The cultural heritage of the Middle Eastern countries is rooted in the deep history of humanity. The states of this territory almost entirely belong to the countries of the eastern part of the Islamic world.
Greco-Roman antiquity is a bright page in the history of civilization, representing a mixture of knowledge, ideas, traditions, and customs that were formed from the fusion of the Greek and Roman peoples.
The entry of Irish immigrant in Cape Breton began after the discovery of the island by John Cabot in 1497, this also saw the influx of other communities such as Scottish, French and English in [...]
The kinship system of the Inuit and its effects will then be compared to those of my society. The kinship system of the Inuit emphasizes the role of the men in their society.
Currently, individuals are reconsidering what it signifies to be French, particularly in light of the European Union's expansion and the flood of immigrants.
As a member of a wandering band, Kumpania, which was part of the Gypsies, Jan Yoors stands the best chance to confirm or discard some of the claims that have been made about the Gypsies [...]
The isolated territorial position of the country, geographical and climatic features, frequent earthquakes, and typhoons had a significant influence on the culture and mentality of the Japanese people.
For example, Venus was the goddess of love, and her son Cupid was considered as the god of love; Pan was the god of the jungle, while Hymen was attributed to the domain of marriage, [...]
For several millennia now, France has been at the core of European economic and cultural renaissance, and the heritage of this wealth, liveliness, and experience is clearly evident in the astounding multiplicity of things to [...]
The Western European country shares its borders with Czech Republic to the east, the Baltic Sea and Denmark to the north, France to the Southwest, and Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg to the northwest.
Nevertheless, this was not to continue in the 20th century following the emergence of the communist ideology that played a major role in the culture of the Soviet Union like no other part of the [...]
The current culture and traditions is rich and varied representing the region's customs has an overlap between the western culture and the eastern culture.
The leading theory on the topic of Stonehenge's purpose is that it was created to serve as a ritual or burial mound, as a lot of human and animal remains were excavated from the site.
Korean is one of the top 20 languages in the world in terms of the number of speakers. In brief, the Korean language is a synthesis of Chinese roots and modern developments.
The cultures traditions and historical concepts of the Middle East have over the centuries been characterised as by a distinct sense of variety that stems from a whirlwind of customs and traditions.
The settlement of the Europeans in Australia had superficial effects on the Aboriginal groups in the continent. The colonialists claimed that the main aim of the close supervision was to protect the Aborigines from the [...]
The books The Nabati Poetry of the United Arab Emirates, Trends and movements in modern Arabic poetry, Modern Arabic poetry: 1800 - 1970; the development of its forms and themes under the influence of western [...]
The knowledge and skills of embroidering, making ceramics among many others are a heritage that is taught to coming generations. Embroidery happens to be among the most significant conservative pieces of art and craft that [...]
Impact of Hispanic Americans culture in American is evident. Hispanic Americans are the most culturally influential minority cultural and ethnic group in United States today.
As a consequence, I became ashamed of my culture while in school and could not blend with the other students. As a child, I did not appreciate my culture until I was in high school [...]
This culture was called as the Harappan Culture or the Indus Valley Civilization and takes it name from the ruins of ancient city of Harappa discovered in 1921 and other ancient cities discovered in the [...]
The culture of Jamaica is a rich blend of the ways deriving from both Spanish and British eras which affected lives of the people on this small island.
African American history and culture are depicted in photographs and prints in the Schomburg Center's Photographs and Prints Division. Finally, the Schomburg Center's Research and Reference Division is a center for scholarly work on African [...]
Therefore, it is essential to find ways of indigenous resurgence and decolonization to succeed in reclaiming the indigenous way of life and maintaining the people's heritage.
The given report delves into the organizational cultures of Twitter and LinkedIn and their comparison with the primary goal to demonstrate the critical significance of this factor and improve understanding of its role in the [...]
They give a reflection of the life of the Aboriginal groups The cultural heritage consists of items or places that are of significance to the Aboriginal people on their traditions, customs and history.
According to the Arabia culture, it is the responsibility of the womenfolk to seek for an eligible bride, after which they would contact the bride's mother or sister for an alliance. In most of the [...]
These movements and styles developed as a result of a special vision of the world common for Japanese people who are known for their devotion and tender affection to nature and its beauty, and the [...]
Changing the focus to that one of the daily lives of ordinary citizens, the art of the Chinese culture during the Han Dynasty era allowed introducing a significant amount of diversity into the artistic realm.
Many Japanese practices have been adopted in the western world due to the popularity of the culture. Among the many cultural practices of Japan, karate is the most practiced one outside the state.
They vary from one part of the world to another, and bring an almost unique flavor to the region that they belong to, shaping the lives of its people and their sense of culture.
The novels Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih and Beer in the Snooker Club by Waguih Ghali brightly reveal the story of two male heroes who are in constant search of a [...]
Scratching is a technique which in hip hop culture is used to gauge the expertise of a DJ, as he is expected to produce new sounds simply by moving a record back and forth while [...]
This diversity is evident in their music, fashion, cuisine, visual arts, cinema and literature and due to the propagation of the same through the media; the American culture has today become the pedestal through which [...]
This is first and foremost because of the fact that lots of Mesoamerican glyphs bear similarity to real objects such as creatures, people, natural features, etc, although in a stylized manner.
The France national culture dimensions of individualism or collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity or femininity, and power distance, influence the predominant leadership style in the country.
The Mi'kmaq people live in the Northeastern side of the United States and on the Eastern side of Canada. The cultural identity of the Mi'kmaq people from the early days to the present times in [...]
The culture of people is one of the iconic features that give people identity and a belonging thus, people have to adopt it, embrace it and live with it.
In addition, they are baffled by Parisians' mode of communication. Examples provided give the reader an opportunity to decipher the behavior of Parisians through actions of people involved in disputes.
They believe that they work to live unlike other people who believe that they live to work. The French do not set many targets at work because they are certain of their failure.
In spite of the fact that the large flows of Muslim migrants were the result of the labour and immigration policies developed in the 1960s-1970s, the active arabisation of the city became observed only in [...]
Overview of Cultural, Economic, and Political Changes since 1997 Aimed at Enhancing the Creative Heritage in New Zealand The growing concern with cultural heritance of the world community has emerged on the threshold of the [...]
However, the most remarkable thing is the eternal presence of the Acadian way of life. It is arguably the most relevant and vibrant aspect of the Acadian culture.
The city of Vancouver has developed national policies and programs that are aimed at protecting and educating the people on the importance of cultural traits for the well being of the citizens.
The striking feature of Canadian cultural matters is that it is a subject of constant debate in cities and predominantly touches on public visibility, community cohesion and social interaction as the main aspects of cultural [...]
The purpose of highlighting these issues is two fold: to help shape the conceptualization of the term multiculturalism and to shape the ideological perspectives for this essay.
In order to understand the Greek culture's influence to the way Western Europe idea of democracy, the discussion will touch on the history of Greece and the rise of democracy and the influence of Greek [...]
The use the national language, in the case of Australia, English, and fair treatment of people of both sexes is also a way of showing acceptance of the basic principles of the country.
The most recent guesses as to the number of communes were in the low thousands. There is no doubt that publicity in Time, Newsweek, and Life encouraged the growth of the communes.
After the committee makes a decision, they pass the list to the Board of Directors as well as the President of the Awards. A winner of the award is called a genius due to the [...]
This article describes a sport or leisure activity within a particular group whereby the following aspects are keenly observed: the nature of the sport, its history within the group, the participants, the audience involved, elements [...]
The popular culture has changed the way people dressed and dressing the way most people on the music videos do is cool, no matter how irrelevant a piece of clothing is to the situation.
In dance for instance, ballet is believed to be a preserve of affluent people in the society and predominantly white while 'break dancing' is believed to be a preserve of African-Americans in less affluent sections [...]
Indeed, many of the culprits of this dangerous practice are teens and the youth, ordinarily the most ardent expressers of popular culture in a society.
S history emphasize on how the British colonies of North America were found and their subsequent growth, their gaining of independence in 1776 and the east to west growth of the U.S.
On the cover of the novel Canadian stereotypes, there will be the image of the maple leaf bag. The image of the maple leaf bag will represent both the flag and the history of the [...]
The Western Wall, situated in the Old City of Jerusalem, is a remnant of the wall that once marked the boundaries of the Jewish Temple's courtyard, and is regarded as one of the holiest places [...]