Free Cloud Computing Essay Examples & Topics

Free Cloud Computing Essay Examples & Topics

57 samples

Cloud computing is the use of hardware and software off-site to store and process data. These off-site systems are not stored on a computer. In contrast, they are hosted on cloud platforms located on the Internet.

Cloud computing has become an integral part of technological advancement. Naturally, it has numerous benefits. Since it does not store information on local computers, the companies do not have to own personal IT infrastructure or data centers. Instead, they can just purchase a cloud computing service and store all the information there. Moreover, cloud computing allows easy and smooth communication and data proceeding.

To compose an outstanding cloud computing essay, you need to come up with a good idea, conduct in-depth research, and find supporting evidence. Our Ivypanda team has prepared this article that contains everything you need. Below, you will see cloud computing essay examples written by fellow students. Read them for inspiration or to find new ideas for your paper.

Relevant Cloud Computing Examples

In your essay about cloud computing, you can talk about different ways to apply this technology. In this section, we have presented a few of them that may be useful or interesting to you.

There are 3 key types of cloud computing in total:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS allows the users to omit to install the program on a computer by accessing it online. Software as Service includes file storage, backup, web-based email, and project management tools.

We assume everybody is familiar with Google services, such as Google Drive, Google Calendar, etc. It is one of the most widely known examples of Saas. Others would be Microsoft 365 and Slack.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS is a complementary computing technology to SaaS. IaaS provides an infrastructure that is needed to ensure the smooth operation of SaaS tools. This cloud technology includes servers, storage, and networking resources.

One of the examples of IaaS is Microsoft Azure. It provides backup and recovery services, hosting, etc. Another one is Rackspace that ensures data security and provides infrastructure services.

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)

This is a cloud computing technology that provides virtual servers for developers to build and deploy apps. PaaS include operating systems, databases, and programming language execution environments, etc.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Heroku are two examples of PaaS. Both technologies serve as tools for developing apps’ architecture.

11 Great Cloud Computing Topics

Cloud computing can be a tricky subject to cover. In particular, when it comes to creating academic work. Sometimes, it might be hard to start your essay writing process without having a clear idea in mind. You can trust our title generator! It will create an original idea for your technology essay.

Here, we have collected some great cloud computing assignment topics.

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing in small businesses.
  2. What effect on the development of e-commerce will computerization and virtualization have in the long run?
  3. The history of cloud computing. How did society move from knowledge discovery to its application in private and public business sectors?
  4. What are the most crucial security issues that must be considered when moving from local data storage to cloud storage?
  5. Risks and challenges that cloud computing could cause to the business owners.
  6. How is information distributed in mobile computing?
  7. The advantages of a hybrid cloud over a regular one.
  8. What are the most effective cloud deployment models?
  9. Load balancing algorithms that help to fasten the server discovery process and increase the website traffic.
  10. How can open-source software protect big data?
  11. The future of cloud computing. Will cloud storage fully replace traditional tools for data storage?

Thank you for your attention! Now you can use our ideas and examples for your work. You can now read some cloud computing essays below. To check them out faster, you can shorten them using our summary generator.

57 Best Essay Examples on Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Pros and Cons

In a computer system using cloud computing, the workload of running applications is shifted from the local computer to the cloud, which consists of network computers.
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2752

IT Implementation Plan for Cloud Computing

Assessment of market requirements: Here, the service provider, the broker, and the organization must study the features of cloud computing to instill trust among them and on the new product.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1565

Microsoft SharePoint as a Private Cloud App

The SharePoint allocation has the capability of efficiently replacing the sandbox and farm solutions thus, guaranteeing satisfaction to the administrators, users, and third-party application experts. In terms of the users' recompense, the SharePoint application enables [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 602

Cloud Computing and Virtualization Technologies

Through cloud computing, the organization is in a position to access complex applications and enormous computing sources through the internet. Through cloud computing and virtualization technologies, the organization is likely to benefit from economies of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1109

Strong Continuity of the Business

A project manager who can gather the required data from the team leaders, consolidate it, and see the project through to completion should be chosen.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 665

Aspects of the Internet of Things

Thus, it is essential to explore the implications for people and companies caused by the convergence of IoT, cloud computing, mobile computing, and electronic business.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 913

Google’s Vendor Lock-In and Cloud Computing

The need to migrate from one cloud service to another and the risks involved therein have been studied to reveal the existence of vendor lock-in and unveil the potential solutions therein.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1975

Cloud Computing for Massive Amounts of Data

The main difference from the usual method of working with software is that the users do not use the resources of their PC, but computer resources and capacity provided to them as an Internet service.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 378

EBay: Cloud Computing SAAS Model

Software-as-a-Service is a cloud computing model that suits eBay's needs outlined in the previous slide. As anyone can access the service without specialized hardware, software, or knowledge, it can be brought to a large audience [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 617

Cloud Computing in Nursing Practice

Therefore, by focusing on cloud computing, this paper illustrates the influence of the information resource, its contribution to the nursing field, and results drawn from their inception in the nursing field and how consumers can [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 378

Cloud Computing in Business

Cloud computing is an internet based service that allows clients to use external IT resources from cloud service providers.
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 880

Drawbacks and Disadvantages of Distributed Computing

However, in any distributed system, there is a need to either have a coordination mechanism that will ensure that all the computers in the system are synchronized or work towards the reduction of processing time [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 869

The Strategic Advantage of Cloud Computing

To explain the position of the present system, this report will perform a SWOT analysis, which discusses the difference between the current and desired data storage status of the selected organization and it will suggest [...]
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3304

Cloud Computing Adoption by the CU-IT Services

This paper will therefore be designed to inform the company's CIO of the evidence-based clarification of cloud computing; the evidence-based evaluation of the general benefits and pitfalls of cloud computing; the formulation of a framework [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2443

Project Risk Management of Cloud Computing

To national policymakers understanding the economic disequilibrium helps in developing predictability of the market behavior which is important in establishing an operational budget policy that can cope with the disequilibrium particularly by influencing their planning, [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1058

Curve-R: Accessing R-Language Through the Cloud

The reason behind this project is the fact that many countries in the UAE lack the capital and the expertise to sponsor their students and researchers to developed countries and that they learn the statistical [...]
  • Pages: 17
  • Words: 3882

Amazon’s Online Storage Facilities

But the results of that worthwhile investment have been written in the books of history due to the way it has continued to transform the world.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 780

Purpose of a Cloud Bursting Architecture

Once the amount of requests exceeds the operational capacity of the in-house service, the listener redirects some of the consumers to a redundant implementation of the module deployed on the cloud.
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 855

ATN Corporation’s Cloud Computing Mechanisms

The second mechanism expected to be a part of the described solution is the virtual server. Finally, the third mechanism likely to be leveraged as a part of the described solution is a cloud usage [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 828

Google Chrome Browser and Operating System

Google Chrome is an application, whereas Google Chrome O/S is a computing system that contains several applications. As for Google Chrome, it is necessary to note that this application meets many requirements of users.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 218

Cloud Storage Infrastructures

Their initial capacity was several hundreds of megabytes; contemporary optical disks can store tens of GBs. First flash drives had the minimal capacity of several hundred MBs; contemporary flash drives can store hundreds of GBs.
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3371

Deployment Models in the Aviation Cyberspace

Hence, it is crucial to examine the importance of cloud computing while using examples to illustrate the application of private and hybrid deployment methods in aviation cyberspace.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 933

Efficacious Technology Management

Research the SLAs of two cloud vendors, such as Rackspace, Amazon, or Google. The selected cloud vendors are Google and Amazon For the vendors, you selected, what are the SLAs' uptime percentages?
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 451

The Cloud Provider Technical Concept

Due to the trendy nature of cloud services, several providers have adopted the term 'cloud' to advertise services that do not fall under this category.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Cloud Computing: Present and Future Technologies

According to Laudon and Traver, cloud computing refers to the use of a network system of remote servers which are hosted on the internet to facilitate storage, management, and processing of data. However, it is [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2765

Infrastructure-as-a-Service Concept

In Infrastructure as a Service, the provider is the owner of the storage and equipment which they lend to the user companies for a certain payment, which is assigned based on the resources used.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 556

Cloud Computing: Privacy and Security

Despite the variety of advantages, the concept has presented to the end-users, there is also a range of risks associated with data and information security and privacy.
  • Pages: 25
  • Words: 605

Assessing the Benefits of Cloud Computing: NVoicePay

The present paper uses a case study on NVoicePay to illuminate the business advantages of cloud computing and how IT leadership can be effective in achieving technology buy-in by communicating the benefits of the technology [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 940

The Infrastructure of Cloud Computing as a Service

Typically, the entire system of cloud computing drawing from its definition provides the infrastructure for organizations to offer clients services dynamically responding to their needs based on the pay-as-use basis, and the economic benefits which [...]
  • 5
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4383

Cloud computing in supply chain management

Cloud computing is one of the advancements, which have significantly transformed the manner in which several companies manage and access information within and outside the firm.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

White Paper on Cloud Computing

Cloud providers and services vary and it is important to select a model that suits the operations of an organisation. The organisation needs to assess functions that are to be performed through a cloud system.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1645

A Review on Cloud Computing: Concepts and Benefits

According to Rodriguez, several organizations establish community cloud to have common requirements and need to share infrastructure to understand the benefits and aspires to assemble ideologies of a digital ecosystem with the use of a [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2768

Cloud Computing and Corporate IT Infrastructure

It is important to recognize that the application of cloud computing has led to the development of new security threats. The organizations must consider the possibility of engaging the services of technical and experienced IT [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1342

Highlighting the Intricacies of Cloud Computing

After that, we will delve into the characteristics of cloud computing which will then be closely followed by cloud computing services, how to manage a cloud, cloud organization standard, the benefits of cloud computing as [...]
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4006

Cloud Computing and the Usage of the Internet

Without cloud computing, the usage of computers would be very difficult because the users would require the IT experts to help them to install the programs required to run the applications that are used in [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2904

Cloud compounding impact on businesses

Efficient management of the virtualization process is possible through the integration of systems that enhance stability and security of the cloud. The main hurdle for both consumers and businesses in adopting cloud compounding are lack [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 864

Applying Cloud Computing in the Corporate Area

In the software-as-a-service, the retailerprovides the software product,the hardware infrastructure and networks with the user via a front-end portal. In conclusion, software as a service cloud computing is not going to dominate the next several [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1276
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