In the book, the author uses various techniques to illustrate the American tall tale and reveal is message, and it is a striking depiction concerning the delusion of the people of America during the late [...]
So the scope of influence of language is both verbal and intellectual. Therefore, the progress and continuity of language are linked to the continuity of literature.
Carol Padden and Tom Humphries, the authors of the book, "Deaf in America: voices from a culture", state their intent in writing the book as that of presenting the culture of Deaf people in America.
The author of this novel, Kate Chopin, was brought up in an intellectual environment and was aware of the marital problems that were experienced during the Victorian period.'The Awakening' is a novel that is written [...]
Although, the story of the 'Battle Royal' was first published as a short story by the English literary periodical Horizon and it was given the title of "The Invisible Man" in the October 1947 copy [...]
On the background of trivial worries, conversations, and desires, the main character acknowledges the relativeness of the meaning of life that is nothing more than a memory other people will have about an individual after [...]
According to the Ceremony, the word story refers to factors that contribute to the identification of a story. That means how different people usually narrate the same story to her In the novel Ceremony, storytelling [...]
There are numerous themes in "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, but the most evident are the ideas of violence, devotion to traditions, and fear to change something due to the concurrence of circumstances.
All these characteristics of America during 1920 are evident and inherent in the main character, Jay Gatsby, in the novel The Great Gatsby. This is one of the themes in the novel The Great Gatsby.
The Great Gatsby is a novel of vibrant characters, and paradox is one of the main themes of the book. Even though Daisy and Tom are married, Nick agrees to help Gatsby be with the [...]
The title of the book brings out the presence of death through superstition, an owl calling the name of a person, which is believed to mean the person will soon die. That is why the [...]
Melville in this novel brings out two strong opposing forces between the good and the evil and how the human race has continuously failed to make the right decision because of the fallen state of [...]
As Bellah points out, the title of the poem is "The Road Not Taken" rather than "The Road Less Taken", which provides the first clue as to the author's original intentions and a different reading [...]
Prior to advancing any hypothesis about this issue, it is crucially important to understand the functions of the story-teller in any work of literature and discuss the personality of the narrator, who embodies certain stereotypes [...]
Illustrating the plights of African-Americans, Edward Jones' story, "lost in the city" describes the discontentment of Africans amid the White community.
Thousands of years ago people knew that the Earth is flat, hundred years ago people knew that the Earth is the center of the Universe, at present, people think that they may be not the [...]
Some believe that the literature of the ordinary man should comprise of an unadorned and pure story of the life of the common people as opposed to that of the nobility.
The line-length is also uneven, ranging from dimeter in the third and second lines of the middle stanza to as long as pentameter in the final two lines of the poem.
She is committed to realize her dreams and goes to the law school in her adulthood. In the first chapter, she shows frustration in the leadership of the country and demonstrates her passion and vision [...]
Hence, Faten's first appearance in the book allows the reader to understand the extent to which Faten is committed to her goals and faith: "She wore a gray, pilled sweater and an ankle-length denim skirt, [...]
The phrase emphasizing on the age of the sheets is repeated to reinforce a negative attitude about the room. However, in the play the sun does not fall representing the destruction of hope in the [...]
From the novel, a reader is able to see the difference in culture between Sophie and her mother. The bravery and struggles of the Haitian women are passed down to Sophie through the love they [...]
In the modern world of high technologies, in the world in which a book is replaced by a computer, by television, or by the internet, a person losses his or her individuality.
Although she does not yet fully understand her thoughts, she is deeply aware of a change coming over her, causing her to openly and defiantly resist her husband's calls to her to come in from [...]
The same situation of blind following the popular culture idols that were hand-made by the promoters and PR managers who created an ideal white culture in the USA and managed to persuade the nation in [...]
The novel illustrates the concept of the relationship between the authoritative and internally persuasive difference between the white society and the black community.
I agree with the review that this novel is a vivid example of Laura Esquivel's unique style of writing and extraordinary talent that becomes apparent through the choice of settings and objects, irony and symbolism. [...]
Racial segregation is a core factor which intended many famous American writers, playwrights, social figures in the first half of the twentieth century to show the real state of things in the "democratic and free" [...]
It can be noticed that the demands of the modern man in searching for the object of his affection, in the future might be fulfilled in the form of the constructed female robots.
Stevenson depicts a flaw of the main character through the theme of dual personality which is closely connected with the evolution process and the contemporary problem of unethical scientific researches.
Through this book, Kozol tries to reach out to the human conscience and in his thought-provoking style, takes the reader on a journey into the lives of the poorest of poor children, shedding light on [...]
The application of imagery and symbolism in this piece of work begins with symbolization of the Old general depicts the reawakening of the characters upon being motivated by the actions of the other person.
Another man had returned out of the forest; a wiser one-" Dimmesdale finds it wise and peaceful to confess his sin. After giving his sermon, Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold and he tells the congregation [...]
One of the element that sets the song apart from not only the rest of Woody's songs but also from the rest of the songs regarding the phenomenon of the Great Depression and the Dust [...]
In the introductory chapters, precise arguments are made on the background of the US' department of homeland security with an in-depth analysis of the process of evolution of the US' security infrastructure.
Every situation is individual and people and their actions are framed by the conditions and circumstances of their personal lives, as well as those of people in the close circle."The House on Mango Street" by [...]
He traces the journey of their notion of these languages from as early as the pre-Enlightenment period to the modern period. This move was driven by the belief that the native languages represented the fundamental [...]
The novel also introduces several facts that are difficult to place in the eighteenth century society including the roles of female missionaries in the spread of Christianity and the heroine who alters the fate of [...]
Fight Club is one of the narratives that effectively bring out the state of masculinity as well as the nature of masculinity in the modern western culture.
The authors organized the book as a collection of stories in which they depicted the personalities of the black stars with paying attention to their successes and role in the development of the movement.
From the name of the book, it is clear that the cardinal theme of the book is the American dream. This is contrary to the fact that she was pregnant and in a crack house.
However, Sammy, the protagonist of the story, is among the pioneer who manages to oppose to the constructed system and prove to himself that he is able to express personal views on societal culture.
The boys were fascinated and infatuated with the girls and it was after 20 years that they told the story and tried to understand why the girls committed suicide. The reputation of the suburban was [...]
The ideas of free will and the abilities to choose something in accordance with personal ideas and interests are considered to be one of the major ones in many Sartre's works and writing.
The term atlas refer to the pillars of a society, that is the people who put a lot of effort and determination in their work but are exploited and are not rewarded according to their [...]
The novel was written at the time of the Spanish Civil War in 1940. The setting of the novel is estimated to be 1937; a period is characterized by the height of the war, hence, [...]
Pages: 2
Words: 721
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