The presence of pesticide residues in water, air, and the food is considered the main consequence of the neglectful use of pesticides in agriculture as it puts a serious risk to the safety of people [...]
Agriculture has led to the destruction of the natural habitat of the moth. Farming practices have led to the dramatic reduction of the grass needed for the survival of this moth.
There is a significant drop in the number of dairy farms in Canada because in the beginning of 1980s the number was almost double of what it is today.
Given that the nutritional demands of pregnant sows vary according to their sizes and stage of gestation, farmers can accurately determine the amount of food for each sow without the fear of sows depriving each [...]
One way of keeping the leaves dry is by ensuring that the pumpkins are watered early in the morning to give them sufficient time to dry during the day. Microbes found in the soil contribute [...]
The first and the most obvious result of the global warming is the decrease of the harvest in the majority of regions all over the world.
The perennial rainfall adds to the suitability of the land since coffee bushes produce berries throughout the year. Later, rinsing of the beans takes place and this leads to drying of the beans.
This factor is mostly attributed to the fact that when spons are used, it is easy to indentify an animal with a problem.
In response to the insights presented above it is clear that corn is a major contributor to obesity which is one of America's major pandemic.
This paper looks at the city of Los Angeles and the practice of urban agriculture as a case study to enable the exploration of some of the components of climate change coupled with how political [...]
The country is the source of water, and also a water table of up to 12% of the available freshwater worldwide Brazil is also undoubtedly one of the leading producers of food and biofuels in [...]
Forest Regulation of 1995 and the Forest Act of 1993 do provide new legislations that allow the local communities to participate in the management of forests in Nepal.
But more importantly, environmental policymakers in Brazil should realize that another vicious cycle between economic development and income distribution will set in the near future as long as farmers in North-East regions of the country [...]
The purpose of this study is to focus on the possibility of the use of super absorbent polymers in agriculture in other parts of the world too with an aim of reducing water used in [...]
Data Analysis The vegetation structure data were collated by indicating number of trees, number of large trees, number of shrubs, percentage cover of bare ground, live plants, plant litter, and rocks, number of fallen branches, [...]
Combined with the effects of the climate change and the corresponding issues with the crops, the increasing growth of the population is obviously one of the greatest concerns.
The issue of environmental sustainability comes up due to the emerging ways of farming like the great shift of the farmers to the use of organic methods of farming.
Due to underdevelopment in third world countries, the state considered the need for integrated rural development to reduce poverty in rural areas.
In conclusion, biodiversity risk affects businesses since the loss of biodiversity leads to: coastal flooding, desertification and food insecurity, all of which have impacts on business organizations.
Because of the changing climate, and the region landscape, most farmers use irrigation schemes to support their practices of subsistence farming.
Although this farming technique has been efficient in the past, it has proved to be unsustainable with the current increase in the global population.
The drawbacks of biofuels emerge at first glimpse nearly to overshadow the gains after considering the quantity of fossil fuel required in generating biofuels, outcomes of deforestation, emission of greenhouse gases, and consequential increase in [...]
In general, a farm household system is comprised of the various parameters that govern the operation and sustainability of the system.
Moreover the study indicated an increase of over 130% in the price of wheat, 87% increase in the price of soya and an increase of 74% and 31% in the prices of rice and maize [...]
This they attribute to the division of labour, where the workers that perform the basic, manual jobs that demand a lot of strength are the least paid, while those that perform the lightest and sophisticated [...]
"Sustainability is refers to the indefinite use of available natural resources without ever causing depletion of the energy or material sources on which man depends; while, development is the continued improvement of living standards as [...]
Thus, analysis of the relationship between agriculture and the environment is of great significance to researchers in the contemporary society. It is evident that continued production in agricultural sector will be determined by the understanding [...]
Lack of capacity by African governments to invest in technology makes the agricultural strategies employed in the green revolution not very sustainable.
This essay will argue that free range animal products are more beneficial to the consumer as compared to corn fed livestock products.
Similarly, in their quest to do away with the super weeds, farmers go to the extent of assuming that they apply small quantities of herbicides.
This study shows that consumers are very keen on the quality of food they buy and that they have a belief that organic food is of the right quality.
In this regard, the campaign by environmentalists about the need to use renewable sources of energy which are environmentally friendly has led to the introduction of biofuel as a source of energy. Unfortunately, increase in [...]
The impact of the disparity in the natural environment which causes variable conditions in different geographical areas is reflected in the productivity, production cost and efficiency of production.
Western Province in Kenya was chosen as the focus of the study because of one's familiarity with the area. The Western Province is situated on the western section of Kenya and borders the eastern part [...]
At this point, the concept of sustainable food, local food systems, and organic food come to the forth because they emphasize the notions that stand beyond direct notions of food consumption.
In the political domain there is conflict in the effort to conserve the forests since some say the industrialization and urbanization have to take place first before conservation until Brazil provides jobs for people who [...]
However, it is important to keep in mind that the lifespan of the current generation is shorter, which is, no doubt, the result of the wrong diet that consists mostly of the food created artificially, [...]
Monke argues that, agriculture is more susceptible to acts of terrorism because terrorists prefer using plants and animals as they have diverse pathogens as compared to human beings, it is hard to protect expansive farms, [...]
Taking into account the financial impact of the Florida citrus industry upon the economy of the country in general, the recent decline in crops and increase in the prices box, more attention should be paid [...]
Nonetheless, the number of the hungry is still very high due to the current world economic situation, poverty, famine and conflict and a solution is needed to improve food security in the world and more [...]
It is for this reason that the whole world has to pose as ask the question "What are the causes of global warming?" The answer is simple, climate change and resultant global warming has to [...]
The disease has led to decreased production of citrus fruits in the United States and this has greatly affected the citrus industry.
There are two types of rye grasses: the annual rye grass which is rather slower in the rate of germination and growth, and the perennial rye grass which germinate faster than the annual rye grass [...]