The diverse life experiences, diverse approaches towards life, and diverse expectations in the story resulted in the tension between the mother and the daughter in the story; nonetheless, after the mother's demise, the tone of [...]
In their book Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787, Christopher and James Lincoln Collier discuss the Constitutional Convention and the ratification of the Constitution. The book begins by describing the state of America [...]
The words "it is that he has one foot in the finite and the other in infinite, and that he is torn asunder, not by four horses as in the horrible old times, but between [...]
The setting of the Novel is in Algeria during the colonial times of the republic of France. The Arab prisoner is the third and final character who is a rebellious, rude and murderer and one [...]
In an attempt to free her, she rips apart the wallpaper and locks herself in the bedroom. The husband locks her wife in a room because of his beliefs that she needed a rest break.
The term flogging in the book simply describes the system of canning, stroking, or fondling as a form of prison punishment imposed to prisoners.
The Kiss of the Spider Woman is a critique of political fascism in Argentina in the 1970s. Similarly, in the novel, the political struggle between the ideals of Marxist philosophy as championed by Valentin and [...]
According to Sarah, therefore, the only true love that a woman can be sure of is the one between her and God.
In addition, some of the plays like a streetcar Named Desire and Baby doll are doing great in the film industry and they have led to the recognition of some actors/actresses like Malden, Brando, and [...]
It must be admitted that with his unusual gift of depicting the most petrifying environment so that it immediately rises in front of the reader's eyes, Poe creates the perfect setting in The Cask of [...]
When the narrator realizes the trouble his brother is in, he feels guilty and fears for his life and future. As the story unfolds, alienation also unfolds at the same rate; the narrator sees all [...]
The power of the woman does not exist for the sake of it but also has the power to appeal and attract those who are looking for solace.
The other part of the poem that assists the reader to get the poetic meaning is the first sentence in the fourth stanza, "Or rather he passed us".
After considering the evidence that Brown uses in the 'Da Vinci Code', especially the gospel of Philip, I am of the opinion that although Gnostic gospels rejected by the early church portray Jesus as more [...]
To understand the importance of a verbal aspect in the novel, let me first discuss briefly the theme of superheroes and their extreme popularity.
Konigsburg is the only author who won the Newbery Medal and a Newbery Honor in one and the same year. The situation becomes worse when Mark's team starts winning all the games and is going [...]
From the very beginning, it becomes evident that the protagonist of the short story is oppressed and the oppression is depicted symbolically.
Reverend Hooper was the chief protagonist in the story, The Ministers Black veil. Wearing the veil was the main cause of alienation from the villagers, congregation and his bride to be Elizabeth.
The hallucination about death leads to a conflict between Troy and his wife, but eventually the tussle draws the theme of reality.
The author finds it difficult to choose what to eat from the array of foods provided. In this case, the car is what you forego in order to board a plane.
The veil representation has been commonly used to illustrate fear of the unknown and the rigidity in the puritan society. Equally, the wearing of the veil is a signal of being guilty.
In addition, Montressor said that he was a friend of Fortunato but he seemed to have acted out of character when he assumed the habits and characteristics of a cold blooded killer.
The theme the author considers is related to the inability of a person to cope with the ideas implemented in the society but still the desire to be the part of that society.
To my mind, one of the major goals, which Bellamy wanted to achieve is to provide the reader with an opportunity to see one of the possible variants of our future and underline the fact [...]
Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms follows the journey of Frederic Henry, where we see how Henry's experiences in the war shape him, he begins to see war as a pointless and destructive endeavor, and [...]
The incorporation of two distinctive perspectives on the events transpiring in the book, namely, those of the Mendez and Munemitsus families, also contributes to reinforcing the powerful message that the book conveys: "Every child deserves [...]
In the book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell explores the factors contributing to exceptional performance and success in various fields, such as sports, music, and business.
Despite the routine of Housekeeping, this process reflects the characters of the novel's protagonists and demonstrates the differences between generations. Therefore, the novel is called Housekeeping because the author wanted to emphasize the importance of [...]
Throughout the story, the emotional conflict between hope and despair is evident as the characters grapple with the uncertainty of the situation and the consequences of their actions.
Therefore, the only obsession that the narrator has with the man is his strange eye, but his inability to control his feelings drives him to commit the heinous act and take the blame.
In the short story, Arnold's friend, the antagonist, symbolizes the devil who appears to take Connie to hell. Arnold's friend was well aware of the whereabouts and activities of Connie's parents.
Adopting this strategy allows the author to highlight the themes of love and death, which presents the continuity of the book and family traditions.
Cinelle relies on her resiliency and trust, like humanity, to survive and experience coming of age again as she struggles to navigate a flawed judicial system, assimilate, and maintain her sense of self.
Fadiman's book highlights cross-cultural communication's importance in the American medical system through Hmong's history and the fish soup concept to show the medical profession's failure of the Hmong community and offers several solutions.
The defining feature of such a novel is the transformation of the self ignited by an external, often terrifying experience that illuminates the process of coming to terms with the dynamics of memory that inform [...]
In the beginning, the story introduces the setting of the imaginary world and the main character Beekle. Children were able to elicit the main concept of the story about the meaningfulness of friendship and socialization.
As a result, Tyler wants to commit suicide he takes his father's gun, and it may be regarded as a symbol of the boy's wish to leave his father guilty for his death. However, in [...]
In order to offer the reader a better comprehension of the story, the environment is described in great detail. The power to choose the true meaning of the story is what actually distinguishes it.
The Red Convertible is a story of two brothers and main characters: Layman and Henry Lamartine. Just before Henry walked into the river and drowned, Layman had thought that the laughing and smiling meant he [...]
Eliezer is the narrator in the tale and experiences multiple challenges throughout the story. Faith, guilt and inaction, and inhumanity are some of the narratives themes that readers can analyze when focusing on the various [...]
In this case, all the actions I did during the travel did not affect my present but led the events according to the course as they were supposed to happen.
In the world of Fahrenheit 451, the main enforcer of the dystopian social norms is the country's government that puts measures in place to suppress printed books and the knowledge they contain.
Wright's beloved canary, as well as in the county attorney's and the sheriff's behaviors, mocking the women for their concentration on "trifles".
It is used to demonstrate the stalemate in the couples' relationships the necessity to choose between an abortion and a breakup.
Grant believes that Jefferson has the potential to become a hero for the black community. In the last chapter, he admits to himself that he is a "slave".
While the nature of the phenomenon will be described in detail on the following pages, the abstract under analysis states a number of reasons as to why the author decided to address the issue in [...]
It is also known that vampires typically rest during the day only to rise in the light of the moon. Thus, to my mind, the image of Poe's Ligeia is strongly associated with a vampire [...]
In Carver's short story "What We Talk About When We Talk about Love," the author explores the essence of love, along with the term's implications in a different context.
The queen died of stress at the sight of a rat on her plate, and the King outlawed all rats in his kingdom and ordered to strictly punish all those who sympathize with him.
Secondly, it is worth noting that the librarianship is quite a general issue to talk about and it goes without saying that that amount of books that has been given to the usage of a [...]
To illustrate, Rose and Ted disregard their parents' race-based objections to the couple's proposed marriage, thus depicting fate and wrong decisions jointly facilitating the characters' downfall.
In the world of Sartoris, violence is a basic feature of manhood and this is a thing he comes to know from staying with his father.
Since the beginning of his speech, David Foster Wallace indicates that the speech is going to be informal and tries to break the ice between the audience and himself by using such words as "bullshitty" [...]
Rachel's quest to learn more about her sister's disability is one of the most compelling parts in the book. It was a brilliant idea for Rachel to accompany her sister on the buses because it [...]
As a result of his boasting, a great deal of what his family knows about Willy is based upon the image he feels he must portray of himself in order to bring himself in line [...]
The reference to the fact that the priest who lived in the house before them had left the furniture of the house to his sister, suggests that the family could have used the furniture had [...]
In that regard, such perceptions are found throughout the whole story, from a particular sequence of the events, such as the death of Caesar's mother, the flowers stolen by Angelo, being beaten and kicked out [...]
It can be observed in two sentences: "...she was a little disappointed about the coffee, and oh, look, look, look at the eggs!", as well as in the sentence "That was the heaviest thing in [...]
When the novel "Death Comes for the Archbishop" begins, one can see that the setting is the Great Rome in 1848 where the cardinals and the American missionary Bishops were indulged in a talk about [...]
The end of the nineteenth century and the first several decades of the twentieth were extremely difficult for the world and especially for the working class in terms of working conditions and wages.
Although there does not seem to be much of the original materials, practices or meaning of the lottery available to the reader, the degree to which people have become slaves to tradition is emphasized in [...]
It was also Poe, as the master of the form, who illustrated the tremendous degree to which symbols might be employed in the telling of a story to heighten the intended effect of the author.
The man's fallacy of not appreciating the realities again becomes evident in the fact that he decides to build the fire "under the spruce tree," instead of building it "in the open"..
She wants to run and hide, but realizes, as Arnold points out the weaknesses of her house, that there is nowhere for her to run.
Abel's feelings are in large part due to the Indians' belief that the image of the eagle clutching a serpent in its claws is the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl's icon that rivals the Christian cross.
The social restrictions placed upon women of her time, her own insecurities over her identity, and the pressure she receives from all of her close ones.
This paper defines the term hunger, describes other forms of hunger, and finally tries to interpret Wrights form of physical hunger to find out if it is representative of something.
In his book "The Unredeemed Captive," author John Putnam Demos depicts a fascinating contest of cultures, featuring the English Puritan Protestants of New England, the Roman Catholics of France and the Native Americans against the [...]
Despite Dee's overwhelming presence, Maggie is the first girl to be introduced in the story as it is she who has apparently helped her mother to make the yard "so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon....
For instance, in The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat the police arrive and stimulate a desire on the part of the narrator to confess his crime and undergo punishment from the state.
Takaki, who states that racial identity crisis is caused by the inability of a person to join two separate cultures and racial values.
It is possible to say that the author significantly contributed to the development of the comprehension of the Vietnam War in the American literature.
The outcome is attributed to the speaker's understanding of the media and the ability to play on the fears of the audience.
In Mark Twain's work called "The Innocents Abroad," he describes the trip across Syria and, namely, the visit to the city of Damascus from the perspective of a foreigner coming from a Western country.
It is hypothesized that there are several symbols such as the attic, the topic of slavery, and the theme of womanhood that may define this book as one of the best representations of slavery and [...]
Joe's entry into Janie's life is at an appropriate moment, since Janie is on the verge of breaking up with her former husband due to mistreatment, and Joe creates the opportunity that Janie has been [...]
The current paper will discuss the issues of racism and prejudice in two brilliant pieces of art: Kathryn Stockett's novel "The Help" and the movie "Gone with the Wind" directed by Victor Fleming.
Mallard having a heart complication, and how the sister Josephine and the husband's friend Richard found it difficult to break the news of the demise of her husband.Mrs.
The following is an incisive study on the work of Kesey "The day when superman died" it is giving an insight into the symbolism, which Kesey has used to depict the theme of the story [...]
The author emphasizes the main idea of his short story which is the fear of changes in the first lines of his work with the help of concentrating on the description of the peculiarities of [...]
They were the decision-makers in the family and in the political platform since women were still not allowed to vote and be represented in the political arena.Mrs. Wright is the symbol of the suffering the [...]
Given the supposed illiteracy of the people living in the bottom rail, their stories could only be told from the white masters' point of view.
In the poem Death Be Not Proud, death assumes the role of a tyrant without real power. To the poet, death is a brief rest, and when we wake up we will live eternally and [...]
There are a lot of different interpretations of Frost's "The Road Not Taken" that it is easy to appear in the situation that one cannot understand what the poems are about.
Once they find the cheese in the Maze, Hem and Haw are convinced that the mound of cheese will never be exhausted.
He tries to justify his actions, and show that he is not a bad person. Most importantly, he tries to show that he is not a mad man.
Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that the criteria for the evaluation should be applied to the times when the book was created and the materials that do not fear the grip of time, the [...]
In most screens of the comics a reader can see only the characters and their voice balloons in the forefront, while the rest of the details are not emphasized, some of the lines are blurred, [...]
Thus, the poets question on the role of the "sphinx of cement and aluminum" in the life of people makes people think of numerous issues.
The poem is a classical piece of the hurt and anguish that black Americans experienced towards the start of the 20th century.
The question of the "right" beliefs and they ways of being the good and devoted believer keeps occurring in the novel when Hazel travels to Taulkinham, meets a prostitute, a young and lonely zoo guard, [...]
It is in the mind of the narrator that we see a glimpse of the neighbor's beliefs and convictions about the wall.
This paper aims to summarize the plot of the novel, to discuss the central themes and the main characters, and to provide a personal review of the book.
With his arguments, the author has created a new topic of debate with a notion that quality is deeply rooted in the hands of managers in a business setting. First, he assumes that quality is [...]
Dylan is a white kid living in the midst of a black community in Brooklyn and just like the other children in the neighborhood he attends the public schools.
The frozen in time quality of the setting, combined with the images of "coquettish decay," underscore Miss Emily Grierson's inability to free herself from the memory of her father and of the past.
The author defines two personal characters, an introvert and an extrovert, as the main characters linking a person to the society. According to the author, the majority of the successful people in the world are [...]
While making rhetorical analysis of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, I would like to point out that his memoir is recognized to be one of greatest narratives of the nineteen century in the [...]
The book focuses on the role of the Muslim woman, the rights that are accorded to her by the Muslim religion as well as the place of the Muslim woman in this century as she [...]
International student prospectuses were the only materials used in the research, and a brief analysis of the procedures followed in the conducting of the study was performed.
In "The Fall of the House of Usher", Poe portrays the Usher family as struggling to survive albeit in a gloomy manner that involves degradation, disease, and death."The Fall of the House of Usher" is [...]
A poem that deals with family relationships and explain the poem's meaning The poem is heavily based on the relationship between the narrator and Lenore with their affection being the subject of the whole poem.
This is one of the aspects that can be distinguished. This is one of the points that can be made.
The essays give a deeper meaning between the things that Faulkner borrowed from the real world and merged with the things that he espoused in his way of life.
One of the reasons why many critics refer to Sherman Alexie's novel Reservation Blues as such that constitutes a particularly high literary value is that in it, Alexie was able to provide readers with the [...]
Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher is a short story which makes the reader feel fear, depression and guilt from the very first page and up to the final scene.
In the Story "The man to send rain clouds" by Silko, the central conflict is lack of rain or drought. Culturally the two believed that when the old man dies, he is capable of sending [...]
Danto examines the work of Georg Hegel and concludes that beauty is actually appropriate especially when celebrating the loss of life for it reminds the bereaved of that pain as part of human experience.
This discussion is therefore inclusive of the role of Christianity which is represented in the narrative Frederick story in comparison of both representations by the slaveholders as well as the slaves themselves.
The book tells women's magazines off for not making enough efforts to lessen the force of the myth, in spite of the fact that they are one of the important fundamental tools for transforming the [...]
Unfortunately, he does not have the courage to handle a gun; consequently, he uses the gun for the wrong reasons and shoots a mule dead as he practices how to pull the trigger.
Personally, I have found the article "The Invention of the Blues" by Sante important because it explains in details the origin of the music genre.
In the end, it was clear that the things that soldiers carried were not at all 'things.' The soldiers had to deal with the emotional feelings of men who were exposed to the risk of [...]
She is fortunate to have been adopted by a nice family after her mother dies, as it is with the second family that she learns to read and write.
In reference to the statement, the author in essence questions the actuality of a "true war story," which is also sustained by the fact that according to Tim, his story is merely a dream."O'Brien creates [...]
The narrator watches Sonny playing the piano in the club and concludes that this helps him deal with frustrations he has experienced in his life.
From the story, excessive reference to eyes and blindness has a significant contribution to the themes, characterization and psychoanalytic elements. Sandman's target to the eyes is a way of trying to relate a fearful process [...]
The vernacular dialect or language which is the mother tongue of such societies is usually widespread and is considered to have low prestige and is classified by the scholars as the L variant, endoglossia or [...]
In the first stanza, the departure of the lover marks the end of their love, while the second stanza uses the dropping of sand as symbolic to the passing of time in an hour glass.
The author presents the scenic elements of the forest and the village without ambiguity. The author resonates on the contradictory extremes of misguided attitude and false perception in the belief of 'a blackness power.' Besides, [...]