Abraham's generation gave rise to the religion of Judaism although Moses is said to be the founder of the religion itself, unlike Abraham who was the genetic father of the generation.
They include; the western religions and the eastern religions. Western religion mainly comprise of Judaism, Christianity and Islam while the eastern religions consist of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism.
The central belief of the Confucius is the relationship between man and man. In Daoism the Ultimate Reality is both the creator and the perpetual truth of the universe.
It teaches about the Gurus; the Sikhs believe in God referred to as Waheguru that is wonderful Lord and the creator of all things.
Both Christianity and Judaism religions have a belief in the existence of a savior or messiah. On the other hand, the Hinduism religion and the Buddhism religion have something in common in that, in both, [...]
Thus, the expression "'this text and not that text is the complete and total words of God" can be applied to every religion and presents the problem of religious canons.
The writings of Irenaeus are the basis of the New Testament teachings that God is the spirit, the son and the father.
What the peculiarities of their ideas are, why they chose such styles of life, and what made them prefer certain ideology and prove it during a long period of time all this will be examined [...]
Throughout the history of the planet exploration, the pioneers who dared to set their foot on a new terrain not infrequently faced a multitude of obstacles and barriers ranging from purely practical difficulties of settling [...]
The thin line between civilization and savagery shown by the author is the force upon the journey to civilization and the twenty first century is a good indication of leadership.
Each Zen temple is not only a simple building, where Zen Buddhism is taught and explained; it is the place, where the essence of Buddhism is depicted by means of each stone, detail, and color; [...]
Hess was optimistic of the Jews and argued that the future of the Jewish state lay in acquiring national land, adoption of a legal system and establishing Jewish societies.
The New Testament is considered to be one of the most important parts of the Bible that depicts the true nature of human duties, demands, and desires, that teaches everyone the truths which have to [...]
To appreciate the origins and history of the veil, the first part of this paper is an analysis of veil use in the three major monotheistic religions.
All the different denominations endorse the belief in the Brahman which is the ultimate reality seen as the universal soul as well as the individual soul called Aatman.
The ark was therefore big enough for the animals since they were the most and the small family of Noah. He ordered the animals to be fruitful and fill the world again and so were [...]
The cult of the dead that is supported in the vast majority of countries is one of the traditions appreciated, and the Kingdom of Kongo is one of the central points where the cult of [...]
Jews can gloat and say that they are the chosen people but this is not a wise decision to make because they will be threatened on all side and in fact since two thousand years [...]
It is in the power of the Gospel to shape the behaviour and thinking of Christians. The way of the cross though seem unpleasant, is the only avenue in which our hearts can grow to [...]
The Shahada talks about the uniqueness of Allah and his prophet Mohammed, Salat is a description of how Muslims worship or pray to Allah, Zakat, refers to the practice of helping the poor members of [...]
The day of the Lord is the judgment day. Many people who long for the day of the Lord are not aware of the meaning attached to this day.
In Christianity the character is divided into two aspects where one should exercise the love to God and to man, just as Christ grouped the Ten Commandments in to two.
The woman out of the curiosity asks Jesus where He is to get water from where Jesus informs her that He has the living water.
The parable given from verse 30 to 35 emphasis on the act of doing in the definition of a neighbor just the way the Good Samaritan helped a man who had been robbed and bitten [...]
Spiritual maturity is achieved through the prosperity of the Fruits of the Spirit and by making use of the spiritual gifts to serve the Lord.
Hebrew teachings on wisdom, diligence and folly are contained in the Old Testament part of the Bible, especially in the book of Proverbs.
It is important to note that "socialization agents" are people who have the ability to influence the behaviour of individuals, as well as the way of thinking of the people in the society.
In conclusion, it is possible to state that there a number of similarities as well as differences between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
What surprised us was the separation of men and women in the synagogue. Before visiting the synagogue, I did not know that Jews separate men and women as in the case of Muslims in their [...]
The entry of British missionaries in Hong Kong led to the revelations of errors in the Biblical interpretations done by Hong.
Over the course of the evolution of Christian religion, it was supported by a number of Christian leaders, who introduced the basic concepts of Christian faith to all those willing to learn about it and [...]
According to Lunn, "the different contributions of two of the models will each develop the positive and negative aspects of the ambivalent, hybrid situation".[4] In the present church setting, there is the mega-church on one [...]
Human beings need to meditate from time to time to find out specific modes of behaviour they need to observe. The value of hard work is used to explain how human beings need to be [...]
Augustine to recall of his memories from the past in order to recognize the rottenness of his past life once again and to love the God.
One night, Prophet Muhammad appeared to the poet in a dream and wrapped him in a cloak, which is described in the poem as a mantle and then he was cured."Eighth Class" of Ibn Sina's [...]
Nearly halfway to the sermon, the preacher tells his congregation that he is excited that the Academic Worship Day falls on the Feast of Saint Monica. Thereafter, he employs pathos to appeal to the feelings [...]
Dershowitz's comparison of the story of the floods in the Bible with the issues in the world has helped in the creation of a mental picture about his claims and sentiments about the action done [...]
In other aspects, the term describes a community of protestant churches whose hallmark lies in their contrarian approach to theological and doctrinal interpretation of scriptures and Christian beliefs. Catholicism should learn and appreciate the importance [...]
The Eastern Christians were opposed to the addition of anything that was not in the original conceptions of the seven ecumenical councils. The Orthodox tradition believes in a Holy Trinity where 'the Father is the [...]
Other than that, Christianity is as diverse as the different denominations and the areas in which they are practiced. The problem of inclusivity and tolerance is not a new concept in Christianity.
Catholic religion dominated the lives of the medieval people between the 5th and the 15th century. It was not easy to dislodge Christianity from the lives and minds of the medieval men and women, as [...]
Though he was relatively unknown in his early years as a monk, Luther gained recognition in 1517 after authoring a manuscript that was perceived to attack some of the doctrines practiced in the Roman Catholic [...]
The doctrine further states that, the designation of Apostle Peter as the first pontiff of the church by Christ Himself marked the humble beginning of the church.
The first section is concerned with the definition of some of the important concepts in the life of the Church. E This was the period that marked the beginning of protestant reforms in the history [...]
In addition, human beings were created in the image and likeness of God in order to resemble the form in which God's Son Jesus Christ could come to give His life to the sinners and [...]
Buddhism is based on the assumption that reality is a constant instability together with the principle of interdependence, the dominance of mind and consecrated admiration of health and the world.
According to the teachings of Confucianism, the use of early Chinese traditions is the best and most appropriate way of having an organized community. This would lead to improvement of individuals and the society as [...]
Ritschl's aim was to interpret the Bible upon the doctrine of justification and reconciliation and as such, the purpose of Christian faith was to restore the harmonious relationship between man and God.
The main function of the mudang is to act as a mediator between the gods and people. The shaman interprets the messages delivered from the spirits to the people.
One of the problematic issues that I had to contend with is the fact that Mohammed patterned his teachings to that of Judaism and Christianity.
The representatives of the school were interested in Christ's human values and his power of self determination in order to preserve the Jesus' human involvement and emphasize the reality of the suffering of the Christ.
On the one hand, The Shi'ite Muslims believed in the view that leadership of the Muslims after the death of Prophet Muhammad should have remained with one of the family members of Prophet Muhammad.
The only thing that remains generally and undoubtedly acceptable is that there is inevitable death and that it is appropriate to prepare for it.
It is because of the love and mercy he had, that he healed the sick man by the pool. Therefore, when Jesus chose to heal the man on a Sabbath, he implied that healing was [...]
When Buddhism entered the borders of Japan, then the people started using the term Shinto to differentiate the indigenous beliefs of Japanese people.
Some churches and Christians however consider it as unauthoritative because it is not part of the bible, for example, the Church of the New Jerusalem and the Jehovah's Witnesses.[1] According to the Nicene Creed, there [...]
Finally, the author estimates that harmony is the "essential ingredient" of all religions and it is a guarantee of the welfare of all nations.
The multicultural and religious interactions have psychological implications to both the Muslims and the non-Muslims. The non-Muslims are required to learn the etiquette because if they do not follow them in the mosque, they are [...]
In this, the creation of the universe is viewed as a mystery with the origin from the sovereign God in the presence of the Holy Trinity.
One of the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith is its focus on the holy trinity which is composed of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit each aspect, while separate, [...]
In the new form of religion only one God is to be worshiped and this god was the creator of everything.
According to Mahayana believers, the rituals and ceremonies are important in affirming their faith and in teaching vital traditions and rules that have to be followed by those who accept to be members of the [...]
On the other hand, spirituality has played a vital role in the viability of the African-American people as it helps in bringing them together as a community; and as a result, easing the challenges they [...]
One of the most fascinating cultural histories is the existence and the expansion of Buddhism in China. However, it is worth noting that one of the most significant factors, which favored the flourishing of Buddhism, [...]
These meetings usually bring people together and teach them how to cooperate with each other in times of need The institution of these churches served as a talent corner where members were given chances to [...]
At a certain interval of consciousness, he wrote a telegram with the help of a colleague that proved to his colleagues to have been his last word to the faithful.
In my opinion, this distinction is necessary, considering the violence and hatred that has been linked to religious differences. One of these themes is that the society can be renewed, so that it adheres to [...]
To understand the nature of differences and similarities in the English translations of the Bible and their role in the texts' interpretation, it is necessary to focus on the analysis of the passages from The [...]
After the emergence of the Buddhism and Christianity, there have been several additions and alterations because of the expansion to other countries.
A good quote to note is that a transformation of religion in America will impact on the social arena, individual morality, and public life.
Some of the beliefs they cleaved to were biblical inerrancy, the reality of miracles such as the virgin birth and resurrection of Jesus, the deity of Christ, as well as his atonement and pre-millennial second [...]
The influence and impact of religion in the affairs of the Tang Dynasty cannot be understated. Religion was conspicuous aspect of the dynasty.
Also the religious traditions were simultaneously linked to the sacred, that is the sacred being, the sacred places, the sacred artifacts among others.
A common attribute in all religions is the existence of a being superior to humans. The followers of the religion are encouraged to pray to this being for guidance and wisdom.
Proponents of religion argue that it is a source of peace and tranquility in the world. Careful study and analysis of the contributions of religion in world's civilization reveal that it contributes to both peace [...]
The authors present their arguments in different ways; yet, both of them try to show that people should learn more about the values, customs, and traditions of one another. In this way, the writer attempts [...]
Most common to the practices and traditions of the two religions is the "aspects of ritual purity, the practice of fasting, and the presence of dietary laws".
A closer opinion to this theory suggests that Mark and Luke copied from Matthew and that the Gospel of Matthew was originally in Aramaic before the Greek translation surfaced.
The marriage between philosophy and theology led to the birth of philosophical theology. Notable to mention is that, the theory of atonement was used both in philosophy and theology doctrines.
According to legend, the Bon deities who were converted by Padmasambhava are "bound under mighty oaths to serve Buddhism in new roles as protectors and defenders of the law".
The modernists seek to "define Islam by bringing out fundamentals in a rational and liberal manner; to emphasize the basic ideals of Islam; and to interpret the Islamic teachings in order to bring out its [...]
In discussing the concept of mortality in Hinduism, it is vital to appreciate the fact that liberation of the souls ensures that life remains permanent, before death and after the natural process of recuperation.
In the philosophical argument presented by the book, Pascal's Wager, by Jeff Jordan with regard to the existence and work of God, it emerges that people's belief in God is often enhanced by self-interests rather [...]
The validity of such statements is of great importance to Islamic historians who pay close attention to their transmission of Hadith.
Sociology is concerned with people's interaction in groups and interactions of different groups of people. It is also possible to trace the aims of people throughout centuries.
Based on the founders of the dogma, theology of hope analyses eschatology from the resurrection of the Messiah onwards rather from the creation of the universe.
Aimee Semple McPherson is one of the most controversial figures in the history of the United States, especially at the beginning of the twentieth century.
It is possible to state that two important contributions made by Christianity to the development of the Western civilization are the accentuation of the significant role of family within the society and the contribution to [...]
In the study of religion, it is important to look at the reasons underlying the groupings in religious circles and the theory that strives to explain the emergence and development of new religious bodies from [...]
The disjointing of religious beliefs and political affairs may be regarded as natural to the societies in the West except it is never the set of circumstances in scores of other cultures.
In their belief, they have the notion that religion in a way came as a response to the various experience that people underwent in the world they lived.
Several studies conducted on the role of the church as a correctional facility in the community revealed that the presence of a strong church in the African American community helped to minimize instances of crime.
Many of them appreciate the sense of acceptance that they get in churches and the feeling that others care for them.
The purpose of life in Christianity's view is to serve God. This is a big contrast to the Buddhism view on destiny.
While exploring the new realities of the globalized community and assessing the changing patterns in carrying global mission, which is both secular and sacred, Escobar introduces a new theological framework of biblical mission, revisiting the [...]
This essay explores the views of Muslims on the role of religion, politics, and military affairs, and how did this play out in the territorial expansion of Islam.
Jataka tells the story of Prince Vassantara to give people the model to follow. It is necessary to note that Jataka describes Prince Vassantara in the way he does to give people the model to [...]
In specific terms, the book examines the most crucial concept or theory presented within the book on issues of religion and society. The book investigates the concept of religion and its sociological implications within the [...]
It is imperative to note that the Qur'an continues to inspire the lives of many Muslims. The biggest factor however is that the Qur'an is a book full of ayets and quotes that make those [...]
This is the official standpoint of many religions meaning that religion is the major variable in the debate. Religion has ensured that the debate on the origin of species and the earth in general continues.
Today, many people are inclined to pay attention to the differences in religious traditions when the accentuation of the similarities in the spiritual beliefs is more significant for understanding the roots and principles of this [...]
The establishment of the early Church and the development of Papacy strengthened Christian faith, leading to the development of obedience to the Church and the Pope.
This paper, therefore, aims at viewing the western society and how it has been influenced by Europe, it also views the extent to which religion serves as a progressive and stabilizing force in the society [...]
Interpreting the book of Genesis psychoanalytically often calls for consideration of theory of existentialism, oedipal conflicts, and presentation of Thanatos and Eros as destructive forces, which when evoked, led to the eating the forbidden fruit [...]
The holy book on which the Islamic religion is based is the Quran, which is the book written directly word for word as communicated by God and memorised by the prophet.
The chain of transmission consists in reliance and dependence of the scientists on the sequence of deductions. In addition, hadith strongly relates to the study of soul and spirit that are differentiated in the Islamic [...]
Hadith[1] is one of the main concepts in contemporary Islam; this term is used to describe a saying, action, or an argument that can be attributed to the prophet Muhammad.
This is evident in most nations such as US where religion is not regarded as a fundamental factor that influence the development of political parties and their operations.
He constructed an Islamic model of thought that valued feminism and that distinguished the Islamic view of feminism from the western view of feminism. He is considered the father of Islamic modernism owing to his [...]
In Christianity, the main aim of women is to ensure that both genders are represented in the management of the affairs of the church.
The lack of consensus regarding the nature and effect of pain in religious context has produced a number of arguments, which, in their turn, can be tracked down to the famous truth claim of Jesus [...]
The book begins by underscoring the source of life in terms of the creation of the Earth and the development of human relationships as well as civilization in terms of ruling over the land.
The book of Genesis is the basis of the review made in this paper. The book of Genesis tells the story of creation by illustrating the Lord as the architect of the universe.
The doctrine of 'The Two Natures of Jesus' suggest that Jesus possessed two forms- divine and human. In the bible, there are several evidences that supporting the idea that Jesus was a human and a [...]
The four elements are the truth with respect to anguish, the truth about the basis of anguish, the truth about the end of anguish, and the truth about the means of ending anguish.
Lastly, antagonism arose due to the profound existence of the Catholic Church, which stridently supported reformation, and fought through the brutal authority of the law to the illumination and liberty of Christianity.
Additionally, the other criteria that can be used to determine the religious state of people are the universality of the religion.
Maulana also argues that our God is the God of the Koran and the source of love. God is love and He shapes the world according to His plan.
In many societies, religion has been used as a guiding principle in determining the correct code of conduct, besides giving rules on what is considered as acceptable behavior in society.
Although Ruth is not an Israelite, her perseverance and persistence eventually, get her a place in the genealogy of Jesus. He shows a lot of kindness to Ruth and is very appreciative of her service [...]