It informs my educational sector by making sure that both the students and the teacher participate during the learning process to make it more real and enjoyable so that the learners can clearly understand.
The flexibility, availability and affordability of e-learning have made it attractive to many companies and organization and most of them use this method in training and educating their staff.
This paper discusses the process of critical reading of literature and how to avoid plagiarism. The process of critical reading involves comprehension and in-depth analysis of literature.
Introduction Learning styles are cognitive, affective and physiological factors that clearly define how a learner copes in a given environment. It involves a teacher talking to learners.
The main reasons of this tendency are recognition of significance of the learning process and vital role of teachers in it, importance of both pupil and teacher assessment and better understanding of the profession of [...]
It is certain that educators and the methods that they apply in practice while teaching can directly affect the outcomes of the students, which is why teachers are willing to improve when it comes to [...]
Cooperative learning is the instructional utilization of group dynamics in the learning process, which enable the learners to work together in the effort of enhancing their own benefits as well as that of other students [...]
Although, the acquisition of a second language is multi-faceted, it shares some rich resemblance to the acquisition of the first language, as relates to the relevance of the acquired language.
By understanding the epistemological, methodological, and ethical elements of research in the field of education, it is possible to guarantee that its quality approaches levels established by "empirical traditions of the social sciences".
Research Question To assess the impact of e-sources on the academic and learning environment Aim of Research Assess the effect of e-resources on support, improving, and implementation of new forms of learning Objectives To offer [...]
Interaction between a child and its environment is different depending on how close they are and this can be discussed under the following subtopics; microsystem - the is the closest layer to the child mainly [...]
The social interaction enables students to increase their individual efforts so as to enhance the group grades The social interaction enables students to be involved with regards to school community and thus the ability to [...]
She is a very active girl and she loves drawing and painting. I tried to assist Ann and add realism to her drawings as she seems to be ready to enter the next stage of [...]
The problem is that students can write 14 for fourteen objects in the right order, though they fail to understand its place value as a number made up of one ten and four ones.
This theory is related to the theory of learning and acquiring knowledge from the environment and training of one's senses. According to Montessori, children must be able to control their environment in order to gain [...]
In fact, according to the VARK website, it is the most prevalent type of learning in the general population, and these individuals can switch between modalities depending on the situation.
Compared to the non-natives who had to learn the language at later stage, a native teacher is used to the language because they have been learning it since they were borne.
Combining the two concepts then, we can define e-learning "as a learning environment that exists solely in the form of digital content that is stored, accessed and exchanged through networked computer and information systems" The [...]
The relationship between the invention of the printing press and the spread of knowledge is significant. In the Islamic world, the role of the printing press in the transmission of knowledge and transition from manuscript [...]
Generally, strategies are the methods that an individual consciously selects and uses in the process of learning the language; this is in addition to the use of materials that aid in the learning process of [...]
The data compiled indicated that most students were selective in their reading patterns due to low self esteem, negative attitude towards learning and reading, lack of parental intervention and interest in the reading patterns of [...]
Students in teacher education were taught creativity theory and equipped to utilize it to enhance student creativity in the design of classes and projects.
In this style of learning, the learner observes the experiences of another character and then imitates their behavior. To sum it up, learning occurs through the association of different stimuli or events, leading to a [...]
These assessments are tailored to the students and the class's specific needs and goals and can provide a more accurate and consistent means of evaluating student learning.
In addition, the outcome of this research identified changes in behaviors and attitudes concerning students' perceptions of learning. The article demonstrates a change in students' perceptions of their learning effectiveness.
Furthermore, approaches for the advancement of reading comprehension are discussed, and a synopsis of the current research on differentiated reading learning is provided.
The two concepts of instructional strategies and learning environments complement the standards that allow teachers to engage students in the learning process.
Consequently, the first question about the principal's attitude to CS would be about the aspects the school is most struggling with and how the administration intends to overcome the obstacles.
The Big Picture Learning approach to learning is based on creating a fair school environment in which the student is put at the center and lives the best learning experience possible.
When speaking of the child's development as of a sophisticated socio-cognitive process, it is of paramount importance to acknowledge the fact that the positive learning outcomes are impossible to achieve without the integration of various [...]
When speaking of active learning as the most suitable approach to the process, it stands for one's tendency to perceive information better when cooperating with others and experimenting with things instead of reflecting on the [...]
Rogers's 'Look for the helpers,'" Ian Bogost writes about the way grownups have misused the phrase 'look for the helpers.' Rogers came up with the words 'look for the helpers' to encourage children below the [...]
He may have believed that the college entrance exam is not very significant at the moment and that there is nothing wrong in cheating for a test which will decide whether he should be admitted [...]
This is one of the key difficulties which I definitely need to overcome. Judging from my inner observations I can come to the conclusion that skepticism is one of my dominant traits.
The school community and the parents are equally accountable for children's development."Parents and school community will be frequently informed of the philosophy and process of assessment"..
In other words, assessment is important for the evaluation of the learner's achievement or learning as well as for the presentation of more effective instruction in the learning process.
As the following examples will show, a good learning experience will be one that engages the students in the activity, regardless of what the activity is, and that fosters the student's development in some way [...]
Genre is used to describe the elemnts of communication channels or types, usually the types of texts and specific language, which emerged within a specific community.
In this view, the common core standards enhance accountability in schools because they ensure that teachers and students meet the standards of curriculum by focusing on these standards. Moreover, I have noted that common core [...]
The 7-10 Curriculum is notable for studying the Australian history more so in the context of the rest of the world, with a strong focus on the relevance of the local history.
In general, people used to believe that education is essential for every person because it allows to reach a wide range of opportunities in the future and determines the way one will live till the [...]
The model is complex, and it includes numerous channels and forms of interaction between all the participants; the learner is "placed" between the teacher and the students and engaged in collaborative and cooperative learning, which [...]
The two-way communication systems as well as the need to interact 'physically' between and among the participants are what propelled the adoption of this mode of learning.
The simplicity of a wiki lies in the what-you-see-is-what-you-get mark-up language that allows anybody with or without the knowledge of computer programing language and with a basic literacy of computers and the internet to edit [...]
Most online colleges do not have a formal online exam that all the students have to sit, since the grading is done using the marks gained in the course assignments and incase there are supervised [...]
In order to establish the range of goals to achieve, it is essential to realize what changes might occur in the given time within health care management and consequently to work out the ways one [...]
The taxonomy of educational objectives is therefore, a structure for providing direction to the learning and teaching process. The publication of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in 1956 appeared to offer a great solution to [...]
Understanding the term 'bilingual education' as a simple educational process would be a mistake because in reality it denotes a complex phenomenon dependent upon a set of variables, including the learners' native language and the [...]
Mathematics is a very demanding subject hence the teacher should teach it when the kids are still fresh especially in the morning hours because in the afternoons the children are most likely to be exhausted. [...]
Cambourne studied development of oral language in 1988 and came up with effective ways of imparting oral language skills in students to improve their literacy acquisition. Cambourne's conditions of learning have many implications on children [...]
Based on cognitive research from various scholarly quarters, supporters of the modality principle recommend that words should be presented in spoken form rather than in printed form whenever the usage of graphics is entailed in [...]
Another problem that arises as a result of distance learning is the lack of face to face or one on one contact between teachers or instructors and their students.
It is important for universities in foreign countries to implement teaching and learning styles and a curriculum that addresses the predicament of such students to promote effective learning.
Some of the main cooperative learning models include; the Graffiti model, the jigsaw model, the academic controversy model and the student teams-achievement division model.
On the whole, it is possible to say that a single model is not sufficient for explaining the process of reading and teaching literacy skills. Moreover, the task of a teacher is to develop exercises [...]
In the research, 60% of the researched students pointed out that the available e-resources within the library provided the most important source of support for their development of a thesis statement.
The children generally showed a lot of interest in the project as well as sustainable creativity in their work. The child had the knowledge and meaning of numbers in the clock and he systematically arranged [...]
It is therefore important for the teacher to be as specific as possible when they are assigning the learning objectives in order to be able to achieve the desired outcomes at the end of the [...]
One of the greatest benefits of the RTI approach is that, it eliminates the 'wait to fail" situations. With the utilization of the student progress-monitoring program, the RTI approach is able to meet the needs [...]
The language that is used in instructional media is sometimes appealing to the learners and this makes them accept the concepts that are explained by the media.
Finally, it is evident that class size is integral in school improvement in spite of the fact that it is integral to consider both contrasting views in establishing whether class size per se is a [...]
From a teacher's perspective, this work may be analyzed as one more captivating idea on how to improve education and attract the attention of many students to work.
Such a learning style, though introspective in nature, assist the student to concentrate well in educational activities, and facilitate her to focus on own independent thoughts, feelings, and attitudes regarding a particular topic of interest.
It is the purpose of this paper to evaluate some of the existing learning and personality styles with the purpose of developing strategies for effective communication and collaboration amongst the evaluated learning styles and personality [...]
Lifelong learning may be advocated as a response to economic and technological change in relation to education workplace and the notions of advanced liberalism and a teacher as an accountable professional in an education amarket [...]
Pages: 5
Words: 1382
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