The plays interweaves Christ's crucifixion with the picture of a bubbling crucible in it a man and a society: the predicament of arriving to the right choice of morality and the inevitability of attaining redemption [...]
George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" is a quintessential exploration of transformation, identity, and class through the characterization of two main protagonists, Professor Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle.
The central conflict in the timeless Greek tragedy "Antigone" is a profound exploration of the tension between individual conscience and the dictates of public law.
This particular reading of the play implies that Shakespeare was deliberately expressing a view of colonialism in the New World in the guise of Prospero the magician, usurping Caliban, the slave.
Kathy is experiencing a great deal of inner conflict due to the connection that Emily has with Walter as well as her afterward relationship with Emily.
Despite Troy's accusations that his father was wicked and the devil, his father has continued to beat him brutally. His isolation from his father shaped Troy's view of manhood after the violence and betrayal of [...]
The events of Tartuffe transpire over the course of one day, originating in the early morning and concluding in the late evening, with most of the situations happening at the house of the protagonist.
Antigone strongly believes that the laws of Gods are higher than the laws of the state and that she does right by following the laws of the Gods.
The play raises the question of what stories will be remembered in the future and whether they have any chance of staying unchanged. Returning to the central conflict, it finally receives a resolution in the [...]
Nowadays the performance of this eighteenth century play requires the restrained and subtle play of actors; otherwise the humor may not be delivered to the audience to the full extent.
Too shy to attend the business school her mother enrolled her in and without any friends of her own, Amanda decides marriage is the only answer for Laura and forces Tom to find a beau [...]
In Homer's Odyssey, the noble nature of the hero is made clear in the way that his servants speak of him and strive to behave as he would expect.
Perhaps one of the contributing factors that made this piece entertaining is the characterization of the characters in it. The material inheritance is the piano that had been to the family of Berniece and Boy [...]
The play The Taming of the Shrew was written at a time of renewed interest in marriage, in the way relations between the sexes were being redrawn by the consequences of the Reformation and by [...]
One may be tempted to think that she is a victim of Richard's folly, but she is sharply aware of her place.
The character of Macbeth is used by Shakespeare to illustrate a man who lacks the strength of moral fiber under the affection of guilt and ambition.
As weird as it might sound, Lady Macbeth is very emotional; as a matter of fact, the crimes that she committed can be attributed to her emotionality rather than her greed, though the latter has [...]
Although the death of his father signifies his own downfall, nonetheless, one could argue that Oedipus acted in self-defense, in that he was attacked unexpectedly while travelling alone and out of fear of losing his [...]
In Oedipus the King, one of the persons, who receive prophesies that project a doomed end, is King Laius; who is the biological father to Oedipus. Oedipus then arrives back to his father's land, Thebes [...]
Critics such as William Merritt Sale argue that Homer's purpose in creating the mythic poem of The Odyssey was to represent the inherent struggle of the human condition when faced with the choice between the [...]
On the other hand, Sophocles, in the play "Oedipus the King," emphasizes on the value of the city in the speech of the king.
Since Othello is dark-skinned, the society is against his marriage to the daughter of the senator of Venice. In summary, the play Othello is captivating and presents racism as it was.
The theme of this story was to address issues that were affecting the people of Thebes during this time and even in times to come.
Notably, the play is riddled with symbolism that connects the character to his inner struggles, and the fence is the most prominent.
Therefore: Y-AXIS: Romeo's level of lovesickness. X-AXIS: Quotes from the play, separated by acts.
The production elements were compatible and coordinated, with the lighting and sound design contributing to the overall mood and atmosphere of the play.
The supernaturally manufactured predictions lure Macbeth and Banquo with the idea of power, leading Macbeth to plot the cruel murder of Duncan.
Hamlet considers the plan to disturb Claudius and convince the audience of his guilt distracting attention from prayer and confession. Such innovations permeate the entire text, which allows the reader to assert that Hamlet did [...]
Hamlet was thinking about the afterlife and suicide to achieve peace, and during this speech, a reader might feel the pain and despair of the main character.
Bhardwaj's Maqbool is a great example of how the weather sets the tone for the story, it is not the backdrop in the film, but an active force expressing the psychological state of the characters.
Troy is a diligent African-American; he began his career as a garbage collector and eventually as a driver in the sanitation service.
The correlation of the fate of the hero with the development of society, which is the main distinguishing feature of the genre of tragedy, can take on a variety of artistic forms.
Even though Othello is a Moor, he fights for Venice in this war and wins, thus proving his loyalty to the Christian Venice.
Later in the play, the reader learns that this is a childhood trait and she cannot allow her husband to feel obligated to her.
A sense of entitlement can arise from the way a person is treated or from their temperament and as such, it is a dangerous attitude to acquire or encourage because it may lead to disparaging [...]
We are going to depict the marriage in Earnest as an option or a necessary "business" move in an aristocratic society using the prism of Wilde's point of view on Victorians era.
The controversy between the adherence to the state law and the moral norms maintains the conflict between Antigone and Creon in Sophocles' play.
Medea felt Jason had betrayed her love for him and due to her desperate situation she was depressed and her normal thinking was affected that she started thinking of how she would revenge the man [...]
This paper is an attempt to analyze Hamlet's actions and inactions to prove the authenticity of the application of these maxims to the protagonist.
The strengths of such friendships can be seen in the way Friar Laurence accepts and anticipates Romeo's actions, showing that he is ready to hear him as a friend not as a priest, "Doth couch [...]
With consideration of critical responses, use of language and structure, and through a close analysis of Hamlet's soliloquies, the role of Shakespeare's characterization of Hamlet in shaping the enduring power of the text is appreciated [...]
Of course, we find out that he does not want to talk to Oedipus, since he knows that the source of the pestilence is the king.
As Ben-Zvi asserts, "the concerns of the women are considered little or silly and insignificant and this is the most important reason for the men's comments about them.
Thesis Human existence and purpose of life were considered unimportant because the human soul had a divine nature, thus, they were afraid of death as an unknown state of human existence.
These are the problems we are going to discuss in the current essay, and we are going to address for help with it such masterpieces of literature as the play "Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark" [...]
In contrast to Hamlet, the role of 'a play within a play' is to underline onstage and offstage characters and their qualities.
To sum up, Duke is a "people's ruler" who manages to adjust his mode and regime of governance to the actual needs of Viennese residents.
In addition, the play skillfully captures the relationship between the main characters and the main theme of each act, which I intend to transmit to the audience.
The portrayal of Faust is a new form of rebellion that presents a sense of apprehension to the reader. He signs a pact with the devil in order to pursue his goals.
Moreover, the 20th and the 21st century are characterized by the emergence of numerous conflicts that altered the world and resulted in the appearance of shifts in people's mentalities.
This bore a neoclassic model of writing plays, which prescribed strict rules of verisimilitude: the unity of place, action and time, five-play act, and strict classification of the dramas in certain genres.
At the moment of the initially rehearsed interpretation of The Cherry Pickers, Gilbert was named the first Indigenous dramatist to have his play performed.
The main idea of the play is the importance of trust in the family and the value of critical thinking as well as common sense.
Pinter exemplifies the existential view of the absurd and the non-existence in The Dumb Waiter in the same manner as that employed in Waiting for Godot by Beckett.
This is tangible evidence that could have assisted the prosecution and the eventual conviction of Mrs. Wright's guilt on the basis of evidence that they have.
What fascinated me about A Midsummer Night's Dream is the Shakespeare's portrayal of life on the verge of the real world and the world of magic and dreams in the forest with fairies.
Joseph Addison describes the very interesting principles of the man's life base on the position of the public benefits' protection and the readiness to to sacrifice his life to the ideals.
In its turn, this explains why, as opposed to what it happened to be the case with her mother, the Laura's sense of existential alienation has strongly defined tragic undertones to it.
They include Othello, who is the lead actor; Desdemona, Othello's wife; Cassio, Othello's lieutenant; and Iago a junior officer in the army.
The opening scene of the play 'The Importance of Being Earnest", the reader is introduced to highly stylized, exaggerated and unrealistic world.
However, the technique has been defended by some of the scholars who argue that Shakespeare's skill is to develop and emphasize the purpose of duality and dislocation in the play.
The strong character traits of the main characters Odyssey and Job in the epic The Odyssey and The Story of Job help develop their plots from the beginning to the rise of conflict and their [...]
Othello is not perfect either and the reason he acts the way he acts is that he is jealous; not that Desdemona cannot match his 'principles'.
In The Glass Menagerie, Tom opts to find space from all the pressures by leaving his job and family for the sake of peace of mind.
It is hard to disagree that different historical and cultural contexts in literary works allow for a better understanding of the meanings and plots implied by the authors.
The love story of Romeo and Juliet is well known to most people, but one might forget that Romeo was initially not in love with Juliet; he met her later.
It is important to note that the play Magic 8 Ball by Kimberly Pau is about two girls, Melissa and Elizabeth, who use the ball to ask personal questions about their future. It is evident [...]
The main conflict of the play consists of the friends' varying perceptions of the magic ball. She is motivated by her desire to prove the worthlessness of the toy to her friend.
Initially, the themes and scenes of the play were designed for staging at the Shakespeare theatre, and the costumes and the actors' play were supposed to evoke awe for the rich life of medieval nobles.
Besides, the inductive reasoning led Juror 8 to conclude that the witnesses' poor eyesight and physical health could not allow the witness to identify the boy on the train.
In this regard, the decisions of Hamlet, Claudius, Walter, and Lena illustrate the character's commitment to family despite differences of opinion and disagreements.
To be classified as an Aristotelian tragedy, a film or story must be complex and include a situation in which a respectable person suffers a complete reversal of fortunes due to a fatal mistake and [...]
According to Karali, "The Phantom of the Opera shows the affective dimension of music that is felt at a corporeal level of experience," revealing the secret behind its influence on the observer's psyche.
The surviving myths, poems, plays, and stories of the Age of Antiquity allow people to learn about not only the events and religions of the past but also the cultures, lifestyles, and morals of societies [...]
Characters and the plot of The Antigone are highlighted in the play for resolving the problem of morale and pride in human beings and the counter-reaction of gods in response.
The exploration of the difficulties that occur during the transition from adolescence to adulthood is the key message of the play.
He, as Oedipus, felt unique and able to do what he wanted, which gave him a false idea of his position in the world. The character is not aware of his vices, which lead him [...]
Although the play had a religious connotation, it highlighted the government's failure and the inherent struggle by the people which aggravated the leaders, thus leaving the country and becoming a French citizen.
In Romeo and Juliet, love is the central theme of the tragedy, and the images of the protagonists are mostly shaped by the relationships and challenges they had to face.
There are four most remarkable ridiculous plot points in the story; they can be observed in the relationships between Masha and Kulygin, the situation when Irina philosophizes on the sense of life, the character of [...]
One of the features of comedy of identity is the existent of a plot that is based on dialogue and not actions.
The core concept of revenge in Hamlet, Shakespeare's play, is the hesitation of the main character and his doubt moral and philosophical maxims in the whole world; the main idea of the play may be [...]
Both Glass Menagerie and Endgame resort to anti-realistic devices, such as play of words, linguistic gaps and silence, reduced mobility of the characters, detaching the audience attention from the objectivism of reality in order to [...]
From the beginning of the story, he managed to set the readers against the king, which makes the majority of them support the daughters in the conflict between them and the king, the conflict that, [...]
The Delphic Oracle informed that this famine served as a punishment from the gods for not having reattributed the murderer of the Oedipus royal predecessor; therefore, Oedipus ironically vowed to find the murderer."Just as if [...]
O'Neill depicts that one of the many sins these women committed is to have built up the image of prostitutes as romantic and sensational, instead of showing these women as they really are, unfortunate and [...]
John may be considered the protagonist of the play, however, the interrelation of the two main female characters of the play are, certainly, of great use for the development of the action and realization of [...]
Laurencia, the object of the Commander's desire further makes clear to Mengo that in her understanding love is inseparable from honour and thus involves the lover's commitment to their own and their beau's reputation as [...]
Dramatic irony is used by Shakespeare to unveil the personal failures of the characters to see the reality and the world around them because of narrow-mindedness and shortsightedness.
Oedipus's urge to free the citizens of Thebes from the plague leads him to vow to do everything in his power to find the murderer of Laius.'The only way of deliverance from our plague is [...]
The play deals with the genius persons of the world and it relates genius convincingly with the world of madness. Then the development of schizophrenia in Nash, which is "a severe mental disorder that distorts [...]
He is some kind of Robin Hood of the times when Plautus lived."As in both the plays of Aristophanes and Mevander, the Roman playwright Plautus addresses the issue of class consciousness and status in his [...]
Teiresias was from the city of Thebes and played a major role in the story of Oedipus; when Oedipus asked him how to lift the pestilence from Thebes, Teiresias replied that Oedipus was the cause [...]
Judging by the conversation of the King with a lady Camae, the King indeed is presented as a human being who had feelings, fears, and emotions.
In the end, he comes to the conclusion that this obscurity is the reason people do not want to die and prefer to lead the lives full of suffering.
In defense of his decision to remarry, Jason states that it would be better for all parties, including Medea and the children.
The main objective of the play "A Doll's House" is to advocate for the ability of each individual in making decisions that are not based on the influences of other persons around him or her. [...]
Despite the common beliefs concerning the existence of ghosts, it seems that the ghost's presence is still supported by the testimonies of all characters in the story, including Horatio, Francisco, and the protagonist himself.
It is even possible to notice that Mephistopheles tries to warn and make Faust refuse the deal as he is aware of the real situation and does not want him to make the same mistakes [...]
Rather than invoking the idea of creation, Wilder seems to describe the role of birth to the continuation of generations and the role that physicians play in conserving human values. In this case, Wilder wanted [...]
She is ready to kill in revenge for her father's death. On the contrary, she intends to kill her mother for killing Agamemnon, her father.
The figure of Eve Ensler exemplifies the validity of this idea perfectly well, because it is largely on the account of a public controversy, sparked by her play The vagina monologues, that the notion of [...]
Firs, as one of the main characters depicts various stages of the play's development, his fate is associated with the fate of the orchard and the attitude of people to his is almost the same [...]
If this is possible in the setting of the play, what important hints to the truth are we, the viewers, missing and overlooking in everyday life?
The scenario calls for the need to investigate the villagers on issues pertaining to witchcraft, a take that finds many of them victims of the evil doing ready to be judged. First, the plot of [...]
For instance, the journey of Odysseus back to Ithaca feature him as an important figure to Calypso therefore helping in building up the story as his return remains the center of all agony that begets [...]
Therefore, through the reconnection of the paragraphs, the author enables the reader to conclude that the narrator could be famous if she had followed her mother's advice.
This observation is not merely the central idea of the play, but is an enhancement to the basic personality trait that goes along with the horrifying aftermath of the warfare, conducted in the name of [...]
In a typical way of people in modern world, Oedipus goes on to question the credibility of the Oracle. Oedipus has to pay for all his sins and face humiliation in front of the very [...]
The relations between Agamemnon and Clytemnestra in Agamemnon and Oedipus and Jocasta in Oedipus Rex represent the themes peculiar to the literature of that era.
The epigraph's words resonate as a call to action, urging us to dismantle the fences of resentment and disdain, replacing them with bridges of empathy and understanding.
Wilde uses a range of humorous techniques throughout the play to lampoon the morals and manners of Victorian society, which makes the audience laugh.
At the beginning of the play, Jack is told that the cucumber sandwiches are reserved for Algernon's aunt, while the butter sandwiches are meant for Gwendolen.
It is common to perceive the relationship between religion and reason as clashing, yet McCarthy provides a different perspective, in which both sides realize that their deep dissemblance is detrimental to a harmonious existence.
Even the play's ironic title, Much Ado About Nothing, attempts to downplay the existence of grave moral dilemmas that almost result in a tragedy, such as Claudio's accusations of the Hero's chastity and her abandonment [...]
One of the central plot points of this legendary work by William Shakespeare is the cowardly murder of King Duncan by Macbeth and his wife with a dagger while the ruler slept.
Deprived of his family and his past, he took root in a foreign country and adapted to the difficult conditions of life, just as Richard did.
Firstly, the image of a bird in a cage is a powerful symbol of the systematic oppression of women, which is evident in many different cultures and time periods.
Even though the theme of love intends to represent happiness and peace, it cannot always be achieved in life because of the complexities of social lives and the pressure of relationships that individuals in the [...]
The actors created compelling and relatable portrayals of the characters and their motivations for the audience, which made the play simpler to comprehend during the performance. The portrayal of Puck as a cunning and naughty [...]