Introduction Faith and Daily living Faith and character Sin Redemption Destiny and Character Forgiveness This paper is a personal reflection on two novels "a thousand Splendid Suns" and "the Kite Runner", both written by [...]
It also mentions the roles and responsibilities of Christian ministry in the society and in the church, basic requirements to become as a minister etc in the base of New Testament.
The essay then examines the main points of the writings of both the thinkers in the main body of the essay.
Actually, the core of the symbolic relationships which are the allegory and nightmare of that some elements of the story can be perceived by are referred to as the more shallow surface meanings in the [...]
In The Crucible, Miller presents a historically accurate, dramatized recreation of the events in 1692, what he calls "one of the strangest and most awful chapters in human history" that led to the prosecution of [...]
Human suffering is an inevitable part of the universe God has created and the people who undergo it are not chosen by God, in fact, it is the nature of the element of randomness in [...]
The first of these is that there must be a primary foundation or prime reality and the second is that the question of a worldview originates in a pre-theoretical context.
Divided into two sections The Old Testament and The New Testament - the fundamental theme of the Bible is an expose on God's nature and the nature of the human family via key biblical figures [...]
For instance, the Gospel according to Matthew commences with a description of the genealogy of Jesus, whereas the Gospel according to Mark begins with a fulfilment of Jesus' birth as it was prophesied in the [...]
This is illustrated in the tile of the book "Living Jesus: Learning the Heart of the Gospel" The author brings out the criticism to the way Christianity was practiced for instance he questions the stand [...]
The book The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey discusses the personal attitude and relations of the author with God and his understanding of God.
It is in this scripture that one realizes that God has sympathy towards the poor and does not mock the state of being of these people.
Although the two works have a different scope of content one encompasses the religions of the entire world concerning contemporary values, and the other focuses on western traditions both of them dedicate significant parts to [...]
There is also a view that the authors of the various books of the Bible have been significant in the deteriorated position of women in the biblical narratives.
On one side, the history and the birth of Islam as a religion and how the three books present it is looked at; on the second side, the implication of Islam to the rest of [...]
The author is the 19th century Harvard psychologist and philosopher, concerned through all his life with the problems of the existence of a human on Earth and the role of religion in human's life.
The fundamental ideas of the book are concerned with the understanding of how spiritual and psychological ideas and actions related to them are interconnected.
The last view is that of conversion and indicates that Christ is the one who is capable of transforming culture. According to the text, those who embrace this view tend to be optimistic and positive [...]
The main message of the book comprises the values of hope, imagination, and optimism of Christians and the church in the world.
Intrigued by the failure of this paradigm, Carter explains that the model is a depiction of a poor imitation of the Church, distortion of the Gospel and treachery to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
In essence there is need to carry out more research in this field in order to be able to establish the role and the importance of religion in the life of human beings.
One of the followers of this movement is Sam Harris, who refers to the fact that spirituality, along with the assistance of meditation, helps him become happy and feel that the world is a part [...]
Importantly, the author stressed the religion of Jesus to be able to address this community and inspire people to follow the Jewish tenets.
The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam book by Karen Armstrong, is one of the most attractive, readable, and concise books on the emergence of fundamentalism in the three faiths.
According to the author, the interpretation and translation "of the book of Genesis have contributed a lot to the misconception regarding the role played by Eve in the garden".
The book Following Muhammad by Carl Ernst can be well discussed as a literary attempt to make Western readers more comfortable with the religion of Islam and to expose what accounts for the ongoing transformation [...]
Job was a good person and innocent in the eyes of the people and in the face of God. For Christian nurses it is their responsibility and the call of God to serve the individual [...]
For a long time, the sacred King had adhered to the Yoruba religious traditions, and any change in the conventional belief systems would significantly impact most of the states.
From the outset and thesis of the book, the author discusses the tough but possible process of becoming a servant leader in a culturally-mixed environment.
It is not enough to show that all religions are constituted by the same elements, it is more important to make people long for equality.
For instance, the authors note that some leaders undermine the success of a u-turn by failing to return to the need for personal holiness and zeal. Overall, "The U-turn Church" is a good read that [...]
At that, the authors stress that comeback leaders did not concentrate on the rituals and the institution, but managed to remain committed to the true mission.
The rest of the book continues to equip readers with the tools that would take them back to the duty of ministering and making more disciples.
The book shows the importance of the heavenly world in the vision of the divine throne in chapter 7 and, the roles of angels and holy ones in chapter 7 and 8 and explicitly in [...]
A particular interesting demonstration of prayer vengeance in the hagiography is the combination of prayer and fasting with vigil to summon retribution.
Through this movement, the author proves that educating a young nation to ignore religious differences and work for the bosom of everyone is the only way for the world to escape violence and interpersonal conflicts.
The author talks of the prevailing church idea, which he takes from the confession of Christ by Peter in the Bible, Matthew 16, and the response Jesus gives about how the gates of hell would [...]
It is important to note that "socialization agents" are people who have the ability to influence the behaviour of individuals, as well as the way of thinking of the people in the society.
In specific terms, the book examines the most crucial concept or theory presented within the book on issues of religion and society. The book investigates the concept of religion and its sociological implications within the [...]
In the second part of the book, the author deals with the matters pertaining to Old Testament canonicity, taking account of the canon that was made use of by Jesus and the apostles, and the [...]
In the first Chapter of his book Watts introduces the major of the research. The author states that the major idea of the "burnt offerings" depicted in Leviticus is to promote selflessness of sacrifice.
The other tenet is to be seen in the mutation of religion in a post-modem society and the influence that religion espouses on other sectors of the society.
The narrations presented by Julian of Norwich and Michael Harner disclose the author's quests of the truth and revelation. With regard to the above description of the narrators' experiences, it can be stated that Julian [...]
In modern history and currently, the people who have born the brunt of discrimination perhaps because of the religion they subscribe to are the Muslims.