The defining feature of such a novel is the transformation of the self ignited by an external, often terrifying experience that illuminates the process of coming to terms with the dynamics of memory that inform [...]
Walter joins the Men's Association Committee and finds out that it enables the men in the community to silence their women and make them submissive to their ideas.
In this monograph, the author explores the depiction of madness in literary works and specifically Poe's "The cask of amontillado". This article in a scholarly journal analyzes the protagonist of Poe's 'The Cask of Amontillado' [...]
Thus, such rituals as witch trials are also presented in the short story and help to understand the attitudes of the main characters.
Toni Morrison says in her article "Unspeakable Things Unspoken: The Afro-American Presence in American Literature" that "the trauma of racism is, for the racist and the sufferer, the extreme disintegration of the self, and has [...]
India of The Ministry of the Future adopted a radical mitigation program about climate change, the initial and most provocative element of which is a project to saturate the nation's skies.
This report attempts to understand the pressing issues of how to survive the pain of losing a loved one and in what period everything will return to normal based on the novel by Alice Sebold, [...]
By realizing the circumstances of the matter and the danger he brought to his friend, Jenkins follows him and uses the information he received from the man who looked angrily at Blaisdell when he was [...]
After witnessing the deviltry of his companion's conversation with a woman who used to teach Goodman Brown catechism, he is confused and hears a sound that resembles his wife's voice.
The description of nature precedes the dialogues, and in the first paragraph, the Ebro Valley is presented. The unwillingness of a man to understand, support and simply immerse in thoughts with the girl can be [...]
Paley chose to write the story in the first person to depict the connection between the author and the story. Other than the technique demonstrating the author's exceptional emotional depth and profound intelligence, it contrasts [...]
In the selected book, the reader realizes that Chanel Miller tries to be a good person despite the fact that she is a victim of rape.
With regard to the underlying framework of the book, Anderson presents the Black community of the United States as the main victim of American society and historical development through the decades.
Following one of her dreams, Ruth is surprised to discover previously unseen pages of the diary, which point toward a happier ending for Nao and her father.
These are the major aspects of the life of a fifth-grade girl and the main characters of the book. The book is a piece of realistic and contemporary fiction as it displays the daily experiences [...]
The theme of disregard is especially prevalent in the interaction of the Jews on their way to the camps and those that remain in Wiesel's native Sighet.
One of the most pertinent topics associated with the American Dream is taking the courage to act and seize the opportunity.
Mallard, the protagonist of the story, learns that her husband died as a result of a train accident. Mallard understands that the rest of the life she has will be spent the way she wants.
The main character depicts his nervousness and the feeling of fear and anger caused by the old man's vulture eye. He thinks that the police are simply making a mockery of his horror and points [...]
The importance of the cartoons in the book is attributed to making Junior closer to the reader as well as using illustrations as a tool to facilitate the depiction of both serious and comedic situations.
The external behaviour of Mrs Slade is a reflection of her inner struggles to stop continuous comparisons of her life to that of Mrs Ansley.
In her article, Tsing Loh employs irony, satire, and sarcasm as the main rhetoric devices that help her apply to the readers' emotions such as sympathy and compassion since the subject of her writing is [...]
In order to make the statement of the right ethical standards more convincing, both writers describe the transgression of these rules by the main characters of the stories and the consequences of it.
In interpreting the book, the main area of discussion will be supporting the meanings of the work whereas in evaluating the book, the focus will be coming up with the literary merit of the book [...]
In his book Three Men in a Room, the author describes the situation and the problems which take place in statehouses throughout the country.
The neighbors who heard the scuffle that ensued and went to the ladies house gave evidence to the police, and in as much as most of them agree on a great extent to the events [...]
Therefore this paper will look at the American literature from the time of colonization by the Europeans, and how various events social and historical have shaped the American literature, making it unique among other literal [...]
One of the suggestions that dominate Poe's talent in writing "The Raven" was the succession of terrible events the author encountered in his life.
The important literary device used to depict Holden confronting the pressure of the society and the corruption of the adult world is characterization, as the main character calls people he meets "phony" and refers to [...]
Emerson's outlook embraced an idealistic view of the world together with the key role of nature in it, and the ultimate objective of one's life was seen in cognition and understanding of the world with [...]
The author, describing whales and hunting on whales, all methods of dealing with meat and processing the dead bodies of whales after hunting still depicts whales not only as objects for hunting, though he is, [...]
Although there does not seem to be much of the original materials, practices or meaning of the lottery available to the reader, the degree to which people have become slaves to tradition is emphasized in [...]
He says that there is no justice in reference to poor people in the government, as "doing the best you could make no difference to government; hard-luck stories did not go when it comes to [...]
As for me, the main theme which the author persecutes in the story is the problem of racial peculiarities of American people and the Indians in particular.
It is important to stress that Baker filled his new version of the story with a number of professions being popular and respected by modern generation."The purpose of this enlarged viewing capability," said the wolf, [...]
Abel's feelings are in large part due to the Indians' belief that the image of the eagle clutching a serpent in its claws is the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl's icon that rivals the Christian cross.
Andre Dubus is the author of the short story "Killings" published in the year 1979; this short story was converted to a film in the year 2001 a Todd Fields Direction.
After having lost his cat when a fire broke in his house, he felt a great need for another pet, same as that of Pluto, his pet cat."This, then, was the very creature of which [...]
The first works of the author are devoted to the writer's life experience and disclose the events and facts which were familiar to her that is why many of these works are autobiographical.
The crush that happened in the game brings in the concern of the vividness of the two communities under the same roof.
To begin with, it is necessary to emphasize that the central point of Thoreau's "Life without principle" is the necessity to have the aim in every action performed and do not chase the evanescent values.
In today's literature, it is possible to observe the artistic, historical, social, and political value of literary work in connection with the social and political conditions of the definite epoch.
That little plant is the symbol of hope for a family determined to escape the squalor and violence of the ghetto.
She had to prove the right of a woman to decide something in the society contemporary to her and, besides, was influenced by her parents.
These assessments are made based upon the appearances of others, such as in her identification of the cotton print dress that is recognizable to Mrs. Through imagery and setting, O'Connor is successful in heavily lacing [...]
A peculiar feature of works of this type is that the main characters, women, are not treated as they should be: they see numerous deaths of their dearest people, they are deprived of the fulfillment [...]
The story focuses upon an unnamed narrator who struggles to find a sense of fulfillment in a world in which personal fulfillment is supposed to be accomplished through making the right purchases and having access [...]
In the US, the concept of blackness is the key idea that defines the social, political, and cultural position of African-Americans, both in past and present periods of history.
In Mark Twain's work called "The Innocents Abroad," he describes the trip across Syria and, namely, the visit to the city of Damascus from the perspective of a foreigner coming from a Western country.
The crash of the stock market that results in economic depression is a result of the sinful extravagance of the wealthy and can be related to this prophecy.
In particular, the author provided some statistical data about the rates of homelessness in the country, the number of people living in the streets, and their demographics.
While a leader is a good example of a professional, his or her subordinates are more likely to execute orders to reach the level of this person.
The book "Riders of the Purple Sage" was one of the first in the genre western. Overall, storylines intertwine the fates of the main characters, which allows the audience to understand them better, and an [...]
As the representative of literary realism, Henry James in his novel Daisy Miller uses a number of realistic features such as concentration on details, accent on reality instead of reflections and on characters instead of [...]
The main hero of the novel, a young man, named Megwadesk, is plagued by misfortune following him around, and struggles against it as his perceptions of right and wrong are shifting between Christianity, spiritualism, and [...]
The man helps Jamison to deal with her manic-depressive illness and provides her with more than a decade of extremely strong medicine that is an intimate relationship.
The map loaned to the judge by Barlowe and he is really concerned about the damage on this map and wants it replaced immediately and by all means.
This vision is somewhat old-fashioned, but the meaning behind this is much bigger, as the word "lady" in the context of this short story implicitly represents the depiction of the superlative human personality traits, not [...]
Frequently, the techniques of creative writing are applicable to work of nonfiction" Kidder is trying to convey the main idea of the life of the people who are far from being refined and well-mannered, that [...]
Although it is clear that he is suffering from a psychological problem, Bartleby is actually not willing to take his responsibilities at the narrator's office. He seems to believe that it is the right of [...]
This essay asserts that the role of the narrator in The Scarlet Letter functions more as social critic of the Puritanical values that founded the United States; the narrator of The Scarlet Letter represents Hawthorne's [...]
However, according to analysts, even though these elements is an actual matter, it has been used by Rick in this book as a metaphorical scheme to represent the polluted cloud of the mind, which hinders [...]
Bich had a lot experiences throughout, one of the humiliation she experienced when she was at her friend's place Tara on the dinner table.
In a way Meinke tries to illustrate that marriage is one of the major life decisions for everyone. In essence, Fierstein tries to illustrate that marriage is mainly for companionship as it provides persons with [...]
In this paper, I will explore the validity of the above-stated at length, in regards to the novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, because there are indeed a number of [...]
Eliezer, the main character of the novel and the prototype of the author, became one of the victims of the Nazi occupation in Europe.
One of the reasons for this is that in her novel Plath was able to show that, contrary to what used to be the psychiatric convention of the fifties, one's depression-triggering sense of inadequateness does [...]
Though the concept of the gap between generations and the cultural issues are mostly conveyed through the specifics of the characters' interactions, the setting has also contributed greatly to the creation of the unique atmosphere, [...]
It is possible to mention that the book and the film show that the parental style of Chinese immigrants may differ from that one of Western parents.
However, the truth of the matter was that they were engaged in the development of the first atomic bomb to be used in the world.
The issues raised in the novel, Fahrenheit 451, are relevant in contemporary American society and Bradbury's thoughts were a warning for what he highlighted is happening in the contemporary United States.
On the arrival of her sister- Dee, she was not coming in the courtyard to her mother to greet and welcome her sister.
However, Salzman had realized that the Chinese culture was different from that of his home country only after he came to China.
The Great Gatsby is a story of a young man in the early twentieth century who seems to know what he wants in the way of that dream and what to do to achieve it.
In the 2004 film, 'A Cinderella Story' by Mark Rosman, the story takes a similar approach as the traditional folk tale with the exception of some added elements in the modified story.
One of the ways in which the snow is used to evoke this memory is the way she remembers the man.
One of the critical issues that I learnt from the book is the disorder that prevailed after the abortion of the Reconstruction and the subsequent quest for restoring order in the American society.
While making rhetorical analysis of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, I would like to point out that his memoir is recognized to be one of greatest narratives of the nineteen century in the [...]
The essays give a deeper meaning between the things that Faulkner borrowed from the real world and merged with the things that he espoused in his way of life.
The reason is that the face value of the content impairs the ability of the reader to dig deep into the book and unravel some disturbing traits about Holden.
However, in Anderson's world the majority of people are satisfied with the information they got. Anderson's novel is one of the examples that people are ready to change their world.
The check is on life insurance and is to be given to Lena due to the death of her husband. Wilter asks for the insurance money in order for him to work with it and [...]
Catfish and Mandala is a smooth mix of travelogue and memoir: Pham merges stories of his family's escape and settlement in America with steep mountain climbs on his bike, the reunion with several family members [...]
An interpretation of the ending of the play is given with the impact that is felt as a result of the play is brought light.
The main theme in her book highlights the lives of families of Haitians in the US. She believes the impact of the US stay is the cause of constant devastations and rebuilding, self governance and [...]
The symbolic nature of faith is the problem which can be discussed perpetually as there is no specific answer to the issue."The timelessness of mankind's sin is revealed within the Puritans", it can be stated [...]
The accuracy in this book brings out clearly the story of James McBride as he tries to understand the realities of life.
This paper will analyze the character of Ruth Gruber by focusing on two themes: the idea of inspiration and hope restoration and the notion of truth telling according to the book "Haven: The Dramatic Story [...]
In the 1930s, African Americans were discriminated in all spheres of their lives and it was uncommon for a white person to help an African American. The entire conversation is the symbolic representation of the [...]
The title of the book refers to the river in which bodies and murder weapons are dumped. One of the main themes of this book is the connection between the past and the present.
Her father was a rabbi, and he travelled to different parts of the world, with his family, in search of employment.
In the novel, Harper Lee demonstrates her vision of the question of the social inequality with references to the problem of racism in the society based on prejudice and absence of actual principles of tolerance [...]
For instance, in his story, Bierce gives specific details of the setting of the story, which is during the civil war in Alabama.
As a researcher on the social aspects of increased consumption characteristic of western societies such as the US and the UK, he cautions that the pursuit of happiness by individuals in such societies should not [...]
The Ten Commandments have as well dictated the secular lives of the Americans since they have been incorporated in the legal framework of the American history.
It must be admitted that with his unusual gift of depicting the most petrifying environment so that it immediately rises in front of the reader's eyes, Poe creates the perfect setting in The Cask of [...]
They worked to have the rights of the women upheld and respected in regards to the norms that governed their society at the time.
At the end of it all, Billy is a traumatized individual and is unable to come to terms with the negative effects of war.
The thematic core of his writings examined the trials and tribulations of the human spirit/soul in relation to duty and honor as well as the pervading affects of world empires.
The white man is willing to let the black man in to his space but not to benefit the black man but to humiliate him.
There are high hopes that the current settings of the twenty-first century and the predictable future of governance will be sustainable and responsible especially on issues of cultural identity and preservation.
Racism and discrimination becomes the centre stone of our analysis by providing the metaphoric activity of the play which however illustrates the distinct relationships that existed between the black and white cultures in 1950s.
In chapter 2 of this book, Takaki brings out the contradiction in the America society right from the onset in the section he calls the 'The Rise of the Cotton Kingdom', this scholar brings out [...]
The book by the title "Born on a Blue day" is a story describing the journey through the life of a character who is also the author-Daniel Tammet.
The following essay is concerned with the book' The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness' by Joel Ben Izzy. Joel Ben's story,' The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness' resonates in my life.
In the story Mrs. Dutta's singing helps her to reminisce about the life she left back in India.
The veil representation has been commonly used to illustrate fear of the unknown and the rigidity in the puritan society. Equally, the wearing of the veil is a signal of being guilty.
By the end of her little 'binge', she is aware that she will have to return to her married, maternal role, out of which she stepped, if only for a few hours, and accept the [...]
Clare and his daughter's death, Tom is sold to a cruel, master fiendish Simon Legree the owner of a cotton plantation where he is brutally beaten and eventually dies.
The theme the author considers is related to the inability of a person to cope with the ideas implemented in the society but still the desire to be the part of that society.
In most cases, it is quite difficult for husbands and men as a whole to invert their mindsets on the way they perceive women and their wives.
Sammy is struck by the way that the manager of the A&P store speaks to the girls in a condescending and demeaning manner.
The plot is a hilarious take on the trials and tribulations of middle school life."Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck" is a laugh-out-loud escapade of Greg Heffley, a middle schooler navigating life without his [...]
Set in the marshes of North Carolina, the novel combines themes of isolation, coming-of-age, love, and the indomitable spirit of survival.
One of the central premises of the book directs a reader to consider the leadership duties everyone has and to think about how those can have a bigger impact.
The compelling short tale "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane explores the intricacies of human nature and the battle for existence in the face of nature's unpredictability.
In addition to examining the dynamics inside families, the book also examines the complex interactions between the individuals, highlighting the bonds of loyalty and friendship and the struggle to maintain morality in the face of [...]
In conclusion, the simplicity of Frost's poems, as showcased in "The Road Not Taken" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," serves as a deceptive facade for the profound depth and sophisticated complexity within.
The theme chosen by the author is revealed in each part of the story and allows us to understand the significance and relevance of this issue in today's society.
In particular, the author discusses various aspects of Black Americans in the first and second chapters, which made me stop and think about what happens in the book. In general, reading "The Souls of Black [...]