Environment Essay Examples and Topics. Page 3

3,233 samples

Journal Entries on Environmental Studies

Picture 2: Some of the animal species I encountered in the park. I was interested to examine biodiversity of animal and plant species in the terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems within Asir national park.
  • Subjects: Ecosystem
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1440

Ozone Depletion

He also observed that the levels of long-lived tracers were due to complex reactions and was unlikely to occur, and that the high levels of chlorine in the stratosphere was the most probable cause of [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Air Pollution
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2009

Fire Safety and Prevention in Buildings and Structures

In regards to the control of fires, the standards were set to consider the recommended heights of buildings, the ventilation of the same, the availability of exits and the use of non flammable materials during [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 2990

Are Electric Vehicles Better for the Environment?

This article reviews and evaluates the energy efficiency and environmental impact of electric vehicles with rechargeable batteries. Electric cars meet these requirements and provide opportunities for people to create transport that is safe for the [...]
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 359

The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security

Currently, the world is beginning to encounter the effects of the continuous warming of the Earth. Some of the heat must be reflected in space to ensure that there is a temperature balance in the [...]
  • Subjects: Climate Change
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1423

Integrated Sustainable Water Management in the UAE

The UAE Water Security Strategy 2036 was unveiled by the Ministry of Energy in 2017 to ensure that access to water during an emergency and normal conditions are sustainable within the internal standards, local regulations, [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 52
  • Words: 13860

Water Pollution in the Philippines: Metropolitan Manila Area

In this brief economic analysis of water pollution in Metro Manila, it is proposed to look at the industrial use of waters and the household use to understand the impact that the population growth and [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1123

Climate Change Impacts on Ocean Life

The destruction of the ozone layer has led to the exposure of the earth to harmful radiation from the sun. The rising temperatures in the oceans hinder the upward flow of nutrients from the seabed [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2237

Effects of Ozone Depletion

Among the short-term effects of solar radiation on the human skin include sunburn, thickening of the epidermis, and the dryness of the skin.
  • Subjects: Planet Protection
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2018

Natural Hazards and Disasters

Their main purpose is to inform the reader about the dangers of natural disasters and the support that is usually provided by the government to those, who suffered from these disasters.
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 837

Adopting Renewable Energies

Proponents of fossil fuels assert that while alternative energy sources purport to be the solution to the problems that fossil fuels have caused, alternative energy sources can simply not cater for the huge energy needs [...]
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1937

The Tundra Biome and Its Keystone Species

As with any ecosystem, the region has its keystone species or organisms playing a central role in the survival of other organisms and the development of the local environment. For instance, in the tundra, the [...]
  • Subjects: Ecosystem
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 609

Environment: Endangered Species

Global warming also increases the risk of storms and drought, affecting food supply, which may cause death to both humans and animals.
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 674

Water Quality Importance

In a lot of areas, the water available to the public is contaminated; that is it has substances that can be of great harm to public health.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 673

Pollution Is a Consistent Demolition of the Earth

Pollution means the introduction into the environment of substances or energy that is liable to cause hazards to human health, harm to living resources and ecological systems, damage to structure or interfere with the legitimate [...]
  • Subjects: Air Pollution
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 2013

Technology Influence on Climate Change

Undoubtedly, global warming is a portrayal of climate change in the modern world and hence the need for appropriate interventions to foster the sustainability of the environment.
  • Subjects: Climate Change
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4147

Climate Change Impact on Bangladesh

Today, there are a lot of scientists from the fields of ecology and meteorology who are monitoring the changes of climate in various regions of the world.
  • Subjects: Climate Change
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 831

Global Warming and Melting of Polar Ice Sheets

The collaboration of the different scientists allowed them to make the claim that due to global warming, there is an average increase in temperatures in recent decades.
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1983

Water Shortages in the World

Management of water supply in developing countries is poor as compared to that of developed world. In addition, pollution of water in developing countries is quite prevalent as compared to that of developed world.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1389

Climate Change, Development and Disaster Risk Reduction

However, the increased cases of droughts, storms, and very high rainfalls in different places are indicative of the culmination of the effects of climate change, and major disasters are yet to follow in the future.
  • Subjects: Climate Change
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2236

Flattening of the World: Globalization and Outsourcing

The rate of affordability of the IT hardware and software on the other hand pushed the need for its adoption of the process and hence the realization of the economic gains that had become elusive.
  • Subjects: Global Warming
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2656

The Problem of Ocean Pollution in Modern World

Wastes such as toxic matter, plastics, and human wastes are some of the major sources of pollution in the ocean. Many people consume fish as food; when marine life is affected by toxic substance in [...]
  • Subjects: Air Pollution
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 536

The Influence of Environmental Health on Society Health

In efforts of trying to handle the issue of environment pollution, there are vital steps that would be considered first. Any form of pollution that may cause harm to human and animals should never be [...]
  • Subjects: Air Pollution
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 566

Summary of the Rhino Hunter Podcast

The podcast addresses the issue of hunting as a way to achieve harmony in the wilderness and humans as a creature that can upset that balance.
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 596

Dangers, Causes, and Effects of Wildfires

Deforestation, as the aftermath of wildfires, causes forest watersheds and lower drinking water quality. Wildfires impose severe short- and long-term threats to human lives and the planet.
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 398

Ecological Perspective Theory and Practice

The ecological perspective can be seen as an approach in which the focus is on the interactions and the transactions between people and their environment.
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 4238

Water-Saving Technologies in the Middle East

Our planet is made of 70% water and yet most areas of the world are without water. However, to conserve the cost of this important resource, certain steps are being taken by the respective governments [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 938

The Importance of Saving the Environment

Toxins and contaminants pollute the environment and consequently interfere with the health of man and other animals. In other words, the future is guaranteed if the environment can be safeguarded and preserved at the current [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1407

Baby Boomers Positive and Negative Aspects

The baby boomers have changed the world both positively and negatively. The baby boomers have reduced the level of prejudice and discrimination in our world.
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 585

Bhopal Gas Tragedy: What Had Happened?

If the corporate management had taken safety measures to respond to the sudden addition of water to the MIC tank, the disaster would have minimal impacts.
  • Subjects: Air Pollution
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

Climate Classification: San Francisco and Salt Lake City

It is located on the West Coast and closely stretches and borders the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Figure 1: A figure showing the map of Salt Lake City, Utah Climate and seasonal [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1094

Air Pollution Sources, Effects and Ways of Minimizing

This paper discusses the various sources of air pollution, the effects of air pollution, and ways of minimizing air pollution. Definitely, the destruction of the atmosphere is a serious issue of concern to many people, [...]
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1444

Earthquakes in Chile and Haiti

Moreover, the quake in Haiti raptured at the epicenter of the city with a high population density compared to Chile. Therefore despite a lower magnitude earthquake than Chile, Haiti suffered more damage due to the [...]
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 307

The Climate Change Articles Comparison

In a broader sense, both articles address the concept of sustainability and the means of reinforcing its significance in the context of modern global society to prevent further deterioration of the environment from happening.
  • Subjects: Climate Change
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1416

The Global Warming Debate: Is It Real?

Regardless of the side that has the truth, it is very important to treat the issue of global warming with utmost attention given the potential it has for causing misery on the planet.
  • Subjects: Global Warming
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1115

Modern Water Purification Methods for the Middle East

In this study, we will learn about the methods of water purification and the need to purify water. The specific purpose of the study is to describe and explain the methods of water purification in [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1688

The Manas Wildlife Sanctuary

A home to a great variety of wildlife and endangered species, the Manas Sanctuary is located in the Himalayan foothills, in the far eastern state of Assam.
  • Subjects: Ecosystem
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1839

Is Recycling Good for the Environment?

Recycling is good for the environment and should be included in the daily routine of any person that cares about the planet and the future of our children.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Recycling
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 611

2011 Tsunami in Tohoku and Its Effects on Japan

In this instance, the geological origin of the tsunami has to be discussed due to the fact that it plays a significant role in predicting the presence of a tsunami in the future.
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 835

Human Behavioral Effects on Environment

Environmental cues shape human behaviors because they make people perceive a certain environment in a given way and behavior in a manner that fits that environment. In addition, environmental cues may force people to change [...]
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1169

ISO 14000 Registration Process

The certification is awarded to firms that employ mechanisms to reduce the impact of their operations to the environment, and endeavor to comply with the set out laws.
  • Subjects: Planet Protection
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3164

Renewable Energy: Geothermal Energy

Of all these forms of renewables, geothermal energy is perceived as one of the renowned forms of renewable energy which is generated from the crust of the earth.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

Environmental Impact of Medical Wastes

These inconsistencies are present in the Federal guidelines laid down by the States with regards to the definition of medical waste and the management options available for handling, transporting, treating and disposing medical waste.
  • Subjects: Recycling
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1845

Green Power, Its Merits and Demerits

The renewable energy sources used to provide green power can guarantee energy security in the world. Green power produces energy without subjecting the environment to the hazards posed by the traditional sources of energy.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1383

Tornado’s Variations and Formation

As a result, the formation of tornadoes can be affected by Bernoulli's principle since most tornadoes show a local vortex flow whereby the velocity of the flow is greatest at the center of the vortex.
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1253

Food Web and Impact of Environmental Degradation

In the course of this paper, 'conservation' refers to the preservation of natural resources that are, in any way, involved in the functioning of the food web.
  • Subjects: Environmental Processes
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3323

Habitat Destruction and Biodiversity Extinctions

The instance of extinction is by and large regarded as the demise of the very last character of the genus. Habitat obliteration has played a major part in wiping out of species, and it is [...]
  • Subjects: Ecosystem
  • Pages: 18
  • Words: 5144

Biodiversity Conservation: Tropical Rainforest

The forest is not a threat to many species and that, therefore, helps in showing that conserving this forest will be of great benefit to many species. The disadvantage of conserving the Mangrove Forest is [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 549

Influence of Car Emissions on the Environment

Emissions from cars are also damaging to the environment, destroying the surrounding through adding to the green house effect damaging the quality of the air as well as depleting the ozone.
  • Subjects: Air Pollution
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1798

Fire Protection in Commercial and Industrial Buildings

Regarding the mentioned issues, the best choice for the warehouse reconstruction would be to install a horizontal split-case fire pump. If there are potential issues of using a foreign-made fire pump, they should be fixed [...]
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 22
  • Words: 4610

“The Great Climate Experiment” by Ken Caldeira

In the article "The Great Climate Experiment: How far can we push the planet?", the author attempts to describe the problem of environmental pollution resulting from the excessive release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere [...]
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 929

Personal Environmental Sustainability Action Plan

Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion and contamination of resources such as air, water, and soil, which leads to the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife.
  • Subjects: Ecological Identity
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 963

Electronic Waste Management in China

According to Liu et al, one of the major areas of concern in environmental conservation is the massive generation of electronic wastes.
  • Subjects: Recycling
  • Pages: 23
  • Words: 6535

Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Recovery

Conventional reservoirs are smaller than unconventional ones but the unconventional reservoirs have larger oil or gas in place and difficult to develop.
  • Subjects: Environmental Processes
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2525

Conservation and Preservation Ethics

Therefore, man is a manager of the environment in conservation while the environment itself is its manager in preservation ethics. The challenge with preservation and conservation ethics is that these points of view tend to [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 578

“Eco-Warriors” by Rik Scarce

The book expounds on the actions of the environmentalists who are not willing to compromise on their philosophy about the need to preserve the environment and the integrity of the ecology.
  • Subjects: Environmental Processes
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 308

The Issue of Bottled Water Consumption

The steady rise in the demand for bottled water is causing hips of unnecessary garbage and resulting in the consumption of vast quantities of energy according to the report by Earth Policy Institute.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 654

Adopting Alternative Fuels

The best solution to these problems is the adoption of alternative fuels. Despite the controversy surrounding the adoption of alternative fuels, they provide the best alternative for human survival.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 566

The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Life

The intensity of aquatic effects is influenced by the nature and extent of the spilt oil. Besides, the severity might be influenced by the sensitivity and ambient state of the pretentious marine and their surroundings [...]
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1872

Deforestation: Biological Concepts

The three biological concepts/processes essential to life relevant to the topic of deforestation include sensitivity or response to the environment, homeostasis, and adaptation. Homeostasis is essential to consider in the context of deforestation because forests [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 555

Flooding and Mitigation Measures

The nation has invested in capacity building, resilience, and creating awareness concerning human behaviors that are leading to environmental degradation and increasing impacts of flooding.
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1611

Fieldwork: UAE

As shown in Figures I and, on the overall map of the United Arab Emirates, the beaches are connected, a fact that simplified the author's work; it made it easy to trace the ranging of [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2534

Al Mafraq Wastewater Treatment Plan

As such, before the year 2001, the initial phase was rehabilitated, and in the year 2003, the management took the initiative to engage in the environmental management of both biosolids and odor.
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 925

Invention of Light Bulbs by Davy: Ethical Issues

This was a pivotal moment when Humphrey picked up an interest in the field of electrochemistry in the year 1808 because it led to discovery of the most famous invention in his life which was [...]
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1097

Ultraviolet Radiation

Ultraviolet radiation is a kind of electromagnetic radiation that is emitted from the sun and is harmful to human health due to certain chemical reactions mainly, the eyes and skin; but it does have higher [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Processes
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 578

Invasive Species: The Impact on the Environment

Their effects on a new environment is that they may perform better in the new conditions and may interfere chemically with the performance of existing native plants. In areas that have a lot of water [...]
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2339

What is Disaster Risk Reduction?

Disaster risk reduction exists in various approaches, according to the urgency and nature of the disaster itself. The severity of the disaster also determines the strategy to be employed.
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1208

Contemporary Environmental Issues on Hospitality Industry

To begin with, saving of energy and water resources is one of the most vital issues in the hospitality industry. Location of the building belonging to hospitality industry is one of the key factors responsible [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2793

Public Swimming Pools Inspection Report

A public pool or spa is a pool "functioning for the use of the public with or without fee, or for the use of the members and guests of a private club".
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1364

Water Pollution in a Community: Mitigation Plan

Though for the fact that planet earth is abundant with water and almost two-thirds of the planet is made up of water still it is viewed that in future years, a shortage of water may [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2025

Investment in Renewable Energy Sources

Thus, it is possible to say that climate crisis can prove to be a catastrophe that can profoundly influence people living in various regions of the world; more importantly, the existing policies are not sufficient [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1369

The Implications of Global Loss of Mangrove Ecosystems?

The first section is the introduction and the causes of mangrove ecosystems loss in the world. The perception of the people towards the mangroves is caused by lack of knowledge about the usefulness of the [...]
  • 3
  • Subjects: Ecosystem
  • Pages: 18
  • Words: 5155

The Kyoto Protocol

The industrialized countries of the West are mainly responsible for the current high levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. One of the major outcomes of the conference was the formation of the United Nations [...]
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 539

Management of E-Waste

The school can contact the vendors and suppliers of such equipment for disposal. The school can identify the surplus equipment and organize a local auction to dispose them off.
  • Subjects: Recycling
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 279

Bhopal Disaster Response and Impacts

The presence of water and MIC resulted to the occurrence of an exothermic reaction that resulted to the increase of temperature and pressure in the storage tank.
  • Subjects: Disasters
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 643

Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions

It is estimated that the number of species that have become extinct is greater than the number of species that are currently found on earth.
  • Subjects: Ecological Identity
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2157

Urbanization and Environment

The resources can be identified through the acquisition of knowledge about the environmental conditions of the areas in which urban development is expected to take place.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4042

Geography of Bagamoyo, Tanzania

It was the novel headquarters of German East Africa and was among the mainly important business ports by the side of the East African coast during the colonial period.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1406

Effects Attributing to El Nino

The existence of the El Nino phenomenon depends on the interaction or coupling involving the atmosphere and the ocean. During the early stages of the El Nino, the easterlies weaken, causing the oceans to warm [...]
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1451

The Concept of Green Technology in Modern World

The paper begins by discussing green technology, proceeds to make a detailed discussion of environmental imperative culminating with a discussion of the economic imperative to precipitate a clear understanding of the weightiest imperative of the [...]
  • Subjects: Air Pollution
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1716

The Decline in Shark Population in Trinidad and Tobago

To understand the causes of the declining shark population in the selected country, this investigation relied on the use of a qualitative research design guided by the interpretivism model.
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3806

The Essay “People or Penguins” by W. F. Baxter

In the chapter "People or Penguins," William Baxter underlines the necessity to analyze environmental issues as human-centered and cost-effective. The third recommendation is to treat a human as an end, not a means for improvement.
  • Subjects: Environmental Management
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 328

Recycling Plastic Waste as Class Activity

After summarizing the different types of plastics and their composition, students held discussions to describe the various uses of plastic, particularly in packaging.
  • Subjects: Recycling
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 817

Environmental Issues of Rwanda

Extensive farming, as well as animal husbandry, is a common phenomenon in the country, hence leading to serious environmental degradation on the land. Deteriorating quality of water and extinction threat to wetlands in the country [...]
  • 3
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1684

The Aral Sea Problems, Their Causes and Consequences

To identify and analyze the problems of the lake, its basin, and the entire region To discuss the causes and consequences of the lake's destruction To evaluate the solutions proposed for ameliorating the consequences The [...]
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2262

The Roles of Environmental Protection Agencies

As a personal response to the argument; the individual's involvement in environmental conservation is not enough as there is need for policy and regulation enforcement where he can only give advice to the federal government [...]
  • Subjects: Planet Protection
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1297

Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species

However, at the moment, they could be considered important scientific and research centers that investigate the current situation related to species and create conditions needed for their survival and further preservation.
  • Subjects: Ecosystem
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 549

Climate Change Impacts on the Aviation Industry

The last two research questions focus on investigating the challenges experienced by stakeholders in the aviation industry in reducing the carbon blueprint of the sector and discussing additional steps the aviation industry can take to [...]
  • Subjects: Climate Change
  • Pages: 45
  • Words: 12107

Green and Sustainable Lifestyles

These concerns have led to an increased number of movements and organizations that enlighten people on the importance of environmental conservation and campaign in support of green and sustainable lifestyles and have achieved significant influence [...]
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1015

Plastic Waste Materials Recycling

Recycling of plastic wastes reduces the effects of plastics on the environment and promotes economic gain. It notes that we cannot sustain the current trends observed in plastics production, usages, and disposal due to the [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Environmental Studies
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1790

Agriculture Versus Forestry

Sequentially, in the endeavor to determine what type of an activity to be dedicated to a land, it is proper to comprehend how the activity would work towards maintaining an excellent ecosystem's functionality.
  • Subjects: Ecosystem
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 915

Water Resources and Usage

The stressors that threaten human water security An analysis of the worldwide status of water as a human resource has been limited to the fragments of regional and state based assessments that show varying indicators [...]
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3053

Climate Change: The Complex Issue of Global Warming

By definition, the greenhouse effect is the process through which the atmosphere absorbs infrared radiation emitted from the Earth's surface once it is heated directly by the sun during the day.
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 928

History of the Nile River

Nevertheless, the development of the Egyptian civilization was as a result of the nation's capacity to acclimatize to all the conditions of the Nile, especially to flooding, and then use the advantages of the fertile [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Ecology
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2493

Car Air Pollution

Further, NO2 can prevent the flow of oxygen in the blood to other parts of the body like the brain. These toxic substances settle in the lungs and disrupt the normal flow of air in [...]
  • Subjects: Global Warming
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2467

The ecology of Karachi

This means that the city has major interactions between the human population, the fauna and flora, and the environment of the city.
  • Subjects: Environmental Processes
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 620

Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation

There may be a significantly lesser possibility that skeptics will acknowledge the facts and implications of climate change, which may result in a lower desire on their part to adopt adaptation. The climate of Minnesota [...]
  • Subjects: Climate Change
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 338

Integrated Pest Management Strategies

The final step is to evaluate the outcome to identify unforeseen risks and confirm the effectiveness of the strategy chosen for the endeavor.
  • Subjects: Planet Protection
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 866

Ocean Sustainability and Human Economic Activity

The world economy and the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people depend on the ocean. It is important to remember that the misuse of water resources and the effects of global climate change will [...]
  • Subjects: Human Impact
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 301