Looking for a research topic about Apple company? The manufacturer of iconic Iphones and Macbooks is definitely worth exploring!
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Founded in 1979, Apple Inc has become the largest IT corporation by revenue. In your Apple Inc essay, you might want to analyze its background and history or focus on the role of Steve Jobs in the company’s success. Another idea for your assignment is to describe some of the Apple’s most famous products. A good option for your Apple research paper is to concentrate on the company’s advertising strategies. One more idea is to analyze the company’s corporate identity. Finally, you can compare Apple with Nokia or Samsung.
In this article, we’ve collected top 356 Apple Inc essay topics and examples. Get inspired and write an A+ Apple essay or research paper with us.
🏆 Best Apple Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Steve Jobs Commencement Speech AnalysisIn his speech, Jobs demonstrates the virtuous use of the rhetoric appeals in the development and presentation of one of the most persuasive commencement speeches in order to draw the students’ attention to the significant […]
- Apple External & Internal Analysis: Environment Analysis Research PaperSimilarly, the company’s recognition as a leader and producer of simple-to-utilize competitive items keeps on strengthening Apple by sustaining the company on the edge of the knowledge savvy user, in addition to offering support for […]
- Apple Case StudyIt moved from 200,000 songs to 500,000 a day and iPod was the only music player in the market that could play iTune music Social Apple has the network of cooperative suppliers & the base […]
- Apple Corporate Strategy & Business Strategies EssayGiven that competition is adversely affecting the market share of Apple in this industry, the company needs to be more forceful in its business and corporate-level strategies.
- Apple Strategic Management: Planning and Management Process — Apple Company EssayApple Inc has managed to offer unique products in the market, a fact that has enabled the company to win a significant proportion of the market share.
- International HRM Case Study: Apple Inc.Some of the things they need to know include the culture and customs of the host country. Failure to comply with the new rules and regulations would most likely jeopardize the operations of the corporation […]
- Issues and Recommendations for Apple Case StudyThis shows that constant and distinct product innovation has allowed Apple to be the best company with the fanatic consumer base and high-levels of profitability.
- Apple Company: Problems and SolutionsOne of the most serious problems that apple Inc is facing and which to a large extent contributes to the occasional failures of the company is a marketing problem due to stiff competition in the […]
- Apple Company and Its Impact on SocietyThe share price of the company is over $530 making Apple the most successful company in the technological sector. In this paper, the effect of the apple company on the society in terms of ordinary […]
- The Importance of Stakeholder Engagement for Apple Inc.Employees, for example, play a crucial role in the development and production of Apple’s products, and their well-being and satisfaction directly impact the quality and productivity of the company.
- Recruitment and Selection Process of Apple CompanyManagement is a broad practice that entails the organization and harmonization of activities and practices in a firm especially in regard to the organization’s policies, plans, and objectives.
- Apple and Samsung Comparative AnalysisIn regard to the opportunities, the clamor for quality, mobile advertisement, and the growth of Indian market can help to expand the company’s market share profoundly.
- Human Resource Management at the Apple Inc. and Sony CorporationThe objective of HRM is for the success of the organisation through its assets, the working force. The objective of this essay is to analyse and determine the advantages and disadvantages of human resource management […]
- Comparative Analysis of Apple and SamsungThe operations of Apple’s supply chain was strong enough to warrant speculations by observers that the company’s grasp on the supply chain was enough to dictate the terms of other players in the chain.
- Apple Information Systems EssayThe company also applies the same philosophy in its communication and information transfer. The company has ensured a lean and efficient information management strategy.
- Apple Business PlanThis competition has been worsened by a number of Chinese firms that mimic the products of the top brands and sell them in the international market. The firm was chosen because of its strategic importance […]
- Apple Inc. in a Global EnvironmentApple has been able to continuously and repeatedly develop innovative products and therefore create and sustain a competitive advantage in the technology industry. Senior executives at Apple have a critical role of recruiting and introducing […]
- Apple Marketing Objectives and Strategies: IphoneThese forces include the following; the nature and intensity of the competition in the industry, the bargaining power of suppliers, the buying power of consumers, the threat posed by substitute products and finally the threat […]
- The Power of a Balanced Score Card: Apple Case StudyNotably, the document analyzes and describes the primary facts and issues the company manages using its BSC methodology, the strategic objectives pursued using the tactic and assesses the suitability of the adopted strategy.
- The Speech “How to Live Before You Die” by Steve JobsHe has full control of the direction of the speech and strong mastery of the subject. The last story narrated by Steve is on the sensitive topic of death.
- Apple Company’s Financial ManagementIn the financial year that ended on September 26, 2015, the company registered a net income of USD 53,394,000 and a dividend of 11,561,000.
- Apple Inc.’s Triple Bottom LineMoreover, the Triple Bottom Line concept expects managers to control the level of gender and race equality to allow people from different backgrounds to receive similar experience levels and increase the social factor of the […]
- Price Elasticity of Demand of Apple iPhonesIn conclusion, the market for smartphones is highly inelastic, as customers are willing to pay for these devices regardless of their price tag.
- Apple’s Mode of Entry Into Foreign MarketsThe company is currently the market leader in the android smartphones and computer technology market. The situation has significantly contributed negatively to the growth of the company’s smartphones market-share in the international markets.
- Apple’s Macro and Competitive EnvironmentThe aim of this report is to explain the company’s product/brand’s macro and competitive environment through the use of PESTEL and SWOT analysis of the businesses.
- Apple and Samsung: Macro & Micro-Environmental ForcesThe report analyses the macro and micro-environmental forces that influence performance of these companies. These are more popular and acceptable in the market.
- Apple Company’s OperationsThe cut- throat competition in the industry is proving to be disadvantageous to some of the players in the industry since the market has to be shared among all the companies.
- Apple Distribution Channels Research Paper: Direct & Indirect Distribution of iPhoneApple experts operating in the field of distribution management understood that the channels of promotion of iPhone products should be strikingly different from those used for the promotion of existing products such as Mac or […]
- Apple Company: Mitigating Risks While Going GlobalFor instance, Apple and its competitors are expected to respond to the both individualistic cultures of the west and the collective cultures of the east.
- Apple’s Cross-Cultural Problems in ChinaIn the case of Apple, the main issues have to do with employee management issues mostly associated with working conditions and compliance to Chinese labor laws.
- Steve Jobs as a Successful EntrepreneurAs Steve got older and went to college, he encountered the same problem as in school and so he went off to search for the “meaning of life” in India.
- Data Analysis on Apple Inc.Apple Inc.is one of the corporations that have identified the value of branding of its products and uses it to create a distinction between its products and those of its competitors in the market.
- Apple and Its Suppliers: Corporate Social ResponsibilityA cording to Park and Tran, the way this happens is called the ‘internal negative feedback loop.’ Apple is undoubtedly in the public spotlight all the time, likely due to its sheer magnitude, yet, the […]
- Apple Organizational Culture and Structure: A Case StudyThe management of this firm has been keen on tapping special skills of its employees to the advantage of the entire firm.
- Apple Business EnvironmentAs a matter of fact, Apple is the leading company in the PC industry in terms of design and innovation due to applied business intelligence.
- Apple’s Ethical Challenges Regarding Labor PracticesDespite the fact that this aspect violates Apple’s principles of ethical supply chains, which prohibit the use of child labor, the company continued to cooperate with the supplier for another three years.
- Apple Company’s Production Planning and ControlIn order to do this, the planner must have the capacity to control the needs to be within the limits of the available resources.
- Steve Jobs’ Speech “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” AnalysisLet us have a closer look at the parts of the speech namely the introduction, the main body consisting of three stories from Steve Jobs’ life and the conclusion which is rather an appeal to […]
- Insourcing vs. Outsourcing at Apple CompanyApple outsources the manufacturing of its products to Foxconn in order to especially save on costs. When Apple outsourced its manufacturing to Foxconn, it transformed the company in a number of ways.
- Apple Inc.’s and Samsung Electronics Company’s FinancesThe primary objective of this research is to carry out a financial analysis of Apple Company. To determine the suitability of Apple company for investment as well as for employment.
👍 Good Essay Topics on Apple Company
- The Product Life Cycle (PLC): Apple Inc. CaseThis presentation entails the concept of the Product Life Cycle and its importance in today’s modern business environment.
- Apple Company History and CompetitorsFurther, we will scrutinize the impact of the enterprise by discussing the innovations it offers, the charity activities it takes part in, and the sponsorship it provides.
- A Monopoly Market Player: AppleA monopoly market player is a firm, which is the only one existent in a market. The right to own an intellectual property is a result of hard labor and investment in creating it.
- Apple Marketing Plan ExampleThis will help the company to maintain its domination of the market through the new Smartphone. The company will be required to emulate or exploit the strengths and weaknesses of the closest competitors as indicated […]
- Apple Store Market StructureThe economic theory says a lot in the role of advertising of the Apple store company. To sum up, the market structure of the Apple store is oligopoly.
- Apple Inc.’s Capital Projects and Funding SourcesA combination of these factors also implies that Apple has to ensure that investors and the Board of Directors are interested in this offer, as, without their support, it will not be possible to make […]
- Steve Jobs: A Charismatic LeaderDuring the period that he was out of Apple, Steve used his knowledge and charisma to draw a team of staff close to him, which helped him to enhance his knowledge in the production of […]
- Samsung Electronics vs. Apple Company: Legal Case AnalysisIn the current case, the petitioners were the company of Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd; they petitioned to revise the previous court decision, in which the plaintiff, Apple Inc, won the case.
- Apple Inc.’s Adoption of Machiavelli’s IdeasMachiavelli gave the prince a number of options on how to strengthen the city, the ways of handling the subjects in the newly acquired city, and the ways of averting domestic revolution that have the […]
- Apple Inc.: Statement of Cash FlowsApple’s most significant sources of cash from operating activities in 2016-2018 are net income, depreciation and amortization, and accounts payable.
- Demand and Supply of Apple iPodThis study seeks to explore the demand and supply of Apple IPod through the use of the laws of demand and supply.
- Balance Scorecard for Apple CompanyThe expansion in market share will correspond to increased profit margins and the value of company shares in the equity markets.
- Apple Inc.’s Financial Performance Analysis in 2020To begin with, it is essential to notice that Apple Inc.was and still is one of the most powerful and influential corporations in the world.
- Apple’s Performance Management MethodologyThe main advantage that Apple Inc.stands to benefit from this training methodology is the integration of the human capital development into the overall performance management system of the company.
- Apple and Samsung Companies’ Financial AccountingA company’s revenue should be determined only when the reward and risks of ownership are transferred to the buyer, and the amount of consideration can be measured. The matching concept is a practice whereby expenses […]
- Apple Human Resources and Knowledge Management StrategiesThe human resources management department at Apple has the role of ensuring that the company has the right number of people with appropriate knowledge to drive the organisation to the next higher level.
- Apple Versus Samsung SmartphonesWith the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy S series smartphones, Samsung competes with Apple’s iPhone. The screen, look and feel of Samsung smartphones is strikingly similar to that of the iPhone.
- Costco and Apple Firms’ Direct and Indirect Distribution ChannelsThere is a multi-stage distribution channel where the retailer must move the product from the manufacturer to the warehouse and then back to the retail store where it is sold.
- Marketing Strategy: Apple Watch vs. FitbitThe marketing campaign is aimed at the popularization of the idea that the brand’s products are unrivaled, and its comparatively high price is explained by the combination of factors mentioned above.
- Apple’s International Retail StrategyIn the global marketplace, Apple must improve its products and review prices in order to cater for various segments of the market.
- Apple Company: Innovation Strategy ImplementationThe second one investigates the driving factors that have contributed to the company’s innovation strategy, while the third one explores the relationship between culture and innovation at Apple.
- Apple Inc’s Core Issues and Strategic PlanningSome of these challenges include increased competition, maintaining its position in the market, dynamic technology, and the challenge of resource allocation between the traditional products and the emerging products such as iPods, Apple TV and […]
- Speech Analysis: “How to Live Before You Die” by Steve JobsIn the first part of his speech, Jobs told the story of how his life’s experiences started to make sense in the end, even though that when he was young, Jobs was often unable to […]
- Team-Building Strategies of AppleThe most judicious way to cultivate the Five Cs is by recruiting applicants that are team players and compatible with the company culture. Employees should be incentivized to participate through financial compensation and the offer […]
- Organisation Analysis: The Apple CompanyThe theories put forward a number of perspectives that explain the interplay of various elements such as the structure, culture, leadership, and management of the organisation among others. It shapes the behaviour and beliefs of […]
- Apple’s Organizational Structure: RecommendationsThough the functional approach has been sufficient for Appel so far, the company needs to evolve and adjust to the requirements of the present-day setting, where the network structure allows for greater flexibility and collaboration.
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs: ComparisonIn the case of Martin Luther King Jr, his commitment to non-violent resistance as a way of effecting social change was informed by his Christian upbringing and study of Mohandas Gandhi’s philosophy.
- Quality Management: Apple Inc.One of the factors that indicate the quality of Apple Smartphones is the company’s dominance in the world market. This is why Apple has been able to dominate the market in the production of quality […]
- International Strategic Plan to Help Apple Company Expand in ChinaIn addition, as the central bank in China, the Bank of China employs monetary strategy to raise or reduce the rates of interest and regulate the sum of money in the financial system to attain […]
- Contemporary People Management: Apple Inc.In order to facilitate this, the organization has to respond effectively to all the changes that happen in the internal environment, as well as the external environment. The performance of the employees has a direct […]
- Apple’s Advertisements From Sociological PerspectivesIn this case, a group of individuals argues that not everyone can access the iPhone and television for social stability. Through businesses and entertainment, a society is made, thus symbolizing the positivity of this advertisement.
- SWOT Analysis for Apple Inc.The company has been able to overcome the high competition in the industry due to the high customer loyalty. This strategy has expanded the market share of the company and the sales of the company […]
- Operation Management Practices of the Apple CompanyWith the current technological developments like large gigabytes of storage in computers and ability of customers to stream live and download videos, the Apple Company has inculcated these features in their iPod in order to […]
- Apple’s Health, Safety and WellnessProduction of Apple products leads to greenhouse gas emissions which are dangerous to the environment and the stakeholders of the company.
- Apple Corporation Social and Ethical ResponsibilityThe paper will further discuss the methods Apple can utilize to make sure its standards on wage and benefits are adhered to, determine the impacts of increased prices of goods on customer purchasing behavior, and […]
- Apple Corporation: Corporate Governance LawsThe Apple Corporation has adopted governance structures that assist them in the day to day management of the company. It is also noteworthy that Apple has a policy of placing the highest potential talent in […]
- Apple Inc.’s Leadership Effectiveness, Competitive Advantage, and Growth StrategyApple Inc.’s current success can be attributed to the organization’s effective management and leadership abilities to quickly adapt to a highly dynamic business environment.
- Rule and Principle-Based Accounting: Apple and SamsungThis report contributes to this argument by comparing and contrasting the application of the principle and rule-based models of accounting in the consumer electronics market.
- Google, Apple and Microsoft StrategiesFor Google, the first and the foremost sphere is the advertisement; the Internet applications and mobile phones come at close second, according to the case study.
- Apple vs. Huawei: BenchmarkingTable 2 below summarises the company’s business activities and product tree. In this paper, Huawei’s performance will be benchmarked against that of Apple Inc, subject to their financial and non-financial outcomes.
🎓 A+ Apple Inc Essay Examples
- Apple vs. Samsung $2bn Case: Business LawAlthough Apple is the most preferred phone maker in the developed world, Samsung is the most popular phone maker in the developing world.
- How Steve Jobs Changed the WorldHis was the first computer to have icons mouse and computer graphics features that made it be loved by many.iPad, iPhone and iPod Jobs came up with the ideas of these gadgets and which have […]
- Apple and Its Product Range in the UK Smartphone MarketThe history of Apple Inc.is closely tied to that of the technology industry, with the company being one of the best-recognized developers and sellers of smartphones, computers, and software.
- Apple Company’s Diversification and TrendsAfter the Apple, I was successful in the market, the company created Apple II. This was evident in the name change from Apple Computers Inc to Apple Inc.
- Apple’s Bullwhip Effect in the Supply ChainThis paper conducts an analysis of the recent occurrences in the firm, including a bullwhip effect that involved two of its suppliers, to understand the strategic situation of the firm.
- Apple Inc. Decision Making ProcessIts quality products, such as the computers and tablets, have enabled the company to expand fast, despite the stiff competition in the industry.
- Apple Inc.However, the company has to play hard to remain competitive through the manufacture and the marketing of revolutionary products. This strategy has seen the iPod increase its popularity, in effect increasing the market share of […]
- Improving Emotional Well-Being at Apple CompanyAmong the factors that are instrumental in creating the atmosphere of hostility and violence, the employees name the crowdedness of factory offices and industrial set where there is no recreation space, the practices of bullying […]
- The Corporate Social Responsibilities in Walmart, Amazon, and Apple Inc.The following paper briefly compares and contrasts the corporate social responsibilities, ethics, and diversity in Walmart, Amazon, and Apple Inc. On the Corporate Social Responsibility front, Walmart believes in promoting the business and benefiting consumers […]
- An Analysis of Apple and Samsung’s Symbiotic RelationshipRepresentatives from Samsung and Apple will be the first one to admit that both companies needed each other to survive.
- Brand Analysis-AppleApple is a technology company that has been named among the most valuable brands in the world. It manufactures both mobile phones and computers.
- Major Failures of Apple Inc.To begin with, environmental concerns from its use of toxic minerals like Mercury and Lead form the most important shortfalls of the Apple Company.
- Apple Inc.’s Innovation Focus Strategy: Pros & ConsOne of the recommendations is the focus of the company on the innovative solutions. Table 1 presents pros and cons of implementing the proposed recommendation.
- Apple Inc. in the Australia MarketOne of the most notable aspects of what account for the essence of economic realities in today’s world is the fact that, as time goes on, more and more of the so-called multinational corporations decide […]
- Steve Jobs: Persistence and InnovationsIt has been reported that at once stage Steve was relieved of his position as the CEO of his the company he started and owned, thanks to the dynamics of corporate governance.
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Apple Inc.However, Steve Jobs resigned as the CEO of the company in 1985, after he was phased out by directors of the company. The biography of Steve Jobs shows that he was dedicated to improve ethics […]
- Building Brand Culture: Apple Inc.Brand image is attached to the culture of the company and it is important for the stakeholders of a company to develop corporate cultures which are consistent with the national cultures.
- Apple Company’s First-Mover AdvantageTo a great extent, these responses are mostly based on the financial performance of Apple at the end of 2009, its market share, and the assessment of the products offered by this corporation.
- Microsoft vs. AppleBoth Apple and Microsoft corporations are worldwide companies that deal in the development and distribution of computer software and operating system.
- Internal and External Strategies at the Apple CompanySuch information tarnishes the image of the company to the public and is likely to cause reduction of customers in favor of its competitors The company’s criticism for infringement of employee rights creates a negative […]
- Apple vs. Microsoft: Comparative AnalysisHowever, the original composition of Apple, unlike the composition of Microsoft, lost one of the co-founders in the first month. 9 billion, and in 1996 Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy and returned Steve […]
- Apple Incorporation: Supply Chain ManagementThis hardware is manufactured in Singapore and shipped to the production sites in China on behalf of Apple Incorporation by Infineon Company.
- Management in the Apple CompanyThe work of Apple Company’s board of directors is to check the performance of the company’s management. Remaining true to the culture has created the boundary between Apple Company’s products and those of its competitors.
- Apple Inc. Market Entry Audit: The Entry of Apple Inc. Into a New Market With an Existing Product or ServiceThe company is currently the market leader in the android smart phones and computer technology market. In fact, the operations of the company are segmented based on the nature and location of its customers.
- Apple Inc. Company AnalysisIntroduction Apple Inc. is a multinational tech company based in California, the US. In terms of revenue, Apple is the largest technology firm, with approximately $365.8 billion as of June 2022. The company has been known for its market capitalization, whereby it has sold many computers and mobile phones. The company was founded in 1976 […]
- The Case of Apple Company and Its Code of ConductThe changes made to a code of conduct may be subtle, yet they inevitably lead to the rearrangement of the staff’s priorities and the acceptance of the essential principles of collaboration, negotiation, and efficient communication.
- Apple’s Competition in Chinese Smartphone MarketThe analysis will examine the following forces that affect the company: industry competition, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of consumers, the threat of new entrants, and the threat of substitute products.
- Apple Inc. Marketing MixIn line with Apple’s product strategy, Chazin says the company’s products are similar to other products in the market, but because of its “genius” marketing strategy, many consumers believe Apple is superior to other brands […]
- Apple Inc.: Customer ServiceThe continuous innovation of the company has led to its capture of the music industry with the creation of iTunes and the Apple Store.
- The Apple iPhone: Commodity Chain AnalysisSome of the products include the the Apple brand of electronics such computer, the apple laptop, the iPod, the iPad, iMac,soft wares such as the Mac OS X operating system, the Macintosh computer and the […]
- “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” by Steve JobsIn order to analyze gender perspectives in a speech, it is of essence to appreciate type of the audience, purpose of the expression, position of the speaker, and gender.
- Diversification and Vertical Integration at Apple and SamsungIn this case, direct vertical integration is understood as the purchase of companies that are closer to the end consumer in the logistics chain.
- Apple Company’s Marketing PlanThis goal is set in order to guarantee the growth of the company and the increase of its market share in the smartphone sector.
- Apple Inc.’ Short Term Action Plans to Improve Its Corporate Social ResponsibilitySeveral issues have affected the corporate image of the company over the recent past and therefore there is need to try as much as possible to restore the corporate image of the company.
- Apple Global StrategyApple’s global strategy continues to evolve; since its inception the company has always valued innovation and thinking out of the box, and the company’s corporate culture remains one of its core strategic achievements. In Ungson […]
- The Global Environment: Apple Inc.Particularly, the company’s products have been quite unique in the global market due to the way the company has employed special technology to produce them with an aim of meeting the needs of the global […]
- Apple Inc. CompanyThe situation as it is now is that the leader of the successful team is not to his best of health; the way forward is the problem of the company.
- Strategic Options for Apple IncSuch a strategic option will inarguably permit Apple to take advantage of the trends, competition, opportunities and risks that exist in the external environment by creating more value, independence, and demand for its products in […]
- Apple Inc.’s Operation Plan AnalysisPayment, often referred to as gross sales, is at the top of the income statement and is commonly referred to as the top line.
- Ethics Unwrapped: Apple Suppliers & Labor PracticesUnfortunately, the level of criticism has continued to exist since the company is pushed to the limits to meet the expanding demand for some of its products, including the iPhone and the iPad.
💡 Top Apple Research Paper Titles
- Apple Corporation’s Groups and TeamsThe sole purpose of this executive team is to ensure that the company functions efficiently through the formulation and implementation of proper strategies and models.
- Apple Inc.’s Offshore Management and Labor RightsTherefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to identify and discuss the mechanisms through which these global corporations, in particular, Apple might implement to reduce the negative association with these offshore suppliers and improve the […]
- Apple and Samsung Companies: HR PracticesThe company identifies and attracts competent individuals who can revolutionize the world through the provision of premium products. Student programs encourage students to be part of the company and achieve their aims.
- Apple Company’s Creativity and InnovationWith this in mind, this paper will critically analyze the concepts of creativity and innovation in Apple Inc, the impact of transformational leadership on creativity and innovation, and finally focus on how Apple’s transformational leaders […]
- Apple, Samsung, Sony, LG, Toshiba Product HierarchiesIn order to do so, this paper would assess the performance of the consumer electronics market in Dubai, briefly discuss the position of the five companies in Dubai, form a PEST analysis, create product hierarchies […]
- Leadership Impact on Apple Company’s PerformanceTo evaluate the impact of leadership style adopted by Steve Jobs and Tim Cook in promoting business sustainability To assess the effect of the leadership style adopted by Steve Jobs and Tim Cook in fostering […]
- Steve Jobs’ Stanford Speech Rhetorical StrategiesSpeaking of the goals which Steve Jobs pursued when having a public speech in front of the students of the Stanford University, one has to mention that these goals had nothing to do with Jobs’ […]
- Apple Inc. Managerial Decision-MakingConstant changes in the consumer demand as well as the purchasing decisions in relation to the firm’s products, the competitive pressures and transformations in the technological innovations are some of the uncertainties the firm is […]
- Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great EntrepreneurThroughout his life he was able to face hurdles which were some kind of a stepping stone towards success, manifested through the empire and legacy that he built with the aim of improving the life […]
- Marketing of Apple Products in UKThe Apple Company has grown to become one of the most recognized brands in the world. The brands of the company are easily identifiable in the market, and many people are willing to re-buy from […]
- Steve Jobs’ Impacts on the WorldAfter the continued poor performance in Apple, the CEO was fired and Steve appointed chairman of the board and CEO of Apple.
- Communication Strategy by Apple CompanySome of the solutions suggested by the Apple Company include purchasing specific cases for the iPhone 4, using duct tape on the iPhone or purchasing a software patch, which has the ability to alter the […]
- Apple Inc.’s Competitive Advantages in Computer IndustryCompetitive advantage is significant in any company A prerequisite of success It enhances sustainable profit growth It shows the company’s strengths Apple Inc.explores its core competencies to achieve it Apple Inc.is led by Tim […]
- Organizational Behavior: Facebook and AppleIt applies in circumstances where the conflict is between team members, and as a result, the most convenient means of changing the arrangement of the group is separating the personalities that were colliding.
- Apple Inc.’s External Factor Evaluation MatrixAccording to Khan, Alam, and Alam, talented personnel is the key to Apple’s performance, and the loss of human resources may lead to decreased revenues of the company.
- Market Research on the Apple Inc.This is one of the issues that the firm will take into consideration in the process of designing the iPad Mini. This presents a unique market opportunity for Apple to exploit in the course of […]
- Apple Inc.’s Financial Performance in 2018-2019For example, the uncertainty associated with the Russian invasion of Ukraine entailed the need for the prompt withdrawal of Western companies from the Russian market, which led to high costs.
- Apple Inc.’s Marketing Communication and Social Media StrategySecondly, Apple compensates for the lack of a clear marketing communication strategy on social media with the active involvement of key figures within the company.
- Apple PLC.: HR Planning ProcessThe program will be delivered via power point presentation through an expert(s) in the human resource management department.
- Apple Inc’s Outsource ManufacturingThe transfer of some functions and processes to the category of non-core allows the company to reduce the number of costs for their implementation.
- Apple Production Operation ProcessRegardless of the specificities of Apple’s manufacturing process, the resources necessary for the operation and production of the company’s products are the same for all industries.
- Apple Company’s Creativity: Approaches and ToolsThe focus of investment is the competitive creation of ideas with the goal of being the first company to provide a new type of product.
- Apple Inc.’s Value Chain, Processes and ActivitiesIn this instance, to understand the working mechanism of this concept, Porter identified that this process could be divided into main and supporting activities that ensure the delivery of exceptional value to the customers of […]
- Apple Inc.’s Stability, Growth, and RetrenchmentApple Inc.is one of the companies that have managed to cope with the competitive market to emerge as one of the best companies with a market share that spans various countries in the world.
- Machiavelli’s Theories and Apple CompanyFirst, from the time of its formation, Apple’s chief strategy has been on acquisitions and mergers that have in turn helped it to attain more control and dominance in the market.
- Ethical Issues in Apple Inc.Steve Jobs worked as the president of the company during its early years and left the management of the company after conflicts arose from the board of directors.
- Apple Corporation’s Employee Training ProgramTo establish the views of the employees of the Apple Corporation on the level of job satisfaction within the current training and development programs.
- Business Strategies – Apple Inc.In this context, it has been possible for the company to analyse its market segments and produce products that are appropriate to them.
- Apple’s iPad Pricing StrategyAccording to marketing theory of brand extension, price-skimming strategy can be an effective method of pricing when the company using it has a strong brand name; Apple falls in the category.
- Apple Company: Strategic Analysis and RecommendationsThe branded products of the company include the Macintosh computers, the iPod, iPhones and the iPads. The major strength of the Apple Company is that it develops in both the smartphone sector and the tablet […]
- How Would the Internet Firms Napster, Kazaa, and Apple’s iTunes Music Store be Reflected in a Porter Five Forces Industry Analysis?This has made the suppliers from the music industry to adjust on their prices and quality of products in order to attract bids from the big companies.
- On Personality and Qualities: Why Do I Admire Steve Jobs?Following his heart and intuition, the co-founder of Apple is the most remembered for his speeches and presentations where the projects he presented were more based on the paramount customer needs and concerns.
- Marketing the Apple Brand: E-MarketingThough in the past the company adopted traditional marketing strategies in creating pull in the market, the company position itself as one of the leaders in the consumer electronics and mobile devices industry, it has […]
- Power and Technology: Power in Apple Inc.From the standpoint of power as a property of relationship in Apple, one can pay attention to the history of the corporation and its path of market growth.
- Analysis of Apple’s “Privacy on iPhone” CommercialThe promise to keep users’ activities on the web or on iPhone a secret constitutes the Pathos strategy of Apple’s recent ad.
- Price Skimming: Apple Company’s ExampleIn the majority of cases, the firms use price skimming at the first stage of the product penetration to reduce prices at later stages.
- Apple Inc.’s Macroenvironmental AnalysisIt has continued to record remarkable performance levels, thanks to the company’s capacity to efficiently manage external forces available in its macro-environment.
- Apple Company: Project FinancingThe purpose of this paper is to describe a new product that has been recently launched by Apple, analyze the effectiveness of Apple’s current projects and their financial outcomes, and discuss the funding of the […]
- Apple Inc.’s Dominance and GlobalizationIt will assess the power dynamics of the company’s supply chain using the framework of global commodity chains and global value chains.
- Apple Inc.’s External Factors and Social PerformanceThe purpose of this paper is to discuss products of Apple, concentrate on external factors that influence the company’s progress, analyze the role of primary stakeholders in influencing the organization’s performance, and describe the corporate […]
📝 Great Topics about Apple Company
- Consumer Behavior Towards the Apple’s iPad 4
- Apple Inc. International Management
- Apple Inc.’s Financial Statements (2012 to 2014)
- Apple’s Modified Mission and Vision
- Apple Inc. Crafting Strategy
- Apple’s iPhone 5s Marketing Plan
- Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech
- Faith-Based Marketing at Apple Inc.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Apple and Microsoft
- Apple Inc.’s Impact on Economic Inequality
- Apple: The Analysis of the Company’s Financial Statements
- Apple Inc.’s Advertising and Commodity Fetishism
- Apple Inc. External Communication
- Apple Watch Pricing Strategy
- Apple Inc. Financial Performance
- Apple Company and Sustainable Development Issues
- Apple Company’s Investment Benefits
- Apple Inc. and Chinese Workforce Challenges
- Apple Inc.’s Entrepreneurship: iPod and iPad
- Apple Company’s Marketing Strategy in Asia and Latin America
- Apple Company’s Operations Improving
- Apple’s Response to Its Competitors’ Actions
- Effects of Apple’s Marketing Strategy on Customers’ Behaviour in Chinese Market
- Apple SWOT Analysis: Capitalizing on Company’s Weaknesses
- Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Apple’s iPod
- Verbal Culture: An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
- Social Phenomenon Cause by Apple Store and Its Products
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- Strategies and Policies at the Apple, Inc.
- Apple Inc.’s Mission, Vision, and Code of Ethics
- Apple Inc.: Company Overview
- Apple Pay Technology Analysis
- Steve Jobs’ Public Speaking Evaluation
- Jeff Williams’ Leadership Style at Apple Inc.
- Apple Company: Understanding the Numbers
- Apple Company’s Beta Estimation
- “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson
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- Apple Company’s Financial Health
- Apple and Brand-Customer Relationship
- Competitive Strategies: Apple and Microsoft
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- Marketing Communications Mix: Apple vs. Samsung
- Apple Inc.: Company Brief Analysis
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- Apple Inc. Change
- Apple Inc. Smartphone Marketing Strategy in Australia
- International Marketing Plan for Introducing Apple iPhone to East Africa
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- Apple’s Christian Influence in Marketing Against Adversity and For Innovation
- Apple Watch: Unlock Limitless Possibilities
- Technology Impact on Accounting at Apple Inc.
- Apple: From Pipeline to Platform Model
- Steve Jobs’ Presentation at the Worldwide Developers Conference 1997
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- Apple Inc.: Stock Price Valuation
- Facebook, Apple, and Tesla: Companies Analysis
- Apple Inc.’s Vision: Successes and Challenges
- Leadership Analysis: Tim Cook and Michael Friedman
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- The Apple International Company
- The Unilever, IBM, and Apple Firms’ Strategic Planning
- Background About Globalization and Apple Products
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Apple Inc.
- Steve Jobs Speech Analysis
- The Apple Firm’s Financial Performance Analysis
- Apple Inc.’s Program Design and Logic Model
- Tim Cook as an Effective Strategic Leader
- Apple’s Concept of the Functional Organization
- Apple Inc.: Corporate Responsibility Practices Overview
- Steve Jobs’ 2005 Commencement Speech Analysis
- Apple: The Advertising Campaign
- The Use of Digital Devices in Apple, Google, and Amazon
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- Apple Inc.’s Strategic (SWOT) Analysis and Responsibilities
- Apple Inc: Description, Vision, Challenges, and Key Events
- Apple: Internal and External Analysis
- Apple as a Multinational Technology Corporation
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🥇 Controversial Apple Inc Essay Topics
- How Has Apple Performed in the PC Industry?
- Apple’s Changing Business Model: What Should the World’s Richest Company Do with All Those Profits?
- What Motivates Undergraduates And Postgraduates Students to Apply to Apple Inc.?
- How And What Made Apple Such Successful Company?
- How Apple Security Flaws Led to the Epic Hacking of Mat Honan?
- Why Apple Inc Is Certainly a Successful Company?
- How Apple and Samsung Differentiate Their Products?
- 3 Reasons Why I Would Invest in Apple
- An Investigation Into Why Consumers Buy Into Apple Brand
- How Apple Changed Our Generation?
- Why Apple Inc Was Successful in Emerging in the Canadian Market?
- How Apple Company Meets Its Advertising Needs?
- Why Apple Should Buy Netflix and Why It Probably Won’t?
- How Apple Company Used Fayol’s 14 Management Principles?
- Why Do Employees at Firms Such as Apple Computer Work so Hard and Put in Such Long Hours?
- How Apple Group Succeeded to Avoid Billions of Euros in Taxes by Shifting Profits into Subsidiaries from Ireland?
- Why Apple Is So Successful?
- How Apple Has Become For Successful Companies Growing Up?
- Why Are Apple Products so Popular?
- How Apple Hit $1 Trillion Mark in the Market
- Why Can Apple Dominate the Smartphone Market in Hong Kong?
- Why You Should Buy an Apple Macintosh Computer
- Why Invest in Apple Inc?
- Apple in 2013: How to Sustain a Competitive Advantage?
✅ Easy Apple Topics for an Essay
- The Selection Between Apple And Google Mobile Phones
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- A Company and Business Strategy Analysis of Apple Inc
- Apple Inc – Adopting Customer Relation Management
- Apple Inc Designs and Markets Customer Electronics, Computer Software, and Personal Computers
- A Critical Evaluation Of Apple And Samsung
- Comparison of Google and Apple Corporate Culture
- Analyzing Market Segmentation for Apple’s Products
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- Apple Differ From Other Companies Because of their Art in Designing
- Corporate Social Responsibilities Of Apple Inc
- Porters Five Forces And Apple Inc
- A Financial Analysis of Apple Computer Inc Essay
- Cost Leadership Strategy of Apple
- The merger of Apple and AT&T
- Analysis Of Porter ‘s Forces On Apple ‘s Strategic Management
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- Ratio Anayzes and Statement of Cash Flowfor Dell and Apple
- A History of the Apple Computers
- Recommendation for Apple Inc. to Acquire in Indonesia
- Challenges faced by Apple, Netflix and AT&T in their global expansion
❓ Questions About Apple Company
- Why Is the Apple Watch Not Worth Buying?
- How Do Apple and Samsung Differentiate Their Products?
- What Are the Chief Elements of Apple’s Overall Competitive Strategy?
- How Did Apple Change the Way Entertainment Is Sold and Consumed?
- Why Can Samsung and Apple Dominate the Smartphone Market in Hong Kong?
- How Does Apple Company Meet Its Advertising Needs?
- How Did Apple Computer Get Its Brand Name and Logo?
- How Did Apple Computer Influenced the Nation?
- What Factors Influence Customer Retention Towards Apple?
- How Did Apple Dominate the Tech Industry?
- What Does Motivate Undergraduates and Postgraduates Students to Apply to Apple Inc?
- How Does Apple Evaluate Its Performance?
- What Did Kill HTC and Kept Apple Alive?
- How Has Apple Marketed the iPod?
- Should Apple Lobby the FASB to Change the Revenue Recognition Rules for Smartphones?
- How Can Apple Increase Their Market Share?
- What Are Apple’s Competitive Advantages?
- How Does Apple Inc Manage Its Industrial Fluids?
- Why Did Apple Company Come to China?
- How Does Apple Leverage Information Systems?
- What Does Make Apple Become So Successful?
- How Does Apple Manage E-marketing?
- Why Could Apple Pay Be a Game Changer for Businesses?
- What Does Make Apple Different From Android?
- How Can Apple Gain a Competitive Advantage Over Samsung?
- Why Should Apple Buy Netflix and Why It Probably Won’t Do That?
- How and What Did Make Apple Such a Successful Company?