Cartesian developed the Cartesian Dualistic Theory of Pain to explain the relationship between physical and psychological types of pain. Therefore, Descartes developed the Cartesian Theory of pain to explore pain in the context of mind [...]
This paper examines Rorty's argument that in accepting the material reality of the universe, we can also accept that the physical universe shapes our beliefs and interpretations, and that our understanding of the universe is [...]
He uses the formula of the law of nature and the end in itself, to support the categorical imperative principle as the only command that dictates the universality of actions.
He said that the fabric of the universe makes us susceptible to producing life, consciousness, and reason. The people who object to Nagel's arguments claim that the theorist makes a lot of assumptions.
He explores the forms of cognition and considers the question of the sources of the formation of ideas and concepts. Locke believes that external experience and perception give ideas of such qualities that belong to [...]
Russell is right that the value of philosophy lies in its vagueness, and the importance lies in the questions, not the answers.
Considering the world as a continuously changing whole, as a process, Thales believes that it is due to different states of the same beginning, its "condensation" and "rarefaction" relative to some intermediate state.
He further asserts that so long as the same sound being is the same self, the self has the same personal identity.
The main problem that makes the difference between nominalism and realism is the question of the existence of properties beyond objects.
This concept brings us to one of the central doctrines of the Meditations and the lasting legacies of Descartes's work, which is the real distinction between the mind and the body.
This is in addition to the quality of, the virtues, the vices within the moral assessment and the process of attaining happiness in human life.
They argued that human beings are actors in the world and hence are aware of what is in it unlike the trees and stones that just exist.
This is exactly the intention of Berkeley here; he intends to argue that an object of perception will not be the state of the human mind but an item of the universe.
Because of the responsibilities that lawyers have once they have committed themselves to their clients, there are times that their morality is put to test."A lawyer has to be with a client loyal, knowledgeable, skillful, [...]
The idea of necessity is that any necessary fact is true across all possible worlds; that is, we could not envisage it to be otherwise.
It should be noted that unlike other reactions to these changes Adorno and Benjamin's stances have critical potential as both these authors can be placed within the Left tradition of philosophical thought.
The discussion addresses the query of whether continental philosophy considers that sensible human agency has the potential to alter the setting of people's experience.
The consequentialist ethic of Mohism gave the definite characterization of what was considered to be the benefits as opposed to the harms. According to Mohism, without the institution of the government, there was no such [...]
Chapter five of Kupperman's book "Theories of human nature" looks at great philosophers, namely Plato's and Aristotle's points of view in trying to define humanity. The writer tries to illustrate the complexity of defining a [...]
As a rule, the process of reading used to be interpreted as interactive due to the unceasing process of drawing connections between a reader's perception of the represented ideas and the viewpoint conveyed in a [...]
In its turn, this is the direct consequence of the fact that, in order for this civilization to remain on the path of progress, in the linear sense of this word, it may never cease [...]
The person of inferior virtue is viewed as one who seeks virtue in order to attain it. The concept of Ren is one that Confucius seems to dwell on in order to achieve virtue.
The structure of this paper analyzes the service to God and the perception of the afterlife, as highlights of the differences and similarities about the Christian and Islamic perceptions of life.
Why? Frankfurt's arguments are very applicable to the case of the 'Amputees by Choice.' His first argument is that of persons and nonpersons.
Instead, the best understanding of inductive reasoning, along with the various kinds of logic commonly referred to as inductive, enables the reader to assess the characters of the three stooges critically and develop the essay [...]
Freudian and Nietzsche view of religion, god and civilization The origin of religion and civilization, according to the philosophy of Nietzsche and Freud, seem to begin with their inquest to the existence of god.
It is a follow up of Plato's 'The Apology' and provides a description of the conversations between Socrates, and his disciples, Crito and the jailer.
The ability to focus on the incurrence of events that may lead to negativity is alienated in utopia thus the community is not balanced in its gauging of the future.
In philosophical terms, the concept of matter advances the fact that all things are made up of matter and all thoughts are created as a result of the interaction of matter.
Socrates and Euthyphro show that the application of justice in different societies is not always fair. Plato's arguments are ambiguous because they do not offer a rational basis about how religion can be used to [...]
The perceptions that influence the validity of the direct realism theory have a great impact on understanding the reality. Through the information that is relayed from the material object to the mind through sensory nerves, [...]
The doctrine of stoicism is also prevalent in the book, a philosophy that he was deeply fascinated in and applied in his solving daily challenges in life.
For a person to be seen as just, he or she ought to be a good person and the crucial question here is to know what good is.
Occasionally, the carriers of the objects speak to one another, but their voices reach the prisoners in form of echoes from the wall ahead of them.
Although Leibniz tries to explain the essence of the ultimate reason for existence by the invocation of the presence of a metaphysical reason, he also continues to illustrate the mechanism that relates the metaphysical reason [...]
Various social scientists and religious scholars have given different interpretations for the emergence of the universe and the forms of life in it.
The Socratic Method is also referred to as the Method of Elenchus or the Socratic Debate. It was after his friend from youth Chaerpon paid a visit to the Oracle of Delphi and deemed Socrates [...]
The philosopher says that every action having place under the influence of the external force is not a free will, which comes from the inner desire and motivation of an individual. Moreover, the movie is [...]
With this insight in mind, I turn to an analysis of various specific examples of individuals who are regarded as heroes as well as the ways in which the notion of a hero is usually [...]
The fact that there is a long tradition involving the slaughter of animals for food does not justify the killing of animals.
Regardless of the extent to which some people are opposed to the applications of moral principles, which should be consistent with the scriptures of God, they are used to produce the best results in communities.
Epicureanism constitutes an interdependent system that harbours the following views: the main purpose of human life as being the achievement of happiness as a result of absence of physical "pain and mental disturbance"; empirical approach [...]
Nietzsche exposes the wanting state of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries' moral rationale, highlighting the most challenging, yet simple, prescription of embracing the all unaltered natural law on the order of human existence - as [...]
Platonic philosophy, precisely the concept of world of forms, had dominated the medieval era that subjected the human body, as a shadow of a real body in the world of forms, to little or no [...]
The purpose of this paper is to analyze critically the concept of the sublime as presented by Immanuel Kant in his work 'The Critique of Judgment'.
They based their perception of what is good on what they received and deemed good while the masses were obliged to accept that as common and if common then as the norm of the values.
Hobbes' philosophy of morality is based on his knowledge of the social compact and human nature. Hobbes' morality, in contrast, is based on self-interest and the requirement for social order.
As a result, a tragedy's focus should be on the heroic deeds of its protagonists and the various factors that contribute to the tragic ending.
Popper's principle of demarcation represents his understanding of the specifics of science and is a topic for a broad discourse. To conclude, Karl Popper's demarcation principle is based on the purpose of scientific theories.
The principle of creating constancy of purpose in product and service improvement is the most important while putting everybody to work towards accomplishing transformation is the least important point.
In non-Christian philosophy of education, essentialism can be associated with the concept of "general education," while in Christian philosophy of education, essentialism can be associated with the concept of "Christian education," which aims to develop [...]
Although he makes a strong case for the existence of happiness, the foundation and organization of his article are less strong, which eventually lessens the general effect of his argument.
Partridge investigates the film's fundamental coherence with Plato's text and the numerous superficial connections between Plato's cave-dwellers and the humans trapped in The Matrix.
A material cause answers the question: "What does a thing consist of?" It is why a material will determine the properties of a thing and the ways of its application.
Acupuncture works by temporarily stimulating antagonistic nerve fibers, which close the gates of pain signals from being sent to the brain. In this situation, opioids close the gates of transmission of pain signals from the [...]
Personally, I like the literal reading of this question, according to which there was an egg first, and only then a chicken.
Kant explains genius as the ability that is bestowed upon producers or artists of fine art whereby the origin of the idea of creating the work cannot be explained such as a scientist's discovery path.
Thus, the proposal expects to identify that the beauty of poetry is an individualistic concept that depends on the judgment of taste.
Nativism states that starting points of development are those that cover all the basic knowledge needed to understand the world. Newcombe notes that it appeared in the 1990s and considers the postulates of nativism in [...]
The possible way to think about the relationships between consciousness and the physical world is by considering the understanding of the traditional relationship between nature and consciousness.
The Yin and Yang theory is a representation of the ancient Chinese understanding of the original cosmogenesis and a philosophical concept.
In response to the skeptics, it can be argued that although sources of knowledge may be fallible, they are still helpful and allow people to function in the world.
Accordingly, the horse is a kind of symbol of the victory of rationality and humanity over cruelty and belonging. Horse Blue is the personification of how people can make their belonging to the animal world [...]
Jean-Paul Sartre established the idea of existentialism in the nineteenth century, and it focused on the duties of the people's choices in the ecosphere that fell short of ethics.
The concept of social constructivism gives people the power to create and encourages them to create a positive world that they will exist in peace.
I need to attend to my students; I can implement through action, and the mere thought of it calls for effort.
No consequence, according to Kant, can have intrinsic moral value; the only good that is good in and of itself is benevolence.
If happiness is "wholeness", then for a person to become happy, it is necessary to become "whole". Thus, all a person has to do to become whole is lower goods.
Firstly, Plato's theory of knowledge accepts the existence of beliefs and even connects them with knowledge, despite refusing to accept subjective knowledge as true knowledge.
Aristotle recognizes the value of the family as the foundation of society, but he does not sufficiently address the person's role and the inherent goodness of marriage and family.
Contrariwise, to comprehend the development of society, culture, and multiple products, one should acknowledge the formative role of religion as the precursor of any non-pragmatic intentions in the sphere of knowledge. The question of its [...]
Hertzler bestows perfection on utopia, arguing that it is "purged of the shortcomings, the wastes, and the confusion". It is noteworthy that Sargent shares the opinion of Patrick and considers Hertzler not proper.
In conclusion, the allegory of the cave by Plato is a parable about knowledge, wisdom, and ignorance. The cave represents a world in which a person is placed initially, but by examining one's life and [...]
The summation of utility can be carried out at the level of an individual or at the level of groups of different sizes. God is the keystone in the building of the human mind, the [...]
This essay seeks to explain skepticism, exemplify its propositions regarding the unreliability of normal sources of knowledge, and address the theory's implications and possible responses to its proponents.
More specifically, the preferences in the art are inherently related to the profound experiences of a person or society, as pieces of art become the medium for the expression of various feelings, including pain.
Personally, I find Locke's view on the nature of humans to be more persuasive, as it accounts for the existence of the inalienable rights of each person.
However, some people, such as Socrates, faced discrimination due to these thoughts, eliciting the truth behind Plato's Allegory of the Cave and illustrated in The Apology.
In the piece under review, Putnam seeks to investigate the nature of pain, specifically, to identify whether it is a brain state or not.
The natural form of self-love is deprived of comparisons to others and exists in the natural world as a mere characteristic of the need of an individual to strive and survive.
The impact of Legalism united the country, contributed to the power of the Qin dynasty, and supported the reign of the first emperor.
The straw man fallacy is a type of logical fallacy whereby one person misrepresents their opponent's question or argument to make it easier to respond.
In the context of a social contract, this violation of rights can be explained by the voluntary renunciation of them by people in the name of their own security.
Thus, the "thinking and acting self" represents the freedom of the members of the community to take action with respect to the principles of voluntarism and the authority, serving as "the source of obligation".
Therefore, the "pessimistic" look at absurdity states that in the ratio of the Universe, human life is insufficient and absurd regardless of the scale or order of their actions.
If it is the reason, as Descartes and other rationalist philosophers would argue then how can one be sure that the idea of doubting and reasoning is not inspired by the Evil Demon either?
Aristotle guarantees that to find the human great, we should recognize the capacity of an individual. He set forth the thought that joy is a delight in magnificence and great.
In his philosophical dialogues, the thinker divides the divine, unchangeable world of forms and the world of material, physical objects that was constantly changing and existed only as a shadow of the ideas.
Over the decades, the intensification in the flow of information and automation of the communication domains provides an opportunity for anonymity.
Consequently, the subject matter, which is the suitability of Dilthey's modes of apprehension to revealing the common ideas of groups of citizens from the perspective of hermeneutics, can be understood by discussing others' views.
The theory of rational egoism developed by Ayn Rand seems an optimal approach to the resolution of personal and societal issues from the moral perspective despite the presence of contradicting opinions in this regard.
This condition is the cause of constant and inevitable conflict. Hobbes describes the natural condition from the perspectives of felicity and misery.
Firstly, speaking about the principal contrasts between Stoicism and Confucianism, it should be mentioned that Confucius developed the teaching aimed at the improvement of the state structure, whereas the Stoics pay the main attention to [...]
Admittedly, there were thousands of wars in the past because of the lack of different resources, from gold to cheap labor force.
To start the reflection on my default setting and the improvements, which can be made in this regard, it is vital to explain the meaning of this term in the first place.
Being takes place in being through the admission of presence, that is, the opening of the secret. Heidegger emphasizes that one should not confuse the concept of Dasein with the subject: Dasein objectively exists - [...]
The problem of determinism is that applying such a system to an individual would bring it to the point of absurdity.
Metaphysics studies the nature of reality, the structure of the world, the origin of man, God, truth, matter, mind, the connection between mind, body, and free will, and the correlation between events.
Then Moore identifies how the human/nature binary, inherent to the approach, has separated humanity from the web of life and become integral to the current public conversations about the environment. In conclusion, the essay re-contextualizes [...]
Starting with the assumptions that fear of this phenomenon is one of the most important stimuli in the life of people and ending with the suggestions that death is not bad for the deceased, thinkers [...]
As for the actual proof of its discernment, Hutcheson does not provide it in An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue.
What is right and what is wrong is not dependent on the object of interest or on the methods of justice, but in the eyes of the perceiver.
The short existence of these life forms does not seem to have any purpose in the Universe. Prior to time zero is also not explained by any of the theories and philosophies proposed.
As was mentioned by Harry Frankfurt, philosophy is created through anxiety born of an understanding of the limitation of knowledge.
In this theory of act utilitarianism, is well stated that, when one is faced with a decision to make, the first thing to consider is the outcome of the potential deeds and, from that decide [...]
Although bearing a connection to Locke's ideas of political system, Marx's views are marked by an inclination to the necessity of a revolution not only in the political, but also in the social and economic [...]
From the flow of the story, it is also possible that the young officer is the same boy that was flogged while in school.
The human nature of capitalism is encrusted in the philosophical thinking of the west. Therefore, western philosophy considers the existence of God and capitalism as the main influences on human nature.
The perception of pain in the Epicurus' teachings is a paradox because in the everyday life, people can feel pain in instances of sickness and accidents, but not necessarily due to hunger.
According to Philo, it is hard to deduce the explanation of the origin of the highest order from the lowest ones.
In contrast to them, Richards elaborated a theory of phenomenal attraction that falls into the category of sexual concepts but differs from the notion of sexual arousal.
Studying it, obtaining new and new facts, enlarging his knowledge, man started to think not only about the principles of the functioning of the surrounding world, but about the ways his percepts the information and [...]
And it is not the way of "the sceptics, who doubt only for the sake of doubting". And a redundancy of information also is a huge power, which confuses people to get the pure Knowledge.
Idealism seems not to be as persuasive as realism for it is not substantial enough to say that everything in this world is operated by the minds of people, whereas saying that the world exists [...]
This implies that in institutions of learning character should be improved so as not only to attain the self-importance of an individual but for the ethical good of the general public.
Many expert argue that Socrates was a representative and of "prototype of the theoretical optimist who with his belief in the explicability of the nature of things.
The theory of forms of Plato portrays to us that abstract non-material forms have the highest kind of fundamental reality as compared to this material world that is known well to us by sensation.
According to Nietzche, simpler situations are always true and the problem is that people tend to complicate standards by engaging the emotive qualities of existentialism instead of focusing on the simple tenets of the truth.
This great thinker had conducted a research on the issue and stood on the idea of physical inexistence due to the fact that is clearly detailed in his Meditations, in which he sought to establish [...]
I believe that the nature versus nurture argument is very complex and tries to define which of the two is more dominant in people.