Sociological Issues Essay Examples and Topics. Page 8

1,965 samples

Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network

The Colorado Department of Human Services is the highest department over CDAAS and provides the same services. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program focuses on a broader range of services, including recreational, and economic counseling, to [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 297

Dichotomies of Western Studies

The West's superiority in technical, economic, and military-strategic terms has generated in the minds of a certain circle of researchers the illusion of the inferiority of the Eastern world.
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  • Words: 647

COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Inequality

Currently, the world community is rethinking the problems of a multinational state in the context of measures that can stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus on the planet.
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  • Words: 624

Pronouns as Mechanism for Human Convenience

In the model of modern society, it is needed to preserve a person's self-identification and designate a place in social construction. It is necessary to distinguish the use of pronouns from blind bigotry without awareness [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 466

Humanistic Approach to Career Counseling

A professional counselor can be helpful in choosing the right path to a job and when it is frustrating and disappointing. Faith: Well, it is a good day, and I decided to visit you.
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  • Words: 885

Homelessness in Canada: Reflective Analysis

This analysis is intended to be an academic reflection and to cover issues related to the clarification of the topic, personal experiences, and the connection of the problem to global citizenship.
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  • Words: 901

Race, Gender and Socially Constructed Rules

Considering prompt B, I believe the long-term employee does not have a valid point in claiming that their Mediterranean ancestry and natural biological impulses prevent them from trying to court the new employee.
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  • Words: 313

The Ageism Mitigation Programs

Education and reevaluation of ethical practices that create such perceptions of the age-dependent value of life might become the solution for ageism.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 605

The Loneliness Pandemic in American Youth

Loneliness contributes to poor health and unhealthy lifestyles such as social media addiction and damaging activities. Causes of loneliness include feelings of alienation, minimal physical interactions with others, differences in hobbies and lifestyles, and few [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 388

“Homelessness Monologue”: A Fictional Story

He is also white, and his appearance is disheveled: the face appears dirty and tired and has bruises; the clothes are torn, and the shoes can barely protect the feet. The partition in the middle [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 562

Lending Hands Organisation’s Mission and Activity

As a result, they will feel stronger and more confident to move on and lead productive lives in society. A number of other human service non-profit companies have contributed to the development of Lending Hands.
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  • Words: 557

Lisa Newton’s Affirmative Action Is Unjustified

Simultaneously, she contends that it is impossible to justify reverse discrimination using the second sense of justice because it is logically dependent upon the first sense of justice, the Rule of Law.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1107

Religious Freedom Policy Evaluation

Ahmed et al.claim that the creation of the ecosystem can facilitate the change as the members of the community share their experiences and learn how to respond to various situations.
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  • Words: 576

Overcoming Stereotypes: Cases and Possible Solutions

Solutions to the stated problems may lie in the interest convergence of groups, recognition of the minorities' values and heritage, fighting with discrimination patterns, and encouragement of inclusion at the levels of policy creation, implementation, [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 394

Restaurant Business During COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to the fact that a large number of restaurants have closed or suspended their work directly when people come to the restaurant itself, many waiters have been deprived of their jobs.
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  • Words: 942

Religious Persecution in Sociology

The Religious persecution is one of the most alarming social issues in the United States and globally. The chosen policy is the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
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  • Words: 825

Aspects of Straw Man Fallacy

If a person wants to defend their point of view or convince their interlocutor of it, they need to have the skills to select correct and strong arguments, refute the opponent's ones, and formulate their [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 606

Obesity and Its Demographic Predictors

Today, low-income earners are susceptible to developing obese conditions instead of those of high income. Some of the reasons lower-income people are vulnerable to obesity and even lead to high mortality rates, as discussed below.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 331

Piety Aside, Legalizing Prostitution Is the Way to Go

Devoid of spirituality and hypocrisy, the legalization of prostitution is prudent because it will enhance the health, safety, security, and welfare of those involved, broaden the nation's tax base, and mitigate wanton bribery and corruption.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 831

Maywood, Illinois: Community Analysis

The purpose of this windshield survey was to conduct an overall analysis of Maywood, IL, and determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and possible threats that affect the community. I represented my findings of Maywood and related [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1949

Depression in the Black and Minority Ethnic Groups

The third sector of the economy includes all non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary, philanthropic, and charitable organizations and social enterprises specializing in various types of activities, which did not find a place in either the public or [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2321

The Sociological Imagination: Covid-19 in Washington D. C.

Within months of its emergence, the pandemic spread rapidly, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, stretching the capacity of the healthcare systems, and exposing people to the adversarial impacts of the containment measures.
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  • Words: 2248

Civic Engagement in Friedman’s Writings

It is to this effect, Freedman insists that in as much civic engagement is concerned, the act of civic engagement would be better off, with retired persons being its paramount custodians.
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  • Words: 300

A Function of the Social Settlement Critique

In the article "A function of the Social Settlement," Addams, argues that a group of people has stood out not to help solve problems facing society but rather to establish the extent of using the [...]
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  • Words: 313

Self-Determination of the Elderly Needs and Elder Abuse

Thus, the Petrakis family case demonstrates that Magda is an older individual whose needs should have been assessed according to seven domains, and it is necessary to offer additional questions to investigate the situation.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1128

The USA as a “White Man’s Country”

The idea of a "white man's country" is still relevant to many people living in the United States, although other races have the same rights as white people.
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  • Words: 405

Kinship in the African American Context

Therefore, the Black Lives Matter community is an important system that supports the idea of cultural kinship and unity. In this regard, the difference in the idea of family and kinship for white and black [...]
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  • Words: 307

International Social Welfare Issue Analysis

That is why it is very important for social workers and all socially conscious people to promote the ideas of social welfare and make people understand why it matters. To conclude, the issue of social [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 393

Urban vs. Suburban Locations: Benefits and Drawbacks

In the 20th century, the rapid development of technology led to great levels of urbanization, when plenty of rural and suburban populations decided to move to the cities to have a higher quality of life.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1388

The Issue of Homeless Veterans

I learned a lot in the framework of the issue of homeless veterans. Among the primary problems, there is the absence of programs for the rapid adaptation of servicemen to a peaceful life.
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  • Words: 612

Montgomery Bus Boycott Participant

I join the black ministers to gather the community together and give a befitting reply to the continued harassment of black people in the Montgomery bus system.
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  • Words: 301

Researching of Intimate Relations

As people may be considered both the products and the producers of their social and cultural lives, these changes represent the result of a constant relationship between the individuals and the communities they belong to.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1187

Social Inequality in Canada and Its Main Factor

The promotion of capitalism, the living conditions of most of the citizens, the percentage the rich control in terms of national wealth, and the promotion of stratification are the key factors that explain why social [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1114

Social Class: The Stratification of Society

The current system relies on the principle of social mobility, meaning that a combination of subjective and objective factors determines a person's class and ensures the possibility of changing it.
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  • Words: 624

Homelessness: Improving Health Outcomes

However, in the 1880s, the public perceptions of homelessness improved following the development of literature that appreciated their courage and willingness to deviate from monotony and oppression associated with industrial work.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1516

Social Workers’ Roles: Technology Tools

Social workers play the roles of community organizers, educators, and facilitators as they deal with the members of society. As a facilitator, a social worker gathers people together for a common course and ensures that [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Vision of Social Stratification

The disadvantage of social stratification is the unfairness of transferring social positions in the community from generation to generation and biases regarding some groups of people.
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  • Words: 345

Millennials as a Narcissistic Generation

This is due to the fact that the greatest age of the millennials is 20-25 years old, so the results of the study cannot be objective to the end. The findings contribute to an understanding [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2506

Sociology: Campaign for Social Sciences

One of the sources, which contains comprehensive information regarding these initiatives, is the website of the Campaign for Social Sciences, and it is invaluable for conducting research in this respect.
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  • Words: 282

The Case for Women Mentoring Women

Block and Tietjen-Smith analyzed their own experiences and many studies on females in the workplace in order to determine the influence of mentoring practices.
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  • Words: 319

Study of the Concept of Motivation

As Fowler states, a theory of goal setting, developed by Edwin Locke in 1966, assumes that a person's behavior is determined by the goals they set for themselves and for the achievement of which they [...]
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  • Words: 365

Social Change: Modern, and Postmodern Societies

Additionally, the change in consumption patterns and lifestyles has increased the prevalence of cancer and other chronic diseases, prompting intensive scientific research and sophistication in medical technologies.
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  • Words: 305

Discussion of Digital Divide and Its Impact

The concept of digital divide represents the existing gap between the information haves and the information have-nots. From 1991 to 1996, the number of personal computers in the U.
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  • Words: 559

Corruption During Disaster Relief

One of the most notable elements about most of the disasters that have been documented in various parts of the world is lack of adequate preparation in case of their occurrence.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1664

The Problem of Homelessness in Society

Societies begin to realize that the growth of homelessness is partly their fault, and it is also their responsibility not to let this issue get worse.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1068

Research on Families and Inequality

It is important to note that there are studies that suggest that there is significant difference between cognitive ability of children raised in low income households compared to those in high income.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1943

The Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice

The presence or absence of privilege colors the nature of the relationship between a social worker and a client. For example, a black client may feel more trusting towards a black social worker, while suspecting [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 930

Stereotypes: The Four Main Groups of People

Some people have a negative image about feminists and see their course as baseless because they seem to disrupt the social order in which women are submissive and come second to men. They are often [...]
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  • Words: 1091

Critical Thinking: Multinational Strategic Management

At some point in the management of this organization, the policies that have been formulated to ensure that the operations of the firm are smooth and efficient have failed in application. This is because they [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 594

Provision of Quality Services to People With Disability

Provision of quality services to persons with disabilities entails addressing the environmental and attitudinal hurdles created by the community, which impede the autonomy and contribution of persons with disabilities.
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  • Words: 628

“Changing Homeland Security” by Bellavita

The author addresses almost all aspects of the matter and manages to explain the peculiarities of effective homeland security measures. It is impossible to predict and prevent or even mitigate the effects of all the [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 322

Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues

The official website of the organization informs the applicants for a membership that contributions of the participants are directed to lobby the interests of APA in the promotion of psychology and the creation of state [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2307

The Issue of Child Sexual Abuse

Many studies address that issue discussing potential consequences of child sexual abuse and available prevention measures.
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 1895

Mental Health in Sex Workers

There are financial needs that make the sex work industry one of the “to-go” choices for young adults in need of money.
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 747

Ageism: Interpretation of the Results

The results that can be observed from the tables prove the urgency of the chosen concept and the necessity to pay more attention to the conditions under which people can be discriminated against in regards [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 420

Teenage Pregnancy in America

The WHO says that many teenage pregnancies that end in birth often lead to poor emotional and physical health for the new mothers. The same research also reveals that increasing access to effective contraception is [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 451

Investigating the Discrimination in the Workplace

According to Paludi, continued discrimination in the place of work is likely to happen in a situation where people from the minority community are not represented within the ranks of an organizational structure. Investigating the [...]
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  • Words: 608

The Problem of Homeless Youths With HIV-AIDS

Studies carried out in the city of New York in 2008 showed that 21 percent of homeless youth males and 24 percent of homeless female youths had "more than 100 lifetime partners". 5 percent of [...]
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  • Words: 579

Victimless Crimes in the United States of America

Another victimless crime is the usage or possession of illegal substances, it is known that a person who is under the influence of drugs can be involved in the destruction of properties, at the same [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2456

Atlantic City: Community-Based Interventions

It is a non-profit organization aiming to eliminate poverty and help the needy, the elderly, and the vulnerable population in the Atlantic community to become self-reliant.
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  • Words: 1714

Various Clinical Concepts Related to Weight

A healthy weight is the one that persons can comfortably maintain with regular physical exercises and a normal healthy diet and is not associated with any medical problem. They do not consider their BMI and [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 307

Social Equity: Concept and History

Nevertheless, minority populations were relegated to the bottom of the economic ladder through the maintenance of governmental policies which promoted inequality in education and housing.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 971

Hate Crimes – Bullying

More than two-thirds of children and adolescents experience bullying and more than one-fourth of them report extreme forms of coercion.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 778

Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I A Woman?”

The fact that the speech was delivered during a women's rights convention supports the foregoing argument that Truth mainly wanted to address issues that affected women and the black community at the time.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 902

The Social Side of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The spread of the coronavirus disease has led to global, crushing turning points, to an acceleration of the crisis of human lifestyle and social needs, relations, and production.
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  • Words: 399