Talking about the ethical side of the movie Super Size Me and its hard critics of McDonald's and the style of life offered by this company, it is necessary to admit that its author, Morgan [...]
The movie reveals that the activists of the 1960s capitalized on the changing media landscape in an attempt to pursue their aims.
The documentary tells the story of a Canadian that climbed Mount Everest and later on died due to complications caused by the climb.
Set in the state of Mississippi, the documentary aims at highlighting the laws that have been passed to curtail access of abortion in this state.
The controversy over the authenticity of the art pieces attributed to Marla shows that most people do not trust child prodigies in the abstract art.
The result of this campaign against terror led the majority of the American public to believe that their nation was under attack and the major channel that had been utilized in building this perception was [...]
In the first half of the 20th century, documentaries aimed to exemplify the reality through the study of the indigenous population.
He describes the font as being "neutral," and this is an important fact because "the meaning is in the content of the text and not in the typeface".
The major theme of this event revolves around the portrayal of the ideals of socialism and patriotism by the citizens. The film discusses on their daily lifestyles and that of the people around them, a [...]
The consequences of socially constructing homosexuals and homosexuality as an abomination according to the film "The Bible Tells Me So" are destroyed family relationships and discrimination of the homosexuals by the society.
From the analysis of this film, appeal based on the character of the speaker has been manifested in the author's belief about teaching and education.
He believes that the turmoil in that landscape was synonymous with the turmoil in the lead character's soul. The author wanted to contrast the illusions that were perceived by Treadwell and the reality that existed [...]
The sixty-minute documentary produced by historian Tristan Hunt unravels the influence of Calvinism, Puritanism, and the Industrial Revolution on the current global order that is dominated by capitalism.
The documentary An Act of Congress describes the process of formation, amendments, and final adoption of HR 6161. An Act of Congress details the events of 1977 at the time of the amendments to the [...]
The thesis of the movie correlates with the idea that being neurotypical does not necessarily imply being the standard that each individual is to strive for.
It was interesting to learn about the effects of population growth on the environment and global poverty and the potential solutions to managing population growth.
The first episode if the documentary series "Unnatural Causes" discusses the modern system of healthcare in the United States and the causes of health inequalities between different groups of the population.
The film explores how the rise of mammals reshaped the planet after the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. I liked how it showed the different stages of evolution and how the animals adapt to their [...]
The techniques ensure that the images are presented to the audience in a way that changes the audience's perspective and belief of the documentary.
Thus, the director intends to advocate for less plastic production by showing the dangers of plastic production and consumption to the environment and human health.
The Switch from Hell is a short documentary detailing the tragic consequences of a faulty ignition system that forced the withdrawal of millions of vehicles and caused many fatalities.
By featuring male and female golfers together, the LIV Golf Tour seeks to promote gender variety in the sport. In this episode, justice is primarily demonstrated through the competitive nature of the LIV Golf Tour.
"The Age of AIDS" and the "Rise of the Killer Virus" documentaries look at how the disease has spread since the first case was identified in 1981, as well as how researchers trace its origins.
The government used the erroneous notion that Japanese-Americans posed a danger to the country's security to justify the internment. It serves as a poignant reflection of the need to combat inequality and bigotry in its [...]
Documentaries "Before the Flood," "The Story of Stuff," and "Rude Awakening" explore the cultural significance of oil while addressing the need for a transition from fossil fuels.
Overall, we can better comprehend the social, cultural, and economic forces that influence the lives of Spanish-speaking immigrants in the US by applying sociological viewpoint theories to their experiences.
The documentary highlights how the laws and policies of that time enabled the exploitation of Black people and how the legacy of slavery continued to shape the racial dynamics of the country.
This essay will assess the functionality, conflict, and interactionist sociological perspectives in the context of the documentary's depiction of the experiences of Spanish-speaking immigrants in the United States.
Conversely, the documentary provides a more in-depth examination of Putin's leadership style and decisions. The book offers a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Russia's political landscape and Putin's difficulties in leading the nation.
The film provides extensive supporting evidence to prove its main argument and convey the message that it is critical to introduce new and effective recycling policies to prevent the negative impact of plastic waste.
In the world of conspiracy theories and a significant amount of fake news, it is essential to understand and distinguish what information is accurate and what is fake.
It analyzed the complicated issues of discretion within the system, racial targeting, and the highest surge in the number of individuals jailed in America's history, presenting a historical narrative rarely heard about prisons and crime.
Thus, the images of Tom as the embodiment of non-resistance and the Mammy as the symbol of limited opportunities for African Americans serve as a reminder that stereotypes still persist in popular culture.
This shift to agriculture and grazing and the establishment of permanent settlements contributed to the emergence of the world's first human civilization.
It explores the ingenuity and resiliency of individuals who have endured persecution, segregation, and the battle for equality because of the speech variety of the African-American community.
Therefore, the labor relations system in place today is the result of injustices, bloodshed, and sacrifices dating back to the founding of the labor movement in 1866.
One of the key actions that can be used to protect and heal communities affected by hate crimes is the investigation of offenders from videos recorded by individuals during such events.
The video clearly reveals the flaws in the official response to the situation in Charlottesville. It is their duty to prevent violent confrontations, and there was an apparent need to increase the attention to the [...]
In this documentary, Chief Justice John Roberts discusses the principal goal of the Supreme Court and the West Plaza, the site of several public protests.
In general, the film suggests the existence of the legacy of colonialism and the Spanish Conquest, the traces of which may still be noticed in the country.
The most general, fundamental changes that have taken place in engineering and led it to an unprecedented flourishing before: in the technical sphere - this is the mastery of new sources of energy and the [...]
The documentary Miss Representation by Newsom focuses on the problems of sexism, women's disempowerment, and the limited representation of female leaders in the United States media.
The 2014 film Meet the Patels centers on the topic of intergenerational cultural dissonance in immigrant families, characterized by the conflict of cultural values between parents and children. Thus, Ravi's use of avoiding conflict style [...]
Following the example of his grandfather, Arthur T ensured that most of the earned profits were reinvested into the business and continued paying the workers well and offering low prices to the customers.
I have learned about the connection between corporations' actions and the presence of dangerous chemicals in the environment. Europe has risen to prominence internationally in limiting environmental dangers and forcing chemical producers to verify the [...]
The woman also speaks about this at the beginning of the film, drawing attention to the fact that they failed to save the animals from death.
It touches on the events that led to the formation of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, how the events of 9/11 affected the people of the United States, and how the government responded to the threats [...]
It is important to note that the subject of exploring and learning about the experiences of African American and Latino drag culture comprised of many members of the LGBTQ+ community is an intricate one.
The film is a documentary and shows the real life and the desire of the husband and wife to create their wonderful farm where they can grow vegetables and fruits, as well as have different [...]
Housing segregation leads to the extraction of critical resources and wealth that propel social and economic mobility from Black communities, fastening a downward socioeconomic movement.
The second article by Jayne Gackenbach about video games and lucid dreams is a collection of knowledge and ideas about how video games can influence a person's consciousness and cognitive abilities to a certain extent.
The music presented in the film is resistant and political as the band aim to expose police brutality, drugs, and killings.
First, the use of factual information in work increases confidence in the film's authors and convinces the viewer of the truthfulness and accuracy of the narrative.
However, living in a world subject to constant change, it is helpful to resort to tools that will help one be ready for changes in different areas of life and not be afraid of them.
However, the PBS Documentary The Spirit of Crazy Horse effectively dispels such myths, as it unveils the cultural beliefs, traditions, lifestyles, history, and worldview of one Native American tribe the Lakota. The film highlights the [...]
The fourth, fifth, and sixth episodes focus on the ancient kingdoms of Africa, such as the Kingdom of Kush and the Kingdom of Aksum, and the following Christian Kings and Muslim Emirs.
A guy interested in the impact of the plastic boom on the ocean's life spins a chain that threatens the ecology of the oceans.
The documentary represents a detailed analysis of cases of Jacob, DJ, and Jessica intended to highlight the key dangers of prescribing powerful medication to children when treating psychiatric disorders.
In fact, Californian nature is rich in various animal species that live to survive and pass their genes to the offspring.
The research conducted by the author of the documentary, together with his team, is the deepest and the most trustworthy one on the opioid epidemic.
In addition, the interview with the mother of an athlete, who was prescribed painkillers and found dead because of overdose, persuades the target audience to think about the opioid crisis.
On the other hand, the video presents the dare stones and John White's map with a hidden fort as evidence that the lost colony moved west to the inland.
These factors helped me to understand the development of the Baroque statues and how they relate to the catholic faith. In these programs, the images are direct, clear, and exciting to see.
The documentary provides in-depth information on the arrests and interrogations of the suspects, the sentences, vacations of the convictions, and the interviews with the accused men.
The weight of one layer can precondition sliding and the emergence of an avalanche. How fast can the 'air blast' of an avalanch travel?
The documentary film In the Age of AI by Frontline provides answers to these questions and talks about the prospect of retaining jobs and professions, the development of technology, rivalry between China and the United [...]
Flood is a phase of the water regime of the river, which is repeated every year at the same time of year, is characterized by the highest water content, increased and prolonged rise and fall [...]
The geologists collaborating with the filmmakers examine the samples of soil and clay in the area affected by the landslide to investigate the contributing factors, such as heavy rains in the Pacific Northwest.
The editing of the film also allows the producer to give the raw recording of the video to the audience. All in all, the general video is more of a collection of recordings as opposed [...]
The documentary also reveals the poor conditions of the healthcare systems in the Third World, where people have to ride a horse or walk on foot to reach the doctor.
The film then traces the lives of the subjects from the bushveldt, where those on the high social class live, to the townships, where the black children live.
In a region whose fight against HIV is slowed by a lack of awareness, the film shows how traditional ways of fighting the pandemic fail to serve the needs of married women.
This is illustrated in the PBS documentary "The Spirit of Crazy Horse," in which the Indian tribe forgets its cultural customs, as evident when the young Indian activists return to the reservation to learn about [...]
Nevertheless, it is not only America's unchallenged military might that contributes to our country's geopolitical greatness, but also the fact that, during the course of last fifty years, the objectives of America's military operations had [...]
Nevertheless, it was a discovery to me that over time such areas were subject to gentrification, and white people occupied the former lands of the blacks.
In the architecture of Byzantium, much attention was paid to the decoration of the temple, not only outside but also inside, and the type of domed Basilica was developed.
In one of the options produced by the authors, the overall image of a city that was shown in the documentary seemed chaotic and unsustainable.
The film entitled "Ishi: The Last Yahi" presents a documentary overview of the events of the beginning of the 20th century when a renowned anthropologist Kroeber used the last representative of a native Yahi tribe [...]
This can be backed up by the interesting coverage of the documentary which takes the Pavlovian cues and the marvelous dramatic pullback zooms that resemble the production of Planet Earth and Life or the Blue [...]
By means of the camera, we can watch all his difficult life, the spite of family quarrels, the row of foster families, the adolescence crises, the drugs, the suicide attempts, the underground film shows and [...]
According to the movie, the existence of "The Program" has been justified by the risks which existed at the time. I think, it is clear that "The Program" is an obscene abuse of power by [...]
Having learned that most doctors are "not trained in normal births" and that 90% of women are liable to be induced, I believe that birth in the United States is an unnatural process for the [...]
The documentary has rightly identified the institutionalization of black slavery as the backbone which has supported black and white racist issues the most in the US.
The results of the research are deplorable, because the rate of unemployed people increases every day, people have nothing to pay for their homes, insurances, and education. Is it possible to make fortune in the [...]
The events of the current world economic situation can be perceived through the Enron debacle described in the movie "The Smartest Guys in the Room"."The Smartest Guys in the Room" is considered to be a [...]
In the analysis, the filmmaker tried to show how the two concepts can be used to the benefit of the company owners but to the detriment of the workers.
The database that is also indexed by the country name has a provision to find the title of the TV series or the movie by the first alphabet of the title.
Black and Scholes realized that it was possible to control and estimate every part of the formula except the risk level.
The deregulation policies initiated during the 1980s have been indicated as the cause that led to the collapse of the economy.
Therefore, the attention to detail and the inclusion of a vast variety of documentary items may be considered as the biggest advantage of the movie.
The documentary supports the argument that the interaction that introduced Japan to the rest of the world was critical in ensuring human rights and freedom of the most vulnerable classes in the society.
All the reactions can then be used to reveal the individual hopes and dreams of the passengers highlighted in the film.
The central themes of The People's Republic of Capitalism are the intricacies of the Chinese experiment with capitalism restrained by the authoritarian government and interdependence of American and Chinese economies.
When applying some of Rawls' concepts of justice to the situation described in Merchants of Doubt, it becomes clear that the actions of tobacco companies and such public figures and scientists as Frederick Singer who [...]
The documentary being discussed focuses on the experiences of three women, the survivors of military sexual slavery in China, South Korea, and the Republic of the Philippines.
In "Thin Blue Line," Morris turns his attention to the wrongful conviction of Texan Randall Adams, who was arrested and prosecuted for the murder of a police officer instead of the actual murderer.
The movie is about the efforts of Junger and Hetherington who spent a year with B Company the second platoon that was sent to a combat zone in Afghanistan.
The second part introduces the main heroines of the documentary the women who started working in industries at an early age to support the economy of the war-stricken country and features their stories about the [...]
The United States of America and the European Union control the situation in the countries of the third world and are able to influence it.
I can guess that the authors of the film followed the documents used for the script strictly, and the events are represented closely to the reality.
However, the biggest portion of The Story of Content: Rise of the New Marketing is dedicated to the story of Marcus Sheridan a legend in the world of content marketing.
If people take all their money out of the banks, what is that called? Explain why people would want to take their money out of the banks?
The movie is a documentary on an experiment conducted on filmmaker Spurlock by himself so as to reveal the effects of eating fast foods. The movie concludes by authoritatively stating that fast foods are hazardous [...]
Byzantium: "Byzantium is the name given to both the state and the culture of the Eastern Roman Empire in the middle ages".
The documentary features personal student stories, as well as professional comments from the Student Loan Justice official, emphasizing that it is rather corporate than personal irresponsibility to blame for the existing situation.
This made me think about two things: the professional work of the creators who managed to persuade me of the urgency of the problem and how, in essence, the same way of media influence is [...]
Another appeal to emotion was the description of Gore's childhood and the warmth with which he spoke of the times he had spent at the farm as a child.
The overall essence of the film can be characterized as musically and visually complex due to the combination of seemingly separate worlds: Ra's deep philosophical monologues and the Arkestra's banter about Ra and his contribution [...]
The historic and exotic city is positioned strategically north of the large Niger River on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. The text written in the margins was added after the original text of [...]
In conclusion, it is necessary to note that the film Immigration Battle shows the struggle of some people to make American society truly Democratic and just.
As a commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of freedom movements, Nelson's movie is a story of segregation and racism, abhorrence, courage, and the general brutality of the depicted events.
Although the second decade of the 21st century seems to be far away from the events described in the film racial issues continue to be one of the most heated topics not only in Arizona [...]
The film begins with the off-screen narrator telling the audience that throughout the sixties, the University of California remained at the forefront of people's struggle to be in the position to take full advantage of [...]
The reason for this is apparent the deployment of such an approach will naturally prompt the audience to think of what is being discussed as such that directly relates to what happened to be their [...]
In recent years, the issue of deportation separating families has come to the forefront of the movement, which can be seen in the movie.
The livelihoods of the members of Elwha Klallam tribe, who were not officially considered the US citizens until the late 1920s, were destroyed by a flood that followed the construction of the dam.
In the film, it is noted that people who decided to devote their lives to the practice of yoga would leave their homes, "abandon the conventional life" and the "householder stage" to "wander around in [...]
In their documentary Immigration Battle film, Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini show the human factor and the guilt of both the Democrats and the Republicans regarding this failure to end the deportations.
To my mind, both men and women are subjected to biasing and have to meet certain requirements if they want to be successful and popular.
However, these symbols are also used in the documentary in order to accentuate the direction in the author's story from discussing different ways followed by the country during its development to accentuating the core of [...]