In summarizing the case law, the paper will outline the relevant facts about the case and thus shows how it developed an early case Donoghue v. This showed that the manufacturer was responsible and was [...]
However, Sally needs to sell the bike urgently and is forced to accept Peter's offer of $4000. If the offeror and the offeree fail to establish a "meeting of minds" with regards to the new [...]
Simultaneously, for an attorney and police professionals who know their job, detecting the signs of crime in consumer extortion is not difficult, and the police department can interpret such actions as felony.
The Act regulates the name of the goods, the correspondence of their features with the initial description, the quality of goods, their fitness for the stated purpose, and the actions regarding goods sold in sample.
Digital Rights Management is a technique of protecting digital information through the application of technologies that prohibit copying and usage of protected properties and works. The protected work has to be placed in a medium [...]
E-commerce law in Saudi Arabia specifies how the jurisdiction of an online seller is determined. Thus, the jurisdiction of the business coincides with the place of its activity according to e-commerce law.
The level of negligence in allowing the use of the LED bulbs by the consumers is minimal and the risks that have been reported by the consumers of the goods are less.
The paper's outline consists of five parts: the case summary, the legal situation regarding organ trade, the thesis definitions criteria, the thesis versus the case, and the conclusion.
The main value that drives the protagonist in the case is the privacy of its customers. The organization tries to promote that if they provide the FBI with instruments to penetrate the encryption software of [...]
Phone unlocking is now a thing of the past in the United States of America. If the infringement of this law was done for commercial gain, it is considered a criminal act and is associated [...]
According to the Office of Fair Trading, "a standard term is unfair if it creates a significant imbalance in the parties rights and obligations under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer, contrary to [...]
Unless specified in the contract, the ceiling price or target price is subject to adjustment only by operation of clauses in the contract providing for revision or adjustment of the contract price under circumstances stated. [...]
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, consumer protection is and still one of the vital issues in the country. In 1979, Onah extended the consumerism idea to countries in the third world with an aim [...]
The work of consumer policy is to facilitate functioning markets by empowering consumers to make informed choices, exercising their preferences, and informing the suppliers about the needs of the consumers.
The Trademark Act of 1994 is one of the acts that protect the ownership rights of a trademark. The application for registration of a trademark for the Pointymints has different effects to the owner of [...]
In this paper, advice is provided to Fiona, a consumer, from the perspective of consumer law in the United Kingdom. The hire purchase agreement between Fiona and the company amounts to a regulated contract that [...]
Among the objectives of the ACCC is to maintain and enhance business compliance with the Competition and Consumer Act of 2010, formerly the Trade Practices Act of 1974.
Slavery as an example of inequality caused by property is unique in that not property owning was the main case per se, rather than the fact that the slaves were treated as property.
In this respect, the double standards applied by the US refineries and the market rules to the quality of gasoline imported and the one produced on the territory of the USA violated the international regulations [...]
In this section we will briefly review the circumstances of the case against the sexual harassment laws that governs the workplaces of all the organizations in the United States.
To start with the validity of the contract should be analyzed; and in this case, the two contracting parties had agreed mutually to reduce the amount to a nominal amount of $150.
This paper assesses the extent to which the implementation of the requirements of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive by Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 has resulted in the general duty for fair trade.[3] [...]
They go on in stating that it is not the credit crunch or the subprime meltdown crisis that developed out of the reach of the law and thus made it necessary for it to be [...]
In proving fault, the plaintiff must present arguments that show that the defendant had a legal duty to ensure his care in the presented circumstances; the defendant breached his contract through failure to fulfill his [...]
The establishment of food law is connected to the multiple cases of food poisoning in the 1990s. The overtime change in the EU food regulation gradually moved from general provisions and establishment of frameworks, policies, [...]
It is a manifestation of the wrong or careless attitude to work and entails the infliction of significant damage or violation of the rights and legitimate interests of people.
The first section will describe Consumer Protection Act; the second part will explain the Sales of Goods Act; whereas the third section explains the Supply of Goods and Services Act.
It is likely that the Court would rule in favor of the store being guilty of violating the SAFE Kids Act, and basing off that decision, but is unlikely to grant Jon Snow the compensation [...]
The purpose of this article is to investigate the regime of one-way contracts between the customer and the business, which binds the consumers to the business and not the other way.
The gravitational forces for the preservation of the people's dignity in Canada and the preservation of the people's liberty at the expense of constitutional downfalls are issues that are propagating excess legal dilemmas in both [...]
From the computerization of large data sets in the 1960s to computerized processing of all records in the 1970s to computerized searching of record systems in the 1980s to the online linkages and searching capabilities [...]
According to the EU, the objective of a good customer protection approach includes the ability to empower the consumer through the creation of a transparent market which can supply the consumer with a wide spectrum [...]
According to the Commonwealth Competition and Consumer Act of 2010, a person is accorded the right to file for a complaint if he or she had obtained service or good as a consumer provided that [...]
The Household Preferences over the Two Goods with Similar Policy Implications on the Household Items In Terms Of the Utility and Level of Consumption of the Two Goods Convex indifference curves are extensively used in [...]
The hypothesis of this paper is that differences in regional wages and a lack of corporate acknowledgement of such differences results in the proliferation of online IPR violations with online piracy acting as a means [...]
The main reason for imposing tariffs is to put a ceiling on the supply of foreign sugar from the United States' market which causes the domestic price of sugar to rise, the tariff effect has [...]