What is anthropology? This is a difficult question, and the answer will change depending on who you ask. In broad terms, anthropology is the scientific study of humanity that deals with people’s behavior, culture, linguistics, and biology. It also looks at the history of the human species. We need anthropology because by studying our livelihoods and making connections between the past and the present, we learn more about our nature.
To better understand this science, let us look over its four main subfields. Archaeology studies human culture by removing manmade objects from the ground. Scientists in this field investigate the way people have lived, worked, traded, and moved across the globe. Biological anthropology tries to understand the way people get used to different environments, while linguistics studies the way people communicate. Finally, cultural anthropology looks at the phenomenon of culture and how it affects people.
Composing an anthropology essay is hard work, and that is why our team has gathered 24 topics that you can use to write your paper. Employing an idea from our list will save you plenty of brainstorming time that you can spend on other responsibilities. We have also collected some tips that will help you write your paper. After the article, you will find anthropology essay examples written by other students.
Essay About Anthropology: Useful Tips and Tricks
Anthropology can be a tricky subject for academic writing, especially if you aren’t studying it specifically. However, any essay about anthropology should follow certain standards. In this section, we have collected the main tips on effectively composing this kind of paper.
Follow these tips for successful essay writing:
Grab your reader’s attention.
The first paragraph should aim to catch the eye of your audience. Consider including a story, an interesting fact, or an anecdote. For example, if you are writing a paper on linguistic anthropology, write the first sentence in a couple of different languages. Try to look for an unusual way to start your essay and don’t rely on stereotypes.
Capture your point in a single sentence.
Think of the main idea that you will be exploring. It should be positioned at the beginning of the essay, closer to the end of the introductory paragraph. This is called the thesis statement, and it lets your readers know what is about to come.
Provide the context.
After the first paragraph, take the time to introduce your audience to your chosen topic. Inform them about the situation and the setting, and clarify any terms you will use throughout the paper. Consequently, if you are writing a paper on Halloween, imagine what someone who has never heard of it before might need to know. Don’t try to be too wordy – you should only provide context relevant to your thesis.
Use evidence to support your points…
You should back up every point with relevant facts, numbers, published papers, etc. Look for the quotes that support your arguments. Try looking for evidence obtained with different anthropological research methods, such as interviews or fieldwork.
…but don’t be afraid to argue against them!
It is always useful to provide counterarguments to your position. Explain the opposing side of the debate and support it with solid factual data. Therefore, for example, when writing about prison abolition, mention and argue the points from those who support the system. This approach will give your essay even more credibility.
Finish on a high note.
At the end of your essay, summarize your main points in your conclusion. Return to your thesis and restate it in different words, showing how it has developed since the beginning. Mention how anthropologists can research this topic in the future. Try to leave your reader feeling like you have covered as much as you could in the short space provided.
24 Amazing Anthropology Essay Topics
It can be tricky to choose a good idea for your essay. After all, anthropology is quite a broad field. To make your task easier, you can try using our title generator. Alternatively, you can also check our list of anthropology essay topics below.
Why is anthropology important? Reasons and predictions for the future.
The format of Ethnographic research and how it differs from cultural anthropology.
Explaining Alfred Gel’s concept of diagrammed imagery and its importance in social relations.
Discussing the role of food in human development.
Studying the emergence of family in different cultures around the world and throughout time.
Using medical anthropology as forensic science.
The role of travel in different cultures throughout history.
What are the effects of smoking on the human physical appearance?
The influence of the environment on human skin color.
Investigating how religious beliefs influence ethics.
History leading up to the emergence of linguistic anthropology.
Analyzing the main points of Marvin Harris’s Cultural Materialism.
How are sociology and anthropology related to each other?
What are some of the participant observation methods in anthropology?
The mythology of Ancient China and its effect on modern culture.
Discussing anthropological perspectives about the origin of humans.
How did Henry Walter contribute to the field of physical anthropology?
Do people learn how to be altruistic, or is it an effect of evolution?
The effect of superstitions on the way of life in medieval Germany.
What is the view of ancestors in various African cultures?
The main cultural factors affecting the view of necessary education.
How can applied anthropology be used to solve economic crises?
Current debates about ethical methods and applications of forensic anthropology in the West.
What is the view of feminism in different cultures around the world?
Thank you so much for your attention! Feel free to look through the anthropology paper examples below to understand this topic better. You can shorten them with our summarizer to read them faster.
This essay critically looks at the role of Bronislaw Malinowski in the development of British Social Anthropology and his influence in the contemporary ethnography.
This tribe is called the Luhya tribe and is one of the 42 tribes of the Republic of Kenya. This is because a clan might actually size to exist due to the death of a [...]
The fact that almost everybody in the village ignored the ethnographer and his wife would be a major setback in their mission to study the cockfight activities in the small Balinese village.
The Akan people believe that the family is the most important unit of the society. It is important to note that the Akan people honor their ancestors and are proud of their roots.
The book's contents are subjective, and the reader is likely to question the authenticity of the sources and claims, and thus in the interview, the author clarifies such issues.
Neolithic revolution refers to an agricultural revolution that occurred between 8,000 and 5,000 BC, during which period the human way of life was transformed from historically practices that predominantly involved hunting and gathering to a [...]
The purpose of this paper is to compare Colombia and the USA through the length of the six cultural dimensions model proposed by Geert Hofstede and to examine the similarities and differences.
Good to eat is a thought provoking and intellectual journey that the author takes, in terms of the different kinds of food habits adopted by various groups of people and the reasons behind such habits.
Particularly the way Russian bride fits in the three phases of 'separation', 'transition' and 'incorporation' as suggested by anthropologists, is the best example how a Slavic life cycle event 'Marriage' depicts most of the major [...]
In the course of time, people have been searching for techniques and approaches to adjust to geographical, social, and cultural environment in the past and in the modern contexts.
The conflict is expressed in how the author describes her culture shock when introduced to the native women's way of treating children or the procedure of female genital mutilation, for that matter.
The paper will mainly concentrate on the religious practices of Hutterites and how such practices affect the state The history of Hutterites dates back to the times when people started to escape from the Catholic [...]
In the book 'Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and the Errant Anthropologist ', Douglas Raybeck the ethnographer had to learn the culture of the society. The evidence of the ethnographer's impact on the communities is in the [...]
In the book "Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man", Taussig explores and explains the atrocities committed by the early-20th-century rubber traders in the Putumayo Valley by studying the phenomena of terror and shamanic healing in [...]
Environmental influence presents the other side of influence affecting people's development in their middle adulthood. Berk explains this phenomenon in the example of menopause, which is a characteristic process in middle adulthood, and women's response [...]
Participant observation can be defined as a qualitative method in ethnology research that is used by researchers in the areas of cultural anthropology in which the researcher in given the opportunity to get a close [...]
It is important to note that the origin and development of the human development index is closely linked to the United Nations, to be more precise, to the United Nations Development Program's annual development reports.
Thus, the change of epochs in the human philosophy was also the shift in the scientific focus on society, i.e.the social sciences could not escape the influence of the shift and followed it, adjusting the [...]
These have been very significant in an analysis of the life history of my brother with a view to point out that self acceptance at every reality and experience of life can be elementary in [...]
With studies and theories carried out to examine the impact of nature on the personal development and personality traits, heredity is an important factor in the development.
To understand his comprehensive contribution to the field of anthropology of gender and sexuality this paper analysis his research on "ritualized homosexuality" and "boy insemination" in terms of these theories implications on scientific understanding of [...]
The hypothesis also presupposes that the people from Europe were the constructors of the first settlements in the American territories. The hypothesis suggests that the Clovis culture spread from the north to the south of [...]
Ashforth, an Australian anthropologist lived in the town for many years, and the story is about his friend Madumo who is accused by a prophet of his family of his families church of using witchcraft [...]
For instance, according to the biological linkages, kinship systems are constructed from the relationship between the father and the son, the mother and the daughter, and the father and the mother.
The adaptation of human beings in the diverse nature of environments in different regions is one of the most significant fields in this branch of anthropology.
Implying active use of diplomacy, the actions of humanitarians serve to reduce the extent of confrontation between the participants of a specific conflict and, therefore, minimize the threat to the well-being of civilians.
It goes without saying that all three fields in the social sciences, psychology, sociology, and anthropology, play a vital role in the understanding of human beings, and their examination is highly essential and engaging.
The climate of the continent was largely uniform, and this ensured that the populations were able to migrate and adapt their crops to different parts of the continent.
Manish is a pseudonym, as it is a common Indian name, and it is associated with individuals of Indian identity. As for the Indian identity, it has to be mentioned that music is the essentiality [...]
Indeed, one of the fundamental tasks of anthropology is understanding different cultures, which "inevitably involves either the translation of words, ideas, and meanings from one culture to another, or the translation to a set of [...]
In such an organization, there is a wide variety of help for the day to day chores that is defined according to the ability and position of the family member.
The focus of this process is the collection and recording of detailed information about the activities of a selected group of people or community with regard to the topic of the study, which proves useful [...]
The baby has a biological need to learn and absorb information from the outside world; it has a cognitive and a sensory need that requires nurturing at this stage of life ensuring that the rest [...]
Considering Margaret Mead's ethnography, Coming of Age in Samoa, it is possible to say that dwelling upon that society she paid much attention to religion, education, upbringing and relation to each other within a family, [...]
The former confidence of the world scientific community that the coming century will be the time of flourishing human science is being replaced by growing skepticism. What is the meaning of human life in the [...]
This paper investigates the movie from the perspective of anthropology in an attempt to uncover the connections between human anthropology and Blade Runner's repercussions and reflections on replicants. Obviously, superiority results in the enslavement or [...]
According to the article, the practice of spirituality is associated with poverty and ignorance in the Dogondoutchi region, while Islam corresponds to power and respect.
The high level of interest in the thematic is due to transformations in the rituals that indicate changes in the social order and conditions of its existence.
Gender is the cultural construction of whether one is female, male, or something else. Gender stratification is the unequal distribution of social value by gender.
A band society or a band is one of the simplest patterns of human society organization. The oldest member of the band is considered to be the leader and the "governor" possessing the right for [...]
First Nation People are the indigenous people or the aborigines of Canada and in Columbia, who are settled in the southern part of the country and are separated from other people in enjoying the same [...]
Due to this skewed focus, the general migration theories fail to offer critical insights into the real picture of migration impacts on the development in the countries that send the migrants.
The recording of the things by the frequency they were thrown away during the week allowed concluding that the waste of food products took the first place in the list.
Initially, anthropology was considered as the science that studies the origin and evolution of the human physical organization and different races excluding the social and cultural characteristics.
The fact that Chaco Canyon was settled and the inhabiting civilization caused the loss of woodland was discovered during studying midden of packrats because it changes with alterations in diet.
The San people live in a country called Namibia, which is located at the west coast of the southern part of Africa. As discussed earlier, one of the good virtues they have is that they [...]
In the autumn season, the animals become healthy, and this is the time when nomads sell their animals and buy supplies for themselves, which they have to keep for another season of the year.
Java man's fossil was discovered in Java, an island in Indonesia. Java man's fossil discovery occurred along river Solo's bank in the Eastern part of Java.
For example, in a patrilineal descent, the descent group is composed of both the females and males sired by a father belonging to the patriarchal affiliation.
An analysis of the power relations affecting biomedicine addresses questions such as who has the power over agencies of biomedicine, how and in what forms power is to be delegated, how the power is to [...]
It was also a normal practice to adopt children and look after them as part of the family2 Janet discovered that the people of Langkawi lived like a family on the island.
This is usually possible as women and men have different sexual organs and the disparity in the sexual organs of men and women explains the differences in both sexes.
However, media has contributed to the perception of insects as 'other' food in the west. This has contributed to the acceptance of insects as beautiful creatures.
This anthropological viewpoint is the basis of the claim that when individuals are born into a certain culture they tend to pick up the behaviors that are dictated by that culture.
The difference between these two techniques is transparent: in the case of open observation, the group of respondents knows that the researcher is conducting an analysis and is aware of its goals, whereas covert observation [...]
According to the anatomical characteristics of humans the ability to produce speech was pursuant to them. They lived among hominids which noise and sounds they tried to come after.
Relativism calls on to perceive the nature and its inhabitants as neighbors; if it goes about the animals people should try not only to respect but also to protect them from dangerous influence of the [...]
Types of Body Modification The term 'body modification' refers to several methods of body transformation which include piercing, tattooing, branding, cutting, binding and inserting implants to alter the appearance and shape the body.
They are closely related to Samburu; a subtribe in Kenya, in way of living, culture and language and they are thought to have divided hundreds of years ago.
Nationalism is a core concept in anthropology that encompasses the desire for a collective identity and the belief in the value of one's social, political, and cultural group.
Her biggest contribution was in the field of social-cultural anthropology, and her ideas drove and continue to drive the sexual revolution of the modern day.
Instead, it is a philosophy of life that manifests itself in the attitude towards things and the ability to interact with them. The key to a sustainable and conscious society is the rational use of [...]
The study of the anthropology of food integrates historical and anthropological perspectives with current social challenges in the systems of food production and consumption.
For example, the novelty of the author's developments may lie in the fact that she introduces the definition of Quilombo identity into the science of anthropology.
The study of this work contributed to the development of the science of anthropology and theoretical approaches related to it, as well as provide an understanding of the formation of the culture and identity of [...]
Whenever there is evidence of traumatic injury to a human bone, the research is aimed at determining the type of injury and what caused it in comparison to the other apes.
Considering that bipedal primates inhabited Africa, the heat dissipation perspective demonstrates that bipedalism was necessary for the creatures to overcome the region's high temperatures.
The assumed advantage of consuming human flesh in the prehistoric era might be the satisfaction of the cultural and ritual needs of the people, as well as a means of their survival in turbulent times.
The first problem that is important to consider in the topic of separating people from nonhumans is their misunderstanding of the processes in nature due to the distancing from it.
The Nacirema group is recognized as belonging to the field of cultural anthropology through the analysis of publications; this is because they carried out practices such as piercing the flesh with sharp objects and scraping [...]
My brief analysis of the academic literature reveals the significance of the black tax problem, the consequence of which is the compulsion to work harder and a marked decline in the quality of life for [...]
The role of water is so important that any economic or political disturbance can result in the worsening health problems of the population. The most recent and evident example of the failure in disease management [...]
As I began my observation, I felt excited to see whether I would see anything new since I am a frequent customer and usually pay attention to the details.
To begin with, before referring the writing's content to the concepts studied in the medical anthropology class, it is necessary to review and summarize the news article.
Therefore, the methods of administration, the legal regime, and the observance of human rights in the colonies differed. Global neo-colonialism set the task of eliminating the sovereignty of all countries of the planet outside the [...]
Furthermore, considering the buffered concept of selves, the author suggests that God separates humans to be different persons without a porous understanding of self.
The different practices and multiple dimensions of people's socio-economic approaches to life have frequently exacerbated the existence of multiple contexts to life that promote the ideology of pluriverse.
Politics became the determinant element to the determination of biodiversity protection, but the majority of the leaders focused on the essence of power.
First, there is a parody in a literal sense flowing through the Kwaio works, a mostly purposeful replication of the oppressors' semiology, used as a sarcastic tactic of resistance.
The authors' hypothesis is to conduct a re-assessment of materiality theory and to broadly re-articulate the debate about the evolution of the human species.
More specifically, one of the most known anthropologists used a controversial approach in studying the everyday life of the Venezuelan tribe Yanomami concerning the falsification of facts and misinterpretation of cause-and-effect relationships.
In the popular article, the author argues that chimpanzees have a culture similar to human beings. In the article, Call and Tennie argue that chimpanzees have a culture through inventions and observation, which scientists do [...]
He noticed that there was a variation in the size of the bore stems and thought to himself that maybe there is a correlation between the bore stem size to the year it was created [...]
Australian libraries have, in some ways, contributed to the misrepresentation and underserving of the Indigenous community, which has overarchingly perpetuated levels of distrust towards information systems.
Firstly, it provides the field of paleoanthropology with precious fossils to analyze the hominin species. This complicated process leads to the creation of a face that combines both human-like and primitive traits.
The novel renders the theme of globalization and cultural fusion that it entails perfectly, showing the scenarios in which the process of cultural acceptance is unlikely to occur seamlessly and effortlessly.
One of them is the one of catastrophism established by the French scientist George Cuvier; this theory suggested the idea that all species that died in the result of some natural phenomena and catastrophes were [...]
It was founded by the Roman and Greek physicians who said that if the human body experienced a deficiency of the four major body fluids, the health and temperament of a person would deteriorate. The [...]
The researchers did not explain the specific mode of delivery of the genetic material through hybridization thus it must be assumed that the Denisovans in Siberia were able to travel to Southeast Asia and intermarry [...]
However, a range of details sheds some light on the aesthetics of the Roman culture, the principles of harmony that the latter was based by, and the significance of the family institute.
To investigate the issue better, the authors suggest three hypothesis which are connected with the issue of evolution of segmentation. Having made this statement, the authors use it as the basis for their analysis of [...]
However, the fundamental question lies in the paradox of the beginning of Life on earth. It dealt in particularities of life, and after identifying the particularities of the life of organisms, the next step was [...]
Getting into a particular atmosphere, people try to conform to the order established in it. Thus, life in a particular city obliges people to comply with the internal orders established in it.
The investigator is required to define the characteristics of the society under study. Abalos, argues that "critical ethnographic studies are a type of ethnographic research in which the author is interested in advocating for the [...]
According to Abalos, "ethnography is the in depth study of naturally occurring behavior within a culture or a social group; it seeks to understand the relationship between culture and behavior, with culture referring to beliefs, [...]
Some of the common diseases that have continued to impact on society include heart diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases, and environmentally acquired diseases.
First, they create the sun, the moon, and the stars, then, the Earth and the other planets. H n, then, invented the words to describe the creation to Hann, putting words in music and music [...]
The paper assumes a simple abstraction/caricature of some of the obvious deviations in the political organization of the two areas. This is particularly highlighted by the comparison of Melanesian and Polynesian political systems.
This is the case as this forms the foundation of the account; as the ethnographic account should provide a sense-making from the reflection of the given culture.
The study of cultures is of great importance under normal circumstances to enhance the understanding of the same. Data mining is the success secret of ethnography.