This is because she compares her poor life with that of her rich friend and she is filled with envy and jealousy because she can not afford to live like her friend and yet that [...]
One of the foremost characteristics of Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House is that its plot appears linearly defined, which, in turn, explains the semantic realism of play's overall sounding.
The abstracted and personified idea of "Mother Nature" has in the nineteenth century began to shift towards the image of a machine with fixed laws of motion.
While the old man with enormous wings seems to be the central character in the short story, he does not clearly appear to be the protagonist in the story.
It permits the author not only focus on the subject matter and revolve around the themes of the story, but implement the entertainment function of the writing and provide the reader with an in-depth understanding [...]
The theory of Carl Jung is perfectly superimposed on the work of Hermann Hesse Demian, where the plot is saturated with psychologism and symbols of acceptance of oneself and one's experience.
By carefully selecting the characters in the novel, Camus can develop a philosophy of absurdity by illustrating that the universe is marred with absurdity as demonstrated by the absurdist opinions of the protagonist, the judge, [...]
In the play Antigone, it is an interesting fact that the actions taken by Creon, the King of Thebes, is unsolicited by the citizens of Thebes but hardly anyone has the courage to utter it.
Such loss of traditional humane values like empathy, love, respect, loyalty, and honesty has affected Franz Kafka who illustrated the metamorphosis or transformation of customary values on the example of the family of the Samsas."The [...]
Augustine of Hippo believes that the only real source of friendship is God, and he adds that it is only through this God-man relationship that people can understand the ideal meaning of friendship.
When Meursault is asked by Raymond to write a letter that the latter can use to torture his mistress, he unsympathetically consents to the request because he "did not have any reason not to".
The novel is split into six chapters with the first five chapters describing Arjie's relationships with various characters through which he understands his sexuality, the ethnic problem between the Tamil and Sinhalese people, and the [...]
The scientific literature teaches us the rules of life, but most will not be met, and most knowledge will not be used in our everyday life. The balance of art literature and scientific one should [...]
This story ends with the fact that "strawberries" seemed sweet to the traveler in the last moments of his life. It was difficult for him to find an answer to why he writes and the [...]
Due to the fact that Cannery Row tells a story of different characters with a range of aspirations it can be argued that Steinbeck showcases various aspects of the human condition in his work by [...]
It is clear from the beginning of the story that McMurphy successfully feigns insanity to escape the hard work at the Pendleton Work Farm, "Do not overlook the possibility that this man might be feigning [...]
In his role as the principal character in Albert Camus' novel The Stranger, Meursault is a threat to society that upholds the death penalty because he is looked upon as a bad and dangerous example [...]
This paper offers a brief analysis of appeal of logos as expressed in Dahl's 'Lamb to the Slaughter.' A perfect appeal of logos in Roald Dahl's 'Lamb to the Slaughter' is well expressed by Mary [...]
In his play The Persecution and Assassination on Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, Peter Weiss also makes an attempt to [...]
The comment presents an issue of Utopia, the controversy of More's discussion that affects the commonwealth of the state that will be analysed to argue that the statement is true.
As an example of the uncanny, it is possible to refer to Kafka's novel The Trial through generalization and abstract representation of the archaic Court that interferes with Josef K's rational and conventional world. In [...]
Although it is too early for me to advance any far-fetched arguments, I can say that Joseph is very much similar to Sisyphus; he becomes accustomed to the routine nature of daily life, and his [...]
The Monkey and the Monk is not an ordinary story with a list of characters with the ability to develop particular relationships, grow in their specific ways, and demonstrate necessary lessons to the reader.
One of the reasons why Franz Kafka is considered one of the 20th century's most prominent writers is that the reading of his masterpieces leaves very few doubts as to the fact that, while pursuing [...]
Definitely, the main character Okonkwo's consciousness and his endeavor to grasp and comprehend the necessity of change have driven the plot of the novel.
In this way, Agamemnon presents imperfections in the family under consideration with the tragedy of this family rooting in the wife's unfaithfulness to her husband and the father's sacrificing his daughter in exchange for the [...]
Known mostly for his short story titled "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," Thurber wrote a number of unique fables, one of which, "The Owl Who Was God," is the subject of the given paper.
The reading of a short story Jackals and Arabs leaves no doubt as to the fact that this story's foremost thematic element is being of clearly surreal nature.
Despite differences in the interpretation of features text as a whole, the data remained of the most ancient Indian religious texts allows restoring some elements of mythology and cosmology of the Vedic Indians. Altogether, it [...]
I took the liberty of talking to some of my old pals, and surprisingly enough, I realized we were actually not communicating. At the end of the day, they are all literacy arts and you [...]
Therefore, by amending his philosophy on the role of the mind in how people experience the world, Kant took on empiricism and rationalism that downplayed the mind's role in how people experience events around them.
Voltaire is a French writer and philosopher whose work "Philosophical Letters" has become one of the greatest works of the eighteenth century."Letter on Inoculation" contains arguments on vaccination at the time when the English adapted [...]
Chapter three in the book by Trompenaars and Woolliams, named "Riding the Waves of Culture," provides the necessary information about the culture and its aspects.
The book examines the social context of punishment and the implications of shifting power. People were condemned and punished for acting in a way that did not conform to the law.
In part one, the author analyzes the transition from brutal public torture in the middle of the 17th century to the nature of imprisonment characteristic of the beginning of the 19th century.
In Dante's Inferno, the second circle of hell is dedicated to the deadly sin of lust, which is the final destination for the individuals who used to be lustful and adulterous during their life.
His exceptional and genius ideas included the theory of forms, platonic realism, and platonic idealism."The Allegory of the Cave" is written in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and Plato's brother Glaucon.
Zarathustra argues that, wandering in mountains is a pleasant experience, which is going to shape his fate, for he believes that he has control of his life and will not allow fate to overtake him.
Gandhi stated that he was sorry due to the Mob's ignorance and narrowness. Gandhi believed that it was not possible to change the convictions of a person by use of violence.
The death of Ivan Ilyich touches upon the topic of the existential wandering of the person. Author similar concept of being in the works of Tolstoy and Heidegger is the concept of the ultimate loneliness.
The author begins the exploration believing that determinism is a viable answer to these questions, yet by the end of the book, he is left with a sense of desperation and doubt.
The most important moments from the first part occur in the second chapter, when Raskolnikov, in a conversation with Marmeladov, expresses his opinion that poverty is not a vice it is the truth, while severe [...]
In Oration on the Dignity of Man Giovanni Pico, an Italian Renaissance philosopher, shares his perspective on the concept of a man being at the center of all that God has created.
As a result, the renaissance literally signifies the arenovation' of the antique ideals, where the human is the central creature in the world and, consequently, the main object of analysis.
In the first part of the book, the author tried to explain the main concepts developed by the Greek school of philosophy that might be considered the most fundamental for today's society.
Though the described behavior might seem as unexpected and uncalled for, Socrates's actions are justified by his decision to explore the nature of social justice and understand the citizens' stance on their status and the [...]
His sister is the only one of his family that comes to his aid, inquiring if he is ill. His transformation shows Gregor's anger towards family's exploitation of him and their irresponsibility in not contributing [...]
This passage and the statement take place when Pratt explores the roots of the idea concerning the unity of humankind and the way that it affected prominent thinkers' political perspectives.
In the story Swimmer among the Stars, which is a chapter in the book of the same name, ethnographers visit a woman - the last speaker of her native language.
As for the three criteria that allow evaluating works of art, they are the specificity, clarity, and sincerity of the feeling or emotion it conveys to people.
One of the most outstanding minor characters to have been used by Voltaire is Martin in the epic in an attempt to make him the major spokesman of his own complaints which had been greatly [...]
It is obvious that the concepts of faith and reason and the interpretation of these terms had undergone significant changes since the times when The Divine Comedy was written.
It is about the creative potential of consciousness, while someone can suppose that the essence of this theory is the call to actions on the reformation of the surrounding world.
However, it is the essential aspect of making young people's character, and the evidence of it will be provided in this essay. The existing literature refers, in its majority, to the life and the worldview [...]
He also mentions the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, the invention of the printing press, Copernicus' discovery of the solar system, the invention of gunpowder, the development of calculus, the steam engine, discoveries in [...]
In short, while de Sade held the view that man's the happiest and the natural state is committing evil acts, Rousseau held the view that man is fundamentally good, that all virtue emanate from a [...]
Life is both a scene of nothingness and one of infinity, and it is this duality that drives the characters in Beckett to desperation: "Endgame is a despairing study of despair".
The paper is concerned with the national differences in the culture of death provided by the author, the rising role of euthanasia in modern medicine, the approach to the state program "Obamacare" and the problem [...]
Socrates was only out to defend his philosophical views, not that he preferred death to life. These utterances are not from a soul convinced that death is better than life, if not so, he would [...]
Thus, the manly virtue of ancient Greeks was an attribute of the male and female parts of the society that was implemented since childhood and related to the norms of ethics and aesthetics.
Zeus' opponent, Cyniscus, succeeds in setting traps for the god and becomes the unquestionable winner of the argument due to his eloquence and because of Zeus' wrong conduct and the disadvantageous position he adopts in [...]
Augustine, the film shows the perversion of free will and the fall to the inferior level of God's creation, Abelard would note that the true justice is executed in the film, whereas Heloise would focus [...]
The main spheres where the author tries to involve the issue of science and our "inherited ways" of knowledge in the area of science are archeology, history, and music. John Broomfield suggests the nature and [...]
In 95c, the author assumes that Sophists are also not qualified to teach virtue, due to the fact that one of the respected philosophers is quite critical about those who make some promises and believes [...]
Of these, he would be able to study the things in the sky and the sky itself more easily at night, looking at the light of the stars and the moon, than during the day, [...]
In his famous work "The Leviathan", Thomas Hobbes refers to the natural mode of people's existence as "war of everybody against everybody", while suggesting that such war comes as a result of individuals taking a [...]
Today, the lines are blurred as to determine whether it should be an east or west conflict as it could also be any form of war against one ethnic group by a whole nation or [...]
In the story's retrospection we learn that Hagar's father Jason is elite, a store owner who built a brick home in a town of mostly shacks and shanties.
The story revolves around Oedipus and his search for the cause of the blight on his city finding it to be himself while Iocaste is Oedipus' wife and mother who was very supportive of Oedipus' [...]
The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast how Medea and Socrates respond to injustice or unfair accusations. The following section discusses how Medea and Socrates respond or react to adversity by comparing [...]
The purpose of this paper is to explain why Monkey is an allegory of Buddhist teachings in the selected novel. The reader also observed that Tripitaka is a representation of the physical outcomes and experiences [...]
In The Monkey & the Monk: an Abridgment of the Journey to the West, the Monkey is one of the main protagonists of the book, as is apparent from its title.
Lord Krishna is believed to be the inspiration behind the book known as the Gospel of the Lord. From this knowledge, the history of the Gita, the purpose of yoga, and a guru becomes significant [...]
There are 700 verses in the Bhagavad-Gita, which reflect the philosophical aspects of the dialogue between Prince Arjuna and God Krishna before the battle Kurukshetra.
The narrator means that time and space are incorporated in the current decision-making processes and the truth that generated the historical actions is revealed in the present century.
Turning to the discussion of Camus' The Plague and the relation of people to absurd, it is possible to refer to some quotes from the text and the overview of the whole situation.
Wilde uses the character of Dorian as a symbol of his ideas regarding the interaction of art and ethics. In it, assertions are made as to the inability of moral judgments to be made on [...]
Raphael Hythloday, in books one and two was of the view that the government and the state operate within an economy for the benefit of the societies, they are given power and authority to dictate [...]
I will use the texts of Plato's "Apology, the Trial and Death of Socrates" and Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" in order to comprehensively analyze the theme and consider the questions of who I am, [...]
One should note that Antoine Roquentin, who is the main character, is obsessed with the search of the meaning that the surrounding world should have. This is one of the main issues that Sartre examines [...]
Hobbes managed to overcome all the political and social havocs that affected his life and which were the major things that shaped the way he was thinking.
The author is a trained psychologist and she employs her vocation in her analysis of the relationship between the inanimate computers and human beings.
If the notion of 'evolutionary baggage' can be explained with references to the concepts of the development of the world and progress of a man in it, in order to understand its wouldangerous' character, it [...]
In fact, the way of life in the world is substantial and the meaning of life is exposed through events that are being experienced at that particular time.
In Court he was well aware of his high position and he was not able to hide his indifference for those of lower rank. The moment he was convinced that he was about to die [...]
The act of confession is one of the central themes in Crime and Punishment, since it is the climax point of the novel signifying crucial changes in Raskolnikov's mental and physical state.
Thus, referring to Natsume Soseki's Kokoro, the reader can focus on the extremely emotional description of the person's feelings related to the ideas of suicide, responsibility, and guilt because Sensei, the protagonist of the novel, [...]
In Frankl's view, only the inmates who identified a meaning in their being and pursued to realize it were able to carry on the cruelty, dejection and detrimental surroundings of the encampments.
Pages: 6
Words: 1620
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