Free Sociological Theory Essay Examples & Topics. Page 8

1,085 samples

Woman’s View on Love and Hate

This essay is going to expound on the theme of love and hate concerning two poems "My Husband's Back" by Susan Minot and "To My Dear and Loving Husband" by Anne Bradstreet.
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  • Words: 922

Respect and Its Significance

Respect is thus imperative in any society since a great deal of the collectively desirable quality, virtues and morals which establish human dignity, and give the best out of a person and the society at [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

Importance of Quitting Smoking

As such, quitting smoking is important since it helps relief the worry and the fear associated with possibility of developing cancer among other smoking-related illnesses. It is therefore important to quit smoking if the problems [...]
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  • Words: 849

Information Privacy Perspectives

Information privacy popularly known as data privacy, gives an individual the right to data about themselves; that the data should not be readily accessible to other people and organization, and in conditions where another party [...]
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  • Words: 892

The Social Contract Aspects

This move will see to it that the wealthy in the society bear the cost of the budget by increasing the taxes for this social class.
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  • Words: 546

Women in the Contemporary Society

In addition, the film shows that women have over the years learnt to unite and fight for their rightful position in the society.
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  • Words: 961

Sexuality and Masculinity in Adolescents

This is the misunderstanding which makes many teenagers behave in the way they are not to behave, to act in the way they are not to act and to act as in the result the [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1421

Masculinity Concept Analysis

As a child grows, the father is the figure of courage and a symbol of protection. As a boy child grows, he is expected to be a winner in the activities he undertakes.
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  • Words: 826

The Challenges and Advantages of Facebook

Kate Wadas studied the possible reasons as to why a student organization or educational institution should have a Facebook account in her article "The Challenges and Advantages of Facebook".
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  • Words: 928

Global Readiness Index Concept

The analysis of global mind-set, global knowledge and global work skills has revealed that my perception of the global environment is insufficient, particularly when it comes to my own attitudes.
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  • Words: 558

Problems Encountered by Sex Researchers

Some of the problems that sex researchers encounter in their work are discussed in the following paragraphs and include; research funding, role of ethics, truthful participants and Law Restrictions.
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  • Words: 977

Genetics and Sociological Theories

From the description of the sociological theories, the term sociology can take a wide range of definitions and not only on impact of society or environment has to human behavior, but also on the past [...]
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  • Words: 614

Second Child Effects on the Family

The interferences to personal schedules of parents, with the responsibility of taking care of children, affects personal concentration and productivity of the parent and may lead to cases of high stress that further complicate their [...]
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  • Words: 560

“Motherhood” in American Families

The social construct of motherhood as being in the confines of a heterosexual marriage context has over the time been challenged with increasing cases of single parenthood, more so single mothers.
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  • Words: 637

Industrial Revolution’s Effects in American Family Life

During the nineteenth century industrial revolution in the United States, the medieval family had to be modified to other formations. The American society had to assist in the readjustments which, inevitably had to be done [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 585

Domestic, Dating and Sexual Violence

Dating violence is the sexual or physical violence in a relationship which includes verbal and emotional violence. The rate of sexual violence in other nations like Japan and Ethiopia, range from 15 to 71 percent.
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  • Words: 671

Counterculture Legacy on People’s Lifestyle

The 1960's are characterized by the a social movement which was called Counterculture and had a great influence on the historical, political and social events in the USA, as well as in the whole world, [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 860

Family Formation and Child Development

The shift in the role of women from a homemaker to a wage earner has contributed to raising socially exclusive and emotionally detached children in the society since they spend less time with their children.
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  • Words: 613

Ralph Emerson’ Views on Self-Reliance

Is it possible to speak about their bravery with the help of which they feel the ability to resist the public's opinions and stick to their own viewpoints?
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  • Words: 842

Alcohol Consumption in the UK

The gap between the number of men who died and the number of women who died proved that men drunk more alcohol as compared to women.
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  • Words: 1368

Housing and Wealth Inequality

The purpose of carrying out this research was to determine the gap between house ownership among the rich and the poor.
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  • Words: 906

Global Population Trends

The varying fertility rate in these regions is responsible for the different population growth. The next challenge is the decline in population and aging; this has been occurring in the industrialized nations.
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  • Words: 871

Personality in Social World

The mind, body and intellect encompass the 'Ego', while the spiritual being and psychic are aspects, which are deeper within the conscious self and provide human interaction thus interconnection with the external world.
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  • Words: 571

Analysis of the Althusser Ideas

Cinematography can be called a reflection of the modern life, revealing the major trends and ideas of society, and Althusser admitted that art is is the creation of ideology which is ruling in this or [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1336

Interracial Adoption Major Issues

The trends in the selection of children for adoption have changed over time. The recent understanding of the interracial adoption has incorporated similar policies and views of various organizations committed to the social work of [...]
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  • Words: 2313

The Changing Landscape of Love and Marriage

In the article "The Changing Landscape of Love and Marriage", Hull, Meier, and Ortyl introduce a collection of the ideas offered by different researchers about marriage, a variety of roles, and the ways of how [...]
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  • Words: 575

Education Impact on Socialization

To pursue the American Dream, young Americans should complete all the stages of socialization effectively, and the process of receiving the education is the important stage.
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  • Words: 937

Egalitarian Family in the Western Culture

An egalitarian family arrangement is one of the major threats to the patriarchy, according to the author because it opposes the tenets of the traditional family that insists on the male power and authority in [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 876

Homeless Veterans Causes and Effects

The inability of the Department of Veterans Affairs to fast track compensation and funding for disabled veterans is linked to homelessness among many veterans.
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  • Words: 1125

Intersectionality and Gendered Racism

The intersectionality concept enables people to understand the different experiences with regard to the social categories of a person. Intersectionality brings in revolution of the extent in which gender racism affects women, and the rational [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1666

Bicultural Paradigm in a Contemporary Society

The thesis statement is stated below: A bilingual paradigm reinforces one's identity in a society Notwithstanding the thesis statement, the paper provides a critique of the paradigm by evaluating emotional response to outsiders' opinions.
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  • Words: 1658

Georgia Growth and Development

The state borders both "Armenia and Turkey to the south and Azerbaijan to the east". 7% of the GDP in the year 2000, reflecting the state of the economy of this country.
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  • Words: 868

Parents Need Help on Snow Days

At first, it is important to examine the use of ethos or the appeal to the credibility of the speaker. For example, in the beginning, the writer attempts to secure the trust of the readers [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 839

Crack Cocaine Impacts on Black America

The article "The Impact of Crack Cocaine on Black America" by LaVelle Hendricks and Angie Wilson examines how crack cocaine affects many African Americans in the country. The authors also describe the major symptoms associated [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 570

The Shift from Marijuana to Heroin in the U.S.

The article "Tracing the U.S.heroin surge back south of the border as Mexican cannabis output falls" by Nick Miroff explains why heroin is a major challenge in the country today. The author uses the article [...]
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  • Words: 562

Chinese Parenting Style in Raising Successful Children

The parenting approach by a large number of Western parents influences children to embrace the notion that their abilities have limits and promotes the development of characters who quit on every difficult task.
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  • Words: 555

Discrimination Due to Language Differences

Rodriguez speaks about cultural diversity in a light key, treating the issue as a natural happening that is a part of everyday life of every person in America, the skin color and language origin do [...]
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  • Words: 399

“The Order of Things” by Malcolm Gladwell

The main point he seeks to make from these rankings is that the three cars are so different that evaluating them using the same methodology ignores some critical factors that ought to guide the process [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1172

Controlling Pregnancies of Adolescents

When teenagers will be in a position to follow instructions on pregnancy prevention, the project will have attained its medium-term goals. The medium-term goal of the program would be to reduce the cases of abortion [...]
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  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 453

Arabian Oasis City Unayzah

They explore the social changes that have manifested in certain areas of social life due to the transformation of the old town.
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  • Words: 882

Sociological Imagination Concept

From the above examples, understanding sociological imagination calls for knowledge of present and past events that help to change the history of a society.
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  • Words: 568

Sociology by George Farkas

To a great extent, this discussion can be related to the sociological perspective because it illustrates the long-lasting legacies of social inequalities.
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  • Words: 501

Disability Issues in Society

While it is true that various anti-discrimination laws have been passed to enable people with disabilities to get jobs and be able to live life "normally," I want to understand what other practices have been [...]
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  • Words: 540

Social Issues: Abortions Prohibition

With this in mind, it is possible to say that the question of abortion is a very keen issue which sets the table for a great number of different debates. However, it is said that [...]
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  • Words: 1412

Social Issues: Levels of Conversation Impact

The results of a conversation depending on the levels of communication between the parties that are involved. In this level of conversation, a self-fulfilling relationship may be developed particularly if the people involved in the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 588

Social Issues: Equity Among the African Demographics

Combined with the problem of poverty and lack of educational resources, it takes a truly monstrous scale, affecting not only the lives of women in a number of regions of Africa, but also the entire [...]
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  • Words: 568

Early Childhood Socialization

It is during the secondary socialization that the child will learn to think independently. However, to the child, he is not doing something wrong.
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  • Words: 580

Social Issues: “A critical Mess” by Scott Rowan

In his argument, Rowan, the president of Sherpa Multimedia, explains the pains and frustrations that the Chicago community undergoes when the cyclists take to the streets demonstrating their riding skills and claiming that it is [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 664

Conflict and Racial Hostility

Using the conflict lens to assess the situation in Jena, it is evident that the white students along with the white power structure in the city and the school are in a privileged position of [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1483

Racism as a Case of Ignorance and Prejudice

Racism refers to the act of ascribing certain traits and stereotypes to individuals based on their race. According to a report titled Race for Equality, the National Union of Students revealed that 1 in 6 [...]
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  • Words: 1214

Social Issues: Non-Mainstream Body Modification

The rise of many art styles and body modifiers, the increase in tattoo parlors dealing in non-mainstream art, and the emergence of websites, books, and magazines containing body art practices led to the rise of [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2036

What Defines Us as Human? – Social Issues

Although the particular features of the people's skeletal structure and other physical qualities cannot be discussed as determining to speak about persons as human, it is important to focus on differences in the mental and [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 555

The American Dream’s Concept

The American economy is also likely to improve as a result of realizing the American dream 2013 since most of the residents are likely to indulge in productive activities as stipulated in the American dream [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 888

Café as a Set of Social Interaction

In this regard, we chose a table that was situated in one of the farthest corners of the Cafe, and this proved to be a strategic point from where we could get a perfect view [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1485

Discrimination Definition and Characteristics

Any form of discrimination against another is, therefore, immoral and repugnant towards development of the human race. Discrimination and all its forms make this bit of life to be challenging.
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  • Words: 334

Stereotypes in Social Groups

Positive stereotypes are beneficial to members of social groups because they enhance confidence that people have in their culture and promote the identification and recognition of other cultures.
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  • Words: 1427

The Human Morals Evolution

The scientists of the world are still arguing about the origins of moral sense and at which stage of evolution it has appeared in humans.
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  • Words: 814

Social Issues: Corporal Punishment

To begin with, people that support corporal punishment say they do so because they believe that a child needs spanking to learn a discipline.
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  • Words: 555

Social Issues: Teen Pregnancy

Lastly, there are no good role models to teach children the importance of abstinence, and this has led them to believe that they should engage in premarital sex to become famous.
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  • Words: 855

Structural Functionalism and Social Conflict Theories

This paper discusses the structural functionalism and social conflict theories to give a detailed explanation of the controversial understandings of human life about the role taken by the environment in creating social cohesion in the [...]
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  • Words: 596

Social Issues: Police Protection of the Ku Klux Klan

The situation when the police protected the Ku Klux Klan while gassing and arresting the demonstrators can seem to be unexpected and controversial because people are often inclined to associate the Ku Klux Klan with [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 538

Social Issues: Rites and Ceremonies in People Life

The life of a person as the member of the group or community is associated with definite rites and ceremonies which are followed to respond to the traditions, and cultural values developed during the centuries [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1102

Sociology Theoretical Perspectives

Lastly, it is clear that the three theoretical frameworks have distinct explanations about important issues, such as the basis of social order and source of social change in society.
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  • Words: 586

Humanism, Racism, and Speciesism

Cultural imposition within the context of the Spanish, British and other members of the European continent came in the form of the complete erasure of cultural predilections, values, behaviors and even methods of speaking of [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1438

Social Issues: The Art of Living in Solitude

The status of a single person is part and parcel of the modern reality for an increasingly large number of people and at the same time the major cause for psychological and social problems for [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1394

Social Issues: Appropriateness of Affirmative Action

Affirmative action in the sphere of education can be discussed as the appropriate approach to evaluate the admissions of college students because it can guarantee the equal access to the limited educational resources for students [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

Social Issues: Gentrification in Harlem

Thus, gentrification in Harlem during the period of 2000-2012 is characterized by changes in the community's demographics, household income, and economy connected with the arrival of wealthier residents, increased investment, promoted economic and business activities, [...]
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  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1647

Social Issues: How Identities are Constructed?

In modern times, many people identify themselves with their countries of birth, and this makes them eligible for citizenship rights and other social and economic privileges that are offered by their countries.
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  • Words: 570

Social Issues: Charitable Donations

These factors include awareness of the need to contribute, solicitation, selflessness, cost of the benefit, status in the society, and personal values.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2303

Social Issues: Game Theory in Daily Life

In effect, game theory can be said to be a basis for making rational decisions whereby the given decisions create impacts on the decision making the ability of other entities in the group, while also [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2784

Social Issues: Common Sense and Intuition

One of the most noteworthy ideas in the book was the suggestion that, in as much as people try to act or say otherwise, from a subconscious point of view, the majority is actually practicing [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1107

Homelessness in Phoenix Arizona State

People have different views regarding the help rendered to the homeless people, and indeed, there are those who feel that Arizona State should pay no attention to the homeless people.
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  • Words: 1419

The Perspectives of White and Non-White Communities

Similar to the principles of the "American dream," white communities believe that wealth creation comes from people's merits and accomplishments. Similarly, unlike the dominant white view that wealth creation stems from merit and accomplishments, many [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

Social Issues: Property Ownership

White views nature from a different standpoint to Forster's; while he appreciates nature and the serenity of the place, Forster view of his wood is in terms of monetary value.
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  • Words: 1207

French People and Americans

French people and Americans have different ways of developing, defining, and appreciating friendship. Chelsea Chelsea presents a meticulous discussion of the definition of friendship by Americans and French people.
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  • Words: 574

Diversity in Community and the Means to Address It

As a person who was brought up and worked in the environment of considerable diversity and is now married to a woman of a specific ethnical background, I believe that I am capable of addressing [...]
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  • Words: 312