According to Dougherty and Slevc, the identification of one's research philosophy when participating in scientific research is vital because it clearly articulates the goals and estimated outcomes of a study, as well as the perspectives [...]
Before the Greek physicians and philosophers of the Classical Age took up the question of the nature of women, the Greeks had serious attitudes toward women as revealed in their literature.
The books begin with the discussion of the ideal city and more importantly, the concept of justice. As a result, justice of the soul and the individual is achieved.
Plato as well turns off the partition amid the private and the public and he contends for common kids and wives for the guardians in a bid to create a society amongst the rulers of [...]
For example, in the first paragraph, the narrator depicts the serenity that is characteristic of the city in the morning. As the story unfolds, the narrator delineates the reason behind the child's suffering, thereby giving [...]
The primary division of Plato's classification is the division of knowledge into sensory and intellectual knowledge. The first category of knowledge, namely sensory knowledge, is perceived as a lower type, and intellectual knowledge is the [...]
Trying Out One's New Sword is a story about refuting the theory of moral isolationism and barriers that divide the world into independent units with their values and traditions.
Allegory by the Cave is one of the widely read and used books of Plato. Plato's view on a Utopian society is slightly different in the sense that it is aligned more towards religion compared [...]
As the relevance and the appropriateness of the metaphor are established, it is of paramount significance to consider the different aspects of the question in a meaningful and judicious manner.
This idea transitions into other arguments that Descartes explores in the book, and as a way to be sure of the existence of at least one thing, he proposes that since he is capable of [...]
Later on at the age of eighteen, he moved to Athens to study and this became his home for the next twenty years, after which he moved to Asia after the death of Plato where [...]
That being the case, the concept mainly focuses on the relationships between outputs and the targeted inputs. This knowledge explains why the two aspects of materialism will make it easier for individuals to redefine their [...]
Firstly, nature is the source of human spirituality and love, and Emerson confirms this by stating that "a nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of Beauty".
In general, Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave" and LeGuin's "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" address the same theme the truth and how it may affect people's reality.
Finally, Socrates reiterates in this section of the discussion that the ideal condition is possible only if one or more philosophers were to gain control of a city.
At the same time, our human practicality interferes with our ability to understand and perceive the feelings of others; the core problem is that "each is bound to feel intensely the importance of his own [...]
I will also aim to explore the validity of a suggestion that, while pointing out that no one is wiser than Socrates, the Oracle of Delphi meant to say that people are being just as [...]
In order to form a solid basis on how the two theories visualize the ability of man to reason, it is important to have a valid understanding of the theories themselves.
It is apparent that Nagel's account of sexual perversion and the application of his theory omits masturbation, which is a contentious form of sexual activities.
He claimed that his wisdom was greater than that of other humans which means that the judges and the accusers did not possess any of it for he believed that they were invented people who [...]
Paul Holbach is a famous French philosopher and writer."The System of Nature" is the most renowned book of the writer, which deals with materialism."The illusion of free will" is part of this book and reveals [...]
In the first chapter, tired "Camel, Kangaroo, and the Elephant, the author presents the list of the seven questions that help one form their worldview, which is arguably the most significant aspect of the book.
From this point of view, Cato's recommendations are ideal: the location of the willow tree immediately after the vineyard and the garden is not accidental, since in this passage a scale of the main and [...]
As the picaresque novel is based on Leibnitz's philosophy of optimism which suggests the idea of the perfectness of the world and everything in the world, to be more exact, Voltaire introduces ironic ideas concerning [...]
The author's identity is very important in the essay, he was personally attacked by a criminal and this is why the author wants to ensure that justice prevails in the society, a clear picture of [...]
Similar to the theme of natural forces, in 'The Open Boat,' Crane describes the plight of four men who have been shipwrecked and are isolated on the ocean in a tiny dinghy.
Foucault's Discipline and Punish and Gilles Deleuze's "Postscript on the Society of Control" discuss the nature of power in society. On the other hand, Deleuze's reading is more optimistic because he discusses how the society [...]
According to Hegel's concept of the ethical life of the family, it is very essential to have the love which is said to be the spirit of feeling of ones own strength of mind of [...]
I however beg to disagree with this great English poet that this predestination was actually intended to benefit mankind and not Him; it's actually the opposite because the fall was predestined to benefit God and [...]
He also explains that we as humans tend to relate to things based on our perception and not on a neutral basis; as quoted, "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit".
On building trust at work, employers are required to give minimum supervision to the employees in an effort to make the latter feel a sense of belonging and responsibility.
In general, the Descartes' philosophy is linked to the church's connotation of the most significant part of an individual's body, which is acknowledged as existent, even after the end of physical life.
Therefore, the value of education in the allegory can be seen through the illusion of reality, the transformative power of knowledge, and the responsibility to share knowledge, all of which are shown through the example [...]
Thus, the Art of War provides a unique vision of strategies and tactics that can be applied to win war battles and solve a problem in society, in business, and in everyday human life, which [...]
The cognitive method of conceptual thinking is attributed to the parable of lines, and the perception of the sky corresponds in this scheme to the mind's cognition.
First of all, Plato created the people in the cave captives in order to rhetorically appeal to the audience's emotions and arouse the sensations that already exist in them, which, of course, already produces an [...]
One of the fundamental concerns of social and political philosophy has been the topic of what levels of restrictions if any, should be placed on the liberty of a nation's inhabitants.
The Platonic dialogue in The Symposium epitomizes the progression that Diotima describes as pursuance of beauty in highly refined and generalized forms and each speech in the symposium takes the reader closer to the comprehension [...]
The plan to kill Oedipus takes a twist when his mother and the servant refuses to kill him, allowing the opportunity to live and later to fulfill the oracles.
In the time of what is called the "Enlightenment" period where there was resurgence and rejuvenation in Europe in matters regarding the purpose of human life and the flowering of the sciences, there was also [...]
The article entitled "The house, from cellar to garret, the significance of the hut" tries to represent the meaning of a house from a phenomenological perspective.
The philosophical concepts of the nature of man presented by the author as a part of this narrative reflect the atheistic ideas of the major political movements that were popular at that time in Russia.
This should be done with restraint and caution in order not to compromise the validity of modern studies and to avoid bias, as evident in the studies of some historical philosophers in their quoting of [...]
He states that if the reason was to be employed as a model of science, there should be a priori characteristic. The nature of metaphysics, reason, mathematics and science is temporal because it is a [...]
Why should not we have a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not the history of theirs?" Thus, attempting to interpret experience through the [...]
The pieces conclude the impact of the discussed issues on the real world and, therefore, I agree with Strauss' point about the necessity of researching Plato's works to understand a general meaning of philosophy.
Poetry and religion, other subjects under humanities, have also influenced the expression of culture's values. Culture's values are a result of the combined efforts of people who viewed life from different points of view.
The rise of racist and sexist tendencies due to the lack of affirmative action is doubtful because it is not the only element in the fight against racial and sexual prejudice. However, West is of [...]
Despite this view of the writer he receives opposition from the Mencious view of the human nature who argues that if at all a man saw a child at the verge of falling over a [...]
The same goes for the state and its laws: the citizens are expected to obey these laws for they are meant to do good to them; when, for some reason, the contrary occurs, the citizens [...]
The author introduces his heroes as individuals: Ahab, on the one part, a brave sailor and a captain, who is always ready to meet any difficulties and reach his goal at any coast and a [...]
The concept shared by the author consists in the statement that human life is irrational: one has to admit that it is senseless and is forced to overcome this knowledge to continue living, working, and [...]
In the end of a dialogue or a debate, the truth is supposed to emerge from the clash of the two opinions, and the defeated one is morally obliged to accept the force of a [...]
Thomas Hobbes discussed the differences between a natural life and one in society, the benefits of unity, and the characteristics that allow people to form such power dynamics.
In the academic sense, it can be described as the study of the essence of reality, knowledge, and existence. Its approaches to the issue of uncertainty and doubt about the function of the world are [...]
First, John Locke tries to disprove the view of the French philosopher Rene Descartes that there are some ideas present in the mind of a newborn baby. The essay applies Locke's theory of ideas to [...]
This paper examines and attempts to propose an answer to one of the questions posed by Socrates to Euthyphro: "What is that excellent aim that the gods achieve, using us as their servants?" In the [...]
According to Rojcewicz, the people's view of the world is that it is a resource and that this is what shapes their nature, especially individuals from Western countries.
Labor is defined in chapter three as the human effort to survive, which can be directly linked to the scientific theories of adaptation and the human cycle.
In chapter five of On the Philosophy and History, Jacques Maritain presses on the feasibility, reliability concerning philosophy and history by exploring the functionality and necessity.
Immanuel Kant's essay "Answering the Question: What Is Enlightenment?" contains the thoughts of a philosopher about the distinguishing features of a person of the Enlightenment era.
As such, the foundation for enlightenment is rooted in freedom, and Kant believed that in the case that freedom is granted, people are likely to follow enlightenment in order to achieve it.
He gave up his riches to pursue intelligence, ultimately noting that "the fountain of wisdom is the exact metaphysics of the intellectual and angelic forms and the stream of knowledge is the most steadfast philosophy [...]
In Sophocles' Antigone, the narrative flow makes the audience empathize with the tragic fate of the characters, deepening the emotional involvement of the readers and viewers.
Socrates argues that oratory practices that became popular among sophists in Athens pursue convincing and persuading rather than speaking the truth."And the same will be true of the orator and the oratory in relation to [...]
The first insight from these philosophical writings that shifted my viewpoint about this field was the distinctive role of the end goal and action in Plato's and Aristotle's works.
The central problem of On the Genealogy of Morality can be found in the first essay titled Good and Evil, where the skeletal structure of the state-of-the-art of morality is depicted by Nietzsche.
Therefore, in most cases, the product of love, or Eros, is the fulfillment of the need for admiration. The role of self-love in Aristophanes' speech is to inspire people to find lovers that connect to [...]
The argument is well-justified because the author refers to the absence of benefits for children, the lack of guarantees of their happiness, and the regrets of parents.
Pascal's "Wager" is probably one of the strongest arguments in philosophy when people should be ready to put their lives on the line to demonstrate if God exists or not.
Even being unaware of the three categories of people, the reader can learn that the state's role is to function and create the conditions under which every person is able to exist. One of the [...]
He then proceeds to talk about the certainty of human knowledge; he believes that human beings do not have a set limit to the understanding of knowledge.
Therefore, the inability of individuals to discover the truth and leave the cave makes them unable to choose between actual reality and the world that they falsely believe to be true.
In this book, the author constructs a symbolic city of women and reflects on the misogynistic attacks of men on women. Lady Reason explains to Christine that sometimes men try to keep each other out [...]
In his 1950 essay "The Origin of the Work of Art," Heidegger explores the concepts of Truth and Being and uses these terms to explain the essence of art.
He was one of the leaders and ideologists of the Indian movement for independence. His motherland was dependent on Great Britain, and for Gandhi, the struggle for the truth was inseparable from the struggle for [...]
On careful examination of his writings about the body and mind, one finds out that they are rich with a lot of metaphysics which is related to theories of the body and mind together with [...]
After the final monologue in which Socrates tells Crito that the voices in his conscience have been urging him against going against the state and the laid down laws, it becomes rather clear that he [...]
The discussion begins by Meno asking Socrates whether there is a definition of the word 'Arete' because he thinks that it cannot be taught in class because there is apparently no definition of the word.
Thesis Statement: Foucault suggests that the "deployment" of sexuality is closely connected with the deployment of integrity, which is the main principle of the social and political welfare of the state.
A hypothetical imperative is conditional with command applied to us at our will and the end of it is willed while categorical imperative is unconditional where our will is exercised in a particular manner with [...]
The book abounds in controversies, for instance, the author makes use of the process of dreaming to show that the work of the brain alone is not sufficient for the creation of consciousness.
At the beginning of the eleventh book of "Confessions" Augustine justifies his analysis of the problem of time by means of referring to the act of creation of the book itself, saying that he analyzes [...]
The Apology by Plato is the account of Socrates' defense in the court of law, while the Plea for Captain John Brown by Henry David Thoreau is the essay defending the captain who rebelled against [...]
The philosophical heritage of the US from the side of African American authors is significant to evaluate on the prospects of freedom, religion, education, and social importance of Black population for the United States.
He does so through VII:15, in saying that happiness is found in the acceptance of the conditions of one's environment, not in varying degrees of performance. Socrates, if trying to gain the sense of a [...]
The growth of the movement towards the formation of states is, however, a gradual one; it is continuous, from the sixteenth century to our day, and while, throughout this period, and in almost every country [...]
While Mill does not use the complicated jargon that is put forth by Kant, nonetheless the notion of good and actions to which we should subscribe are relative points in this complex world.
The main topic of this very essay is the consideration of the three metamorphoses of the human spirit developed by Nietzsche in his book and their influence on the whole work and outlook of the [...]
His studies point to the fact that only when a man begins to inquire about the meaning of Being [Dasien] and its presence in the beings of experience does he grasp his own essential reality [...]
Hume's critique of theology is driven by and expressed as a suspicion that natural theology is for the most part an unconscious effort to rationalize and legitimate a preexisting and culturally acquired religious view of [...]
The world outside the cave is the logical place; which is reachable to logic but not to insight; the voyage outside of the cave into daylight of the world is the soul's inclination to the [...]
In the chapter entitled "The concept of essence", Marcuse defines the philosophical construct of the essence as the abstraction and isolation of the one true form of existence from a multitude of changing appearances, and [...]
Nevertheless, Hobbes seems to distinguish his writings on the Law of Nature from realistic conditions, with the philosophy based on maxims of the knowledge of human nature and behavior that apply moral precepts on science [...]
The study of ancient thinkers' philosophical arguments, their concepts, and the interpretation of certain social norms and laws is the goal of the educational course and the work conducted during this period.
As for the wages and labor section of The Wealth of Nations, it appears that Smith regards workers as a homogenous human capital with transferable and, hence, subject to substitution.
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