Legal issues can happen anywhere, including on land, water, and air. A particular branch of law, known as transportation law, regulates most travel, shipment, and infrastructure. Law practitioners can apply these principles and rules to railroad systems, aircraft, and watercraft travel. In the U.S., most of these are federal transport laws. They come from federal agencies that create regulations and oversee compliance.
A task to write a transportation law essay can appear both in IELTS and in a college class. Our experts will explain why this area of law is significant and what to write in your paper to make it successful. We also suggested eighteen topic ideas for your assignment. Finally, we have gathered transportation essay samples for you.
There are many ways in which you can write a transportation essay. You can look at particular concepts or analyze a specific statute or a law. You can also take a more general approach. Regardless of the topic you choose, we have some excellent tips for you. Here is what you need to keep in mind:
1. Figure out what type of transport you’ll be looking at. Before writing your essay about transportation, you need to conduct research. The first step is to find the area you’ll be specializing in. It will give you the knowledge and freedom to develop your arguments.
2. Study notable incidents for ideas. Incidents are part of transportation history too. Knowing major milestones and pitfalls is essential to writing a successful work and giving a complete picture.
3. Compare transportation laws in different countries. It will give you a multitude of good topics and insights. This general approach is excellent for descriptive essays.
4. Consider infrastructure and logistics. Studying transport without understanding infrastructure and transportation systems is a waste of time. Make sure you know how the systems are intertwined.
5. Analyze specific laws and regulations. A more detailed approach is another way to write a good transportation essay. In this case, the scope of your future research is well-defined and limited.
18 Great Ideas on Transportation: Specific Topics
There is a multitude of ways that you can approach an essay on the specific topic of transportation. Even though we’ve gathered some tips in the previous section, there are many ideas left. Here, we’ve compiled a list of transportation-specific topics that can work for you. Or simply use our title generator to immediately create more ideas!
The impact of international economic integration on international transport law.
Public transportations laws in rural areas in Canada.
How to prevent mass transit crimes and improve security?
Urban transportation legal issues in developing countries.
A comparison between Global and Chinese perspectives on the liability issues in maritime transport laws.
Why do we need laws to regulate car ownership?
The development of aviation laws through accidents and commercial litigation.
Regulation and deregulation effects on public transport.
Cargo regulations in transporting radioactive materials.
Introduction to the U.S. transportation laws in the past and present.
What restrictions should be enforced to make school bus rides safer?
Air pollution control in private transportation.
Technology and its influence on laws shaping modern transportation.
Changes in transport laws and behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
Transportation planning as a way to build communities.
Truck accident law in civil litigation in the United States.
Carriage of goods by sea: problems and solutions.
Transportation in the past and present: tracing the changes of road transport law.
In conclusion, there are dozens of transportation essay topics that you could choose from. We hope that we managed to narrow the scope of your work with our recommendations. Thank you for your attention! Now you can check out transportation law essay examples below.
There are several factors that cause road accidents which comprise the following: majority of the accidents occur due the rise in the number of road users who do not obey traffic rules, drivers who drive [...]
Speed limits can also be restructured in some roads to make them more reasonable by reducing the maximum speed as well as raising the minimum speed. These speed limits need to be embraced and not [...]
In spite of the various advantages associated with allowing 16-year-old children to have driving permits, I still think that they should not be allowed the same.
In all states of the United States, it is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol beyond the set limit per state, according the countries legal definition, drunk driving is driving when one has [...]
A large number of teenagers agree with the fact that the number of increasing accidents involving teenagers is largely because of the submission to adolescent influences on the part of the teenagers.
To begin with, it has been observed from recent studies that have been conducted that majority of American citizens are in complete agreement that texting while one is driving should be banned as it is [...]
Thus, the increase in the level of accidents has forced the state to consider whether age is among the factors that have led to the increase in cases accidents.
In a 2019 overview of the fatality rates in the United States, while teenagers drove less compared to all but the oldest people, the number of deaths and crashes associated with them were disproportionately high.
This synchronized movement of people to and from the city within certain hours puts a lot of pressure on the transport infrastructure within the city and leads to reduced levels of productivity and efficiency.
Therefore, the issue of who assumes the risk of damage to goods in transit and the degree of liability for misrepresentations made by the consignee in the docket became essential in the common law.
In addition, speed limits lead to increased emissions as the net decrease in pollutants is determined on the assumption that traffic flow will not be altered.
However the Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging reported that texting while driving is a greater distraction than talking to others due to the time eyes are away from the road and the amount of cognitive [...]
Red light cameras are intended to capture the registration numbers of vehicles if the driver runs a red light. The problem with this case is that it only functions if the red light cameras are [...]
In other words, no special boxes are needed to transport items that have americium-241, and the execution stage of transportation can undergo as it is usual with other products.
The research methodology proposed in the paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the restrictive policies applied to police pursuits. How did the numbers of police pursuits change in correlation with the implemented policies?
The primary goal of this research is to ascertain the efficiency of the application of the no high-speed chase policies. What are the impacts of the no high-speed chase policies on the safety of the [...]
Alfred Kahn helped in the deregulation of the airline industry. Alfred Khan is one of the people whose efforts led to the deregulation of the airline industry.
Conflicts between the two states around the port of New York retarded the development of the port especially the usage and ownership of the habor facilities along river Hudson.
These regulations are meant to determine the quality, price and the quantity of the airports and to specify the traffic control system, which is an issue of concern between the academics and the practitioners.
The demand for public transportation is still growing and to assist ridership in this industry the federal government established the Federal Transit Administration within the Department of Transportation.
Besides, there will also be a close examination of the city's community, health status indicators, and a review of the public health literature of the city.
The rule states that; if any disciplinary action is taken on an alleged person 6 months after the offence without the FAA giving any reason for the delay, the respondent can seek the dismissal of [...]
Lastly, I will tell them of the precautionary measures that I have taken to protect myself and other people from getting involved in accident by advancing to the site without adequate preparations.
The importance of these conventions and rules was to address the need to access different ports in different countries based on uniform rules and standards acceptable to destination ports or countries in addition to maintaining [...]
To have a full understanding why the US congress is outraged with the continued reposting of the TSA Airport Screening manual, it's important to have a closer look at the document, specifically at some of [...]
Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication is the essence of today's conception of road safety. The process by which this is done in road safety is called Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication.
The comparison of various indexes is required for the objective estimation of the data, associated with the use of the seat belts, and the aspects of implementing the corresponding legislation.
Out of this need, several regulations have been put in place to ensure children's safety in vehicles is guaranteed; thus, protection from second-hand smoke is an obvious measure that is directed towards the overall safety [...]
However, the judge considers the disclosure of the disciplinary records to be irrelevant to the case. However, the Crown specifically stated that the disclosure of these records is not relevant to the case without O'Connor's [...]
The development of the international legal regime for the carriage of good by sea has taken a long path over the years as it seeks to promote fairness and a sense of responsibility to all [...]
By fostering a secure and fair trade process that interdicts unsafe and inadmissible goods and people, and providing protection to the economic security of the industry, the U.S.
The two major units of the traffic society - drivers and pedestrians - have to be aware of the dangers of speeding and be able to mitigate the occurrence of the cases of violation of [...]
Driving under the influence is known to be one of the most threatening tendencies in the world of nowadays. One of the most common policies provided in order to decrease the risk of drunken driving [...]
Though LPR appears to be rather effective in the process of combating car theft and other crimes, certain issues related to the abuse of private information of the innocent citizens need to be properly analyzed [...]
It gives the findings of the team that was formed to investigate the cause of the accident, and the legal system upon which the accident could be analysed.
Speed limits are set putting into consideration the type of road and the time of the day. A high contribution to noise levels result from the weight of the vehicles and the quality of the [...]
Other nations have limited use of phones, by teenagers, when driving, and a rising number of states and governments have prohibited the exact practice of texting while driving.
The House of Representatives passed the legislation on the 28th of November, 2012. The legislation was also meant to address the shortage of drivers in the trucking industry.
The case whose proceedings were held at the State Appeal Court involved the Williamson family who were accusing a car manufacturer of failing to install seat belts at the back seats of their buses as [...]