Despite lack of considerable documentation about the history of Arab history, the brief Chinese history depicted above and the evidence contained in the Ancient Record of Tang Dynasty described this event as the birth of [...]
A prophet in the ancient times was believed to have a social, economic and political role as prophets were regarded to be the contact of humanity and the supernatural, with supernatural being the law giver [...]
They comprised of The Gospel of Truth, The Gospel of Thomas, and The Gospel of The Egyptian among others. A campaign against these amisleading' religious beliefs was started and it was not until the time [...]
In fact, Shaff points out that "The spread of this version, imperfect as it was, proves the hunger and thirst of the German people for the pure word of God, and prepared the way for [...]
Easter Sunday does not have a fixed date and for a long period of time it was celebrated at diverse times on the basis of the end of winter or the Passover feast as celebrated [...]
The author of this book stresses that asking question is the nature of human beings and to be Christian entails asking tough questions in the light of the grace of God in his son Jesus [...]
They all believe in the existence of God and that the soul continues to exist in the world of the living dead, that every one will carry his own cross and that even after death [...]
The Greek and Roman mythology are some of the strongest establishments of the western cultures. In the Greek myths, Apollo was the son of Zeus and king to other gods.
With such contributions the women of today can be inspired by women of the early church to rise above the culture of patriarchy, both in the church and the society at large.
The power of the goddess Mythically, Gaea, a wife and mother of Uranus, was known for her powers with regard to motherhood and prophesy. This is only the back side of the Gaea goddess and [...]
To convert non-Arabs to Islam, the power of the Koran and the oral traditions established by the final prophet were used.
Williams reveals, "The truth is that the clergy members of the church are not denied a right to marry, but they are married to the church and service of the church".
This paper will list four main factions during the second Temple and provide thoughts of Sicarii faction in detail. To achieve this, they separated themselves from all pleasures and follies of that period.
The effect of the prohibition was that Nestorians fled to the Eastern side. One of the historic evidence of the existence of Nestorians was the writings found on the cave temples at Dunhuang.