As I read through the introductory part of the novel, the statements made by the narrator reinforced the idea that the Puritans were bad people. I was surprised at the obsession they had when it [...]
From the very beginning of the story, Tod is not good at hockey, but in a process of training, he becomes a good player.
The experiences of Kerry in the long journey to seek and realize her true self is a clear demonstration of the classification that the society places men and women.
For instance, Dimple's inability to adjust to her new life in America was an expression of her inability to adjust to the new culture.
As it appears from the novel, the reason why the narrator and her husband John decided to spend their summer vacation in a secluded mansion is that this was assumed to prove beneficial to the [...]
One of the most vital problems revealed in the novel The Namesake written by Jhumpa Lahiri is the problem of cultural gap.
He knew that in order for his book to receive the attention he needed, he had to choose a means that was receptive to the ears of his audience.
The setting of the place also seems perfect for the discussion that the couple had. This demonstrates that she is comfortable with the pregnancy should it happen to be the outcome of their action.
He was one of the soldiers sent into the fray, but due to his sense of duty, he managed to earn a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star during his stint in the said Vietnam [...]
The book is devoted to description of the main events of the history of the USA. One of the main purposes of the book is to promote increase of the level of knowledge about the [...]
It is also worth to mention that the novel is indeed relevant to its readership because it mirrors the nature of society affected by racism and inequality. Through the act of inclusiveness, I am in [...]
In order to highlight this idea, the writers focus on the values and worldviews of the characters who prefer to live in the imaginary world of their past.
Since the fact that the narrator is not in full control of the mind, this is made very apparent by the author, it could mean that Ligeia and Rowena are really the same people and [...]
Although "The Fall of the House of Usher" is traditionally believed to be a timeless horror story and a representation of the deepest human fears, it can also be viewed both as a product of [...]
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer tackles McCandless's life, starting with the discovery of McCandless dead body in a bus, Krakauer takes a journey back into McCandless life as a graduate through his disappearance to [...]
Though Miller has made a range of changes to the original, the alterations did not prevent from understanding the case better; instead, these changes allowed for updating the story so that it would be interesting [...]
The grandmother asserts that she could paint the picture of the black boy if granted the chance. The grandmother seems to be complaining about the dramatic destruction of the environment since plantations that used to [...]
The core message of the story was revealed at the end of the novel, and it had nothing to do with the conflict between Great Britain and France.
The representative and even embodiment of the upper class in the story is the patron, the uncle of the two children, who hires the governess.
Literary works have always been a source of fascination and enjoyment for me, and it is due to this that I have taken this course not out of any particular reason outside of that I [...]
It remains evident that the primary goal of the book is to display the existence of the dramatic social gap in income, inequalities, and the ability of the people to find the way out of [...]
The tone and spirit of the poems display the author's frustration with the fate of African Americans. In addition, because the poem is the brightest example of Harlem period, the presence of musical elements contributes [...]
The mood in the story is melancholic, partly due to the predicament of the boat and its occupants. According to the description of the boat in the book, there is little space for the sailors [...]
Native American protest literature was mostly characterised by non-fictional stories written in the form of autobiographies, short stories and novels that were authored in response to the American society's infringement of the Native American people's [...]
He talked about the survival of the human race, the redistribution of power and wealth, and the destruction of the prison.
This paper examines the major tenets of the book and evaluates their significance to the history of Women in Canada. The writer introduces the book to readers by showing how women contributed to development in [...]
The novel by Anzia Yezierska is called "The Bread Givers", it was written in 1925, and it describes the stories of the members of a family of immigrants living in New York City.
They were the decision-makers in the family and in the political platform since women were still not allowed to vote and be represented in the political arena.Mrs. Wright is the symbol of the suffering the [...]
The main themes that are being raised in the novel are the problem of adjustment to a new society, the difficulties a family has to face having a mentally disabled child, eternal teenage urge for [...]
Wright uses the dialogs and interactions between the characters to display the social role of racism on the setting of the story.
The author brings up a theme of a civil war refugee who has fled to the United States from Africa and who struggles trying to match his old experiences to the new ones and to [...]
It is rather late and he is the only visitor in the cafe. It is very symbolic that the old man is the only visitor of the cafe.
The main character in "The Cask of Amontillado" is Montresor with Fortunato being a minor character in the short story. Also, Montresor is the story's narrator, and a lot of details about his character are [...]
Cofer is currently "the Franklin Professor of English and the director of the creative writing program at the University of Georgia".
This is the main theme that the writer explores; in this way, she prompts the readers to think about the causes of misfortunes that struck many innocent people.
The excerpt tells about the background of these events and explains how and why Jurgis has got to Chicago in the first place.
In particular, the novel's plot encompasses the different examples of madness including the fabricated religion, the lie, and madness of Bakonon and McCabe, madness in power, crazy invention, and the whole life in the island.
In the middle of story readers are presented with another of Connie's choices wherein she acts differently in front of her friends and in front of her family, this is mainly due to her wish [...]
Being also preoccupied with the problems in her marriage and separation with her husband, Barbara Fordham works hard on trying to settle the relationships in her family and on understanding what goes wrong with her [...]
It is imperative to note that the topics that the author raises in his works are truly intriguing, and it necessary to understand their importance.
The final line brings closure to the story by showing that despite Sammy's efforts to please the three girls and even going to the extent of quitting his job, they hardly appreciate his gesture and [...]
The fact that this was indeed the case can be illustrated, in regards to the story's episode, in which Sonny expresses his contempt of the narrator's idea that it is thoroughly natural for people to [...]
The United States of America are comparable to the Pequod, in the sense that this country is a melting pot of cultures.
Hence is the unique peculiarity of the narration: the short story is interpreted as the text with the contradictions. Hawthorne uses his favorite device of the ironic ambiguous features, the shift of the viewpoint from [...]
Given the supposed illiteracy of the people living in the bottom rail, their stories could only be told from the white masters' point of view.
His father, Gim Lew Yep, was born in China in 1914, and he came to the USA when he was ten.
From the very beginning of the novel, the author reveals the problem of the individual and its place in society. And vice versa, in the society of the black, she experiences the white side of [...]
After going through the summary of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, one of the main points that stands out clearly is that people in the novel are quick to judge others simply because they [...]
The life in the city turns out to be a complete disappointment to her, and she is ready to give up as she does not want to be a burden for her sister.
Thus, Wu Xing implies that the universe's building blocks exist in the state of circumstantial uncertainty depending on what happened to be the qualitative features of how one of the elements relates to the other, [...]
The murder of John transformed Elisha's life to a murderer of masses when he gave up his life to the terrorist movement.
He says that he is a man, who has always believed that the easiest way in life is always the best.
She used to prove her orders and insights to Gertie in the light of the Bible by manipulating the teachings according to her desire.
This is one of the details that can be identified. This is one of the issues that can be singled out.
This difference in customs impacting behavior can be seen in the story "My Mother, the Crazy African" wherein Lin is ashamed of her mother who is thoroughly immersed in her Nigerian culture and background despite [...]
The purpose of a lottery is to pick a winner. The author also convinces the readers that the lottery is an important part of the lives of the villagers.
An illustration of the way Troy "misses the mark" in the play is by considering his relationship with the son, Cory.
The same way as the woman behind the wall comes out, she also comes out of her slavery, and this shows that women can obtain freedom from social oppression they are undergoing as depicted in [...]
Marjane gives experiences of her life in Tehran during the revolution that toppled the Shah's regime, the success of the revolution, and the terrible consequences of the Iran war with Iraq.
In Angelou's words, if the black boxer Louis lost the match to the white boxer Schmeling, "this might be the end of the world.
Thus, the analysis of the lines the poem includes gives us an opportunity to suppose that Hughes depicted the issues he was interested in, the issues, which can be regarded as burning problems of his [...]
The author manages to make people think of the essence of equality and possible hazards associated with the society of equals.
The black death in the meaning of a shame which has been planted into one's life could also be the death of the young and beautiful Docia, the death of her hopes for the future [...]
There are a lot of different interpretations of Frost's "The Road Not Taken" that it is easy to appear in the situation that one cannot understand what the poems are about.
The story of the book offers the readers to know about the illiberal approach of the dwellers of Cholistan desert in Pakistan who try really hard to survive and lead a life of a nomad.
The book "Tuesdays with Morrie" is about the lessons the author learnt from a former College teacher, coach and friend-Morrie Schwartz on death and life.
Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that the criteria for the evaluation should be applied to the times when the book was created and the materials that do not fear the grip of time, the [...]
At the moment, the author is a director of the University of Louisville in the department of liberal studies. In his scholarly work, he came to discover that some of the vessels that most people [...]
In most screens of the comics a reader can see only the characters and their voice balloons in the forefront, while the rest of the details are not emphasized, some of the lines are blurred, [...]
It addresses the plight of the Chicago meatpacking industry workers by focusing on the lives of two immigrant families who came to America in anticipation of a better life during the late 1800s to the [...]
The Unredeemed Captive by John Demos is a story exploring the life of John Williams, a Reverend, together with his family as captives in the hands of Indians during the 1704 war.
In the novel, she explores several aspects of Confucianism, which is a philosophical, religious and ethical system that is predominantly comprised of religious and traditional precepts of Chinese traditions. For instance, obedience is one of [...]
It is also necessary to note that the tradition of a lottery is highly overestimated by the people in the village, as it is described by Jackson in the story.
It seemed to suggest that when he was face-to-face with the war memorial, the author was transported back to the time of the conflict.
The reason for this is that, despite the unconventional sounding of the story's plot line, it appears innately consistent with what happened to be the socially suppressed unconscious anxieties, on the part of readers.
The realization of the narrator with regard to his brother's playing the piano begins when the duo are on their way to the club.
The main problem is that Doc is unable to find his own happiness, and at the end, he is still a lonesome individual who has to seek consolation in music and art.
While Jig realizes that she is not ready for the "small operation" that the American suggest and insists, she is unable to express her concern and decision not to take the "small operation".
Eliezer's depiction in the story as the main character in the story is that of a humble and religious young man.
Eliezer's faith in God changes throughout the book, as Eliezer experiences the challenges of the Holocaust. The events in the book regarding Elizer's faith are quite sarcastic and dramatic as Eliezer's faith moves from an [...]
Sartre's thesis is in that essay is that the non-chronological narrative in the Sound and Fury is not merely a matter of style or aesthetic preferences but the fundamental elements of the novel's content.
Joseph Bottum makes several powerful points regarding the constitutional independence of religion, but because he begins with some assumptions about the proposal for the building project that is inaccurate, he thus irritatingly casts into question [...]
Noteworthy, the relationship between Oscar and Ybon is used as an example of the relationships that occur between members of the South American immigrants in the US. Yet, he holds to the stereotypic belief that [...]
In spite of the fact that the play is constructed as the detective story, the main play's idea is in presenting the realities of the American society in the early part of the 20th century.
The last line hints at the difficulty of the waltzing, but the persona's tone indicates his readiness to continue dancing with his father. The third stanza describes the father's hands and how he manhandles his [...]
Family plays a pivotal role in shaping the structure and the plot of the novel. The main aim of the paper is to understand how family is portrayed in the novel.
The first part of the novel Passing by Larsen explores how the Irene and Clare, who were childhood friends, reunite. The letter evokes strong emotions in Irene prompting her to reveal Clare's childhood life and [...]
First of all, its cultural perspective is easy to identify for the mainstream readers, the writer sheds the light to the life of a family of the Chinese immigrants and their descendents.
It is wrong to make people see death as something horrible or horrifying as it is a fact and the law of nature. The miracle of people's life is to live and have their purpose.
The primary intention of Miss Moore is to expose the children to the outside world away from the everyday oppression and limited opportunities.
The authors present the best ideas and discussions to understand the issue of immigration. The chapter "The New Literature of Immigration" explains how the increasing number of immigrants has transformed the United States.
The author of the novel intended to show the contrast between the past of the relationships between the races and their modern status.
Thus, the poets question on the role of the "sphinx of cement and aluminum" in the life of people makes people think of numerous issues.
The place of the story is at St. Roberta is the protagonist of the story.
Bambara is fully aware of this fact, and applies them in her story, The Lesson. Therefore, Bambara's education, childhood experiences and the characters she uses in the story exhibit her ethos.
This, of course, does provide a certain rationale to the suggestion that Norris used to be fascinated with the ideas of Social Darwinism.
He brings out the aspect of emotional burdens that the soldiers draw from the war. Loneliness continues to engulf in the lives of the soldiers long after the end of the war.
As Young stresses, there are five manifestations of oppression, and the basic concepts of each of them can be found in Florida's new edition as a factor that affects creativity.
The poem is a classical piece of the hurt and anguish that black Americans experienced towards the start of the 20th century.
Arguably, the initial character of Cal is used to predict the wrong future of Donny within the text, which provides the readers with an insight into the "wastage" of the young individual.
At the same time, it is necessary to admit that the majority of the words chosen by the author play an important role in the understanding of the story.
Being different in their structure and stylistic devices, these three poems, however, are devoted to the exploration of the motif of death, destruction, and renewal which are integral parts of the war. It is devoted [...]
It is not a secret that the goal of many people is to find out the truth and make it available to others.
The first eleventh chapters of the story introduce the main character, Captain Lee, and describe his relations with his friend, Park, the ways of how they achieve the current military positions, and the tasks they [...]
To give a clear explanation of the concept of love is probably one of the hardest tasks in the world, and the characters of Carver's story make numerous attempts to comprehend what is more appropriate [...]
The Fat Girl has a specific plot that helps to understand the connection between culture and identity and define the power of culture over identity through the discussions about the image of American body, its [...]
In her narrative "Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl," Harriet Jacobs attempts to describe the role of 'the home' in the lives of black slaves, their children and white masters in the American [...]
The question of the "right" beliefs and they ways of being the good and devoted believer keeps occurring in the novel when Hazel travels to Taulkinham, meets a prostitute, a young and lonely zoo guard, [...]
Despite losing his father in the hands of the Japanese invaders, Adam rises above ethnic discrimination to assist his friend, who is of Japanese descent.
Nisa is not only used as a part of the title of the book but is also the central character in the novel that the author uses to do her study.
He acquires the role of the liar and follows it to the end. He realizes that the society of people is not for him.
Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us is the book devoted to the research of the drivers of human behavior and motivation.
The car reminds readers of the good time the two brothers had before Henry participated in the war and the effects he carried along with him when the war was over.
Cheryl's focus on the beauty and loneliness of her journey, through the desert and the mountains, overshadow her quest to reach her destination because the main message in her narration focuses on her experiences, as [...]
In conclusion, it is possible to note that the central theme of the short story is ability of one person to help people cope with their problems and live on.
In spite of the fact that men and women play equal roles as the protagonists of the play, it is necessary to analyze the viewpoint of men about the described situations because it is necessary [...]
Although Jack Merridew, one of the lead characters of William Golding's shockingly unforgettable Lord of the Flies novel, is a child and still has a lot to learn in terms of how society works, the [...]
The few times I have been forced to speak in front of a group, I have made a mess of it.
The author focuses on the life of Emily Grierson who once belonged to the Southern aristocracy; however, she is forced to adjust to the changes that American society underwent. This is one of the main [...]
In the novel, the main character's ability to use a narrative form of the dominant culture and undermine it with her story shows how the structure of domination of one culture over the other can [...]