On the other hand, he analyzes the evolution of the Christian beliefs and considers faithful calling to be the prototype for the division of labor forces in the contemporary capitalistic society."One of the fundamental elements [...]
Some of the most common texts of the Gnostic Jesus are the Apocryphal of James, The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Truth and The Gospel of Phillip.
The Trinitarian believers puts the position of Jesus while trying to explain whom he was in comparison to the father in a better and more comprehensive fashion, that the Father is God, as well as [...]
As far as South Park is concerned it is necessary to point out that it is a satirical reflection of the modern society, and, of course, some series deal with Islamic religion.
In conclusion, Buddha also offers a solution to the problem of suffering that man has. This is the balance that man must try to attain so as to avoid the ills that the culture of [...]
With such contributions the women of today can be inspired by women of the early church to rise above the culture of patriarchy, both in the church and the society at large.
The power of the goddess Mythically, Gaea, a wife and mother of Uranus, was known for her powers with regard to motherhood and prophesy. This is only the back side of the Gaea goddess and [...]
The perennial action by the Westboro church members of attacking other Christian churches and religious organizations such as Muslim and Jews is a breach of other citizens' right to exercise their freedom.
In order to deepen the understanding of the text presented in Reading the Book: Making the Bible a Timeless Text and in the Bible itself, it is necessary to clear up the differences between the [...]
Moreover, this essay seeks to highlight the current perception of the church's separation from the state and the odds at which this perception is perceived especially in a democratic nation such as the United States. [...]
After practicing sacred reading, as one of possible spiritual disciplines, I get a chance to comprehend deeper the essence of my life, the role of God, and ministry, improve my self-awareness, and become closer to [...]
The foremost reason why I think that the book's Chapter 1 is particularly relevant, within the context of how people go about trying to gain a better understanding of religion, is that it points out [...]
To convert non-Arabs to Islam, the power of the Koran and the oral traditions established by the final prophet were used.
'Islam is a religion that has significantly influenced the history of the world and in the future, its impact will not decline. Therefore, during the time of Muhammad, Islam was one of the factors that [...]
Overall, one can identify the following characteristics of Hinduism, namely the acceptance of different religious views, the belief in reincarnation of soul, and the idea that God can take many different forms.
The bible, which is the religious reference book for Christians, presents the beginning of their faith and the birth of the religion.
However, one of the questions that linger in the mind of many is what happens to the soul at the time of death.
One of the obvious advantages of the information torrent is that it can be used as a powerful means to help spread the Word of God and His commandments to begin with.
Williams reveals, "The truth is that the clergy members of the church are not denied a right to marry, but they are married to the church and service of the church".
Besides the role of the church in advocating for the abolishment of slavery, the church equally played a pivotal role in the reconstruction of the African-American community.
It is apparent that most of the topics in the book are quite interesting since they make the reader to have a grasp of what religion is all about and the major landmarks that have [...]
The truth of Catholics is that the Scripture should be understood and taken within the preserved traditions of the church. The Catholic Church says that ignorance of reading the Bible is compared to the ignorance [...]
They believe that, their spiritual father is the tenth Guru and the others are his or her spiritual brothers and their commitment to all of them is equal.
Before the encroachment of the British colonization and culture into the Indian society, the wealth was shared among the status group in the society.
For over 2,000 years, China's poetry and history, government and social life, and the ethics of the society dominate philosophical system of Confucianism. The family reflected the social, economic, and political units of the society.
This paper will list four main factions during the second Temple and provide thoughts of Sicarii faction in detail. To achieve this, they separated themselves from all pleasures and follies of that period.
As a result, it is not easy to trace the history of Hinduism and the Hindus are not concerned about the specific dates when the religion might have started.
The Roman church under the stewardship of the bishops and popes gradually diverged in beliefs and practices of the church of Constantinople, under the patriarch.
In this context, the originality of the EncyclicalPopulorumProgressio gives credence to the moral evaluation of the social issue. The concept of development is aptly captured in the concluding paragraph of the document which asserts that [...]
In modern history and currently, the people who have born the brunt of discrimination perhaps because of the religion they subscribe to are the Muslims.
The myth of the ritual is that the goddess in this period is mourning the death of the god who sacrificed himself so that people can enjoy a bountiful harvest of the grain.
The other thing that was the point of conflict between science and religion was in respect to the origin of the earth.
In the first paragraph of the confessions, Augustine is saying that the place where God's mind touches our own is like a light.
I chose to write about the possibility of the world coming to an end in 2012 because the topic has attracted global attention as a number of individuals have taken drastic measures such as selling [...]
Based on the first criterion of religious persons meeting at certain places on regular basis, people on earth can be said to be religious. Religion also functions as a major guide to the daily lives [...]
Because of the debates that have clouded the sexuality of the monks many have had to believe that monks can marry.
Gandhi appreciates the existence of difference in the name of God amongst the Muslims, Hindus and Christians. In order for the concept of non-violence to be applicable, Gandhi is of the opinion that it is [...]
The purpose of the Oneida community was to bring back the love that was lost between man and wife. Oneida community believed in God, who was the creator of the universe.
In his 'confession' Augustine starts on talking of his babyhood and the understanding impiety of a juvenile man as he summons up.
Due to the challenges of the ever-changing world, the people who were responsible in to providing solutions started seeking for unity and continuity among the people.
Tracking the way in which the Law of God is described in the Bible, one can claim with certainty that the basis of this Law is the love to God and to the people around.
As long as they are alive, the authority of the leaders is usually absolute and although they deny that their followers should not submit their conscience to them, people find themselves submitting to their rules [...]
Biblically, the theme of 'chosen people' stands out in both the Old and the New Testament extending further to the contemporary society despite the evident changes in meaning as the paper points out.
Apart from secondary data, more information was also obtained from primary sources for instance, through interviews with some of the old people of the Buddhism society, who had information about who the person was and [...]
Some were drawn to Calvin's teaching because they felt it was comforting, as they did not have to do anything to earn salvation but hope that God had elected them.
To begin with Tom's idea on the existence of the sharing of certain perspectives among both the Christians and the Buddhists, I think the outlook is true.
In order not to be misled, I would like to offer to your attention the exact definition of the word "nirvana" in the Webster's Dictionary, which states: "Nirvana is the final beatitude that transcends suffering, [...]
In this paper, I am going to discus some of Lin-chi's principles and practices, such as the role of the hit and shout in Lin-chi's style of teaching, Lin-chi's exhortations not to be swayed by [...]
God is the father of man and created the earth so that man could find a home to live in thus God is supreme and holy.
To start with the two religions share many things in their beliefs in that they both believe in rebirth which is determined by the actions one does in the daily life.
Thus it is each individuals role to return the soul but this is not possible because of the sins and impurities one becomes exposed to once living in this world and since the process of [...]
Traverso asserts that the difference between the rich and the poor in terms of economy has continued to expand over the last years with the rift between the middle and rich stretching even further.
The effect of the prohibition was that Nestorians fled to the Eastern side. One of the historic evidence of the existence of Nestorians was the writings found on the cave temples at Dunhuang.
The theology of creation as reflected in Genesis presents the Church's thinking and views about the relationship between the almighty God and the physical world as it is informed by our own comprehension of the [...]
What is more crucial to note is that Abraham and Sara do not initially connect the presence of the three men with the presence of God.
John Wesley was a true champion of the rights and freedoms of the people as he went further to advocate for the rights of abolitionism movements. However, only John Wesley practiced and contributed to the [...]
The New Testament and The Old Testaments tell that women have to inferior to men as the authority of God is really great, and God is the only one, who has the right to judge, [...]
Lewis wanted to convey in The Chronicles of Narnia, was the idea of Christian spirituality and its impact on the life of every character.