The mood of amusement in A Visit to Newgate is controlled by the principle that the fascination of everyday scenes has only to be recognized to be enjoyed.
In noticing that the author is female, we begin to think that this is her story and that she has risen above the choices she was given after all, so it has a happy ending.
The name is derived from the Epiphany which is a feast day among Roman Catholics, celebrating the manifestation of Christ to the Wise Men of the East...the Magi's quest for the Christ-child like that of [...]
Chueh-Hsin's younger brothers do not want to follow his example and try to break away from the influence of the family. He leaves the compound of his family to continue his rebel and to marry [...]
In spite of the fact that the events depicted in Beloved take place after the end of the American Civil War, Sethe, as the main character of the novel and a former slave, continues to [...]
The story begins with a depiction of Jesusa as an elderly woman with a rather harsh and rude character; this description is accompanied by the author's explanation of her relationship with the main protagonist and [...]
When Gregor turns into the creature, he does not care about that in the slightest; on the other hand, he cannot reconcile himself with the fact that he will miss his train and will not [...]
One of the central themes in The Trial is the theme of bureaucracy, law, and an individual's utter powerlessness against them.
In this story, the author examines the theme of race and identity by hiding Desiree's identity. In the story, it is evident that knowing one's identity and origin helps a person connect with the society.
Coelho demonstrates that while the love demanding the sacrifice of one's dream is not true, the genuine love serves as a stimulus for living out the Personal Legend and achieving the happiness.
The new stepsiblings are caught in the middle of the storm as they try to abandon a ship. In this context, the children are less inclined to kill each other, which is a good illustration [...]
First of all, Life of Pi is about the need to change and the survival instinct and its manifestations in life-threatening conditions.
This is a young man who decided to go in search of his "I" because he wished to know the essence of the world and acquire wisdom.
Purpose of the research The purpose of this study is to compare specific women characters in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and Hamlet and to explore their similarities in terms of their passivity, relationships with other characters [...]
They perceive Gulliver in the same way that the Lilliputians because Gulliver is only a fraction of their size. He is showing them that despite the pleasant appearances that human posses, there are certain deficiencies [...]
Through his work, Berry illustrates the relationship between eating and the health of the environment - the health of the eater is part of the environment.
In this paper, we are going to focus on the two basic literary devices used by the author which contribute to the in-depth understanding of the themes and motives of the play.
Critics argue that Sammy quit his job, to become a hero in the presence of the girls. Sammy decided to quit because of the girls who had attracted his attention.
The contraries used by the poet in "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" are the backbone of this poem. The structure of "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" is the first feature of the contraries [...]
Even without the name of the main character, the audience can tell how she behaves and relates with others, which brings out the imbalance of power that exists between men and women particularly when it [...]
The struggle is betwixt his great affection for his boy and his finding the facts, and the mindset of his miserable upbringing by which the dad was normally a removed and an unreachable figure.
To understand the meaning of the name for the person's identity and the meaning of the appearance and clothes for being recognized and accepted in society, it is necessary to analyze the relationship between Moll [...]
In fact, Penelope should be considered a hero as she manages to rule the kingdom, she is ready to sacrifice her entire life for the sake of her son, Telemachus, and she manages to remain [...]
Such an effect is suggestive of the fact that in essence people only consider love as love when there is a thought that tries to explain it.
The cultural difference between the two families is introduced by the author as a theme describing the role of gender in the community.
The author of this novel was more of a naturalist than of a realist, and she was very bold in writing this book because, during her time, it was unthinkable for a woman to be [...]
In the first part, the reader becomes acquainted with the harsh reality of Afghanistan's culture and the struggles of women and children.
The connection between Noah and his mother will be examined to see how the intricacies and constraints of that relationship shaped Noah's character and his vision of the world.
Nevertheless, the way the facts are grouped and delivered could be conducive to students' ability to develop a clearer picture of the catastrophic downturn's influences on the nation's and the poor population's mentalities.
The poem "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" is a piece in which the plot is supported by Christian morality underpinning the chivalry of the characters and their occasional failure to comply with this notion.
It is vibrant that the poet was raised in a fitted and joined atmosphere since he is not scared to show feelings, especially when inscription about his father.
The poem discusses the issues related to the native population of Americas Indian people. In her poem, it is possible to identify the themes of mourning, retribution, and hope.
The story displays the teachings on the types of attitudes of women. This post discussed the story's central theme, audience, and relevancy in modern society.
Job's friends tell him that sins caused his sufferings; yet, he refuses to accept it and claims that God still cares for him.
Her biography slightly resembles the story of Louise Mallard, who was also processing the alleged death of a husband. To begin with, in The Story of an Hour, the protagonist Mrs.
In the era of modernism, poets tried to find a basis for the further existence of people in the world, and for some, such a basis was the strengthening of ties with nature.
Jordan focuses on portraying the aspects of the young Black poet's life while naming Wheatley the "miracle" and explaining why the life of the Black poet can be associated with the idea of a "difficult [...]
To address the question posed in the poem, Hughes creates a set of similes that assist in seeking answers to the aforementioned question.
The author manages to demonstrate the power of vulnerability and raw emotions through the play's characters, which keeps the story full of tension and interesting dynamics.
It is challenging to explain the concepts of Christianity to a person of another religion, not to mention the connection between the cross and resurrection and the Easter bunny.
The inevitability of destiny is the main idea of the play, and the last lines support that: nobody should name a mortal happy until this mortal faces everything that destiny has for them. The story [...]
The swaying and rocking of the written song is felt in the cadence of the poem. The sense of evil is to be of anger due to prejudice; he accepts that in the end.
The notion of time in The Sound and the Fury is characterized by a subtlety. The most chaotic and fuzzy sense of time is observed in Benjy's narration.
The comic book "prisoners of the sun: the adventures of Tintin is one example of the comic books and is a result of many comic strips that have been brought together to create a book.
Thousands of other people had also been affected by the test and they were all blaming the government of the US. Terry and her family had to bear the consequences of an irresponsible government.
Both works have similar motifs and are using the same means of helping to deeper understanding the nature of the protagonists and the drama of the life them.
The main character and the narrator Kambili, is virtually silent in the presence of her father, she can hardly express her views, knowing that it may result in a fit of her father's anger.
They both post-war kinds of literature of America represent the revolutionary transformation in the world view of the literary figure and the employment of the most modern tools of interpreting the war-affected world.
Some literary genres have lent themselves particularly well to the exploration of women's issues insofar as these were still perceived to be confined to the private sphere in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and the best part [...]
But the problem is that her mental ill has put a veil on her and she is not longer Rose to anyone.
While I desired Nora to become a type of Everyman in the exploration of the development of the individual as a real and valid human being, this type of exploration was only possible within this [...]
The Vietnam War found a profound reflection in the literature and poetry of the country's citizens, affected by the continuous loss of lives and the division of the country into North and South Vietnam.
The main argument in Bettelheim's article is that "Cinderella" is "a story about the agonies and hopes which form the essential content of sibling rivalry".
The reason for such attitude can be found in the patriarchal culture and the dominant role of free adult males in the Greek and Roman social life. However, this was not the only, and probably [...]
Parris is described as a man in his forties and the author adds that there is "very little good to be said for him". The land is not very fertile and the town is surrounded [...]
Upon considering the main characters in the short story "War" by Luigi Pirandello, I feel that I identify with the least is the mother of the boy being sent off to war.
The transgression from one style to the other, and through the process of breaking the convention Virginia Woolf, in her essay A Room of One's Own and parodic novel Orlando: An Autobiography, reinstates for her [...]
Thus, this reflective treatise analyses the poem composed by Sappho on the significance of the era of composition and the bigger picture intended by the poet.
For instance, he says that the humorous story applies simplicity in its narration that the storyteller tells the story in a simple and innocent way that tends to amuse the listeners without even having to [...]
It is important to note that the artist does want to change his life, but he is not active enough. He tries to escape from the world, and his own world absorbs him.
Therefore, the intention of Irene's passing is to enjoy the opportunities that are available to the white people. In this regard, Clare attempts to reach out to a person of the same identity is an [...]
At the end of the play, Othello's realizes that his naivety and lack of confidences in his wife' innocence and fidelity.
The Asian world has always been a mystery for the Western civilization; the former lives according its own laws which the European culture conceive completely, envisions the world, its origins and the way its elements [...]
In the first line a simile has been used."My mistress eyes are nothing like the son," in this case he tries to indicate that the eyes of her loved one are not good compared to [...]
Whether or not Queen Gertrude, Prince Hamlet's mother, was guilty of being part of the conspiracy that led to the murder of her husband, King Hamlet is debatable.
The embodiment of these negative aspects comes in the form of Gatsby and his life, which in the end is seen as hollow and empty, just as the morals and values of the characters seen [...]
It can be argued that the authors had technically juxtaposed tradition and change thus leaving it to the readers to point out the good and bad element of both the tradition and the change.
It is a book with a story that has lasted for ages due to its major themes such as the relation between father and son, the role of women, the significance of hospitality and the [...]
It should be noted that Karim was able to "cross the color line"; in other words, he was able to settle in the area in which only white people were allowed to live.
She specifies that the person is to be proud of the language he or she speaks. Spanish words the author uses in her book appeal to the emotions of the readers.
Religion in Gilead is the similar to that of the current American society especially, the aspect of ambiguity which has been predominant with regard to the rightful application of religious beliefs and principles.
She has failed to recognize that she is the driver of her own life, and blame should not be put on man. Therefore, she is not able to work her creativity and ends up drawing [...]
It is worth mentioning here that it is this attributes that he possessed that made him successful in manipulating other characters painting him to be a strong and compelling character.
In this essay, I argue the issue of the role of settings in the novel Passing by Nella Larson, because the resent research in the field of literature have shown that the setting makes the [...]
Whether the character is the wizened old man Coyote of the Crow tribes, Raven in the Indian lore or even Wakdjunkaga of the Winnebago, the narratives seems to be written from the same script.
In the discussion between the two waiters, the young one claims that the old man should go home because he, the young waiter, has a wife waiting at home.
Therefore, in this play, the sighted like Oedipus and Jocasta are 'blind' to the truth whilst the blind like Teiresias can see the truth.
The opening scene of The Tragedy of Macbeth starts with the words "fair is foul and foul is fair" that Polanski takes from the end of the Shakespeare's scene.
He highlighted the plight of the oppressed such as the slaves thus his works championed for democracy in the society to give all people a fair chance.
It can therefore be justly concluded that Susan Glespell's 'Trifle' is indeed a feminist work and seeks to engage in feminist objectives through the plot and the characters.
As is clear from the summary of Richard Wright's "Black Boy," Ella's hard work causes her to develop health problems leaving Richard with the option of looking for odd jobs to provide for the family. [...]
In old English, as is the case with the poem, there is an addition of the suffixes such as as in elingas in weak verbs.
A possible thesis for an essay on this topic could be: "In 'The Wars,' Timothy Findley suggests that adversity plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's identity, as it forces the person to confront [...]
As a magician of language, Carroll raised in the poem and in the whole work about the girl Alice, the most ancient folklore layer: the abstruse language is in children's counting rhymes, it was used [...]
Moreover, it is in the genocide and extermination of the tribe members that the author accuses the American authorities of that time.
In particular, one of the prominent settlers was William Bradford, who sailed to North America on the Mayflower in 1620 and established and governed Plymouth Colony.
As it is shown in the book, she attempts to convey her sense of isolation to the reader and the implication of solitude in the individual's life. In the end, Esther is recovering and she [...]
The novel is split into six chapters with the first five chapters describing Arjie's relationships with various characters through which he understands his sexuality, the ethnic problem between the Tamil and Sinhalese people, and the [...]
As for the irony, the author uses this device to draw the readers' attention to the injustice of the situation described in the poem.
She is less concerned with beauty or class and ends up pregnant and eloping with a soldier, Pepe Carreon, to the joy of her parents.
This was the period when Marlow came to understand that the manager was deadly against Kurtz and wanted to get rid of him.
This paper will focus on the play's main points the author conveyed to the reader and the viewer and sociocultural issues of those times, just as those were represented 'in particular the uncommon length of [...]
Through the Inferno poem, Dante Alighieri describes an allegorical journey to demonstrate the fates of various people in the underworld. The betrayers are immersed in ice.
Hogwarts is a high street located in London it has accessibility to the wizardry world and is of economic importance to the country, it is clear from this statement that the people of London rely [...]
In this respect, literature can be proud of the Romanticism and Victorian literature, because of their gradual framework and applicable emergence due to the significant events, such as the French Revolution, American Revolution, the defeat [...]
The leg cannot be the sense of people's life as it is just a leg, and people should believe in something more real.
Using the device of a journal kept by the narrator which has been recovered and is being read by someone else, the author has made this book a revelation of his innermost self and a [...]
In defining the goals for the Dakotas in keeping the kinship rules, as stated by the author herself, "to keep the rules imposed by kinship for achieving civility, good manners, and a sense of responsibility [...]
Moby Dick, the giant white sperm whale, is Ahab's adversary, at least in the mind of the captain. Moby Dick is experienced in the ways of the chase and shows his power and fury in [...]
The major theme of the poem is how the life of a person can be destroyed by the accidental loss of self-confidence.
His creation is gentle at the start, but after the people start to resent it because of its looks, the monster runs and hides from the society. When Victor refuses to create a spouse for [...]
The author leads the reader through the intricacy of the events occurring to Twyla and Roberta and does not provide the reader with exact information about the girls' race.
Although he survives after the death of the mother, he is forced to lead a life full of hardship following an unexplained disappearance of the father.
The pieces of literature are important to discuss the themes developed in the Greek myths from the modern point of view.
Thus, it is possible to state that the journey described in Izumi Kyoka's "The Holy Man of Mount Koya" can remind the elements of the journey presented in Matsuo Basho's "The Narrow Road to Oku" [...]
From the very title, as well as from the contents of the text, it follows that the intended audience was women of the Chinese society, perhaps mostly the young ones who were yet to learn [...]
In one of the poems in this collection she praised the work of Robert Browning. He was ludicrously odd in the choice and treatment of his subject.
Grace In A Good Man is Hard to Find, O'Connor explores the theme of grace through her two characters: Misfit and Grandmother.
As highlighted in the in the introductory part, religion is one of the themes that stand out in the Life of Pi.
Poetic language and combination of English and Spanish used by Valdes is unique indeed and makes the reader accept these two different languages as one whole unit; in English Con Salsa, the author is not [...]
Although very common in the literature, the play portrays the character of Dr. This essay explores the concept of anti-heroism and demonstrates how the character of Doctor Faustus is an antihero.
To begin with, the hunting practices of this native group, as well as the invasion of the European into their land, led to a great decline in the herds of the white-tailed deer in the [...]
In the story, the family serves as one of the major socializing agents in society. The role of love in the family is an additional theme that can be depicted in the story.
On the contrary, this story lends a voice to millions of women across the globe that human trafficking is a horrendous crime that exists even in this sophisticated world."The Tale of Kieu" is a moral [...]
According to Daru, he has been forced to live with the Arab who had slit the throat of his cousin, this is "a relations squabble" in Balducci's opinion.
"The Old Man and the Sea" is a story of a modest old man and his struggle for the greatness. This essay seeks to make a detailed review of the story, "The Old Man and [...]
The broad aftermath and the negative responses of the readers who did not see the line between fiction and reality prove that the plot of the short story The Lottery by Jackson reflects the real [...]
On the other hand, the unknown narrator; the main character in the novel A Room of One's Own addresses and criticizes the issue of gender inequality in her society.
While the symbolism employed in both stories indicates the cardinal intention of the author was to illuminate the shortcomings of the society and in particular the ruling class.
The main themes of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird cover both adult and children's concerns, including the dignity of human life, the importance of truth, the rights of people to be different, the need [...]