For instance, the story of the Earth and Sky highlights the interdependence of masculinity and femininity since the earth requires rainfall and sunlight from the sky to thrive.
In this case, Aristophanes is trying to express the idea that the world of women and the meaning of their existence is determined only through the presence of children and a husband.
This paper aims to discuss the emotional revival of heroines in the short stories of Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman."The Story of an Hour" is a very short story that describes a woman's experience [...]
The author notes that the second layer of the story can be found in the antagonism between the "narrator, author, and the unreliable protagonist".
Offred is the protagonist in the novel who struggles against all odds to maintain her identity and protect the rights of women against the oppressive regime. It is, however, prudent to note that man vs.society [...]
Objectification of women, the lack of female names, gender-specific stereotypes, and marginalization of women indicate the gender insensitivity of the creators of this literature.
Othello is considered a subaltern play that illustrates the conflict between the moral voice and silence of female characters and the treacherous voices of male figures.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is one of the most influential books of the 19th century and continues to be popular today.
The declaration suggests that Conde believed the story of Tituba's maltreatment needed to be told to expose the truth she had been denied due to her skin color and gender.
For centuries, the idea of human isolation and solitude has been considered a phenomenon that poisons a human being, as the sense of belonging to a community and family is frequently considered a pillar of [...]
In the introductory chapter, the author underlines the necessity to unhitch the concepts of love, commitment, marriage, and parenthood and redefine a current understanding of family and fidelity.
The part that I felt enlightened and surprised about simultaneously was the dialogue between the Faxe and Genry. The discussion about the known and unknown gave me the feeling of relief, for I have realized [...]
The understanding of how gender roles are portrayed in the media and the general perception of the expected behavior for men and women communicated non-verbally in the society is the basis on which children build [...]
The frivolity of the man is expressed in belittling the seriousness of abortion and unwillingness to disclose the subject. He probably does not do this out of malice or intentionally; there is a big misunderstanding [...]
In conclusion, The Story of an Hour shows that the feeling of freedom that Louise did not have was an impediment to a happy life.
On the other hand, in Twelfth Night, written in the early XVIIth century, the reader is shown the more romantic side of a marital union.
Therefore, this paper discusses some of the gender-oppressing rules during the Victorian era and how Bronte uses the self-realization journey of Jane Eyre in overcoming and standing against the societal traditions to become a heroine [...]
The complex and symbolic plot of the "Sweat" goes around the relationships between Delia and her husband Sykes and parallels in which there is an evident problem of domestic violence starting from the exposition.
The Darker Face of the Earth play written by Rita Dove is based on Oedipus Rex and has a similar plotline and characters in a different setting.
In the book, the theme of gender inequality and the unwillingness to live like the women of the neighborhood-under the control of men, is expressed through the thoughts and narrative of the main character, the [...]
As noted above, a passion for the safety and prosperity of the family is present in both characters. One can safely say that Mary is one of the most empathic characters in the story.
The authors of "The Trials of Girlhood" and "The Story of an Hour" use a variety of devices to transmit the message in compliance with the purpose of their writings.
Thus, the book is undoubtedly worth being nominated for the Quills Award as one of the seminal works in the analysis of the nature of prejudices against women in the East, as well as the [...]
One of the main themes in the book is the fantasy about genderless society, where genders are not labeled with specific roles that they have to perform, and everybody can choose which gender they want [...]
The book Lean In Women, Work, and the Will to Lead offers timely and powerful insights that all career women should apply in their respective professions.
The majority of the second chapter of the story is descriptive, and the author does an outstanding job of gradually setting up the affair.
The central figures of the novel, Lucy and Mina are not examples of a typical Victorian-era woman. According to Kistler, "Mina is a producer, and in this role she is integral to the success of [...]
The purpose of the piece is to show how it does not matter who someone is, what their preferences are and what their personal style or character centers on, love is the same for all [...]
This work seeks to outline the role of women in the development of the plot of the book and in relation to the social issues affecting women in contemporary society.
One of the reasons supporting this claim is the choice and use of characters in this play. The author uses a male to be the main character in the play.
In the past decades, a female child in society had to be prepared for the roles of a mother and a wife to help her take care of the family when she gets married in [...]
To understand the depth of Chekhov's vision it is possible to focus on the short story "The Lady with the Dog" considering the description of Anna's life and even appearance articulated by Gurov and Anna [...]
It is for this reason that Joss decided to live a double life; as a man to the judgemental world and as a woman to Millie.
First of all, the female author of the article considered by Cosh is evidently a supporter of the equality of rights for men and women, and her account on the women liberation movement in the [...]
When facing the pure evil in the face of Arnold, Connie realizes that her absolute power over the boys is a trifle and in fact, she is weak enough to endure pressure as equally as [...]
The novel begins with Taylor's departure from her native town, then she meets a woman who gives her a child; after that Taylor takes care of the child.
In the Victorian age when middle-class women were expected to conform to perhaps the most oppressive rules ever imposed on women in Britain's history, there were still individual women who advocated the equality of the [...]
The Feminist Movement, also called the Women's Movement and the Women's Liberation Movement, includes a series of efforts by women in the world to fight for the restoration of gender equality.
The homeless elite is not mentioned and it seems that under the name of wouldispossessed' and 'poor' the authors have tried to curtail all inequalities into a political power governed for and by women.
The novel, The Well of Loneliness and Portnoy's Complaint describe that parents and society, in general, have a great impact on the sexual orientation and sexual development of children.
In addition, the writer emphasizes that one of the main reasons for the migration strategy is the striving of men and women to be equal.
The theme of the story is to present the character of a "lady" and her behavior in society, her actions, and justifications for them.
Alan Michael Morales in his work made of three stories From Here You Can Almost See the End of the Desert outlines such unfair features of a man's character, and 'a man' is used here [...]
The theme of the stories themselves also influences the pleasure of reading a short story. Even some women dislike the fact that they are women writers and try to dissociate themselves from other writers, a [...]
Thus, our definition of the most important difference between the characters of Janie and Emma will sound as follows: whereas, Janie never ceased to be a woman in both: the physiological and psychological context of [...]
She asserts that the man in the newspaper is a different man than the one she is married to because the one she is married to could never dream of being mentioned anywhere without having [...]
Ingersoll in his article "The Stigma of Femininity in James Joyce's "Eveline" and "The Boarding House" analyzes the image of Eveline from the point of view of feminity and oppression of women in those times [...]
Other female writers such as Charlotte Perkins Gilman in "The Yellow Wallpaper", wrote more specifically about the female problem from the other side of the equation what happens when a woman finds herself unable to [...]
It is widely understood that Mary Shelley wrote for the female public, even though she originally wrote the novel on a wager among friends."She fitted character and plot to the tastes of the public, especially [...]
Beauvoir regards women as human beings but women are always portrayed as the 'other' opposite to a man."A man is in the right in being a man; it is a woman who is in the [...]
The plot of the novel suggests that Jane makes certain attempts to investigate on the problem of using meat as it affects the health of individuals and especially the reproductive organism of the women is [...]
Thesis Statement: The homoerotic, or homosexual, nature of the plot in 'Death in Venice' by Thomas Mann is a fair representation of classical Greek homoeroticism and how homosexuality was viewed in a very conservative manner [...]
She is struck by the sound of the words and repeats the realization that she is "free! In one instant, the realization that she is not free enters her mind, and she wails a "piercing [...]
He cannot alter his nature, his passion, and because of that, he tries to fool himself and the people around him with a mask to hide his true identity.
With the help of her mistress who tried to raise Catherine's self-respect "with fine clothes and flattery," the character changed her manner of dressing.
In other words, she is trying to claim that a man's struggles and duties are not as difficult as a woman's hardships.
Additionally, the main form of psychological imprisonment was the character's obedience to her husband who did not believe in her sickness and did not allow her to think that it was something more than a [...]
The main role of a 19th-century woman was a loving nurturer, serving the needs of her family and obedient to her husband/father.
The fact that the mother tries to teach her daughter suggests that she is not too bitter and disappointed in the girl.
Through this book, the reader is brought to the realization of the role that the white man played in the destruction of the bonds which existed in the African culture.
Yet, there are some distinctions Judy Brady believes that women are often viewed as unpaid house servants who have to take care of husbands' needs, whereas Glenn Sacks argues that gender roles begin to transform [...]
In "The Subjection of Women," John Stuart Mill argues for the emancipation of marginalized women for both the benefit of the society and the personal gain of the woman.
It is important to note that the gender theory has its roots in the feminist theory's analysis of gender roles. Eve Sedgwick is a highly influential writer in the field of queer and gender theory.
I do not hope to reveal every layer, but I would like to point out several patterns, in which I would pay attention to the educational relationship between the girl and the mother with a [...]
The motif of guineas represented the money in the hands of a woman as well as a symbol of power since education was only available to the rich and powerful.
In this way, the woman shows that even though she accepts her role in the family and in society, she is not going to forget her own self and will stand her ground.
Six Records of a Floating Life is a multi-faceted chronicle which helps to comprehend the difficulties and the features of Shen Fu's life and the romance between him and his beloved Chen Yun.
Another type is the Gibson girl mannish and provocative, the one who does not want to conform to the men's rules and believes inequality of the sexes. The purpose of the paper is to provide [...]
The main theme of the play is social and gender roles as perceived by the patriarchy and a woman's duties and roles in a marriage.
The discussion is to be taken on the basis of the time perspective paying attention to the social and national consideration of the tome when the novels were written.
Towards the end of the novel, the author could have featured or explored the life of Buddy. Since from the very beginning Buddy is portrayed as someone who wants to be like his brother, the [...]
The chosen book is Oscar Wilde's 1891 classic: The Picture of Dorian Gray; a story carefully fashioned to affirm the tilt youths have toward beauty, and the extent most could go to retain that unique [...]
The succeeding sections of this work give the literal evidence, which indicates the place of a woman in the society, and support the thesis on the need to radicalize the society on gender equity.
Thus, the primary objective of her journalism and fiction was to break the indifference of the society and to open people's eyes to the problems of those who are silently excluded from public life.
At the center of this story is Tita, a young woman who is the last born in her family. This is a very unique way of championing the right of women.
Morrison's fictional works are carefully crafted to enable the audience understand and question the standpoint of Afro-American feminism created in the writing. This kind of mystification, misrepresentation, and erasure stimulated black females to construct their [...]
These cases explicate the fact that the institution of marriage is one of the contexts in which the rights of women are gravely abused in patriarchal societies. Women in patriarchal societies are also deprived of [...]
In the story, male dominance and female oppression is clear from the beginning when men become the first to enter the house followed by women.
In the first chapter of the novel, the novelist uses Soledad to express her views of what she wants in marriage, i.e, to get a man that she loves, to be independent, and to lead [...]
Current paper aims at discussing masculinity and femininity in Chinese culture on the examples of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Kuan-Chung and Javanese ideologies as a possibility to comprehend the roles of the [...]
Although each of the narrations are linked to each other with a single theme of Chinese women emancipation and the introduction of feminism into the Chinese society, the time periods, in which the specified pieces [...]
Shekiba is the victim of a society where women are judged almost exclusively on their worth as wives and mothers of sons and she was discriminated alongside her crippled father."The clan did not want to [...]
In the article, Enloe explains the construction and reconstruction of masculinity by the local military and the US military to maintain the high morale among their soldiers.
The author's unconventional approach to representing female development provides me with clear understanding of how society and upbringing can influence the development of the self.
The setting is significant to the meaning of the work of writing as it influences its outcomes, the characters, viewpoint, and plot since it is connected to the principles, ideals, and feelings of characters.
Moreover, contrary to the opinion that women cannot provide for the family, it is seen that Eveline uses all her income in the house while the men of the house only give part of what [...]
McCullers' approaches to presenting the aspects of the main character Frankie's development and awareness of herself as a woman depend on rejecting the traditional vision of the problem, and they can be discussed as rather [...]
Due to frustration, suffering, and emotional tones in the main character Frankie, the author creates a feminist understanding of the society in which Frankie lives in.
Though this can be explained by the cruel and uncompromising spirit of the ear, it is still hard to believe that the false morals and the environment created by the church influenced people so hard [...]
The modern day and age offers rights and freedoms that people have not experienced some time before and the majority of official rulings have acknowledged that people have a right to marry whomever they want, [...]
Maracle's Ravensong is a story of who a number of Natives were treated by Whites in the late 1950s; it is not about some general facts and events, it is a lesson that some Natives [...]
Georgiana is a specific example of the women in the twenty-first century who are eager to please the men without even knowing it, the women who see themselves as empathetic, supportive and selfless creatures destined [...]
The portable concept in this case is the illustration of the different attitude given to women in the society, which leads to them being treated differently.
The themes of the wild animals, magical transformations of men into beasts and relationships between women and animals are developed in "The She Wolf" by Giovanni Verga, "Tale of the Mouflon" by Grazia Deledda and [...]
She gets upset by the sad news of the death of a loved one but when she comes out of the room she seem to have already accepted the situation and adapting to the new [...]
Hence, food is the main amplifier and triggering point in family relations, specifically in relations between a man and a woman.
In this play, Viola a woman masquerades as a man, Cesario to enter in a service that she really wanted to get involved.