The building of the temple was started in 1574 and was completed in 1604. The shape of the temple, materials used in its construction, and the color, show a work done out of skill.
According to the Quran, the Kaaba was the primary building that was constructed for people to worship. In the reign of the prophet Muhammad, the Kaaba was damaged by floods and the prophet helped in [...]
The focus of this essay is to study the stylistic characteristics of the St. Differences The Romanesque and Gothic styles differ in a variety of features.
One of the most incredible creations of the ancient civilizations, the Ashoka Pillar is the reminiscence of the bygone times and the most incredible specimen of the ancient art.
This is done in memory of the founder of this structure and shows the purpose of the construction. In this regard, the temple is not made entirely of marble, as the Emperor wanted.
Using prefabricated limestone, the Gothic style features ogival or ribbed vaults; these are superior to barrel vaults because while the latter spreads the weight and thrust along the wall equally, the former aims the thrust [...]
At the time when the construction of the Lloyd's Building started, the British government was in the process of bringing about some major changes in the government policies, mainly pertaining to the labor class.
The use of concrete covers both the exterior and interior of the church, mainly the wall surface of the Basilica. The uses of stained glasses are popular in the churches mainly because it is a [...]
Today, critics view modernism as a breakdown of the traditional styles inherent to the Western culture that used to connect the appearance of works of art to the appearance of the natural world. In particular, [...]
If we observe and compare the Church of Gesu, constructed in the late 17th century, with Santa Maria Novella we could see that the latter was built in an effort to recreate the monumental style [...]
Indeed, these were unnecessary due to the height of the mountain ridge: on a cloudy day, the top of the mountain peak and the ridge disappear behind the clouds, emphasizing the enormous altitude of the [...]
The aim of writing this paper is to outline specific outstanding features of these two giants in the history of architecture in view of borrowing some of those elements and incorporating them in the contemporary [...]
After the authorization of the Foster and Partners design, the Skanska embarked on the construction of the building in 2001 at the Baltic Exchange site.
The surprising fact is that upon the discovery and excavation of the tomb, there were so many treasures in the tomb. The entrance of the tomb was at the base of a sloping hill.
Of importance is the fact that the history of Romanesque architecture was primarily linked to the dedication of people to religion, a fact that resulted into the construction of several churches in England which adopted [...]
In The Taj Mahal: Architecture, symbolism, and urban significance an architectural historian Ebba Koch claims that the Taj Mahal, built in 1632, in Agra, under the patronage of Shah Jahan, was not just a burial [...]
The interior of the Great Mosque of Cordoba reveals unique attributes to the viewer. The Mosque of Cordoba is one of the greatest marvels that have fascinated many people from every corner of the world.
Taoism pursues living in harmony with nature and the great Tao, which is the reason, the beginning and the ending of everything: "all things are produced by the Tao".
Built in the middle of the 27th century BCE, the Pyramid of Djoser is the oldest pyramid in Egypt. The architect of the pyramid was Imhotep, one of the most renowned figures in the whole [...]
This rapid and uncontrollable process included intensive Westernization during which the Japanese managed to commercialize their deeply-rooted philosophy and culture, which was seen in the successful sales of decorative goods symbolizing the Japanese culture and [...]
In this paper, the Greek Parthenon and the Roman Pantheon will be discussed as the main architectural similarity of the styles, and the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus will be compared to the Flavian Amphitheatre, known [...]
The purpose and the site context of the building The National Museum of Australia remains one of the most memorable and magnificent structure in Australia.
In spite of the fact that the design of the true pyramids is studied and described by researchers more actively, it is important to concentrate on the design characteristics of the first stepped pyramids in [...]
Located in the Qubbat As-Sakhrah Shrine, the Dome of the Rock is one of the most significant pieces of architecture that dominates the skyline in Jerusalem, Israel.
Material use and form in Chilean architecture is of great concern to building contractors For example, In Chile, the process and time in which materials are selected in order to determine the design criteria clearly [...]
The main chambers include lower chambers that are located at the bedrock of the pyramids and queens and kings chambers that are located much higher within the structure.
It was the period when the traditional Southeast approaches to architecture developed under the impact of the Eastern cultures were influenced by the European traditions and provided the unique hybrid colonial architecture of the Southeast [...]
The architecture in Dubai especially for the last twenty years has become a phenomenon so much so that it has contributed greatly to the growth and development of this country and especially in terms of [...]
This work aimed at identifying the main similarities and differences of the two directions of the Federation style in the Australian architecture Federation Queen Anne and Federation Arts and Crafts.
The early twentieth century was a significant milestone in the development of international architecture as it lay the basis for modern norms, standards, and trends. Some of the most remarkable aspects of the architecture of [...]
Also, it will be possible to illustrate the distribution of wealth with the help of decorative elements. In addition, it will be critical to depict citizens' attitudes to nature with the help of architectural and [...]
It is stated that "the roots of the word "muqarnas" are unknown, as is the origin of the complex but ubiquitous architectural structure to which the word refers, which apparently developed around the tenths century [...]
To understand the significance of the atrium house and Roman gardens to people who lived in the Bronze Age, it is necessary to consider basic peculiarities of these features of the ancient Roman dwelling.
Speaking of how Vedanta Society manifests Hinduism, the main goal of this community was to establish a Universal Religion in the United States of America, and it emphasizes and supports individual decisions in following his/her [...]
Nowadays the level of technology and the achievements in the design practice allows creating the real masterpieces both in the design of the exterior and interior.
According to what Formby says, the construction of the building was the following: The idea of discharging the debt of honor which the Roman army had accumulated by the building of a temple dedicated to [...]
Due to the interlocking nature of the limestone blocks found in the pyramids and the fact that the Sphinx itself is almost similarly made of limestone it can assumed that several of the limestone blocks [...]
The spirit of the modern times denotes the intellectual and the culture that is in practice within the 20th century, which is linked to the Australian views, sense, collective consciousness and taste.
To help in understanding the architectural intent of the building, the discussion will examine the design and concept behind the Australian High Court building.
So, what is the secret of the building plan of the Propylaea at the Acropolis? Because of the large height of the building the Doric columns diameters were too large to carry the weight of [...]
The symbols on the left side of the first panel symbolize architecture and the Sidney City Council whereas Ipoh Gardens Berhad, the company that renovated the building is represented on the third panel by letters [...]
The remains of the statues, the ancient graves, pottery and other important artefacts which have been excavated during the archaeological diggings in the Athens subway became valuable contribution to the archaeological heritage of Greece and [...]
The utilization of white marble for the construction of all the components minarets, the tomb itself, and the podium supports the idea of an organizational unity.
The Great Wall of China, one of the world's wonders and one of the greatest engineering projects in the history of the humankind is surrounded by myths and controversy which attract researchers and tourists all [...]
Apparently, the chariot-races, held at the Circus Maximus, were not merely meant to serve the purpose of entertainment, but also the purpose of endowing spectators with the sense of pride, on the account of their [...]
The indigenous social organization played a greater role in the success of the Australian architecture, along with the heritage and the social change of the Australians.
During the re-designation period of the mosque, the most outstanding and notable reconstruction activity involved the construction of the Reconnaissance cathedral in the middle of the structure, courtesy of a Spanish king Carlos who was [...]
It is important to note that the country and weather conditions might affect the sustainability of the houses. The concrete houses are more compatible and sustainable to the country and weather conditions.
Although the ornaments on the columns of the Vault are a perfect stitch to the entire work, these are no more than the ornaments designed to emphasize the elegance and airiness of the vault; but [...]
They are the materials, climate and even a social structure that can dictate the form of a building. The form and function of a building can influence each other or even go separately.
The Islamic architecture is famous for its mosques that are considered to be the brightest representatives of the art and architecture of the Islamic world."The mosque is a central point of Afghanistan architecture.
Thus, the construction of the building depends on many other issues, such as culture, landscape and the desire of the client, of course. The first factor that influences on the form of the building is [...]
Pages: 4
Words: 1097
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