Hegel, absolute idealism is a political view that there should be an identity of being and thought in order for the human reason to understand the nature of the natural world.
The controversy over the effects of literature has made the great philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, to differ in their perceptions of the literature impacts on the society.
In its turn, the post-structuralism movement criticizes strict adherence to theoretical foundations and focuses more on the study of the object, as well as on knowledge that is directly associated with the object produced. Specifically, [...]
Exposure to the concepts in philosophy helps scholars develop critical, analytic, and observational abilities that may be considered the most valuable in the greater scheme of life. All that is required is to choose our [...]
On the other hand, religion has maintained that the soul is immortal and survives the death of the body. Plato argued that the soul is immortal and therefore survives the death of the body.
Susan Wolf answers this question by saying that free will is compatible with moral responsibility; moreover, it is a necessary condition of the latter. Thus, uniform for all concept of free will in its correlation [...]
Described by Maya Angelou as the most important of all the virtues because without courage you cannot practice any other virtue consistently", it is composed of different types, including physical courage, moral courage, social courage, [...]
The research explores ancient Greek philosophy and modern studies of the "sensory turn" period in order to bring clarity to the discussion and evaluate the significance of common sense and reason in the cognitive process.
According to Marx, that is called the externalization of a worker in his product. A man does not choose the productive activity, he is a part of it only because he is forced to he [...]
A careful study of his masterpiece entitled, Meditations can lead one to conclude that his concept of the self was the byproduct of the combination of the use of his physical senses, common sense, and [...]
Foot argues that morality should be presented as a system of hypothetical imperatives due to the fact that morality does not differ from anything else, for example, etiquette.
The concept of a High-Minded man is close to Aristotle's understanding of success and the contribution of different virtues to an individual's happiness.
Aristotle is reputed to be the first man to study the logic concept although there have been other numerous contributions to the concept over the years.
Descartes argued that the notion of the soul consist of all the perceptions of intelligence and the leanings of the human will, and is totally different from the notion of the body which concerns itself [...]
Some of them, especially at the initial stages of the development of the mankind, kept to the point of view that certain supernatural forces control and predetermine all actions of people and events in the [...]
According to Plutarch ), the paradox originated from Greek legend "The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned [from labyrinth in Crete] had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even [...]
The ability to wonder about the world and construct these enduring questions is the first trait a philosopher should have. The presence of the Socratic Method, which is asking questions to improve conclusions and general [...]
We improve our ability to make friends and relate to others and recognize the importance of prioritizing the development of healthy relationships in all aspects of life, recognizing that this is the foundation for a [...]
The classic status of "The Tourist" by Dean MacCannell can be justified today, because this study can explain the intentions of even modern tourists; it pays due attention to cultural issues, which is always topical, [...]
Aidos is a term that was used to refer to the deity spirit of humility, respect and admiration. The term was used by the ancient Greeks to imply the society of good community members.
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the consequences and key concepts involved in the development of the mind-body philosophy and offer personal suggestions or opinions over the issue of relationship between the [...]
What is important to note at this point is that both philosophers rejected the notions of free will and determinism albeit in varying levels and for different reasons.
Augustine claims that the solution of evil is to do the right thing and to abstain from wrongdoing. He claims that evil results from a man trying to equal himself to God.
The statistical comparison of the actual results and the desired outcomes The cost of non-compliance with the needs of clients Role of Top Management The design of work processes.
In some instances, as in the conception of the human beings as a make-up of the soul- body union, it is likewise clear that biological considerations are paramount.
William James starts his article "Pragmatism's Conception of Truth" focusing on the idea of truth and what makes it work. Rationalism and pragmatism contrast each other: while pragmatism seeks to understand how an idea applies [...]
Specifically, Freud invented the subconscious part of the mind, the superego, which helps in analyzing how one thinks, in other words, evaluating the correctness of the thinking. On the part of the ego, Sartre acknowledges [...]
This philosophical concept proposes to evaluate the set research tasks and allows for pluralism of opinions, which helps expand the boundaries of analysis and, at the same time, assess the infinity of the cognition process.
The issues of proper and timely judgment, sound conclusions, and reaction to the received information can be found in the stories such as A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor and Young [...]
Dealing with people and trying to combat them, it is important to be aware of their abilities as the outcome of the battle also depends on whether one knows the strengths and weaknesses of an [...]
Post structuralism in teaching can be regarded as critical in the modern world since it is diversified and ideas are used in respect to the way they are expressed or brought to existence.
The change of character, social rejection, and ultimate despair can be possible negative implications of the philosophy investigation. Therefore, the philosophy exploration can lead to the despair caused by a clear understanding of the world's [...]
Death is a way to escape suffering and people who compromised principles and caused harm to others do not deserve an easy release from the pangs of conscience.
The Philosophy of the Unconscious is the most important encyclopedic work of Eduard von Hartmann, in which the phenomenon of the unconscious is subjected to careful analysis not only from a biological and psychological, but [...]
The state of being is crucially determined by the principle of fundamentalism, which in turn leads to the essence of an object."The attributes, singly or collectively that make an object of a substance what it [...]
Thus, the recurrent themes similar to the Chinese philosophy of Yin-Yang and Western philosophy are the constant transformation, balance, and interconnectedness of all elements in the universe.
In order to develop a sufficient understanding of what this proposition means, it is necessary to recognize the specifics of the philosopher's approach to philosophy and how it relates to practical life.
Following Descartes' argument, the mind is independent of the body yet eye witness testimony relies on a judgment that has to be internalized as memory on the mind.
Ontology as a name was developed from a Greek word 'onto' which means 'being' or 'that which is.' Ontology is a branch of metaphysics that deals with issues about the existence of entities, and how [...]
Descartes attempted to doubt everything he ever thought was true by attacking the sources of knowledge, such as; the senses, the mind and our imagination.
In the ancient times, a hero in the Greek was regarded as a person with overwhelming courage to face the challenges that affected the community, some of the common challenges of the ancient times included [...]
The ideas articulated in the works by Thoreau and the basic principles of Transcendentalism are consistent with the social, political, cultural, and economic changes that happened in the United States in the middle of the [...]
Lilian was the name of a young girl who lived in the area and was the same age as me. It was suggested that I see a therapist to lessen the impact on my mental [...]
The source of moral universalism is considered human nature, particularly the susceptibility of a person, the ability to empathize, and the resulting need for argumentation for persuasion.
Even in times of ancient Jews and peoples which surrounded them the core accent consisted in the purity of spirit, soul and body, but most of all they emphasized the concept of spiritual life minding [...]
To establish the reason for the many scientific researches on the origin of the universe, it is prudent to explain the theory all works of science seem to tear apart, The Creationism Theory.
He speaks of the complete difference between the mind and body, which implies that the body is divisible and the mind is not because the activity of the latter cannot be explained by mechanical principles.
Thus, Machiavelli raised the question of the historical and political process laws and the need for both objective conditions and the role of the human factor, participants in political activity.
Zarathustra sought to correct and transform the last man's understanding of the three notions of the soul: the body, the power of virtue and the spirit, so that he could have the real meaning and [...]
Paley based his argument on the complex nature of the watch and magnified the reasoning in regards to the designing of the universe and its complex organisms.
The argument stipulates that the world is a place filled with such novel interlocking intricacy to the extent that the sole rational justification centers on the existence of an intelligent designer.
The foundation of the valid argument is represented by logic conditioning, which ensures the connectivity of the premises and conclusion. Nevertheless, it is possible to begin with the conclusion to test the premises and draw [...]
In addition, the critical thinking method can also be used to analyze the belief that the government is the cause of social issues. Philosophy is a discipline that can help us to think more critically [...]
Aristotle's concept of happiness is an expression of virtue that is similar to the flow state, happiness is a combination of the baseline level where basic needs are fulfilled and a broader area managed by [...]
This factor, along with others, determines the importance of Plato's essential work in the context of knowledge of the world - his theory of Ideas or Forms.
On the other hand it is essential to know of the highest goals of humanity in terms of what leads to ultimate fulfillment in life and the quest of human beings is to engage in [...]
As a position is defined, it is continually questioned and counter-questioned, eventually bringing the conversation around to a point where the original response is contradicted by the responder while the way in which it is [...]
The objective was to analyze the experience of human phenomena in consciousness and in psychological result of perception and reasoning. This study contributed to success of his first work, "the phenomenology of the social world".
The Confucianism theory that is more focused on the quality of an individual and its place in the world, but with no reference to the above-described concepts of the One and the Whole.
Given people's imperfectness, as compared to what it is being the case with gods, the only way for them to be able to gain the metaphysical understanding of the reality emanations' true meaning is transcending [...]
In particular, he emphasized on the importance of human experiences in the comprehension of cause and effect. Hence, the theory of cause and effect highlights that the tendency to associate events is the foundation of [...]
God exists as it is the beginning of everything, as God is necessary just for the personal existence and this is the beginning of other issues which may be possibly exist or not as well [...]
Moreover, the philosopher believed that society's progress and scientific achievements contributed to the lowering of the role of Christianity and religion was a burden for society.
This situation shows that the concept of democracy and the freedom that correlates with it refers to a flawed narrative that liberty is the same as equality.
Principal Issues Metaphysics: Issues and types of freedom, types of determinism, nature of reality, nature of humanity As a set of theories and concepts that allows for the study of the concept of reality, as [...]
The first main branch within the field of philosophy is the concept of human nature which is the pursuit to improve the interdisciplinary exploration of the social, environmental and biological factors and variations of the [...]
The question is that life is realized by people through the principle of cut and try. It is better to say here that it is a warning for those contradicting nature and physical reality of [...]
The truth of love is to follow the way of love like philosophical way and see the soul behind the body, everlasting beauty of virtue, and idea behind the beauty of transient love.
As a result, the way people understand and perceive reality is also a part of the process of reality formation. Thus, Descartes premises on the idea that thinking is the evidence of existence.
It is the assumption of this paper that Descartes' perspective and the teachings of Buddha on the self are inherently incompatible due to their different perspectives on what constitutes "the self".
The main idea of the work is that the author firmly opposes physicalism. The general argument Jackson adheres to is that physicalism blunders in terms of denying the existence of the subjective experience.
In other words, truth is attached to the eventuality of a future event that is meant to limit the interests of man and it may be argued in several ways.
Nevertheless, the acquisition of knowledge is a complex process which philosophers have developed different explanations to explain the same. Infinite regress: This refers to the process of reasoning to amplify the rationed credibility of a [...]
The choice is a content of a personality, and a personality expresses itself in a choice. In Kierkegaard's philosophy, the concept of having a self is linked to the concept of consciousness.
Whistleblowing is defined as "having four component parts: 1) an individual acts with the intention of making information public; 2) the information is conveyed to parties outside the organization who make it public and a [...]
The action by the king therefore upholds the rule that man is guided by his selfish impulses and is bound to fall into temptations that lead to his abuse of power.
It cannot be imagined how the society would be is there was no thought in the minds of the people about the existence of God who oversees the actions of deeds of people in the [...]
For instance, one is to keep in mind that the so-called ontological vision is recognized to be one of the most reliable arguments, which proves the existence of the Sole Supreme Being.
It is worth noting that when Husserl emphasized that phenomenology is a pure discipline, he meant that the foundation of his thought rests on the fact that phenomenology is not science of fact but rather [...]
This ancient philosophy concentrates on the balancing of the environment and Chi is a vital component of this study. This is the basic principle of the Feng Shui and it works even in the 21st [...]
Taking the Argument with a Grain of Salt: Concerning the Existing Objections To address the issue in question in the most efficient way, the existing contradictions to the teleological argument must be considered.
The study of superheroes has been of interest to psychologists mainly due to the inspirational impacts it has on those in the neighborhood of the superhero.
The fire signifies the sun and the sun represents the whole truth; the light that the prisoners need to see in order to gain their freedom from the world of darkness.
In order to understand the relationship of justice and moderation both in a person and a polis, it is vital to assess Plato's understanding of the soul.
From any perspective, the two disciplines agree to some extent that human beings form the subject of the quest for knowledge. The study of philosophical anthropology helps in understanding the nature of humankind concerning the [...]
For Christians, the revelation/interpretation and hermeneutics methods of knowing seem to be fitting. The combination of revelation/interpretation and hermeneutics methods would be most beneficial for the Christians.
He therefore was trying to say that good is the pivot of everything else in life. Plato's suggestion of the becoming and being model has partitioned life into two.
A man is the one of the most intelligent creatures on the Earth and this is why he is usually interested in a number of questions, a lot of them are philosophical, such as the [...]
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