In the New Jersey-based stories, the narrators, all of whom may or may not be Yunior, share Yunior's sensibility: the suspicious watchfulness and defensive stance, the blighted relationship with the father figure, and the uneasiness [...]
The novel was written only in some months; it is considered to be inferior to the brilliant author's novels of the 1920s. The novel appeared in 1935, in the period when the USA and the [...]
In the novel, the main character, Clare Kendry, defines herself in terms of her family; she is concerned solely with the welfare of her children and the degree to which her husband's infidelity threatens her [...]
Due to the revolution created by his blatant disclosures in the novel, Ellis began to be considered as the voice of the young generation and literary critics started to refer to the book as representing [...]
The author, as a mother has put a lot of her own reflection and her soul into the novel, still giving her readers the opportunity to form their own opinion about the things in the [...]
Deckard's efforts have been constituted by the feeling of an 'emotion', the making of an intellectual connection, the speaking of an utterance, the passing on of a story in the real world beyond it, or [...]
Bradbury's vision of America and Americans assumes the form of the game of the possible because he wants it to be played out in reality.
Hosseini's natures, Mariam and Laila, are memorable; their sympathy for each other and love for their children is overwhelming."A Thousand Splendid Suns" narrates the story of two women against the backdrop of the previous forty [...]
Pudd'nhead Wilson is the ironic tale of a man who is born a slave but brought up as the heir to wealthy estate, thanks to a switch made while the babies were still in the [...]
Nevertheless, while it is emotional, having to deal with death, the pain of losing a son, and having to deal with the sympathy of people around them, the story disguised the emotion of the individuals [...]
First of all it is necessary to emphasize, that the novel is written in the epistolary genre, and it is aimed to highlight the protagonist's sorrows.
Then in the magic of puberty, a classmate said: You have a great big nose and fat legs. In the casket displayed on satin she lay with the undertaker's cosmetics painted on, a turned-up putty [...]
Another problem tackles through the utilization of expressive means is the issue of gender in general and its social construction in particular.
The Handmaid's Tale is characterized as a feminist dystopia written in direct reaction to the growing political power of the American religious right in the 1980s.
In a combination of short chapters, Sophie comes into New York where she gets to know about her mother, forms social contact with her mother's new boyfriend, Marc, and figures out that she was the [...]
From the very beginning of the book the problem of evil begins to torment the reader. The work under consideration is the author's flesh back to the past with foreseeing the events of the future.
At the same time, Troy tries the best way he knows how to direct the course of his own son's life away from the negative influence of the boy's ancestors.
In the first chapter Guy Montag, the protagonist finds himself in a position that allows him to recognize the lack of genuine happiness in his life, viewing those around him as uncompassionate and disinterested shades.
First of all, it is the mystery of a man who wants to preserve the nature of Miami and area, save it from being destroyed by tourists and other people who disrespect it.
It touches on numerous subjects, such as the opposition of communal values to those of the individual, criticizes dogmatic views and perceptions of God, and promotes art as one of the truest ways of worshipping [...]
The use of the word Negro and the emphasis on the Negro's obedience and loyalty symbolizes the end of the last traces of slavery.
Stowe has claimed that the anti slavery groups questioned the morality of the white Christians who were at the fore front in the oppression of the Black people.
And that is where I wanted to be, at home. I understood that she was the dearest person in my life and I behaved as a stupid thing.
He is in search of inspiration and all he is doing is rushing here and there to find a hint of something that would make him write at least several lines of his new novel.
First of all, there is a need to point out that Reed is recognized as one of the most influential African American letters. The most interesting point I would like to highlight is related to [...]
Huck, the key character in the book, brings the collision of a sound heart and a deformed conscience, a conflict well illustrated through the theme of racism, civilized society, and slavery among others.
In this essay, the analysis of "Bartleby the Scrivener" helps develop a strong understanding of the culture of the modern workplace compared to the one preferred in the previous centuries and the factors that influence [...]
Moses is used to this kind of life and described by one of the other characters as "world-stupid," meaning he does not know how to live in the outside world. He has a strong connection [...]
The main focus of the story is the problem of racism, particularly to African-American people in the United States. In terms of other issues that "Battle Royal" demonstrates and that are further developed in the [...]
In her short story "The Lottery," Jackson explores the problems of traditions and shows people's attachment to the established order in a negative light.
The "Battle Royal" chapter in the novel brings rather controversial reactions and thoughts, due to its being a blend of relief for the main character, the shame for the abusive white society, and the pain [...]
Morrie questions the importance of spirituality and the ability of a person to love and be loved. The virtue is ridiculed by society and is considered to be a manifestation of the softness of the [...]
Therefore, the evolution of the society gave rise to the reconsideration of the approach to racism and promoted the increase of the level of consciousness of the discriminated people.
Another subtle aspect of the story that may contribute to better understanding of James's motivation is his relationship with his own father.
The concept of home is commonly regarded in relation to the process of formation of individual identity, and, in almost every culture, the definition of a home serves as an indicator of a person's wholeness [...]
For me, this piece of writing best describes participation in social decision-making, as it is highlighted that options for the wealthy and the poor differ.
Everett's subjects focus on social observations of the life of African Americans, as well as how it is disruptive by the existing stereotypes on the life of the black community.
The author uses the relationship between a little boy and a tree to communicate to the children on the theme of giving.
In both cases, it can clearly be seen that it is fear that allows unreasonable and unlawful actions to continue under the guise of lawful actions that are for the common good.
D az presents love and violence in a manner that suggests to the reader that the two go hand in hand.
The convention of the femme fatale is of great significance for the noir fiction as far as it can reveal the historical and cultural background of Los Angeles in the 1930s.
In the book No Place of Grace, the author mentions that the worker's anti-modern reaction to the changes can also be considered a complex mixture of protest and accommodation, leading to formation of a much [...]
In this passage, close to the end of the short story A Rose for Emily, and at the end of Miss Emily's life as an eccentric figure in the life of the town, Faulkner literally [...]
This is one of the main aspects that should be identified because it illustrates in the difference in the worldviews of Toby, Nell, and Eva.
The omission of women in history has been the cause of fictionalization that misrepresents the female gender. The ancient history of women is seen to suggest that the only role they played was in the [...]
The concept of family is predominant throughout and from the beginning of the story. When the father is ignoring the phone call and sees a man and his son on TV, it is apparent that [...]
In Ernest Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises, women are a ubiquitous part of the story, and even central to the plot.
This harsh assessment is a testament to growing up in the America during the first half of the nineteenth century; Angelou might be predisposed at a young age to resent her and to admire the [...]
The story reveals the narrator's experiences as she reveals how she was confined in her room by her physician and husband after giving birth ostensibly to allow her to recuperate.
It can also be stated that the novel itself has distinct religious overtones as evidenced by Santiago's reference to the crucifixion in the scene where the sharks came to eat the body of the marlin.
Snow Crash almost declares the end of the world, with the powers of stopping it resting upon only the freelance hackers and the Mafia.
Although it is typical to portray characters with references to their work, Dorris explores the theme of the protagonist's occupation paying attention to the role of the profession in Frank's life as the way to [...]
As a result, Kathy is ready to start the strange and disgraceful relationships with Burdon in order to find a kind of security.
The head of the family is the father, the head of the pack is the leader, and its offsprings are also the members of the pack.
As the narration continues and Katrina is wooed by Crane, Irving interrupts and expresses his imagination about the challenging and admirable nature of women.
Through Kathleen Norris' exercise, I would be able to break free of all these stress-related issues in life and be at peace not only with myself, but with the environment in general.
One can say that the first-person narration helps the writer to illustrate the conflicting motives that drive the behavior of the protagonist.
Later on, one appreciates that although Matty lacked the physical appeal that Eugenia had, as well as the right social position, she was the one to watch in this novella. She was almost as white [...]
After marriage, the only imperfection on her body, which is her birthmark, becomes unbearable to a point that he occasionally shudders when he sees it. He sees it as the only thing that prevents the [...]
Proving the idea of the grandmother's domination, her individualism and the desire to show that her point of view should be listened to, it is important to conduct a close reading of the text.