Such names like Boeing 707, the Bell X-1 and the NASA Mercury capsule remain in history as the triggers of the revolution and as a result, these innovations are of great importance in the study [...]
It is necessary to provide oxygen and pressure in the cabin of the pilots to increase their decreased endurance due to decompression and hypoxia.
The technical skills possessed by these pilots and their ability to fly sophisticated aircrafts both in space exploration missions and air combat has evolved since 1945 and undoubtedly continuous to play critical role in the [...]
Just as the title suggests, the book is a detailed history of the invention of the aircraft by the Orville and Wilbur Wright.
The Airbus A340 was completed and was ready to fly in the late 1990s A340 is normally assembled in Toulouse in France and the fuselage is developed in Germany; the fuselage is the body of [...]
The above information on the Boeing 787 is crucial as it has given the quest to explore the power behind the success of the aircraft in the market.
This paper not only sheds light on the factors contributing to the success of the sector but also analyzes the contributions of the aviation sector to Dubai's economy. The success of the partnership is attributed [...]
The invention and innovation of computer applications has resulted in the development of electronic gate used in airports; the innovative electronic passport control system is used to boost security and facilitate the flow of people [...]
From discussion in this report, on the changes in the travel industry, it will become clear that the travel agency has to work hard and re-invent self or be faced out of the industry.
The author focuses on individuals whose level of success goes beyond the imagination of most people and challenges the reader to analyze the interplay of factors such as family, culture and friendships in influencing the [...]
Available literature demonstrates that there exists a multiplicity of weather conditions that qualify as hazards in aviation due to the scope and context of the dangers they present to the industry.
The major difference in standards of competence between the two branches is that, the personnel of Aviation Fire Rescue Services, have a deeper knowledge in aviation matters that the Local Authority Fire Rescue Services.
This is so because the duties performed by the pilot in the cockpit require a lot of vigilance, care as well as mental and physical well being.
A significant occurrence in the history of US commercial airlines was the enactment of the deregulation Act which removed most of the federal government's regulations imposed on the industry.
In 1977, the SkyWest Airlines made agreements with American Airlines, United Airlines, Texas International and Hughes, and this allowed check-in and baggage transfers between the airlines for the passengers.
Teamwork is crucial in case of an aviation disaster through the coordination of Workpad architecture, which is integrated with Aeronautical MANETs to comprise a framework of the XML Services.
This is made possible by many factors but it can be said that the most significant component is the use of information technology specifically the utilization of the Intranet and Extranet networking system.
Air traffic controllers need to have a long concentration span because they have to make decisions in the midst of numerous distractions such as noise and poor visibility.
The situation has brought major impacts in the lives of the passengers and even in the business of the transport service providers.
The paper also explores the concept of production planning in the air force in regard to the setting up of air force production centers and the personnel mandated with the strategic management and the overall [...]