Music Essay Examples and Topics. Page 2

438 samples

Race Represented in American and Chinese Music

In order to achieve the objective, the author defines and put into practice the idea of "Blacksound" the audible and physical heritage of blackface performances as the source of all popular music, art, and culture [...]
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  • Words: 291

The Bulgarian Music Tradition

Folk music from Bulgaria is the country's defining trait everywhere, from the boundless planet to the rest of the universe. Bulgarian folk music is part of the Balkan musical tradition, which has its specific features.
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  • Words: 400

Music: Genres, Instruments, and Elements

The genre of music contributes to the identity of the music. Saxophones and trumpets, members of the brass family, are the primary instruments in blues music.
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  • Words: 375

Effects of Different Music on Psychological State

Therefore, it would be fascinating to delve into the historical aspects of the development and digitalization of the music industry. This is a topic where the conclusions of the existing literature are ambiguous and contradictory [...]
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  • Words: 294

Roots of Contemporary Popular Music

In conclusion, the popularity of R&B music is attributed to the fact that many young white listeners preferred this type of music over country music because it was more colorful and rhythmic than country music.
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  • Words: 1142

The Evolution of Popular Music

The economic evolution of consumerism in the late 19th century and the early 20th century was marked by the advent of credit and the growing popularity of consumer goods.
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  • Words: 539

Connection of Ethnomusicology and Religion

There are two opposing extremes in how people see the origins of religion and music: either they believe in a reality that is basic and independent of the observer, or they deny the independence of [...]
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  • Words: 1117

Stravinsky’s and Schoenberg’s Music Comparison

Due to the differences in their approach to the concept of composing, as well as their very understanding of music, Stravinsky and Schoenberg' interpretation of sound represented one of the crucial points of difference.
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  • Words: 678

Pitch: Impact on Audio Vibrations

Pitch is a property of musical sound that depends on the frequency of vibration of the sounding body. Depending on the possibility of determining the pitch, musical instruments are divided into instruments of determinate pitch [...]
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  • Words: 342

Ethnomusicology and Its Components

Hence, ethnomusicology was defined as "the study of the world's music from a comparative and relativistic perspective" and as an interlinked study of social-anthropologic perspectives of music.
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  • Words: 605

Clarinet Playing Basic Tutorial Review

Of fundamental importance is the synchronization between the long key of the clarinet, located on its back, and the direction of the fixed mouthpiece.
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  • Words: 1330

Kalenda Maya Performed by Dante Troubadours

Firstly, while the monophonic songs generally emphasize the vocal performance, the addition of Kalenda Maya draws attention to the music. Instead of focusing on the vocal performance, the music encourages the listener to dance.
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  • Words: 284

Music Appreciation: Marriage of Figaro

The central part has trio: distant and rustling sounds with strings; the marching rhythm of the fortepiano and brass fanfares; finally, the entire orchestra opens the action of the piece.
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  • Words: 503

Mozart’s Music and Its Impact on Children

The purpose of education of a preschool educational institution is the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality. Experts consider Mozart's music to be a phenomenon in the field of the impact of music [...]
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  • Words: 595

The Mowtown Music Entertainment

For example, the girl bands of the 1960s that became popular because Mowtown recorded their songs were Martha and the Vandellas, Patti LaBelle and the Bluebells, the Angels, and the Dixie Cups.
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  • Words: 325

Key Terms of the Sampling in Music

Sampling is a fascinating musical phenomenon of the middle and second half of the last century. The meaning of sampling states that music belongs to all people and does not depend on the author.
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  • Words: 314

“Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky

The composer was inspired to create the work after visiting the exhibition of paintings; the orchestrator was Maurice Ravel. I was impressed by Solti's rehearsal technique; he was very demanding of his orchestra, but they [...]
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  • Words: 247

Music Used to Raise MegaEvents

The proceeds went for the treatment of the victims, compensation for damages, and payments to the families of the heroes who eliminated the consequences of the attack.
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  • Words: 935

Musical Museums: Traditional Canons

Therefore, there is a traditional canon of musical museums, which changes the way composers write music and symphonies to target the audience of concert culture and withstand the comparison s with Beethoven's works.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1114

“Hamilton” in “Crash Course Theater”

However, when the tempo modifies to Meno Mosso and the flow becomes slower, the listeners can catch the deep meaning of the musical and stay attracted till the end of the playing.
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  • Words: 593

Ideas of Transhumanism in “Plague Doctor”

After the internet creation, the comparison of the human brain to storage devices brought the question about the direct connection of the brain to it or even the complete transfer to the digital network space.
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  • Words: 830

Analysis of Country Break-Up Music

The paper will analyze the morals, rules and norms that guide the life in the Wild West. Thus, the characters of the country break-up songs are often reserved, they overcome difficulties, consume alcohol and gamble, [...]
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  • Words: 844

Music in the Service of Social Movements

Thus, the essay aims to analyze the role of the music industry on the variety of choices for the consumers and the impact of the technologies on musical comprehension.
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  • Words: 612

History and Influence of Folk Music

Thus, the idea spread of folk being "for the people and by the people". The Kingston Trio's pop-sensitive approach was favored by the public and defined folk music for many general listeners.
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  • Words: 320

Annotated Bibliography of Rock Analysis Sources

The authors of this book conduct a worldwide and large-scale study of the role of rock motifs and certain musical instruments in the life of primitive societies. This book explores the relationship between culture and [...]
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  • Words: 764

The Musical Instrument Selection in the Baroque Period

Also known as a refrain, a chorus is often contrasted with the remaining parts of the piece and may involve the use of additional instruments that offer more depth and dynamic development. In the Baroque [...]
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  • Words: 363

Songs and Protests: Is There a Link?

At the same time, artists have the ability to write music that, instead of creating social movements, can contribute to their unity and encourage more people to join them.
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  • Words: 440

Musicals and American Culture

The current paper analyzes the Chicago musical as a mirror reflecting American society and culture and representing the unfair justice system and the problem of famous criminals.
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  • Words: 567

Jason Gray’s Song “Nothing Is Wasted”

I rarely have a hard time understanding the underlying principles of algebra and geometry, but my interest in the subject is quite limited. Elaborating on the topic, I agree that nothing, period, is wasted in [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 487

Romantic Music: French, Italian, and German Operas

The assumption of harassment and deprivation of innocence can be structurally correlated with the course of actions in the poem. To summarize, the interpretation of molestation in The Elfking is not accurate.
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  • Words: 404

Discussion of “In the Pines” Song

The song "In the pines" has several titles, such as "My girl", "Where did you sleep last night", and "Black Girl"."In the Pines" is the representation of the folk song corresponding to many American long-standing [...]
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  • Words: 340

Music Perception and Its Three Planes

The author distinguishes three planes of music listening: sensuous, expressive, and sheer musical; each of them could be applied to my personal experience with different music. The sensuous plane implies primitive enjoying of the sound [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 283

Ghostwriting: She Does Not Write What She Sings

However, it is not considered plagiarism on the musician's part, as is done by permission. Ghostwriting, especially in the music industry, is not considered plagiarism because the work still represents the ideas of the artist.
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  • Words: 266

History of Rock Music: Aerosmith

The band drew their inspiration from the British blues rock that dominated the rock scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as Cream, Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck Group, and the Rolling Stones.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1863

Music and the Civil Rights Movement

It was famous in the 1960s and 1970s and continues to live now."We Shall Overcome", like many other freedom songs, reflects the goals and methods of the early protestors.
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  • Words: 493

Patriotism in Music and Songs of America

Patriotism can be defined as the attachment to a country and its core attributes, which does not always equal loyalty to the government or a sense of superiority.
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  • Words: 351

Objective Approach to Music by Aaron Copeland

The composer breathes meaning into a piece of music and it cannot be taken for granted that the composer's meaning is always grasped by the musician and is transmitted effectively by him to the listeners [...]
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  • Words: 643

Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copland

Discussing and analyzing one of the greatest American composers, Aaron Copland's, symphony piece "Fanfare for the Common Man", it is necessary to point out that it uses the open orchestral sound to create the cheerful [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 573

Aztec Music. The Aztec World Culture

They were most known for their political power and the use of the war drums in battle they posed the Mesoamerica in the 15th and 16th centuries.
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  • Words: 1000

Medieval and Early Modern Music

It originated in Jerusalem in the fourth century and further developed in Rome during the seventh century. By the ninth century, chant chanting took on the form of parallel intervals, which was common in many [...]
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  • Words: 377

Music and Cultural Appropriation

Although their style is a mix of several genres, no cultural appropriation can be found because they were born and raised in that culture.
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  • Words: 282

Haydn’s Symphony no. 94 Overview

This unexpected fortissimo comes at the end of a piano phrase and creates the effect of surprise. The symphony is scored for strings and woodwind instruments.
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  • Words: 313

Music Museums: Role and Success

The success of the Music Museum depends on its organization. It attracts many people and makes them come several times in regard to the customer-oriented strategy.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1236

General Musicianship Materials for Elementary Level Pupils

The current essay argues around "AMEB Aural Texts Book," "Improve your Sight-Reading," and "Master your Theory Grade Two" as the general musicianship materials appropriate for pupils at the elementary levels."AMEB Aural Texts Book" is an [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1012

Age-Relatedness in Teaching Music

For young beginners, the methods and materials for teaching are simple to help the learners understand the basics of music first.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1682

Hip-Hop Music and Its History in the 80s-90s

Hip-hop music was on the rise in the late 80s, and influential rap collectives such as Run DMC and the Beastie Boys provided an outlet for the hip-hop culture to acquire national recognition.
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  • Words: 407

Rock and Roll as a Musical Phenomenon

Rock and roll are one of the brightest phenomena in the history of music. Their role was to enhance the quality and variety of rock and roll.
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  • Words: 323

Latino-American Music:Then and Now

The things that remain are the emotionality of the vocals, the dancing nature of the rhythm, and musical instruments unique to the Latino-American region, such as the conga and maracas.
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  • Words: 289

Listening to Good Music

The quote is significant in that it informs the reader about the nature and aspect of songs and why people should embrace them.
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  • Words: 335

American Popular Music and Its Evolution

Compared to the country blues popular in the 1900s, classic female blues combines its features with urban theater music, and "Crazy Blues" is one of the first songs of this genre.
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  • Words: 1122

Music’s Universal Patterns: Urban Soundscapes

While some consider music to be a harmonious combination of notes and rhythm, the Chinese believe that music has existed long before the creation of our planet. Listening to the environment is vital because of [...]
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  • Words: 558

Listening to Classical Music

This whole thing repeats, but with more complication, and then moves into a slower part like a waltz added in, and then the notes repeat the up and down pattern that sounded like shallow waterfall [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 798

Music Assignment: Associative Soundtrack

To make the memories of the soldier brighter and attract the attention of a viewer to the problem of violence at wars, the idea is to incorporate the love line in the scene.
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  • Words: 845

Comparison of Acoustic and Electric Recordings

By listening to two different recordings of the same ensemble, it was revealed that the general feel of the music and rhythm was significantly more enhanced and dynamic in the case of the electric version.
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  • Words: 579

American National Style and Identity in Music

Therefore, the national style of American folk songs is a blend of various ethnic, racist, and gender-specific compositions. That is when she began doing compositions and became the American symbol of a woman's creative power.
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  • Words: 537

A World Without the Beatles

The Beatles had a strong influence on the world of music - on artists' inspiration, the development of musical directions, and other aspects, such as conducting concerts or studio recordings.
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  • Words: 561

Beatles Contribution to Rock Music

If we analyze the time when the Beatles performed it was a time of revolution, a time of youthful change and creativity and the Beatles were a major part of that revolution.
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  • Words: 1097

Haydn’s London and Beethoven’s Vienna

Haydn was invited to London in 1791 by the German impresario Johann Peter Salomon, who conducted concerts that attracted the audience with the novelty of the programs and the popularity of the featured musicians.
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  • Words: 1691

European Maters in 18th Century in England

The title of the sonata, "Hallenser," refers to the young Handel's stay in Halle, but it was probably written much later as it accords in style and technique with the works of the 1720s.
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  • Words: 950

Music and Extra-Musical Forces

It is challenging to describe the level of tension and frightening beauty of both actual winter and the "Winter" of Vivaldi.
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  • Words: 412

Discovery of the American Music

In particular, the study of American music is important because it reflects the various historical stages of the country. After a deeper immersion in the topic, as expected, my understanding of American music undoubtedly expanded [...]
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  • Words: 289

The Approaches to Reading Music

The purpose of this paper is to present the analysis of music pieces as a kind of narrative discourse and focus on a variety of views regarding the relationship between music and a narrative with [...]
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3036

Music and Memory: Discussion

Future research should focus on addressing the limitations of the study and exploring the effect of other types of music. The findings of the study are consistent with the current body of knowledge about the [...]
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  • Words: 573

How MTV Changed the Music Industry

Potentially, in the specificity of the medium lies the reason for the heyday of pop music prompted by MTV. The nature of MTV gave rise to music videos, and even more so, it shifted further [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 329

Artistic Planning: Innovation Analysis

The first appearance of an orchestra in the form close to the modern one appeared at the beginning of the 17th century when people started to participate in festivals, concerts and public gatherings with musical [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2017

Racism and Gender in Beyoncé’s Lemonade

The album Lemonade by an American singer Beyonce is one of the brightest examples when an artist portrays the elements of her culture in her music. Along with music videos, the album features a number [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1117

Musicians in Civil Movements

After the bebop music, jazz has ceased to reach a broader audience and has focused on music and the musicians who were within this musical mainstream. Nonetheless, the presence of musicians and artists in political [...]
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  • Words: 565

The Cultural Production of Popular Music

While most people in this debate express their opinion that the role of digital technologies in the development of music is positive, there exists a category of participants who argue that digital technologies kill the [...]
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  • Words: 850

Popular American Music in the Mid-19th Century

Starr observes that popular music refers to music that is likable by a majority of people in a given sample population, regardless of the age differences in the population or the genre of music.
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  • Words: 895

Music and Its Political Nature

First of all, evaluating the political importance of music on the example of the history of the United States, music's role in defining ethnic or racial communities is to be addressed.
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  • Words: 1124

The Song “Sufferer” Analysis

You were not born to be a sufferer Oh no my friend And you do not have to be a sufferer Oh no my friend Use your courage Ambition and strength And you can make [...]
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  • Words: 728

Music: Orchestras Nowadays

Critiques of music have participated in the debate concerning the ways of improving the prospects of classical music in the country.
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  • Words: 1150

The Suzuki Violin Teaching Method

In this case, the basic aspects of the successful teaching are the listening to the music, the constant repetition of music elements while playing, and the parents' support.
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  • Words: 873

Comparison of two Readings about Joseph Haydn

It is hard not to notice from Teachout's detailed description of amusement of Haydn's works, that Haydn was an important figure in music history and his works inspired the author to write the article and [...]
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  • Words: 1162

The Diversity of the Baroque Music

The masterpieces included in the concert had a very complex structure, with a lot of turns and trills, the contrast of the level of volume within the melodic lines referred to as terraced dynamics and [...]
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  • Words: 584

The Beatles in “A Hard Day’s Night”

The power of the music and the image has brought the British band the Beatles to the status of icons in the United Kingdom, in the United States of America and in a whole world.
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  • Words: 1145

Three Reflections Russian Music Critics

Still, as a critic, he did his best to promote the music of this country and his colleagues known as The Five. The composer emphasized the fact that he was willing to reveal the truths [...]
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  • Words: 884

Jay-Z and His Book Overview and Analysis

By putting the lyrics in context, Jay-Z explains the deeper meaning and rich history behind even the simplest of his songs and by doing that encourages the reader to look deeper into the hip-hop songs [...]
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  • Words: 624

Classical Period Vocal Music Characteristics

Second of all, the 18th century brought the gift of opera and music in general to the public. Classical opera, in particular, let us regard music as a safe place for everyone to escape the [...]
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  • Words: 890

Ryan Lambright: Senior Euphonium Recital

Before delving into the performance intricacies of this concert, it is worth noting that the report below is essentially based on the examining the performances of music by music of George Frideric Handel, Gordon Jacob, [...]
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  • Words: 729