This made the countryside look so different for me in regard to various aspects including the environment, the customs, the food taken, the values and beliefs among other things.
Power distance is the degree to which power is shared evenly in a community as well as the extent in which the community recognize and accepts this variation in power distribution among itself; this is [...]
The Classical and Hellenistic periods in the development of ancient Greek sculpture present a completely different approach concentrating on naturalism and movement.
The first aspect of the matter is people's activity in Japan and Germany within businesses as determined by culture and their habits and preferences in terms of distinguishing their work time and families.
The story illustrates this clearly through the narrator who represents the western culture as he has stayed in California for a long time and his father who represents the eastern culture.
Children in India are raised mostly in patriarchal joint family systems, and the head of the family is usually the senior most male, in most cases the grand parents of the child.
Classification of countries is done based on the study of the cultures of the population of the country. One of these trends is in the classification of people, societies and even countries according to the [...]
In contrast, in LC cultures, people rely on nonverbal cues, such as body language, to determine the exact meaning of a verbal communication. There are also differences in the way HC and LC cultures convey [...]
These parameters include the following: Individuality-Collectivity Distance from the governing spheres Masculinity Femininity Uncertainty avoidance Colombia, one of the state that had been analyzed according to this methodology, and moreover it is in the epicenter [...]
This paper looks into globalisation via cultural perspective whereby the mobility of people in the contemporary world has facilitated the understanding of new cultures and identities in a globalised world.
Cultural awareness refers to the level of a person's comprehension of the practices and traditions that guide him in relation to other backgrounds, particular cultural values, and health attitudes.
Additionally, the number of models is insufficient to explore the cultural aspects of the people, and lastly, the usage of questionnaires to study culture.
The notion of cultural cruise control is widely present in the corporate culture of the multinational corporation, and especially, it is highly prevalent in the entertainment and social media industry.
Impact of Culture on Life Experience and Belief System The interviewee explained that having been born in Sweden, where Lutheran is the main church, he followed the teachings of the Lutheran church.
As a result, it can be concluded that the African-American community and the southern Italians follow collectivist traditions while the northern part of Italy is more focused on individualistic ones.
Trying to describe the differences between the countries, Hofstede managed to single out a few dimensions that allow us to understand the priorities peculiar for cultures. The choice of more precise ways to express thoughts [...]
The influence of the individualism-collectivism cultural dimension and elements of non-verbal communications are important in both American and Thai wedding ceremonies.
In contrast, the French culture is individualistic and has a polychromic perception of time. The mood of the person is easy to tell, and in the case of anger or discomfort, the outbursts could be [...]
Whitehead points out that the unconscious values form the basis of national cultures and as such, could be similar in response to circumstances that keep on changing.
Usually, the representatives of different races and nationalities enter countries that are not their native, adding diversity to the homogeneous people of that state.
On the other hand, Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest population in the world and it has over two hundred ethnic groups who use different languages. Marriage is also important in the [...]
The Ethiopian coffee ceremony holds a sacred value in the community and is considered an essential role in the social and cultural activities of a community.
Before delving into the specifics of the common Western themes, it is important to understand what is meant by a cultural narrative in the first place.
Accordingly, the focal concern of this paper has been to accurately comprehend the concept of youth culture and to find out the exact means of finding meaning to the youth identity on the background of [...]
The aims of the research can be summarised as follows: To examine Poland and the UK's climatic compatibility; to evaluate the political backgrounds of the two nations; to analyse the economic background of Poland and [...]
Those high on the indices are national cultures in which power inequality is high and generally endorsed or accepted by both the powerless and the powerful.
The centers of the Greek culture were initially the Island of Crete, but then moved to the continent and developed to the level of one of the greatest cultures in the world's history in the [...]
The European cultures are traditionally discussed as the part of the Western civilization that is why it is important to determine similarities in the cultures of Germany, the Netherlands, and France, paying attention to the [...]
Spanish is the national language of Mexico, brought by the Conquistadores during the colonization of Mexico, and while the United States has no official national language, English is spoken by 96% of the population; most [...]
Food has always been one of the most crucial necessities in the lives of humans and food and cooking are associated with all cultures and communities irrespective of geographical boundaries, races, and ethnicities.
As a leader, it is critical to comprehend how relationships between leaders and followers may be impacted by each of the cultural dimensions developed by Hofstede.
To be more exact, the concept of a monster is viewed through the lens of ethics, which means that a monster can be defined as the creature, whose moral and ethical values are washed down [...]
All the expenses of the marriage are taken care of by the parents of the couple. The reason why arranged marriages are encouraged among the Hindus is that there is utmost respect compared to marriages [...]
In the bracket of protection, the man is responsible for catering to the family's needs, including the basics and luxuries, to ensure the family lives a comfortable and enjoyable life.
It is important to note that the struggle against cultural stereotypes and prejudice is a universal one, and many people are judged by the color of their skin, the language they speak, or the area [...]
The national cultures of the United States, China, and the United Arab Emirates differ in many ways, and this can be seen in their respective power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, and indulgence.
However, some leaders compromise and change their beliefs and values in response to community demands at the time. To succeed in their leadership style, leaders need to be flexible and responsive to the cultural contexts [...]
The "Cultural Awareness Quiz" makes presumptions about the level of knowledge and understanding a person has about different cultures and their differences.
Especially in diverse countries such as the United States, "individual, social, and cultural forces interact to create intracultural variation in beliefs and behavior".
According to this theory, culture shock is caused by the differences between a migrant's previous cultural experiences and the cultural environment in their new location.
Cultural competence can also be ensured by involving people with different cultural backgrounds in the community. This will allow the community to competently and competently assist representatives of all cultural groups.
The hypothesis from the study will be that group decision quality is lower in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures. One of the methods proposed in the new study is to use data from two [...]
To observe the cultural tendencies in the interactions between Briggs as a kapluna and the Utku, one can focus on the initial phase of their relationships.
This research aims to examine the role of kinship in various civilizations, with a particular emphasis on the matrilineal community of Bijangi and a comparison to the American family.
Since it is impossible to consider the economic factors of the market of a separately selected country without information about the kind of activity of the organization, the main focus was on the cultural characteristics [...]
According to the people of Djab Wurrung, the sacred trees hold everything of value, including their history, the powers of the ancestors, and the powers of the guardians.
During the story, Wonder Woman fights against injustice and evil numerous times, defeats the villains, and in the end, she becomes the Queen of the Amazons.
The American expression of emotions is mainly similar to the Europeans, with physiological reactions affecting the approach to care. The insight into the difference in the culture of emotional expression between the Chinese and the [...]
The hypothesis was proven, and the results showed that the indicators of life satisfaction and gratitude were higher in the United States than in Japan.
Concerning the connection between language and culture, many suggest that language is a mirror of the culture as language and its structure partially determine how people view the world.
To understand the Western/Muslim conflict, it is essential to be able to distinguish between one's cultural background and religion: not all American citizens are Christian, as not all Arab people are Muslim.
I advised her to confront the professor about the injustice of not giving her at least a week's warning and to complain to the administration if he refused to move the exam back to its [...]
That is why traveling, as one of the central sources of culture shocks, is beneficial for individuals and helps them to engage in continuous personal development.
The main barriers that reduce the effectiveness of interactions are the differences in cognitive schemes used by representatives of different cultures 1.
This annotated bibliography explores the ways in which the bodily presentation and bodily rituals are displayed across different cultures and the relationships between these ways and broader cultural context.
Traditional folk music is in two categories: for the common people and the Jeong-ak for the upper-class section of society. The music instruments among the three countries are of the same type and, in most [...]
However, the fact is that Chinese economy is rapidly developing and Chinese have already proved the whole world that they are able to become economic leaders. There is no discrimination in American society and rights [...]
Native Americans are people from nations that are dependent domestically and these nations are to be found within the boundaries of the United States of America.
The paper considers the distinctions and resemblances between the cultures of Australia and Russia and compares them concerning the global business environment.
Culture is collective programming, a system of meanings and notions, which are shared between the members of one culture group and are used to construe the world around them.
The given paper is going to overview and compare Arabic and American restaurants. Millions of restaurants and cafes in the world offer various kinds of services up to any taste.
The main goal or objective of this strong program is to develop a benchmark theory that describe and understand the impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and their effectiveness.
The Indian culture is based mainly upon the traditions prevailing in the times of Emperor Asoka and the secular rule of Akbar. In the Indian culture, the youth is supposed to show this respect by [...]
In fact, "African-American history starts in the 1500s with the first Africans coming from Mexico and the Caribbean to the Spanish territories of Florida, Texas, and other parts of the South".
First I clearly expected that it if the parents and close family members who convey the identity to their children stayed together, then the conflict between mainstream expectations in the American way of life and [...]
The article deals with the studies done by Professor Richard Nisbett of the University of Michigan in exploring the different ways in which Asians and Americans relate to spatial and pictorial objects and which points [...]
The emotion of love among the Inuit people was not often expressed especially between spouses In all these three cultures, the feeling of love towards one's spouse was not necessary for marriage.
The main focuses of this study are the Arab novelists who traveled to the USA and produced novels, their experiences, the obstacles and hindrances they encounter with the newly introduced culture and various facts and [...]
The essence of debate rests on the lack of mutual understanding among the African women stressing the importance of preserving traditions and Western women emphasizing the right of choice.
In the scenario involving communication with the Middle East, experiences that demonstrated imperialistic intentions on the side of the West will have to be accepted as the experiences that need to be processed and viewed [...]
It can guide business decisions in international communication, minimise misunderstandings among representatives of different societies, and help individuals to evaluate each other's and own actions through the lens of five dimensions.
Japan is well known for its tendencies to emphasize groups over individuals and have people work at the same company throughout their careers."Cross cultural studies" identifies the concept of wa, or harmony, as central to [...]
I would like to emphasize that the above is a tendency in terms of cultures, while some representatives of one or another culture may have their own attitudes regarding foreigners and other issues associated with [...]
As a non-Irish, I was going to be exposed to new situations and cultural and ethnic differences from the Irish people and other people who visited the pub from all over the world. As an [...]
Fundamental elements of culture, including locus of control and power distance, are influenced by a variety of factors, such as historical and socioeconomic changes that impact the development of culture.
So, the difference between the two viewpoints mentioned above is the fact that relativism rests on the existence of different sets of abilities defining intelligence while universalism points to the homogeneity of talents. It goes [...]
Since the analysis of these cultures will be done from the perspective of the cultural theory, the paper will also examine how each culture influences the development of people, identity, and personality within it.
In Saudi Arabia, the Arab inhabitants of the country have a unique and rich culture. Religion plays a huge role in the lives of the Saudi Arabs and the Canadian Mi'kmaq.
Religious conformity, in general, means the submission of personal religious views, values, and beliefs to the values, principles and norms established in the religious system of the particular society.
According to their hypothesis, the basic difference between the Western and the Chinese understanding and perception of self is that the latter consider self in the context of society, while the Western philosophers believe that [...]
According to tradition, the girl-child learnt the house chores and how to respect the elders just the way the author's mum trained her on how to behave before the elders, how to cook, do beadwork [...]
The inferiority concept here refers to the level of intelligence, degree of morality, physicality of the individuals in the social group and culture of the social group.
There is evidence that with the advent and influence of the young Americans in Vittula, even the native practices and professions such as the lumberjacks had to suffer or transform to the more mechanized approaches [...]
Most of these studies focus on the major stereotypes held about the Chinese but forget to address the effects of these stereotypes to the Chinese students especially the ones studying in other countries.