Apart from the difference between data and information, there is a huge gap between geographic data and data in general. Therefore, Fazal's Spatial data structure and models is a crucial piece of information that helps [...]
Live is a great opportunity to engage with the world of celebrities and the atmosphere of entertainment. The scale and possibilities of the complex have no analogues in the world and, therefore, the guests of [...]
Obviously, the process of globalization influences the current position of the languages, when the weak one can be lost due to the high level of English language's integration.
Han Dynasty of China led to increase in trade and culture in Central Asian and China, a community of Buddhism was established in the middle of the 1st century.
However, in rural areas wooden and prefabricated houses are common due to the availability of timber and lack of cement in such localities. This is because of the hot weather condition in most of the [...]
The Midwest flood of April to October 1993 is arguably the greatest flood to have hit the United States in terms of coverage and duration.
The high prices of food in some regions of the world make most of the people to starve. Most of the people in developed countries like in US, UK, Canada and Australia are well endowed [...]
The author refers to a previous article that Verheij had done on the relationship between health and urbanity. The article concludes by arguing that selection effects can be used to offer a good explanation on [...]
This includes the replacement of gold with white, the replacement of the entire flag with the swastika flag, the return of the black-red-gold flag by the allied forces, the inclusion of communist emblem, by the [...]
While outlining the boundaries, the territory of the Greater Middle East stretches from the Morocco toward the Southwestern lands of Asia, right to the territories of Kazakhstan.
Other ambitious projects that were underway within Dubai took the form of the Burj Khalifa which is the tallest building in the world, The Burj Al Arab which is the tallest hotel in the world [...]
The larger part of the population is composed of people who take the advantage of its art and cultural values to make a living from the practices.
To be precise, the paper will explain the origin of the diverse range of cultural background in Australia. The diverse range of culture in Australia dates as early as 1788 when a group of population, [...]
The natural resources will face exhaustion due to the great pressure of the population. Consequently, the governments of these countries will be forced to take measures to drive the fertility rates up to cover up [...]
One unique thing with this island is that, its weather; you can imagine living home in a quite chilly morning, hence the need to cover yourself, only to find that you have abused the weather [...]