Thus, as a result of the credibility, reliability and realism of photography, the development of photography was closely related to the industrial revolution, the scientific revolution and advancement in philosophy.
The primary context of the image is to show the river in the night, and the marvelous overview of the many boats.
The figures of Jesus and the man he heals occupy the foreground, off-center to the left, and form the central part of the composition.
Some people are of the view that the person in the portrait is too old to be Da Vinci. There is great disparity between the age that Da Vinci died of and the age of [...]
Figures in paintings and size of sculpture were calculated by the status of a person as opposed to normal rules of linear perspective which brings out a real image. He was a symbol of rising [...]
The necklace is a true classic feature of the Phoenician arts and crafts whose influence borrows heavily from the lifestyles of the people of that time who lived in the Eastern Mediterranean.
It marked the transformation of the continent from the middle ages to the modern era. Leonardo captured the emotion and attitudes of his subject as was expected in the renaissance.
In the location above, the length of attraction represented to an audience, looking to visit this location will be greatly influenced by the features of the studio including the outside environment of the hall, the [...]
3 On top of the fact that Giotto painted with a great influence of the happenings of nature, it is evident that his skill was differentiated from that of the byzantine styles.
The composition of the painting The composition of the picture seems to be of a particular importance, as numerous elements of the painting, including texture, forms, lines, the depth or perspective of the author's [...]
Therefore, this paper discusses the issues involving the acquisition of the marbles, the parties involved in the acquisition, the cultural issues behind them and the ownership claims of the British and the Greeks.
For the artists and most of the people in Europe, the time that preceded the World War I, the actual war period and the aftermath of the was presented a period of profound disillusionment 13.
A variety of forms of the philosophical positions and their importance Both moralism and autonomism are recognized to be the major categories of moral aesthetic criticism.
It is important to add that the Tatanua mask is the work of art belonging to the Malaysian culture and being a part of a very specific tradition of one of the Malaysian tribes.
Over a long period, Aborigine's paintings have advanced to the point of intertwining with the public dissertation, with a great recognition in Australia and the rest of the world.
The main reason for making these depictions in Amsterdam and other Dutch cities was to provide a cheaper way of having flowers in people's homes. The first still life paintings in 17th century were flowers [...]
The destination of this statue was the honor of the King, presentation of his power and divine origin. However, it is possible to find kind of smile on the face of King.
This is not the way space presents itself to the eye in the natural world, and is clearly showing the imprint of the artist, but it works to create a sort of tunnel vision on [...]
The experiences include the death of Magritte's mother, the World War I and II, and the post war period. In addition, a bulb is positioned to the left of the man.
This argument can be applied to Elia Kazan did not want sacrifice his work for the sake of his reputation and even friendship with many other people. His or her understanding of art has to [...]
The bed is a work of art used to identify the life situation of the artist in the wider context of the society.
This piece of art was worked out as the part of the high altar of the Monastery of San Sisto in Piacenza.
He maintained that a picture has a potential to create deceitfulness in the fantasy of 'what is', where the description of 'What was' is so specific.
The main idea of the essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction is that the traditional ritual meaning of art can be lost due to the modern technical facilities and chaotic [...]
In addition, the artistic use of light materials in the construction of the Colosseum plays the traditional role of inspiring the modern day theatres and stadia construction.
It is necessary to speak about the style of this sculpture, its artistic elements, and its relation to the social, religious political and cultural world of that period.
In a similar fashion to the Western world, self-taught groups like the Star and the Scar Painting emerged and became critical of the earlier Chinese art.
They create a feeling of systemic and arrangement in the overall structure of the painting. The border lines also bring in a sense of 'security' to the content in the artwork.
The stage set up of the film was enormous and was nothing close to the expectation of the audience. A band was the first to step on stage to entertain the audience before the onset [...]
The difference between the background and the foreground of the image is difficult to determine because the dark coloring has overlapped the other elements.
The cult of beauty on the other hand is an exhibition that is one of its kind which hopes to showcase the various types of artistic nature in various parts of the world and also [...]
Written by Elliot Smedley, "Escaping to Reality: Fashion Photography in the 1990s" explores how contemporary fashion photography is adopting realistic styles by using realistic activities contrary to ideal styles that had dominated art and photography [...]
So, spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother In her art, it's evident that Bourgeois's dependency on her past life is a significant source of her inspiration.
The same light is used to tell us more about the environment The extreme end of the image which represent the distance between the lady and the landscape is lighter.
Surrealism, which started after the World War I, in photography is one of the indicators of most important revolutions that have taken place over the history in the area of photography.
Considering the plot itself and the replicas of the main characters, one can offer a plethora of ways to interpret the monologues and dialogues, as well as a countless number of ways to convey the [...]
Although the better the illustration might appear to be, it is hard to bring out the perspective viewer without engagement of the critical thinking.
It is easier to explore the impact of Orientalism on human perception of the East through the works of art produced in the 19th and 20th centuries, since they reflect the vision that critical thinkers [...]
That describes the reinforcement and the shift to managerial and economic patterns and language of thought in media and cultural policy.
Because of the considerable pause in the art development in the Victorian period, Pevsner assumes that such artists as Morris, Gropius, etc.were called to put an end to the period of cultural "stagnation" of the [...]
In this case, the real and intrinsic nature of art is being consumed perhaps by emerging modern art in spite of the fact that traditional forms of drawings and paintings are still valued in many [...]
Today, visual art has become easy to make, available and cheaper because of the invention of a camera. The rhythm and the harmony of art work contribute greatly to the supremacy of an image.
Also, the author is immensely aware of the cultural and social conditions that prevailed at the time of the creation of most photographic pieces.
Scholars postulates that "...the graffiti culture, like any other culture, present itself in different forms, dependent on the social and cultural component of the local community, the distribution of cultural knowledge, the age of the [...]
Pragmatism and rationalism, hence, are the main pillars that the Bourriaud makes use of to involve the audience and make it understand the essence of today's artistic movement.
He was widely known as a political commentator, and through his work, Nast managed to impact significantly on political arena. For instance, his work as an artist contributed to the success of Abraham Lincoln's election [...]
Because of the context underlying his stunning Primavera, one of the most well-known pictures of his, the grandeur of the artwork increases several times, filling it with the mystery and the magnificence of the ancient [...]
In the year 1963, under the help of Gerard Malanga, an instructor and a mentor, Warhol initiated his own studio where he expounded the art of film making.
During the drawing process, it is important to look at the connection between the vertical and horizontal lines of the image.
It is recommended that the pieces of works that are presented in this gallery be accompanied by some wordings for explanations.
The painting therefore develops a protection theme in which the mother is perceived to be protecting the children from the dangers of the city.
The show has presented four major events from the life of the Buddha: the Birth and the Dearth of the Buddha, the First Sermon at the Deer Park, and the Image and the First Teaching [...]
This is because all the items in the image are interconnected, that is the chair, the woman, and the Holy Scriptures in her arms.
Like other sculptures, the purpose of this figure was to strengthen the diviner's powers of healing and maintain the societal wellbeing.
This paper looks at three articles on the development of various forms of visual art and the various perspectives reflected in the articles. In conclusion, as society changes, the various forms of art also change.
The painters applying impressionism intended to focus the direct impressions of color and light that a person sees and feels when interacting with the environment.
Therefore other than the definition of art being related to the great skills of the artisan, the aesthetic value of the resulting product gives art another definition.
It seems that the whale which is floating under the dark thicket of the freezing sea embodies the suffering and the sorrow of the refugees from the ship.
The different disciplines of art can also be used to define humanity with religion and history being a factor, with science and technology embracing the entirety of the human nature and hindering its raw creativity [...]
The evaluation of the room will help to understand what kind of innovations may be required and why the owners of the room as well as the building itself want to redecorate the construction.
In order for one to be able to understand such a work, he/she should also have an understanding of the ways in which an artist may visually present the ideas he/she has in his/her piece [...]
The collaboration between Oldenburg and Bruggen has brought so many interesting details in this art and made their works known to millions of people.
Dickson and Tucker moved the creation to the banks of the river Seine in Paris. The lecture Visions of the Demimonde: Albert Tucker in Paris is one of her best works.
One of the brightest events of that period was the creation of the Aesthetic Movement. The Aesthetic Movement started as a reaction against the Victorian style, which was characterized by the use of jewellery in [...]
Art exhibitions are the places, which will be interesting to people of any age and any gender any time."A natural effect of the Museum exhibition will be to lead the public to enquire why it [...]
In Waterloo Bridge, Claude Monet did not want to represent the bridge as he saw it but to underline the importance of the air, colors, and nature around that bridge that made the whole picture [...]
This paper discusses not only the essence of visual and performing arts but also focuses on the activities of popular Canadian artists and their ideas, evaluates the history of the Canadian art, and explains the [...]
From the above we can say that the modern art museum acts as memory banks for all events and objects in the society which is of great utility to the members of a given social [...]
The second artistic work in the online exhibit is referred to as Digital dance. Digital art is a major revolution in the world of art.
Caribbean art history is an integral part of Caribbean history that offers important insight into the unique cultural aspect of the Caribbean people and their way of life.
Considering this, the Baroque Era is one of the most significant periods in the world of art, as it bore a new world of art dominated by both religious and iconoclastic artistic representations, as a [...]
In a way, Twombly's labor points to the reality that work of art and "deconstruction," as it was supposed to be are all integral to each another.
Through the above analysis it could be said that through effective thought-process, observation and thorough planning, a director is able to yield higher productivity of the directors.
Thus, as Vial introduces the difference in identity understanding referring to various kinds of notions, the identity of a human being is his/her unique personality, the identity of an object is its style, while the [...]
Black people in America have basically subdued several forms of subjugation in the community and this can be attributed to the African American Theater.
The modern theatre and film industry have helped familiarize people with the reality of the world, emotions people go through and happy, as well as sad situations. One of these is the way gender and [...]
What it means is that, along with referring to the mural 'Emperor Xiaowen and His Court' in terms of art, we can also refer to as the art-related tool of an ideological indoctrination.
This paper is aimed at discussing the painting Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi. This is one of the details that can be distinguished.
One of the notable works by Russell was the Wild Horse Hunters he painted in 1913. The background of the painting is a tree that Russell sketched back in Judith Basin.
Branagh's Hamlet is a version that sets the "to be or not to be" scene in a palace, in a room surrounded by mirrors.
The name Ko-Kutani originated from the Japanese area of Kutani, which is situated on the west coast of the main island, Honshu in the region of Kaga.
It would be wrong, however, to claim that every single artist exploits sexuality of the character in question to the nth degree; one of the chastest artworks devoted to the goddess of beauty and love, [...]
One of the first features of the painting that fall into the eye of an average observer, the lack of symmetry and straight lines in the painting serves the purpose of stressing the delicate air [...]
In this case, it is worth noting that the use of lines, colors, shades and shapes are renaissance in nature, the theme is religious but a number of aspects provide evidence of humanism in the [...]
There was, however, an increase in publications of novels that needed illustrations in form of drawings and paintings. Notable works by Avati are in the field of paperback illustration.
Banksy's graffiti art work is still considered as one of the best way of protesting against the government in order to remove the CCTV cameras from the cities or to use those cameras in proper [...]
As opposed to the Le Dejuner sur L'herbe, Adolphe Bouguereau's Nymphs and Satyr appeared just one year before the first impressionist exhibition was held; the painting represented the traditions of the academic art and, at [...]
Arts and artists have inevitably been affected and influenced by advancement in technologies, changes in global communication, and an accelerated tempo of globalization in various ways.
In addition, public art is known to express the hopes and fears of the community fostering a culture of understanding the society through work of art.
When his mother realized that his son was a very talented artist he took him into Manhattan to see art and then enrolled him as a junior member of Brooklyn Museum of Art where he [...]
Familiar though he is with the living conditions of the poorest of the poor in Kentucky, Adams nonetheless did not live in that culture, but alongside it, as an observer from a middle class background.
The authority the original work commands will fade during the reproduction[2] due to the difference between the original and the reproduction process of the artefact.
A number of specific methods have created a gallery of visual arts which does not only describes the situation, it points to devastating effect of grief, pain and other feelings which can be seen via [...]
Other exemplary masterpieces of Titian include the "Miracle Of The Speaking Infant" and the "Miracle Of The Irascible Son" in which the latter has a beautiful background landscape which has captured the eyes of many [...]
This paper will evaluate Pablo Picasso's impact on the cubism sign system, his manner of representation of the surrounding reality and his contribution to the world's history on the example of his painting Guernica.
The lions are placed in such a way that one is on the southern side while the other is on the northern side of the gate.
In spite of the colors' intensity, the combination of blue and pink colors in the paintings is rather blinking and vibrating. It is possible to concentrate on the "energized handling" and pulsation of the colors [...]
The theater had clearly gotten tired of the mainstream works of arts and therefore was at a stagnated stage both in respect to originality and creativity and therefore when Albee burst into the scene as [...]
In his career, Robert worked in several institutions, where he was a founder, teacher, and master printer. At the age of thirteen years, Robert participated in an official art class, which allowed black artists to [...]
The Indianapolis Museum of Art's European Gallery is displaying a painting by the Venetian workshop of the Early Renaissance painter, Giovanni Bellini, titled Madonna and Child with St.John. It shows an effort to personalize both [...]
The reformation occurred as a result of conflicts between the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the Bible. A major contributor to the spread of reformation was the existence of the printing press that [...]
The painting also has a tree that also stretches to the sky; it is the tallest feature in the village. The choice of color in the painting is also an indication of the painter's mood.
At first, it is necessary to examine the sculptural works which belong to the archaic period of the Greek culture. The techniques that one can see in the sculptures of the Archaic Period were rejected.
In the course of its history, the civilization of Ancient Rome incorporated and modified the elements of those cultures which it dominated. This is one of the main things that should be considered.
Focusing on the photographs by Chim, it is possible to feel as the part of the European society between the 1930s and 1950s.
The time difference between the completion of the first painting and the second one was only thirteen years. The variations of color theme in the painting tell a story about the landscape.
The room is clearly in a state of disarray as the dishes and several other things in the room are unattended to.
Most of her art work especially in her early years in her career revolved around the topic of death. To her, this is a passion and she gives the best.
In its turn, this reflected the fact that during the course of the 20th century's initial phase, the classical conventions of physics have been thoroughly revised, due to the emergence of the Theory of Relativity.
As it has been stressed, the manner in which the artists of the High Renaissance depicted women in their work had a lot of points of contact with the image of women in the modern [...]
The choice of a color for painting to obtain desired shapes in the image depends on the culture of the target audience and the meaning of the intended message.
The purpose of composition in this case is to bring out a distinction between the different elements of a work that is being portrayed in such a manner that the elements of the work that [...]
The Birth of Venus is a famous painting produced in the year 1863 by a French painter Alexandre Cabanel. This paper analyses the painting The Birth of Venus and gives a brief background of its [...]
Another interesting scene of the production that makes it real understanding of the authors work is the casting of the romantic love between Romeo and Juliet, the physical love of the nurse and the contractual [...]
It is even exciting to realize that the personal canvases in the paint presume a completely image-making action and singleness of the characteristic.
The script represented an original 'legally blonde' script and therefore the author of the script did a commendable job because he included all the roles in the play and interpreted every scene in the play [...]
This paper outlines information about The Seated Goddess with a Child and the Winged Deity, found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
From a certain perspective, it can be assumed that the lack the of expression on the face of the subjects of the sculpture is related to their strangely clothed and unclothed state.
One of the paintings was that of his friend Casagemas in his coffin. Pink was used to bring a different theme to the great paintings that he had in his gallery.
Some of the paintings used by Hung to explain the vital nature of culture include the portraits of Chinese self, Buddha's hand, the rainmaker, and the controversial fortune cookie that symbolizes the importance of Chinese [...]