destruction.
Statement of the Research The underlying principle of this research undertaking is to examine the character traits of Frankenstein as a monster.
The story is a portrait of a middle-aged woman that Woolf paints utilizing Clarissa's thoughts and actions that eventually help her convert the ideology of life of the English middle class and describe the cultural [...]
The aim of this essay is to compare and contrast two pieces of prose included in the book: The World of the Small Entrepreneur and The Rhetoric of Competition.
The chapters from 21 to 29 in the book "The Martyred" by Richard Kim introduce the idea of sacrifice and the reasons of why people may be eager to hide the truth and contribute their [...]
The main character in the first story is driven by curiosity and regret to seek the services of a witch to help her escape her shameful past before she dies.
Bad luck is clear in the story through the inconsistent relationship between King Lear and his daughters as well as from the role of dishonesty and power in the play.
This is one of the details that can be distinguished. This is one of the details that should not be overlooked.
However, in Ferdinand's case, the emotional pain was the result of a misunderstanding after the ship wrecked, Ferdinand came to the assumption that he was the only survival completely on his own.
The speaker in the poem 'My Mistress' Eyes are Nothing like the Sun' by Shakespeare, is a man trying to find the exact reason for the immense love that he feels for his lover.
The fact that Hal obeys his father's call is important as it shows his obedience to his father. It can be noted that Hal's relationship with his father is strained in the beginning.
This book is important in teaching the audience about honesty, and repercussions of greed. He is unable to work peacefully for the good of his people.
In sum, through the character of Victor, Shelley portrays that a person matures when he can accept responsibilities for his actions and their consequences.
It was her mother who strengthened her resolve to fight the injustice that her father had accorded to her. She also spoke candidly to her daughter by telling her the realities of the situation, and [...]
Symbolically, the notion of interactions of the dead and the living developed by To be taken with a Grain of Salt perhaps exemplifies the differences in the classes of people.
The Romantic era of art and literature is a movement which started in Europe at the end of the 18th century, peaking around the time between 1800 and 1840.
Proponents of these poets commend positively on the different approach and styles the authors have adapted, giving them credit on how they have managed to break the monotony by introduced new styles and ways of [...]
Therefore, the expected change highly depends on the actions of the lower order and the role of the upper classes is to accept the new order.
Seeing that a range of elements of Swift's satire are on-the-nose and very straightforward, it is quite easy to assume that the rest of the narration serves merely as a foil for the social and [...]
The first theme is the connection of writings of women on the subject of the First World War and the modernism theoretical constructs.
Moreover the paper also describes the concept of education and upbringing of child through the analysis of charter of Frankenstein in the novel.
The complicating action is the main part of the story and it is the attempt to explain what happen to the main characters.
At the same time, in spite of the seeming dominance of the Eloi, their actual hierarchy gradually switched during the evolution process, as the Morlocks hunt for the Eloi at night and eat them.
From the exclusivity of class experienced in Britain at the time, Karim realized that he was among the disadvantaged people in the society and British natives often had very low expectation of him in this [...]
Revision is given a pivotal emphasis in the influential work of Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin, The Empire Writes Back, in which they remark that the " arevisioning' of received tropes and modes...and the rereading of [...]
As an apologetic for Le Guin's choices concerning the sexual landscape of the novel, Cornell's essay attempts to rout critics on two major problems readers encounter with the book; first, that the world of Winter, [...]
It is important to note that stream of consciousness is a major contributor to excellent delivery of thoughts and ideas in literature.
In his view, legitimate authority should be derived from the people since the powers of the monarchs are always destructive because they are used in a way that is inconsistent with the demands of the [...]
An effort is also made to track the changes of the roles of women in the social fabric in the Victorian era by considering The Odd Women by George Gissing written in 1893.
Arguably, the sociopolitical and religious system of governance in Britain at the time was threatened by Machiavelli's Ideas of freedom from religious dictatorship and injustice in the society.
One of the major characters to the plot, Lydgate is a mixture between a positive and a negative character, who, on the one hand, fights stereotypes and, on the other hand, reinforces them, which, combined [...]
In order for us to be able to substantiate the suggestion that the earlier provided definition does apply to Wycherley's comedy, we will have to make mentioning of what were the specifics of a socio-political [...]
This play is a comedy that seeks to show the author's opposition to susceptibility of women in the Restoration society. On the other hand, Florinda the elder sister wants to marry the man she loves [...]
Despite the fact that the narration does not contain any information about the author, it still manages to convey the world reminding of the remarkable journeys of Christopher Columbus, Jonathan Swift, and Sir Thomas More. [...]
The above-mentioned example can be classified as the means to turn the text into a story, which allows to refer the latter to the narrative style.
In the romantic period, fiction writing attracted a big chunk of the populace, and such it proved a way in which the ideas of the writers and authors alike filtered into the minds of the [...]
This occurred in the late seventeen century and summarily she was quoted to have harbored the ambitions of becoming a Catholic nun in her teenage age.
To discuss the peculiarities of describing the concept of childhood in the novel, it is necessary to focus on the actual substance of childhood as it is and on the impacts of childhood on the [...]
Waters chose to write on the Victorian era because she felt the power structure in this era oppressed the gay and lesbian members of the community.
Many scientists and scholars tried to view the problem of the connection between Frankenstein and science from the perspective of the feminist vision as the novel is written by a woman.
In spite of the predominance of this vision of the marriage and the woman's role in society, Jane Austen in her Pride and Prejudice proposes several possible variants of realizing the scenario of meeting the [...]
From the provided excerpt, it is evident that Tilney invited Catherine to spend several weeks with her and she was to stay in Northanger Abbey.
The writer defied conventions of gothic novels by starting with a naive character, and then developed and nurtured her to the woman that she becomes at the end of the novel.
One of the things that Burke seems not to appreciate is the fact that freedom and liberty are not a one-time achievement.
Answering the question why Dorian Gray was motivated to adopt his life philosophy and to lead a double life it is possible to look at the facts.
Nevertheless, the influence of the church in controlling the production and dissemination of knowledge continued to be strong. One of the characters in the work, Sloth, is resentful because the medieval Christians were supposed to [...]