Furthermore, in this novel, Apuleius frequently stresses the role of coincidence and fortune as one of the key factors that affect the life of the main characters.
Jacinto is sure that the only way to lead a successful life is to leave Mexico and become a citizen of the USA.
In the Death of Ivan Ilych, Tolstoy presents one of the main characters, Ivan Ilych as a person who does not have a stand of his own but is dictated by the society.
The letters have been widely and intensively studied within the context of the history of Islam even though there is no unanimous agreement on whether the anonymous authors of the letters belonged to the Islamic [...]
The absence of the name in the novel Notes from Underground by Dostoyevsky is symbolic as it shows that the protagonist is an ordinary person who tells the story which is not unique and there [...]
Thesis statement Though Camus' characters reflect his vision of life and its logic, each character's ideas can be used to support the position of other; thus, the character of The Plague has a duplicate in [...]
The account focuses on Genji's romantic life and illustrates the conventions of the aristocratic society of this period, a lot is referred to in relation to Genji's attractiveness.
He makes the readers understand that evil is a moral sin and it is regarded just like any type of sin because immorality is in contravention of the will of God; however, in the same [...]
Although Machiavelli's view of human nature depends on his general vision of the balance between the people's virtues and vices, the historian emphasizes the difference between the monarch and the citizens and pays attention to [...]
The term "intellectual" in the Middle Ages We have seen the term "intellectual" itself as a word representing a certain kind of a person, a member of a special class."Intellectual" is also a modern term.
The study of every work of literature should start with the introduction in the epoque when the work was written and its peculiarities.