Mid-Infrared and Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy for Soil Carbon Measurement propose that with the use of visible infrared light between the range of 350 to 2500 nm, the emission reflected from the soil crystals can [...]
It is important to note that cast iron mainly describes the grey cast iron that is the commonest of all cast iron varieties.
Since the energy is mainly derived from the sustained stress and deformation of the underlying rocks, the precursor signals of earthquakes especially in seismic zones are majorly based on the careful study of the earth's [...]
These waves are also valuable for defining the distance between the place of earthquake and the seismograph. Intensity and magnitude are two parameters that are used to measure the strength of an earthquake.
The oil and gas drilling industry is a section of the larger oil and gas industry. The drilling industry heavily depends on the prices of oil and gas on the international market.
The nature of the fossil recorded in the sedimentary rocks gives a glimpse on surrounding where the sediments settled and the process and timeline of how the Earth developed and transformed over time.
The major sub-disciplines of geology include economic geology, which involves the study of mining and petroleum, geochemistry, which involves the study of the structures of different Earth materials, and sedimentology, which involves the study of [...]
The project section describes the setting of the engineering project, and the social, economic, and environmental issues surrounding the same. The construction of a geothermal power plant and the subsequent extraction of geothermal power from [...]
Asphalt is the product that remains after distillation of crude oil although it could also be found as natural deposits in sea and lakebeds. Asphalt is the core product in the construction of roads and [...]
The country holds the largest natural gas reserves and is among the top ten in terms of crude oil reserves. In addition, Russia is the fifth producer and the third largest exporter of coal in [...]
The aim of the article is to popularize the concept of flooding as an external force that acted in shaping the earth as much as glaciation.
Hence, knowledge of the isotope that was present during the formation of the rock and the rate at which the unstable isotope changes can be used to establish the age of the rock depending on [...]
With regard to the above-presented report, the purpose of the paper is to recreate the gradual stages of geological and stratigraphic changes in the identified area with the help of the information obtained from the [...]
Other forces that also contributed to the formation of the Grand Canyon are; volcanism, continental drift, some vibrations in the orbit of the earth and many others. This is what caused the layers of rocks [...]
The type of rocks found in California are diverse because it is said that, the state experiences some of the most diverse geological forces; which have in turn created some of the most diverse mineral [...]
The rate at which the pacific plate undergoes displacement is at eight to nine centimeter per annum, hence the plate subduction of the plate led to a discharge of large amounts of energy leading to [...]
If movement occurs in the lower layers of the earth the surface of the earth is disrupted as the displacement is experienced all the way to the top.
Plate tectonics has led to the separation of the sea floor over the years and the earth is composed of seven tectonic plates according to the available geological information.
The main purpose of the initiated research was to determine the relative degree of influence of wave action and lithological type of the rocks on the sea cliff mass movements in Central Algarve Coast in [...]
The earthquake was accompanied by a great tsunami given the high magnitude of the earthquake that reached 9. The third disaster was the meltdown of a number of nuclear plants following the tsunami.
The seismic activity and the relatively regular sequence of the earthquakes in the area of San Paul Fault generated the interest of the geologists in exploring the processes in the rupture.
An earthquake is a dangerous tremor that is caused by sudden release of energy in the crust of the earth leading to seismic waves that cause movements of the ground thus causing deaths and damages.
A horn refers to a mountain peak, which is shaped like a pyramid, and which appears as a result of erosion of several glaciers at various sides of a mountain.
The fragments of rock with ice pass through the surface of the earth causing change of the landscape. The processes of sedimentation lead to formation of different kinds of rocks after the eroded materials dissolve [...]
Since, according to the above-mentioned information, natural earthquakes are most common in the places where the edges of tectonic plates meet, it is reasonable to suggest that earthquakes are most common in the countries that [...]
The rocks, the trees, and the animals found in the Grand Canyon National Park, and the general nature of this place has seen it make visitors come to the region several times.
The economy of Botswana is among the best in Africa because the country has large deposits of valuable diamonds. The production of diamonds from the three mines made Botswana to be among the leading diamond [...]
After the narrator enters realm of stalactites and stalagmites, a short introduction to the residents of caves is provided. The "northern extreme of our planet", though, seems just as hostile and mysterious as the depth [...]
In spite of the fact that Kyanite, andalusite, and sillimanite are polymorphs, their environments of formation are different. Kyanite and its polymorphs can be represented in the phase diagram below to demonstrate how pressure and [...]
We shall dwell on the Shifts in the Tectonic plates as the reasoning behind the Tsunamis, but we have to understand the concept involved in the movement of the plate tectonics then how the earthquake [...]
Such an earthquake is caused by a combination of tectonic plate movement and movement of magma in the earth's crust. Continental drift is the motion of the Earth's tectonic plates relative to each other.
Owing to the importance of this soil it is therefore important to analyze the causes of its erosion, its effects and how it can be managed."The history of the erosion of Palouse soils can be [...]
Specifically, central Saudi Arabia consists of the world's richest oil fields that are concentrated in the Greater Ghawar province whose Paleozoic and Jurassic systems of the Arabian Peninsula are largely the sources of oil and [...]
The paper will bring forth the geological composition Larimar, the importance and uniqueness, reason why it should be appreciated as well as the value of the same in USD.
Some of the possible risks associated with complete reliance of fossil energy to run the economy, security and welfare of the United States are its depletion and the inability to renew fossil energy.
The most powerful force that is recognized in the formation of this park is erosion by water and wind. In conclusion, the geological and the cultural aspects of the park have made it of value.
However, bigger organisms in the soil help in proper soil aeration and formation of a good soil structure hence, improving on the water retention abilities of the soil.
The third class of sedimentary rocks is chemical sedimentary rocks; rocks that form because of super-saturation and precipitation of dissolved minerals.
Deep sea volcanoes are present under deep sea ridges of the ocean floor and the above research has been based on the amount of carbon dioxide that is present in depths of four kilometers on [...]