One would say that happiness is to be with a loved one, the second would say that happiness is the stability, and the third, on the contrary, would say that happiness is the unpredictability.
Nevertheless, humor does still have a firm standing in as far as enhancing persuasion is concerned since the source is able to build rapport with the receiver which is the fundamental goal of persuasion. Humor [...]
The second stage is associated with the child's passage through the birth canal; it begins after the complete opening of the cervix and ends with the birth of a child.
Therefore, this essay offers a sociological perspective of Morrie's interview and the Dakota documentary with a view-enhancing the understating of the process of death and grief.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss why it is important to study nonverbal emotional expressions, identify core emotions and facial expressions connected with them, and describe existing facial management techniques.
It goes without saying that human nature is characterized by people's desire to express love and be loved and cared for in return. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to prove that love is [...]
The period of living with the parents was anxious, disturbing, and entirely pessimistic, which continues to affect my visits to the place where I have spent most of my years.
In popular culture love is the emotional feeling of attachment and affection that is extended to people who are of the opposite sex and it involves such words as girlfriend, boyfriend or fiancee.
Satire is more particular because it is based upon a proper understanding of the target of the humor and may only be interesting and entertaining to a mature and probably educated audience.
It is actually rather interesting to note that in many modern day retellings of love it is either shown that love is blind or that love is sacrificial yet few ever delve into the concept [...]
Jamie Anderson's "Is Happiness the Beginning or the End?" discusses the view on happiness in the American cultural consciousness and the perceived ideological conflict regarding the specificities of its nature.
Even though there is a possibility that each person perceives colors in a unique way and that contemporary individuals cannot differentiate as many variables of color as their predecessors because of the regular interaction with [...]
Since the emergence of the term happiness in the times of Plato and Aristotle, the topic of happiness, its philosophical meaning, and its application to the real world became a case of many discussions.
The belief by rationalists failed to hail the fact that we are humans, thus emotional in nature and even the most 'rational' of all beings can err. Emotions ensure that we act in a manner [...]
Thus, my monster is the fear of being alone, and it is similar to several literary characters at once: Grendel's mother, the Demon Lover, and the fear of a couple from Once Upon a Time.
The prelude phase describes the situation that made the conflict possible, taking into account its participants, their relationship, and the environment where the conflict takes place.
Comprehending the motivations for pursuing money and happiness is the key to understanding this correlation. The Easterlin paradox summed this view by showing that income had a direct correlation with happiness.
The personal decision to love enables one to decide on venturing into a commitment to love regardless of the present feeling in the inner self at that particular period. Conversely, the possibility for a person [...]
The emotion of anger is usually considered to be negative and it can lead to various negative consequences. On the other hand, the emotion of happiness is positive and it has numerous benefits to our [...]
Hope is a feeling inherent in a person that stimulates him to move on, to believe in the best. I would also like to create a strong family, become a good person and do something [...]
It seems to be as baffling as the question "What is the meaning of life?" Liking and attraction seem to be of lesser degree when compared to love yet attraction is also closely associated with [...]
On the other hand, when social media is used for prolonged periods of time to interact with strangers and passive consumption of the content, it has a negative effect on emotional well-being.
The degree of happiness, health, wisdom and the idea of people growing and becoming resilient is connected to the fundamental of this feeling of uncontrolled desires.
The inability to confront my negative emotions when I encounter them can ultimately affect my health. Engaging in activities can assist me to improve on my strengths where I am not as proficient.
The category of gifts is very similar to the one of the acts of service since it implies offering the loved one a means of meeting his or her needs and improving his or her [...]
Shupak's " Does Technology Make People Happier" indicates that despite the constant presence of happiness somewhere near a person, everyone understands it in their way and prefers to look for it differently from others.
Leaders with high self-awareness are more likely to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as their impact on others, which helps them make better decisions, manage stress and conflict effectively, and lead with [...]
In essence, this emotional link is an essential part of self-care, as it allows us to be more present in our lives and to take time to appreciate the people and things around us.
The author of the book, Tony Hsieh, is a businessman and venture capitalist. Finding passion and the opposite, what the person does not want to do, is a crucial aspect of the book.
Ben-Ze'ev investigates the emotional conglomerate of pity and compassion in Chapter 11, "Why Do We Feel Bad When You Feel Bad?" These feelings can be expressed in various ways and to varying degrees of severity [...]
The activity of the imagination is closely connected with the emotional domain of the personality. The imagination of older persons and kids is significantly different in terms of its connections with emotions.
There are three aspects of the video that are worth discussing - the link between primal emotions and affective feelings, the existence of human emotions in animals, and the use of neuroscience in therapies.
The article comprehensively describes the definition of an introvert, the features of his behavior, and personal attitudes in the modern model of society.
There are two important aspects that prove that happiness has a more defining role in a modern person's well-being the neglecting attitude towards wealth and the increasing popularity of philanthropy.
The point that most of the global population leads a life of acting contributes significantly to the loss of happiness. That is why one of my goals to achieve the second area of happiness involved [...]
Optimism and happiness have an impact on the well-being and health of a person, and optimistic behavior is proved to be one of the stimuli for improved immunity.
He attributes the occurrence of emotional problems to the overwhelming nature of the changes and demands that occur during puberty. The reaction of parents to their child's emotional outbursts correlates to the cultivation of healthy [...]
It is the desire to reach success in life which motivates me to have this emotion as dominant. My parents and the environment have instilled this feeling in me, and the desire to achieve success [...]
Considering that the emotions of one family member do affect other members in the family, there is the paramount need for effective communication of emotions within the family.
This paper dwells on the purpose and importance of emotional expression as well as the role of the brain in this process. Facial looks and body language are exchanged in the process of interaction to [...]
Entering the "soul" as the result of the internal bodily environment and the external social environment emotions have to pass through a certain pathway inside human body, and the limbic brain can be considered the [...]
The results of the study correspond with the goals initially set by the researchers and with the hypothesis that an emotional component is perceived by the shareholders as an essential part of educational leadership. As [...]
However, I found it hard to sustain motivation, due to believing that I had more important responsibilities to attend to, due to the methodology seemingly not providing the results in the span of time I [...]
The subjects of the study will be selected randomly from several population groups based on the social status of the subjects and their living conditions.
Zaru believes that the most serious hindrance "to personal growth and to working for peace is feeling powerless or hopeless; and the most important thing I could impart in my classes, then, was a sense [...]
As a result of his patience, he manages not only to dig a tunnel in his room that helps him escape from the prison but is also able to gather enough information about Norton that [...]
Carol and Stearns the book Anger: The Struggle for Emotional Control in America's History, indicates that "the need to keep the lid on anger has the most persistent motif in the emotional reconstruction of the [...]
His concept extended temporally from the fragments of the earliest writings of the Egyptians and Sumerians; through the literature exemplified by Homer, the Old Testament, the Grecian plays, and the histories of Herodotus; into the [...]
Because of my ability to see the good in people, I think I am more inclined to want to do things that will help them, and these times I have done this have appeared in [...]
When searching for a car, our emotions of the kind of our present lifestyle and also the kind of future lifestyle that we would like to adopt are triggered.
Presenting the memories about the worst periods of his disease and living a life that was very "dark" and empty, Colori defines courage as "the ability to face something that can potentially be damaging," which [...]
It should be said that the article is quite logical and, in the course of considerations and bright examples, the author concludes that happiness is not the result of some actions or activity, though, it [...]
Based on my comprehension of the article, Elaine believes that it is a lack of compassion that drives people to inflict pain on others and nations to wage war on other nations.
On the other hand, another study found that the birth of a child is associated with the loss of spousal love, and the decrease in the total level of happiness is stated to be the [...]
Still, it can hardly be denied that the value of appreciating this kind of beauty is rather high because it allows the representatives of the general public to find a reason to be happy and [...]
The strength of this paper is that it explores not only the meaning of the word but also the results of its offered revision, including the reconsideration of the importance of the phenomenon of competition, [...]
It could be said that food can play the role of the bridge between the present and past as one can easily be transported to the joyful and happy moments in the past.
The research at hand is aimed to prove that, to boost happiness through receiving positive emotions, a person should commit more actions that can be referred to as acts of kindness.
Shulman presents the protagonist who believes that his perfect match should be a woman with a number of obligatory qualities, whereas the main heroes of the Chinese legend do not try to adhere to specific [...]
Given that, the book focuses primarily on raising awareness on when love crosses into the realm of obsession, the characters in the book exhibit an intense and obsessive attraction for their partners, to the detriment [...]
Academically, literary works are a creative and constructive way of condemning evils such as corruption, impunity, gender violence and discrimination of any kind, which could be understandably an obstacle to the progress of a society [...]