With this in mind, it should also be said that some assessment tool should be created for Sampson to be able to determine whether he has any symptoms of depression or not.
The hypotheses developed in this paper are of immense importance in guiding a study aimed at identifying credible evidence on how alcohol consumption during adolescence is associated with mental health challenges and increased STI risk [...]
Essentially, this case study will allow the evaluation of the prevailing cases of drug abuse among the youth. In this regard, the pain and peer pleasure cannot be persevered to allow an explicit cure of [...]
The main scope of the recovery movement is to prove the individual's potential for recovery and resistance to the addiction. With regard to the above-presented analysis of the Recovery Movement, Minnesota Model of Treatment derives [...]
The legal drinking age is influential and acts as one of the contributors to drug abuse and addiction noticed among the youths and minority groups.
Environment is a critical contributor to the aspects of drug abuse and the alleged addiction. This indicates that the ultimate effect of a given drug is not the only contributor to drug abuse and addiction.
In addition to giving a precise of the aforementioned story, the next discussion also elaborates the story by relating it to sociological imagination and the concept of social perspectives.
The difference in the drinking habits of the students who ascribe to the philosophical as well as those who ascribe to the technical lifestyles can be attributed to the time available for the two groups [...]
Thus the paper will analyze the social role played by alcohol drinking and the social significance of the places where the drinking takes place.
From the above information it is evident that much of the information that is lacking and is hard to obtain in this type of research, is the views of drug abusers themselves.
The problem of the meth epidemic originated from the western sides of the US, and later spread to the East Coast.
An analysis of the ethicality of Project Prevention's mission requires a delicate balance between respecting the autonomy of the mother and the right of the unborn child to receive appropriate parental care and love.
The research focused on some of the demographic factors that show prevalence in the usage of hard drugs. It was also clear from the two sources of data that race and gender are factors that [...]
It will therefore be difficult to regulate the use of marijuana among young people and other unauthorized people if it is legalized. It should be noted that marijuana has various negative effects to the health [...]
In addition, other local stakeholders were also incorporated in the program with the aim of boosting the drugs awareness campaign. According to Arevian, the objectives of the training program were met as anticipated.
The latter measure is not merely being advocated by the proponents of marijuana use since the legalization of marijuana has been supported by NAACP not because it fully backs the smoking of marijuana.
The literature provides us with a report of a research that has been conducted in the US regarding the topic of cocaine and drug abuse.
The core issues mentioned in the article revolves around addiction and abuse of opioid agents as well as its relation to the use of heroin and marijuana.
The article describes the focus of the mother on the positive results of treatment and her plans to find the physician to assist her to treat the boy with the help of marijuana legally.
The changes as well as the psychosocial factors revolving around the adolescents make them a unique group, especially regarding substance abuse and treatment of substance abuse problems. Keeping the company of peers who are involved [...]
Regardless of the many intervention measures that can be adopted to solve this problem of drug abuse, the most effective intervention measure is to create awareness to youths to enable them change their behaviors and [...]
If an action is carried out with the use of objects in opposition to the regulations and strategies of the substance, it is as well abuse of the substance.
The abuse of drugs and alcohol among the adolescent is a major problem in the United States and other developed nations.
The plant was grown in the United States of America for agricultural purposes during the colonial period up to the beginning of the 20th century.
The memoir about a young and energetic man and his struggle to overcome addiction to alcohol and other drugs by spending much time in rehabilitation is moving.
Many individuals tend to believe that the use of Marijuana is morally wrong as it alters the mental state of the user and leads to dangerous addictions and actions in the end.
Previous studies involving comparisons of drinking patterns and their effects upon the white and African Americans reveal that alcohol is the most abused drug among the African American youth.
In evaluating the validity of this hypothesis one is able to know the measures to take and expectations to be derived by the end of the research.
Wilson and Smith went to the Oxford Group to learn the Oxford Group's techniques of prayer, for example: surrender, guidance, and moral principles.
For the first time in the history of America, the number of new abusers of prescription drugs was at par with that of marijuana users.
This poses as problem to the society because many of the people who are unemployed will resort to different ways of seeking money and pleasure.
The director of this film is of the view that only a father to a child can teach him values and good morals.
The central viewpoint is that it is not an absolute truth that drug use is not an obvious cause of crime.