This is after the realization that the present methods used fail to inculcate a learning culture where students become critical of science, including learning how to analyze scientific concepts and applying the knowledge learned to [...]
The binding of the molecules to a solid phase can be done using the column chromatography in which the "solid medium is packed into the column and the initial mixture run through the column to [...]
Studies that have been conducted led to the observation of a spectacular difference that the number of red muscles was directly proportional to the length of the fishes.
With the help of a pipette, a measure of 100 L of E.coli culture was spread at the surface of plates of minimal medium agar.
The results reveals the existence of SMOM in all the cases studied healthy subjects and ill patients in the form of fatty acids, phenyl-carbonic components, aldehyde substances, and alcohol, which are never usually synthesized by [...]
The arches of the foot are of particular importance by virtue of being tasked with the responsibility of allowing the foot to support the total weight of the body in an upright position with the [...]
In the determination of the concentration of proteins in different body tissues, we carried out various laboratory experiments; in which various body tissues were tested for protein content.
As the population of the world increases on a daily basis, it is becoming more and more important for researchers and other stake holders such as government bodies and members of the medical community to [...]
It is stored in the substances of the cells like carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, and is released through the interaction with oxygen.
Since the transfer takes place in a reaction there is always emission of energy. It is the main distinction in genome.
Lewis' language and the art of comparison he uses, bring this book to a height where it can be proudly called Poetry of Biology.
One of the main classes of vertebrate tissues is the nervous tissue. Glial cells are responsible for development of myelin sheath and preservation of homeostasis in the neurons.
The na ve T cells in the secondary lymphoid; when they encounter an antigen presented on MHC of dendritic cells, they differentiate and proliferate into effector T cells, CD8 or CD4 T cells depending on [...]
The microbes that stick on the surface of the epithelial cells and the tooth do so with the aid of a biofilm. The pharmacist was the custodian of the information pertaining to the identity of [...]
Some of those outstanding responses that attempt to define biotechnology include the application of integration of biology and technology, a promising field that deals with using organisms, and a field of science that uses biological [...]
It should be pointed out that the charge of the buffer is never equal to that of one of the proteins.
A slide cover slip was placed on top and then the slide was observed under bright-field microscopy at the different magnifications of the microscope.
By revealing the information about the details of photosynthesis, Gust encourages people to investigate and to develop the innovated techniques thus applying them to the problem solution in the different spheres of life.
His main contributions were as follows: chemical changes like fermentation from the vital activities of yeasts and bacteria, a demonstration that air contains micro-organisms, the discovery of anaerobic life and terms aerobic and anaerobic, and [...]
The challenge that arises here is the understanding of how the selection is acting on the sex ratio of invertebrates. Other secondary sources of information that were used included the searching of the web and [...]
The study of the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the various organs is very important for the biological study of the plant's functioning and processes.
Here the stimulus is the thirst instinct which gives the brain the message that the fluid levels need to be adjusted to maintain healthy metabolism, the brain then sends messages to the muscles and other [...]
The germinal epithelium was a preferred term over OSE because this outer ovarian epithelium was assumed to be the source of germ cells in embryos and adults, and besides this, pre-follicular and granulosa cells that [...]
This paper elaborates the living conditions of the marine fungi, the studies that have been done so far on them, and the possibilities for the future finally discussing the results of the study being done [...]
The epidemiology of the infection is spread in the world evenly though in some of the parts there is only one form of Anthrax, for instance in the United States of America and therefore our [...]
After treating the outer membrane proteins with tetracycline or ampicillin and determining the differential properties for resistance offered at different concentrations of tetracycline minimum inhibitory concentration 10 and ampicillin 10. Results showed at the MICs [...]
Such pathogenic bacteria are transferred into the human body through milk intake, and at times antibiotics that are administered for the treatment of infection do not succeed in destroying the pathogens, causing a threat to [...]
Each laboratory pair performed a Gram stain using their culture tube to determine the relative proportion of these bacteria at the beginning of the experiment. The significant decline in abundance of gram positive bacteria at [...]
Glucose and galactose are the two simple sugars transported in the intestinal tract and the disaccharides are sugars such as sucrose and lactose which are made from the combination of two simple sugars.
There are a number of companies which stand on the top bracket of the biotechnology research, however, Boigen, Genzyme, Amgen, Genentech, and Monsanto are the largest of the companies in the U.S.
Cloning is now considered to be an efficient means to grow plants in being the result of vegetative propagation while seeds are the result of the natural reproductive phenomenon of plants.
The results showed that the rate of release of oxygen determined the rate of rising of the leaf segment subject to utilization of carbon dioxide proving that the evolution of oxygen could be used to [...]
The fundamental theory of the study proposed that the time, space, and opportunity of the fishes were the main determinates of the reproductive pattern of male fishes in the context of sperm competition.
The color of the acosphores is not the same and is varied, where some of the acosphores are seen as black, while the others appear as white.
In mammals, three forms are known, GnRH-I, GnRH-II, and the salmon GnRH. Both groups of synthetic analogs also down-regulate the expression of GnRH receptors and initiate the internalization of the cell surface receptors to the [...]
By and large, there is a general agreement that molecular events are involved in the storage of information in the nervous system. It is about to differentiate different kinds of memory, one which is short-term [...]
The Bayesian approach was best considered as the reliable platform for determining the structural similarity of functional sites from proteins with unknown functions using the database of known protein functions.
Thus, the biogeographic study's first question should be related to the search for the mechanism of dispersal of butterflies so that one of the subspecies turned out to be geographically isolated.
The identification of biological material during the study of local and co-located biocenosis is of serious importance to biogeographers. It seems clear that this technology has a high potential for biogeographical studies because PCR allows [...]
The study of the Southern Hemisphere is of serious importance in Earth research because this area is associated with attractive mechanisms of dispersal of living beings and geographic and thus reproductive isolation of species.
The paper's scope includes an investigation of how Paired box 6 gene was discovered, how it is characterized, including a description of the techniques used, and a review of articles that help to identify the [...]
It is scientifically proven that race is not a reliable shortcut or proxy but simply a distraction that does not let see the real and the whole picture of one's condition and situation.
On the contrary, it is the unique features that form the body of V.mandarinia that determine the increased research interest and justify the environmental position of the hornet as a killer.
The reactants of the respiration are glucose circulating in the blood and oxygen obtained from breathing, while the product is ATP.
As a rule, the foundation of transgenic technologies lies in the plane of change in the genome of the reference species.
The described process of alternating the stable state of the species and its rapid replacement with a new one was called punctuated equilibrium.
The structure of cells in the nervous system is characterised by their elongated shape, which corresponds to the tasks performed by them.
Connective tissue is one of the four types of animal and human tissue, which develops from the mesoderm and is found in between other tissues everywhere in the body.
One such index is the Simpson's Index of Diversity, which considers the total number of species and the relative abundance of each species.
In the animal world, they compete for the opportunity to mate with females, since the continuation of their genus depends on the number of mates.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of pest management in strawberry in general and in the context of Western Australia specifically.
It is essential to note in advance that the 16s rRNA nucleotide sequence of the gene was obtained using the open Nucleotide database owned by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, which allows finding the [...]
On the one hand, this is an opportunity to become parents for infertile couples, on the other hand, the ART industry acts as a new type of business and, therefore, we can talk about the [...]
As a result of mutations, avian influenza viruses sharply change their biological properties and acquire the ability to overcome the host barrier with direct infection of people bypassing the intermediate host.
Moreover, the fungus helps to relax the excited state of a person, and the most daring studies show that Lion's Mane can influence the regeneration of brain cells.
The adenohypophysis cells in the pituitary gland are then stimulated by the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone to secrete both the Follicle Stimulating Hormone and the Luteinizing Hormone.
One of the motor systems of the central nervous system is called the pyramidal motor system, and its bases are mostly in the precentral gyrus of the cortex.
Language expression and reception are executed by specialized parts of the brain that include Wernicke's area, Broca's area, and certain regions of the cerebral cortex.
Sexual reproduction has proven to be the best strategy that permits the combination of varied genes that allows the offspring to be more flexible and adaptable to changes in the environment. The large size of [...]
The research focuses on the control of feeding through the food canal and food pouch and the excretion of pseudofaeces from the digestive tracts when food supply levels are high.
It is expected that through an examination of the mechanisms involved in the Nagendran paper an effective biologically inspired mechanism for landing and inconspicuous observation could be developed to great effect.
The menstruation is the end of the cycle when the woman is not impregnated, while the production of semen is the beginning of a potential new life.
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the electrogenic potential of three different Enterobacteriaceae. 2 ml of Enterobacter aerogenes culture was added to the agar in the anodic compartment and allowed to set.
After that, 15 l of a molecular weight ruler and all the samples were added into the agarose gel, according to Table 2. No DNA fragments were identified in line #5 that contained the food [...]
The purpose of the analysis was to estimate the initially "infected" samples. The Scheme of Students' Samples Mixing The standard indirect ELISA protocol was used for the analysis.
Habitat is the living environment; the population is all the living organisms within a habitat, and community is the organisms that interact with each other. The descriptions of the three ecosystems below will focus on [...]
From simple analysis of cranial structure, body size, tooth shape among other aspects, they are able to reconstruct the ecological and social composition of the past hominids and make inferences that facilitate the comprehension of [...]
One of the challenges that have emerged with the advent of genetic enhancement is the inability to ensure that all people have access to the technology.
The five swellings are the Telencephalon, the Diencephalon, the Mesencephalon, the Metencephalon, and the Myelencephalon". The brain of a human being is in the center of the nervous system.
Gram negative bacteria cell wall is made up of the outer membrane, the peptidoglycan, and the plasma membrane. Peptidoglycan in gram negative bacteria unlike in gram positive bacteria is sandwiched between the outer region of [...]
The parameters used in the research were mean mass remaining, edge of the forest, age of the forest, and the abundance of the invertebrate organisms.
Substances that could easily lead to addiction are the elements that directly motivate the dopaminergic system such as marijuana, cocaine, nicotine, and heroin.
Neurotransmitters transmit information to adjoining cells such as neurons."Neurotransmitters also operate from the brain and spinal cord to organs of the digestive system, respiratory system, endocrine system, excretory system, etc, and back"."Regulating neurotransmitters in the [...]
Siegelman and Rider also describe the physical growth in terms of proximodistal concept where the internal organs and chest are said to grow faster during the early period of infancy and then the growth spreads [...]
The further development and distribution of bioengineered corn will provide additional food sources in which to feed the masses of today and future generations of people as well.
According to the information presented in the book the energy level and the biorhythm of a person can affect the degree of attention.
There is also the risk of exposure to breastfeeding babies as the chemicals in the herbicide can pass to them through their mothers' milk.
To confirm the answers for the self-test, click on the organelles to see the name of the organelle and its function.
A zygote is developed as a result of the fusion of two sex cells the sperm and ovum. The basic element of a chromosome is DNA and gene is the major component of the DNA.
The leaf of the plant is the part of the plant which is more frequently exploited in the form of a remedial herb, although the root of the plant also exhibits medical properties.
The foliage and shoots are medically used in the form of antispasmodic, styptic, sudorific, soporific, narcotic, depressant, and vasodilator in addition to being used in the healing of some female complaints.
Physical changes occur in the child during the period of adolescence as they hit puberty. It is known as the formal operational period and is the fourth stage in the life of the individual.
Growth retardants like Sumagic, Cycocel and A-Rest are the synthetic formulations used for controlling the natural growth habit of plants in Nursery. Working solutions of Sumagic and A-Rest were the original formulations to which H2O2 [...]
The eyes of the ospreys are bright yellow, and it has a black beak. In contrast to other predatory birds, the ratio of the Ospreys almost completely consists of fish.
The stresses that affect coral reefs can include changes in water temperature, differences in the amount of ultraviolet radiation they are exposed to and the amount of sedimentation and pollutants that settle in and around [...]
Founder mutations may be considered as a type of genetic mutation because these result in a medical disorder, however, founder mutations can be distinguished from the rest of genetic mutations through the basis of its [...]
Further differentiation of the bacterial unknowns was performed through additional colorimetric tests, resulting in the validation of the identity of each bacterial species.
One of its unique features is large zones of hemolysis because of the complete disruption of red blood corpuscles and as a result release of hemoglobin.
In order to solve the topological problem of unwinding the DNA double helix in order for the process of DNA replication to proceed, DNA topoisomerases are needed in order to break and reunite the two [...]
Thus, the concentration of vitamin C in each solution influences the number of iodine drops that are needed in order to change the color of the homogenate solution to black.
Their testicles develop fully they can be able to produce sperms, and their penis grows to a full size and they can get erections.
Man's weight in the equilibrium is determined by such things as the number of fishermen, the efficiency of their gear, the wages that a fisherman is willing to work for, the price the public is [...]
The genes were allowed to express as dsRNA under the promoter control of T7 RNA polymerase. 300 and 900 bp DNA's of pure pL4440 preparation was not present in the lysate.
The occurrence of this channel occurs due to the existence of a preserved heteromeric membrane protein complex. The result of this is forward translocation movement.
The function of this system is to make sure of the conformity and maturity of proteins produced by blocking the deliverance of incompletely folded or misfolded proteins, which are then destroyed in the cytoplasm.
It occurs as a result of distorting in the acidic environment of the stomach when the wall lining of the stomach or duodenum erodes due to an increase in gastric acid; this triggers the development [...]
The objective of the experiments was to remove the EGFP gene from the pEFGP vector and to clone in another vector, pET28b, derived from bacteriophage T7 vectors.
In the presence of CO2 in the tissues, the acidity increases resulting in the release of O2 and consequently protonated hemoglobin caries bicarbonate ion to be release in lungs.
This type of E.coli is included in a class of dangerous E.coli, called enterohemorrhagic.E.coli O157:H7 was discovered in 1982, during a severe outbreak of bloody diarrhea, associated with the consumption of contaminated hamburgers. The hemolytic [...]
However there is a gap in the knowledge base to prove the relation between disgust sensitivity, illness and health in human beings, which the current study considered to prove as hypothesis.
Culture was a phenomenon in and of itself, unique, shaping how people lived their lives and yet independent of the people it shaped.
Stem cells are cells that have the capacity to subdivide into other cells. The second property of stem cells is that they can develop into specialized cells in the differentiation process.
The most common TSE diseases include the Mad Cow Disease in cattle, Scrapie in sheep, and Chronic Wasting Disease in deer, elk, and moose."Different regions of the brain are affected by different prions".
Those who do not subscribe to cloning for biomedical research believe that the embryo is in fact "one of us"; a human life in process an equal member of the species "Homo Sapiens" in the [...]
The first is the preparation of the DNA sequence and matching it with the database of known DNA sequences. Given below is a screenshot of the process PCR Amplification: To prepare the polymerase chain reaction, [...]
The trees attack begin with the injured trees, trees with in poor site, infected trees in the roots or stem, fire damaged trees, overcrowded trees and the very old trees during the first stage of [...]
As the use of physiological conditions in Caco-2 cell transport studies affects the transport of compounds, the general purpose of the research "was to identify a simulated intestinal fluid containing physiological relevant surfactants and nutrients [...]
The report provides a study done for the trait of corn color for a monohybrid cross of two breeds of corn plants. The paper has examined the distribution of the dominant and recessive color of [...]
The article under consideration focuses on the disaster that shark populations have faced: the present collapse of great shark populations is worse than any in the known history of the ancient predators.
It is thought to be carried by nearly one-quarter of the world's population, with a prominent presence in tropical Asia followed by Africa and South America.
In this article, the author describes the work of Steven Benner and other scientists who contributed to the improvement in understanding the nature of synthetic DNA bases.
The self-assembly feature of the PAs has several goals that it can achieve because the role of the peptides is integral in many biological processes.
The emergence of molecular cloning has enhanced the application of pectate lyases in industrial processes of manufacturing natural fibres and fruit juices.
T-test was also used to determine if the apparent differences in body weight and the level of leukocytes were statistically significant.
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that contributes to blood cell formation, the work of the nervous system, and metabolism.
The purpose of this report is to analyse and evaluate the biological properties of Eveleigh Hills soil for use in land cultivation.
The phagocytosis process can only occur after the phagocyte binds to the receptors on the surface of the bacteria. If the phagocyte is not compatible with the available receptors, blood proteins, which are called opsonins, [...]
The term "Spirochetae" originates from the Greek "spiro" and "create" and owes its existence to the form of the bacteria, which has a spiral shape.
When the kidneys detect a decrease in the level of oxygen under circulation through the blood, they produce a hormone known as erythropoietin, which in turn activates the differentiation of various precursor cells for RBCs. [...]
Microbes have a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry, being used in the production of antibiotics, probiotics, vaccines, and quality tests to prevent microbial contamination of the medicine developed.