Free Biology Essay Examples & Writing Tips. Page 3

744 samples

Microbiology: Influenza Viruses

The virus uses the HA spikes on its envelope to attach to the sialic acid receptors on the epithelial cells. The HA spike proteins assist the virus in attaching to the lower respiratory tract epithelium.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 384

Biowarfare and Bioterrorism: History and Origin

According to Edmond and William, the dawn of bioterrorism dates back to the nineteenth century, when Louis Pasteur and Robert Koech studied and understood the basics of microbiology. Moreover, another application of biological weapons is [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 853

Biology of Neuronal Impulses Interaction

One of the main parts of the neuronal "chain" is a neurotransmitter. In the case of a voltage-gated channel, at rest, the activation gate of the channels is closed, and the inactivation gate is open.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 471

Clinical Testing of Naegleria Fowleri Amoeba

Considering the potential health consequence of the Naegleria Fowleri amoeba, analysis to obtain a fast diagnosis is considered crucial to allow early treatment procedures.
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  • Words: 698

Prefrontal Cortex and Effects of Stress Exposure

However, the inability to control the stressor can reduce the prefrontal cortex's capacity to regulate stress responses. Exposure to stress noticeably weakens the effectiveness of the prefrontal cortex while stimulating more primitive responses of the [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 829

How Nematodes Are Beneficial to Humans

Humans are resistant to nematodes, certain parasitic nematodes, and they contribute significantly to controlling the spread of certain dangerous insects. While beneficial nematodes are exceptionally effective predators of pests, they are completely harmless to humans, [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 316

Memory: Its Functions, Types, and Stages of Storage

First, information is processed in sensory memory, which perceives sensory events for a couple of seconds to determine whether the information is valuable and should be kept for a longer period. As information goes through [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 507

A Statistical Experiment: Junco Birds

The presence and content of 2-pentadecanone in the male may be related to the saturation of particular odors that excite the reproductive call of female birds.
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  • Words: 596

Researching the Basics of Biology

Further, I will describe the three things I learned during the course: the structure and functions of proteins, Mendelian genetics, and genetically modified organisms.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 839

The Memory Formation Process: Key Issues

Hippocampus plays an essential role in the memory formation process because it is the part of the brain where short-term memories become long-term memories.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 286

Neuroethics, Its Meanings and Main Topics

Neuroscience studies how the brain works and what is the structure of the brain. It is important to understand the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry of the brain, and to correlate them with the behavior.
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  • Words: 372

The Age and Growth of Cod (Gadus Morhua)

The Atlantic Cod occurs throughout the colder and the deeper regions of the Northern Atlantic, starting from Greenland to North Carolina and Scandinavia.
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3373

Iris Flowers Species and Their Classification

Data mining regarding the classification of iris flowers will be important in identifying the existing iris species, outlining the structural differences between the various species, identifying the possible causes for the differences, and underpinning potential [...]
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 2341

Viruses: Reproduction and Adaptation

However, viruses cannot sustain themselves and are not capable for independent replication, hence, it is not a living organism. To conclude, viruses are on the boundaries of the living and non-living area.
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  • Words: 293

Microbiological Analysis: Lab Report

This type of medium is standardly used to isolate Gram-negative bacteria, with a source of nutrients in the form of carbon and nitrogen from the casein hydrolysate that is part of the C-CNA.
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  • Words: 520

The Role of Microorganisms, Biotechnology

Today, the field of their use in human life is so vast and diverse that it makes an invaluable contribution to the development of such industries as health, industry, and the functioning of the environment.
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  • Words: 391

Biological Taxonomy: Classification of Microorganisms

This discovery invalidated the eukaryote-prokaryote dichotomy by revealing the concise division of the 16S rRNA tree into three primary branches, which was later distinguished as the three life domains: Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria.
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  • Words: 681

Blood Cells and Their Functions

The function of red blood cells lies in carrying oxygen from the lung to the rest of the body. Such a shape allows them to increase the area of the surface, which, in turn, creates [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 567

Homeostasis and Regulation in the Human Body

The feedback loop essential components include the receptor, also known as a sensor, which detects changes in the body Remember that homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain stable and balanced internal conditions.
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  • Words: 827

Biohybrid Actuators: Compare and Contrast

The introduction also encompasses the description of the researchers' procedure, addressing the aim of examination and stimulation of the electrical signals in plants.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 846

The Role of the Dietary Lipids in the Organism

This is achieved when one-third of vegetable and two-thirds of animal fats are used in the diet. The sources of dietary lipid in food are fats used in food preparation and those contained in food.
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  • Words: 645

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s Views and Works

For example, a giraffe's neck is stretched because it needs to reach the foliage on the tops of trees, and the anteater's tongue has become long to penetrate the anthill.
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  • Words: 311

Human Biology: Human Cells and Chromosomes

Both pathologies are united by the common term aneuploidy, which describes deviations in the karyotype of a diploid organism in which the number of chromosomes is not a multiple of the haploid set.
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  • Words: 380

Pathogen Study: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

The pathogenicity of the bacterium is expressed in the infection of sites with purulent inflammatory processes and abscesses, which is particularly relevant to burn victims.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 860

Nervous System and Human Capacities

The central part of the system is located in the brain and spinal cord, and all reactions appear there, while the peripheral one operates all over the body to deliver the signals to the organs.
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  • Words: 418

Understanding the Hand Anatomy

The excellent functionality of the different parts of the body, including the hand, thigh, neck, girdle, pectoral, and legs, are critical for the normal functioning of a human being.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1226

The Integumentary and the Skeleton System

It is in the position of balance that the body is able to function successfully and in a normal state. It is the role of these hormones to control the body's operations.
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  • Words: 1100

Researching the Physiology of the Eye

It then progresses to the pupil, where the size of the pupil varies depending on the intensity of the incoming light, a phenomenon referred to the as pupillary light response.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1122

Lymphatic System Analysis

Due to the anatomy of the lymphatic system, it is sometimes thought to be part of the main circulatory system in the body.
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  • Words: 568

Competition in Nature Observation

For example, it can be between plants and plants or animals and other animals or animals and plants, whereby the survival of one is threatened or lowered by the existence of another especially when there [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1276

Anatomy of the Brain: Key Issues

Some of the basic parts of the brain include the cerebral cortex lobes namely; the temporal lobes, the frontal lobes, the occipital lobes, the parietal lobes, the prefrontal cortex, and the limbic system.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1375

Aspects of the Skeletal System

The bones have a covering of calcium compound cells at the surface that gives the bones the strength and structure that they require for protecting and supporting the body.
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  • Words: 578

The Structure and Amino Acid Sequence of Beta-Glucuronidase

Beta-glucuronidase has wide application in the determination of urinary steroids as documented by Bernfeld and Fishman data. The purification protocol of -glucuronidase adopts a method that was described by Bernfeld and Fishman.
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  • Words: 2032

Lecythis Pisonis: Wheres Located and What Is It

In the present biodiversity investigation, Vallilo and co-workers have analyzed the fatty acid and mineral composition of L.prisons Camb.seeds from four locations of S o Paulo State and evaluated the nutritive properties.
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  • Words: 1534

Concept of Neurotransmitters

Exercise stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that reduce anxiety and induce a slight sense of joy. Serotonin encourages delight to exercise regularly; after a long break, the stimulation decreases, and restart workouts become challenging.
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  • Words: 347

Evolution: Natural Selection in Action

The population of these moths will have both dark and white moths at the starting point. The dark moths reproduced successfully due to lack of predation.
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  • Words: 552

Unique Functional Features of Blindsight

The findings are indicative of the fact that monkeys with striate lesions under standard conditions, where the target stimuli were delivered without the removal of the fixation point, did not move their eyes or saccade [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 648

Evolutionary Changes of Animals and Plants

This presentation will show how animals and plants evolved with time passing. It is critical to examine the factors that underlie these processes and their outcomes.
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 869

Ca2+ Molecule Description and Its Functions

Because IP3 is permeable in the protoplasm, it disperses throughout the cell and attaches to the IP3-receptor on the outside of the ER or SR, causing Ca2+ to be transported from the ER or SR [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

Biology: Phylum Mollusca and Phylum Annelida

The key characteristics that define organisms in this class are they live in land, aquatic or marine environment, they have eyes, mouth, tentacles, and spiraled shells Clam, Muscle, Oyster, Scallop Bivalvia forms another class of [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 385

DNA Barcoding Sequence Analysis of Unknown Plant

The efficiency of this instrumental method is built on the idea of close similarity in the structure of DNA molecules to be more precise, the arrangement of nucleotides in it between closely related species: the [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1315

Sleep Deprivation and Insomnia: Study Sources

The topic of this audio record is a variety of problems with sleep and their impact on an organism. They proved the aforementioned conclusion and also paid attention to the impact of sleep deprivation on [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 748

The Kingdom Fungi: The Structure, Characteristics

It is a kingdom of living organisms that contains eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms whose cells are enclosed by cell walls. Their cell organelles are bound by membranes hence the name eukaryotic.
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  • Words: 849

Molecular Basis of COVID-19 Virus

The coronavirus genome is as a share member of the Niclovirus order, such as the family Arterividrae and Toro virus genus. It is used to check the spread of the infection and trace those infected [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 595

Antioxidants Description and Overview

There are two species of pomegranate, the Punica granatum, and Punica protopunica.P.granatum originates from Yemen and is believed to be crucial in the ancestry of the present cultivated form of pomegranate.
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  • Words: 1286

The Chromatography Method: Scientific Experiment

SDS-PAGE separates isolated protein of which can be visualized by coo massive stain that binds to the experimental proteins and hence, the intensity of this resultant bands is used to give plasminogen estimation in a [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1231

Homeostasis: Human Structure and Composition

The effect of a feedback of this nature is the stabilization of the affected system with the aim of the correction of the resultant deviations from the point that is naturally set.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1132

Scientists Convincing Science and Society

According to, there are a number of scientists that were involved in studies with an objective of convincing the society as well as science that the molecule of heredity is DNA.
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  • Words: 929

Deep-Sea Biology: The Search for a Sea Monster

This case study is about the attempts of Clyde Roper to find the giant squid. This canyon is known to be very deep and runs towards the Kermadec Trench which is also documented to be [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 619

Plant Resource Allocation: Materials and Methods

The nutrients obtained by the plant are used in the growth and development of various plant parts. Thus, plants have mechanisms of regulating the distribution of nutrients and biomass to various parts of the plant.
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  • Words: 1182

Male Reproductive System and Anatomical Structures

Male and female reproductive systems have several similarities including the fact that most of the reproductive organs are developed from similar embryonic tissue that make these organs homologous. In male and female reproductive systems, [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 908

Bacterial Biofilms and Infections

In this paper, the researcher sees to conduct a review of the literature on the current state of knowledge of the role of bacterial biofilms in medical infections.
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 5039

Search for Intelligence: Acquisition of Intelligence

A few scincetist have delved into the uncharted territory that tries to connect intelligences and the occurrences of certain genes. In from studies and careful analysis of the brain, scientists have made certain interesting discoveries.
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  • Words: 563

Fuels Fat: Energy Balance and Metabolism

A gross rise in the increase of weight has led to serious scientific research and debates to come up with the most efficient way to regulate the human body weight.its worth noting that the main [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 518

Euclea Divinorum: Distribution and Dispersion

The paper will study the dispersion and distribution of the tree and the shrub types of Euclea divinorum. The plot that will be followed in this paper is from the common distribution of the organisms.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 868

Micronutrients During Pregnancy and Lactation

The main purpose of this article is to discuss the role of various micronutrients before and after the birth of the child because much attention has been given only to a few micronutrients such as [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2255

A Brain Anatomy and the Sexual Orientation

Second, the paper by Byne et al.not only studied the volume of the various interstitial nuclei of the human anterior hypothalamus, but also focused on investigating if the cell number in the various nuclei has [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 617

Micrococcus Luteus Detection Experiment

Microbial Physiology, the branch of microbiology responsible for the study of these enzymes, employs a spectrum of tests that detect the known set of enzymes unique to each species of microbe.
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  • Words: 401

The Oocytes and the Surrounding Cells of Follicles

In mammals, OSE assists in the dissolution of the follicle apex and all the underneath connective tissue and helps in releasing the matured ovum. The oocytes and the surrounding cells of follicles constitute the fundamental [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 3264

Measuring the Salt Tolerance of Plants

The variety of crops grown and the need for agricultural measures for soil moisture and irrigation depend on the arable land belonging to a particular category.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2504

Perception of Spoken and Written Language

The cochlea is a spiral fluid filled structure and it propagates the vibrations from the fluid to the nerve impulses that direct them to the brain via the auditory nerve which is a collection of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1243

Importance of Deoxyribonucleic Acid

The history of the discovery of DNA dates back to 1865 when Gregory Mendel used theories of heredity in analyzing the genetic profiles of pea plants.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1343

Microbial Fuels: Biofuel Ethanol From Alginate

This is because they are reported to contribute to "biofuel carbon debt" which is obtained by converting Grasslands or savannas, peatlands, and rainforests, to generate food crop-based biofuels in countries like United States and Southeast [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 634

Climate Change and Threat to Animals

In the coming years, the increase in the global temperatures will make many living populations less able to adapt to the emergent conditions or to migrate to other regions that are suitable for their survival.
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  • Words: 573

Strontium in Bone Analysis

Numerous studies reveal that the rate of uptake and elimination of radionuclides is greatly influenced by the age of the subject.
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  • Words: 570

Phylogeny of Papaver Somniferum

The research performed by Kadereit and Claudia made a combination of ontogenetic and phylogenic strategies to distinguish the plants of Papaver genus.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1711

Anthophyta. Plant Analysis

The modification that happens on the leaves of the pea plant helps it to twine itself around other plants and gain support.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 567

Atherosclerosis: St. Louis Cardinal’s Death

The function of the arteries is to carry oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body, while the function of the veins is to transport deoxygenated blood from other organs to the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 563

Purpose and Process of the Citric Acid Cycle

The purpose of the citric acid cycle is to break down 2-carbon units of acetyl into carbon dioxide while at the same instance transforming the energy from the acetyl group into GTP, which will be [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 209

Action Potential Overview and Analysis

The process of a neuron sending a signal is called an action potential, which happens by changing electrical potential that is brought about by the passage of an impulse along the cell membrane.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 213

“Molecular Insights Into Classic Examples of Evolution”

Current research, as discussed by the symposium speakers explicitly cited in this article, reveals that genetics plays a fundamental role in evolution science and it is indeed the mutation of genes that actually allows organisms [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 568

Phenotype Description of Drosophila

Given that the mutant has dark-brown eyes, an appropriate name for the mutant is 'cocoa' because the color of the eyes and their shape resemble cocoa grains.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 287
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