The cold and darkness outside the window reflect the mother's inner condition: "The winter twilight had transformed the sheer sky of the day into the color of steel".
In addition, the narration talks about a "yellow wallpaper," yet the narrator takes long before making an introduction to the subject of the story, hence bringing an element of confusion on what the subject is [...]
The paper will discuss the background of American Literature and how it has came about, the writing style of American authors and what makes the American text different and unique from other national literatures and [...]
Le Guin's short tale "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" is a first-person narrative written from the point of view of the narrator who is not directly involved in the events of the story.
The climax of the story is Brently Mallard's return home and the situation when Mrs. The point of view in the story is categorized as the third person limited omniscient as the story-teller is not [...]
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the personalities of Sierra and Robbie and present the major difference, similarity, and connection between them.
In Spanish, the word "quinceanera" is used to refer to a celebration of the transformation of a girl into a woman where she matures and becomes responsible.
The story is set during the roaring twenties, a period of significant social and cultural change, and it incorporates many of the author's personal experiences, feelings, and perceptions of the time.
The main character of the story is Sammy, a teenager who tries to rebel against the system and structure of social norms represented in the text in the form of rules and standards typical for [...]
One of the key themes in the novel is the control over language and rewriting history. Thus, it is apparent that control of language leads to the restriction of people's feelings and thoughts.
He did not feel particularly fond of this part of his job, because, while picking up items at the drugstore, Jackson used to experience a sense of humiliation, over the colour of his skin, as [...]
The contemporary discussion of this novel is often tied to the question of racism; nevertheless, I am convinced that this book can be of great interest to modern readers, and I would like to discuss [...]
There are characters used by the writer and the reason she used them as well as the themes, which the writer of Stroke of good fortune tries to bring out in the book.
In this case, it is assumed that the ghosts are not real and are just figments of the governess's imagination and the 'evidence' she sees in the behavior of the children regarding the ghosts' existence [...]
She specifies that the person is to be proud of the language he or she speaks. Spanish words the author uses in her book appeal to the emotions of the readers.
The main character is Jacquelin, a young girl who gets to experience the South and the North from the perspective of an African American girl during the 60s.
The term "unreliable narrator" was first introduced by Wayne Booth who described the unreliability of a narrator as based on the differences between the views of the speaker in the story and the reader.
He, therefore, decides to seek revenge, but he wants to be careful in order not to risk his life. Fortunato seems to be fond of wine against Montresor, and he decides to use this as [...]
The society's view of the Saints and the Roughnecks is quite different. The basis for individual participation in criminal groups and the crime committed is a product of a learning environment.
One may notice the representation of the duality of the world, namely good and evil, and at the end of the novel, despite all the previous events, the sincere impulse of Sula's friend formulates a [...]
The issue is crucial to many authors writing as it is given a redemptive twist in Franny and Zooey. The Glass family is the most critical symbol in Franny and Zooey's lives.
When he discovers that he cannot match the "expectations," he secludes himself violently and only emerges upon unraveling the potential of his daughter, Anna to play the violin.
And if one was to consider the idea of the immortality of the human soul, the possibility of the afterlife and the certitude of our physical death, life becomes an affair of profound perplexity; and [...]
Her difficult adventure tells the story how "she was no longer the girl she had been, but she was not yet the woman she was going to become"."Lucy" by Jamaica Kincaid can be interpreted from [...]
The author describes the physical and emotional benefits he received from participating in the fights, as well as the camaraderie he felt with the other members. Tyler is the perfect foil for the Narrator and [...]
The essay concludes with the viewpoint that the use of symbolism and imagery with a natural background enhances the intensity and aptness of the scenes and core story.
It will include all the different situations that Abner and his family find themselves, the emotional problems that stoke different characters, mostly due to Abner's conduct, the implications of Abner's behavior, and the effects they [...]
From the beginning of the narrative, a sense of antipathy is observed between the main character and Maggie. The gloominess of the fiction is mainly highlighted by hardships and the dramatic visions of the narrator.
On the other hand, the principles of new criticism do not consider such factors, limiting the area of analysis to the text itself, i.e.the verbal meaning of the words, the language, the structure, and the [...]
And then the novel tells as the main character gets accustomed to this news, and at the same time, it builds a lovely storyline of character's life. The episode, which tells about his father's surgical [...]
It is also critical to take into account the presence or absence of a person in a situation of the death of a loved one, and the very personality of the survivor.
Instead of suggesting the obvious limiting the number of children each female "breeder" should have he encourages the "breeders" to get pregnant, enjoy motherhood and nursing of their suckling infants for one year, and then [...]
Of these works, "Passing" is one of her novels that attracted the audience's special attention due to its touching upon the topic which will always be urgent- the racism."Passing" presents a race-based conflict of two [...]
The reading of Gilman story's few initial lines suggests that the reason why the narrator and her husband John decided to spend the summer in a secluded mansion is that this was supposed to help [...]
The author notes that from the moment of the betrayal, Amir was unable to face Hassan. This is because it was difficult for Amir to face Hassan because of the betrayal that had occurred.
This is the case with Charles Chestnutt's short story "The Wife of His Youth" in which the significant disruption of life experienced by the institution of slavery and the Civil War is illustrated through the [...]
Though the development of these themes is also a subject of other characters such as Chillingworth and Dimmesdale, Hester is outstandingly the central character since she makes the latter two behave in the manner they [...]
This paper seeks to present a summary and character analysis of "The Hours"."The Hours" presents three women as they navigate a day in their lives and as they struggle to identify themselves in the society.
The novel's intended audience is young adults, which derives from the protagonist's age, the events and problems she has to face, and, most importantly, a lack of personal experience to deal with them at this [...]
Edgar Alan Poe's short story The Masque of Red Death is a unique piece, allowing the reader to experience Gothic fiction and analyze death's inevitability through the author's allegoric instruments.
She noted that it was not that easy for the doctor to take her away from her people as Athabasca's were reluctant to "give up" their people. However, she managed to find the source of [...]
One good example of a character that manifested change in the face of danger is the character that can be found in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. It was the most important event in the calendar [...]
Evidently, the annual lottery conducted by the village is not a typical lottery in the sense that, the person running the lottery is also a participant.Mr.
James Joyce is considered to be one of the most outstanding writers of the Modernist literature which occupies period from the beginning of the XXth century to the end of World War II.
Gary Paulsen's works are different from other novels designed to appeal to young adults because of his ability to celebrate the natural terrain and the interactions of the characters with nature. The identification with the [...]
One the one hand, the sentence characterizes the inner state of a young boy, who seems to be frightened; on the other hand, it is obvious that a little boy understood the content of a [...]
The story is given the title 'Bartley the Scrivener' due to the amazing character which Bartleby displays in the law firm since the first day he was hired in the law firm.
Although this could be a great sense of enthusiasm and optimism in achieving a goal, Ralph goes into this with the aim of getting a lot of money in a short period of time.
In the novel, Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, the protagonist is found in a state where the realm of self-awareness and human consciousness fails to make the difference between reality and illusion.
Thus, the symbols of the birthmark, the tunnel, and the birds are linked to the theme of disillusionment, struggle, and change in the mood of black people who face discrimination and want to struggle for [...]
The stories A Good Man is Hard to Find and Good Country People by Flannery O'Conner are represented through the point of view, dialogue, and setting, which help explain the theme of pretense in people.
Thus, the most compelling aspects of the book are the language employed by the author and the plot twists, which allow it to grab the reader's attention and make the scenes in the work more [...]
In this context, the staff symbolizes the seductive power of evil that tempts Goodman Brown to question his faith and the goodness of those around him.
The below discussion will show that symbolism is instrumental in the plot and character development in Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring and serves as a reflection of human nature.
In order to investigate gender roles in Little Women, the proposal will use a detailed review of the novel's characters, storyline, and themes in the setting of the 19th century.
In the future, the author uses this symbol to express Gatsby's attitude to the image that he created in his head, and which went out by the end of the work.
The patriarchal system is the main cause of domestic violence because the oppressed women are likely to group and fight a common course of equality, dignity and respect.
A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway showed me that a significant shift in my worldview in a more skeptical and pessimistic way was due not to my growing up but rather to the COVID-19 crisis.
The novel The Killer Angel relates the account of the war in northern Virginia in Gettysburg town. The major reason for Michael penning the book is because he wished to feel the sensation of being [...]
Though the novel "13 Reasons Why" by Jay Asher could be seen as inappropriate for young adults, attempting to censor it would mean infringing upon the author's right to self-expression and the readers' right to [...]
The author interprets it as a symbol of the destruction and degeneration of Western civilization, the deadening of the intellect, and the degradation of human relationships.
This paper aims to identify and discuss O'Connor's understanding of the good and the evil in the religious context, based on the A Good Man Is Hard to Find plot and characters.
Since Ruth and Lucille are the novel's main characters, it is not a surprise that the literary work dedicates sufficient attention to the topic of sisterhood.
The Great Gatsby is a book that unveils the instrumental role of the social aspect of life among people; which not only concentrates on the economic part of it.
In conclusion, a writer's talent is often defined by their ability to examine elements of human existence, which are universal and withstand the test of time.
The purpose of this essay is to explore the theme of beauty in its various manifestations in the actress's life as opposed to the emptiness, bad character, loneliness, and mental disorder of the narrator.
The novel presents Christopher who passes through many changes in his life, where he adapts to it and acclimatizes the complications that come with it.
And that is evident as this character is very interesting and needs a further development on the story because featuring and explaining the actions and thoughts of this person, the author discloses and reveals to [...]
Stowe uses Eva, Tom, Uncle Tom, and Eliza to approach the theme of Christianity and fight the destructive nature of slavery Uncle Tom is depicted as a devoted Christian, he is promised freedom but maintains [...]
In this regard, Stein sets out to show the reader, through a series of her own repetitive technique of writing, that it is possible for them to see themselves in others and vice versa as [...]
Although Port can be seen to give a reply to his wife in which he says that trying to get into the lives of the people of this land and trying to know what is [...]
For the purpose, evaluation would be made in the context of utilization of events, time and culture of the book and compare it to today's society, culture and racial attitudes.
This could be in the character's attitude the life and his constant discontent with the way he lives throughout the novel. His framed vision of life does not allow him to embrace the real material [...]
The works of American literature of the 19th century are closely connected with the religious aspects of Christianity, and the expression of Christian beliefs is a widespread aspect of the literature on the whole.
The protagonist of the story is Delaney Mossbacher, who was lucky to be born in a good family, to receive a good education and to life a successful life with his wife.
Introduced as simply an old woman, bent over, using a walking stick and wearing funny clothes, Phoenix's character is brought out in intimate detail through the imagery of her journey since many of the physical [...]
Another thing that could be said of him is that he knows his value and weight in society, a fact that is somewhat crucial to explain his relationship with his daughter and the expectations that [...]
Setting plays a very important role in the composition of the whole work of literature. In general, the setting is a background of the events in the writer's work.
In following with the traditional ending of fairy tales as applied to Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, the moral of the story is that beauty holds more significance than a thing of character.
In "The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber", Hemingway reveals his latent fear of strong women and being dominated as he depicts the story of a middle-aged man who is finally beginning to understand [...]
Sammy's powers of observation and discrimination are clear enough in his description of the leader of the bevy the one he instantly realizes is the 'queen', or, as he later refers to her, "Queenie": She [...]
In detailing the costs associated with building his home, including such notes as the use of refuse shingles for the roof and sides and the purchase of two second hand windows, he rails against the [...]
In a way, the voice and the hands, the stroking of the shoulders and the touching of the hair were a part of the schoolmaster's effort to carry a dream into the young minds.
These words from the song made me understood that the author of the story wanted to show that Connie and Arnold were created for each other and they had to be together even though Arnold [...]
Delaney feels that the Homeless Candido was living in 'his' adored canyon."He made Topanga state park his, trashing the place and polluting the stream.
She does not, however, trust her own judgment, since, "If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter...what is one to do?