The question that enters my mind when I read the Republic is in regards to the fact that Plato considers education to be the defining act that separates those who do not know from those [...]
This is the study of value that surpasses the ability of a man to reason over the universe and its state on the whole.
David Armstrong rejected the theory developed by Dennett for a number of reasons; he supported the position of materialists, stressing that mental states are parts of the physical body.
Or to put it the other way around: For the moneymaking, auxiliary, and guardian classes each to do its own work in the city is the opposite.
Metaphysics tried to explain the origin of things on something that is beyond our scope of reasoning when measured against our capacity to understand things with respect to our senses.
A Coherence Theory of justification is one that supports two central ideas that distinguish it from foundationalism: There are basic beliefs that serve as the basis for other beliefs, and
The following examples from the work by Stevenson and Haberman demonstrate the unacceptable and acceptable instances of paraphrasing and explain the reasons for their acceptability: "We have here two systems of belief that are total [...]
The author effectively states the futility of the numerous discussions and controversies of the educational content as the manner simply involves what the student should learn rather than what should be taken out of the [...]
Nietzsche regarded that every personality needs to arrange their moral structure: the key point of principles is to facilitate every individual to sublimate and regulate their obsessions, to emphasize the originality inherent in their being, [...]
In addition, the prominent thinker estimated rhetoric in the context of logic, because logic, as well as rhetoric and dialectic, point out the studying of persuasion methods.
To define philosophy is rather difficult, as like Popkin and Stroll claim, "philosophy is generally regarded as per haps the most abstruse and abstract of all subjects, far removed from the affairs of or dinary [...]
Camus prefers a particular position that facilitates human freedom and 'external reality to interact in both ethics and the creation of art.
To begin with, Plato believed that acquisition of knowledge was the way to being virtuous in life but he tended to differ with philosophers like Aristotle stating that education to be acquired from the natural [...]
It tries to unravel the nature of truth and knowledge and to find out the basic values and importance of life.
The Socratic Method is a philosophical mode of questioning that involves the investigation of connotations of other situations that are related to the topic of inquiry itself.
Dating back to a time that is almost difficult to imagine, the Tao-te-ching brings into the spotlight, the need for a seamless coexistence between spiritual progress on the one hand and the development of technological [...]
Kierkegaard's writing is developed in the context of his approach to Christianity, while Nietzsche's thesis lies in the death of God.
In other words, his theory of utility is based on the principle of moral obligation: the greatest pleasure for the greatest number of people who are involved or affected by the action performed by one [...]
The form of an object is the arrangement of the comprising components making up the object in focus. This is the counterpart of the subjects of predication in the Categories.
According to consciousness, the flow of information goes from the mental aspect to the physical aspect, which means that consciousness rise due to the interaction of the physical as well as the mental and cognitive [...]
The central concepts of Marxist economics include the theory of labor value, the disposition of production, and the inevitable conflicts between the classes.
The quest for absolute knowledge is fruitless because not a single person is able to claim with certainty that the specific idea or knowledge is absolute. Knowledge is the result of examination of ideas to [...]
He was one of the first proponents of science as the positive and pragmatic knowledge needed for understanding the world and manipulating different things and processes.
The Peloponnesian War was a significant period in the history of the Mediterranean region, which caused the deterioration of the power of Athens and made Sparta the key city-state in the area.
The world of The Matrix is one of the examples of the precarity of that, which may be called the real world as perceived by the beholder.
It is important to mention that the ideologies used to support the argument that goodwill is the only purely good item in philosophy, also support the fact that reason and intent are not enough to [...]
The distinctive features between the two concepts described are in the tools of knowledge, in particular, the subject, methods, and the ways of achieving the truth.
Thus, a personality that is relevant to the expectations of his or her time has to correspond to the stage of world development.
The problem of Gettier is that such factors as the existence of a particular belief, as well as the truth of the proposition, do not reach universality and concreteness as it encounters counterexamples demonstrating the [...]
It is the same point, and the entity designated by these different words is one, but I do not think that the point of intersection of a and b will be equal to the point [...]
For instance, the supporters of the hypothesis often tend to the ideas of the theory of relativity, where they consider time as the unit of measurement that does not have constant indicators.
The picture depicts a city of the future as seen in the middle of the 20th century. Slaughter claims that people of the 21st century tend to see the future society as dystopian.
In the end, both Hobbes and Locke come to agree on a rather plan ground that, in the state of nature, human behaviors are supposed to be guided by the laws of nature.
First of all, the existential component of Fanon's philosophy was expressed in the attempt to analyze the essential aspects of existence from the perspective of human beings as not only thinking subjects but also subjects [...]
For example, the expected degradation of the environment in the Mackenzie delta was linked to the construction of a pipeline in the region.
Consequently, the outcome of a course of action that is on the course of being undertaken or is to be undertaken lies in the value of the outcome.
Heraclitus's argument on the non-existence of reality is a contradiction of anything that is perceived as permanent. Plato argues that people can now the Forms as a way of deriving absolute truth and becoming wise.
As it was mentioned in the Introduction, the belief that it is one's psyche, which 'fuels' the functioning of his or her body, used to be considered utterly appealing by many people, throughout the course [...]
It is because of the prior experiences or truths that the passenger has already structured about the truth before knowing the truth. The third is the Critique of Judgement, and that is another important aspect [...]
Therefore, one's decision to end its life should be discussed within the context of how he or she strives to defy existence's absurdist essence: "The subject of this essay is precisely this relationship between absurd [...]
The advantage of this thinking is that it puts a person to the task to ensure that they have done all possible research before calling something as truth.
Nowadays, millions of people are interested in developing discussions about the role of the philosophy of mind in human behaviour, the quality of the relationships between mind and brain, and the way of how the [...]
Not many of the old philosophical schools had means to resist the progress and survive through the development of science. The period around 300 BC in Greece is characterized by the blossom and thriving of [...]
The ideas of presentism can be called rather limited since it is probably not fully correct to look at the world system only from the standpoint of the present time.
For example, in the scenario where a large group of people takes an action that puts a smaller group at a disadvantage in order to address the needs of the larger group, the action in [...]
In my belief, the idea that there is no God because His existence means the absence of freedom is not right.
Although the Platonic view of value has gained much acceptance since its emergence, it has failed to address some of the underlying issues that deter the universality of things and the need for associative rules [...]
In the Pythagoreanism school of thought, the focus of the thought pattern is the esoteric teachings of mathematical nature to explain different phenomena in life.
On the other hand, dualism denies physicalism, or that the physical facts of human bodies do not determine the composition of human beings.
Another confine that can be used to explain the solutions in tragedy is that the solution must contain elements of pain and pleasure at the same time.
Plato thinks that knowledge is a guide to perform practical actions while true beliefs only in certain cases may lead to practical actions.
This is the reason why Clifford states that the ship owner should be condemned on the basis of making a judgment without sufficient evidence In his pragmatism, James sees the truth in terms of usefulness [...]
However, the evolution of society and human thought resulted in the increased efficiency of cognition tools and the appearance of new ideas to describe the main regularities according to which the world and universe function.
Holistic, a term used by the writer, is appropriate as the nature of the writing tends to elaborate the idea of describing the concepts of knowledge as a whole and the differentiation of parts that [...]
According to the author, the creative process has been the subject of various myths. The first viable idea was to present a combination of ideas that focused on both adolescents and teachers.
Consequently, human beings' ability to know about the external world is subject to the examination of various arguments. In addition, because human beings lack a basic belief that encompasses the existence of an eternal world, [...]
However, the real issue here is whether the resources that are produced in the society can be shared equally among the members of the society because of the nature and orientation of people in the [...]
Instead, it underlined the logical explanations of the world existence as well as attempted to ground the idea of reality processes as the evictions of changing procedures in a never-changing space.
In the entire essay, Hick attempts to justify the existence of sin in the world. From the reasoning of Hick, the relationship between God and human beings is compared to the relationship between a child [...]
Another definition of philosophy is 'the world view.' The main definition for a philosophy that will be considered in this article is that which defines it as a conceptual framework that is vital in the [...]
Therefore, using several rules of good definitions, the notion virtues is going to be defined with the further explanation of the rules used for this, Meno says that the virtue of a woman is to [...]
The rationale is that Dave's action was not the outcome of who he was and what he believed, the values he held or his desires.
There was a theory that it is a vessel for drinking and eating at the same time. There is a theory that the object was a holder of a divine light.
There are two categories of people as depicted in the article: the absolutists who believe that the truth can actually be recognized the when it is found, and the empiricists who argue that though the [...]
Kant says that the wellbeing of a human being is supreme, thus suicide is an abominable act. It is obvious that the death of a person through suicide causes sadness and even grief to the [...]
The life of Socrates is explained in the conversation between Plato and Xenophon and also in theater performances of Aristophanes. Additionally, Socrates is perceived to be the artist who designed the statue of the three [...]
The turn of the 6th century before the imminence of Christ marked a detonation in the thinking of the Greeks. This knowledge came to form the basis of most developments in the various fields of [...]
He gives life to a new human being, body, and soul, which is the form of the body. If we believe in the soul's immortality, death will not seem such a great tragedy.
Generally, Aristotle's philosophy differs with that of Plato because the latter's is too shallow to establish definitions or sensibly create standards.
The article, in summary, is enlightening as it offers a perspective that is rarely given: the philosophy of advertising and morality.
Technology is a term used to refer to the practical application of science to suit our purposes. Today, in a couple of hours we can reach the neighboring city, in half an hour we can [...]
Harry Frankfurt made major contributions to the philosophy of action through the idea of guidance and objection to compatibilists' proposal about the incongruity of causal determinism and ethical accountability.
The last example that is the most common comes in the form of residences being haunted wherein objects all of the sudden move for no reason, broken glassware appears, doors open and close, noises can [...]
The behavior of Meursault proves he was an outsider to his own family since he never wanted to be involved in anything.
The Judeo-Christian religious tradition insists that it is necessary for the soul to be viewed as being in a constant fight with the body in an attempt to transcend the temptations of the flesh. The [...]
Some of his main achievements include the creation of the primary axiomatic system, the invention of the contemporary logic of quantification, and the definition of identity. In concluding the identity puzzle, Frege asserts that the [...]
This paper discusses how both Daoism and Legalism differ from Confucianism on the issues of family, human nature, education, role of ruler, role of government, and role of individual.
The dilemma in this dialogue is "whether God says actions or things are morally acceptable because they are naturally good, or such practices become moral because God appears to declare them to be ethical".
Frege labels the identity that the name gives as the reference, and the thought that the word captures as the sense.
Lewis is curious about the origin of all these laws and norms, wondering about the reason why humans all of a sudden started to assume that their way of living and their behavior are not [...]
The inherent problem I have with Rorty in this article is the fact that the concept of a socially defined truth clashes with the changing nature of society and the potential for people to agree [...]
It is the duty of elders to teach the young and it is the duty of the young to learn from elders.
With regards to the parable of the water snake, Buddha gives a story of young men brought up in good families. Buddha talks of the views to make Malunkyaputta understand his teachings better.
However, the goal is to show that individuals do not have the right to do whatever they deem right even if it does not interfere with other people's peace of mind.
Utilitarianism can be explained using the principle of 'the end justifies the means', meaning if the end of a processor action is good, then the means of arriving at that end are also good and [...]
Socrates' friends requested him to accept the charges, as they were willing to pay the expected fines, but he refused and insisted that he was ready to die for the sake of justice.
Overall, it is possible to argue that the philosophy of ancient Greece is mostly associated with the names of such prominent thinkers as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
Finally, Emerson speaks about the importance of action for the scholar as a thinking man and explores the duties of such a man.
Biologically, the brain realizes that the situation taking place is negative or depressing, and the heart reacts to the external environment, as well as internal understanding that the situation is stressful.
In his argument, the writer notes that the Internet is taking over the human mind. The audience is also able to relate the issues in the argument with the effects caused by computers.
Aquinas focuses on the intentions of an actor as a basis on which the determination of the level of the permissibility of an action that results in serious harm is made.
The other strength of deontology based on the thesis by Ross is the distinction of moral obligations of agents in any given action.
Consequentialism is a concept in normative ethics that opines that the goodness or badness of an action is determined by the impacts of the action and not the motive of the doer.
Socrates' argument is largely based on the premise that a citizen accepts the laws adopted in the society and should not resist the decisions of the state represents the interest of the community.
That being the case, "cultural relativism" is a concept that sees everything to be right or wrong depending on the idea of "cultural expression".
The two philosophers studied emotions to determine some of the common causes of this mental state, and the events that take place in the mind before one becomes emotional.
Hume disqualifies the existence of miracles, as the Christian religion is weaker and more insubstantial as compared to the evidence that comes with one's experience.
In his arguments, he emphasizes that since God is described to have power over everything that exists; he would not sit by and watch as evil deeds happen in different places.
In the second case, he used the example of the three words and explained that they have the same cognitive value.
The validity of this suggestion can be illustrated, in regards to the referential sentences "the country that is being the most committed to promoting the cause of democracy in the world", on one hand, and [...]
The notion that fat people are lazy is because many of them avoid doing activities that would require them to spend a lot of energy and movement. In many cases, the speed of fat people [...]
Spinoza believed that since everything in the universe is in existence due to the power of God, it is unlikely to find something that is lacking anything.
Mills' book explores the political philosophy of the social contract."The Racial contract" was published at the end of the twentieth century, and it investigates the issue of racial relations in the world over 500 years.
The quote selected suggests that " of the biggest flaws in the common conception of the future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create".
As much as there are different definitions of the word philosophy, nobody can underestimate the importance that it has in our society. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that explains the nature of rights and [...]
Thus, Frankl claimed, "there are two races of men in this world, but only these two the "race" of the decent man and the "race" of the indecent man".
The message the speaker was communicating to the audience struck me as familiar; I had a feeling that I had heard it from the same venue before.
Among the phenomena that science has not been able to give a satisfactory explanation is the question of the origin of life.
There is another very interesting quote related to the definition of good music, namely, the Athenian stranger points out that the best music is the one that "pleases the man who is distinguished in virtue [...]
According to the extant literature, this is a response to the experience of the global water crisis. In this case, there is the tendency to exploit in the selling of water, and the positions are [...]
The Athenian's contribution to the 'would be' laws of the new city is impressive to the Spartan and the Cretan and they therefore recommend him to be part of the team founding the new city [...]
The theory is the opposite of utilitarianism in the sense that it considers both the means and the end, as opposed to utilitarianism which focuses only on the end.
However, merely being able to relate to nature is not enough to become a truly Confucian ideal of a person; according to the postulates of the teacher, one has to reach the state of a [...]
Besides, the treatise explores the orientations of the Daoist tradition and the concepts of sages, deities, hell and heaven, and Confucian discourse.
The idea of neo-Confucianism is to promote healthy interactions between the culture of China and other cultures interplaying in the modern world.
The main idea of the essay is to define the Taoism relation to objectivity and subjectivity, to apply the philosophy to how individuals should live, to relate it to nature.
In a nutshell, The Sense of Antirationalsm is an exemplary work of literature that gives the study of comparative religious studies a new approach.
The readings that will be discussed in this paper illustrate the diversity of this movement and their importance for different cultures.
According to Burrington, Socrates was to attend a court hearing in which Meletus accuses him of distracting the attention of young people from believing in the gods that the state religion recognizes.
The concept ideas of the state of nature, law of nature, civil state and common good were discussed by Lock in his works.