Several key points make up the argument about the impact of commercial films and the role of the local identity of filmmakers.
There are no doubts about the fact that the issue of terrorism is to be solved, and this is to be done as soon as it is possible, and without returning to it in the [...]
The elements of the archetypal story never changed, essentially, the plot would always present the audience with a central figure, a protagonist, that the story is about.
Screenwriting for the films is required to represent the ideas to the cast, director, and others involved in the process. Because of this, the creativity of the film's production team is important, as it will [...]
Through their chosen theme, the screenwriter conveys the main idea of the script to the audience, raising a number of questions of concern to it and answering its interests.
The flashback becomes a crucial moment in the characters' lives in the film so that the viewer pays attention to the formation of certain behavioral aspects or the development of a particular situation. A metaphor [...]
Since the film is based on actual events, it is logical that this work's primary purpose is to reflect the historical scene. However, according to the authors, the film is fiction and not documentary work.
The interviews with famous film directors, officials of movie-producing companies and ordinary film fans, alongside the data obtained from the profound study of the great amount of literature on the topic and theoretical framework constituted [...]
When managing slang, it is essential to keep the idioms pertaining to the time period in the film, as well as apply the wordings that will be understood by the audience.
The many possibilities of the screenplay as it relates to the text and performance make it critical in the development of a story.
This paper discusses the behaviors of a selected number of characters in the movie and this description will be done in a way that depicts them as real-life behaviors that I have witnessed in my [...]
She has received many awards and honors both as a student and as a writer and her book "The Women of Brewster Place" won the National Book Award for first fiction in 1983."The Women of [...]
First of all, it is necessary to consider the plot and actions that finally led to the anger of the hero and its expression through a song.
In this manner, he was able to connect to Joy Jordan who happened to be the sister of Trish, the wife of his psychiatrist.
The concept of fair play is not relevant in the first two episodes of the series as the confrontation between the FBI agents and criminals has not started yet.
The investigation makes an accent on the phenomenon of realism via analyzing the place and meaning of it in the Indian films of the period.
As nature is one of the things that is constantly explored, the shot from the movie is one of the most colorful, fascinating, and thought-provoking images in the whole movie.
Later in the film, the police misunderstand the fantasy of the two main characters leading to serious injuries to Mansu and the arrest of Chilsu.
The major role of the source music in the film is to trigger the appropriate emotion, supplementing the events on the screen and creating a characteristic mood.
Speaking about the way the film addresses religious topics the characters of Maria and John Frederson, the story of Babylon, and the idea of Mediator is to be mentioned.
Another aspect unveiled by the author of the screenplay and the director is the relationship of the two girlfriends who used to live together for a long time.
The movie The American Portrait by Norman Rockwell first presents a portrait of the famous Norman Rockwell. The movie, which is a 60 minutes documentary, to a large extent through the various artistic works portray, [...]
Such a concern is one of the various reasons that do revolve around the reasons behind the suspicions of the early conventions of the mainstream cinema by the modernist avant-garde of the 1910 and 20s.
This film is a complete departure from the norm because it has used cinematic technology and visual techniques that have never been used in Hollywood before.
The movie "Lajja" shows a perfect example of such fusion, transferring the issue of modernity and tradition into the dimension of the woman's position in the contemporary Indian society.
Janet Leigh, who is considered to be an outstanding American actress of the 50s, perfectly played one of the leading roles in the movie, the role of Susan Vargas.
It is a "skeleton" of what is said or done in the film that helps a viewer perceive the sense of the film or of one definite scene in it. It responds to the extent [...]
The usage of such strategy is obvious throughout the whole film, as the short story is written completely in a first person perspective whereas the film is changing the perspectives of the narration most of [...]
This is not to say that Avi is completely in agreement with her mother's ideals as she expresses in the film that she would like to have a lifestyle with a bit more freedom as [...]
The Spartans fought heard up to their last man and with the death of King Leonidas the Persians won the battle but lost the war as the sacrifice exhaled the morals of the rest of [...]
Although the plot of the story seems to be simple and predictive, the film is still regarded as one of the best thrilling stories due to the intricate scenes saturated with suspicion and captivating intrigues.
Thus faith involves a process and belief is only a part of the process by way in which you acquire faith faith being the ultimate expression of belief.
The rest of the story takes on a Space Odyssey flavor as the human captain, aided by Wall-E and EVE, takes on the determined autopilot bot to return the surviving elements of the human race [...]
In the literature of the subjugated, this is referred to as the activist and nationalist stage in which the disclosure of more locals to the actuality of colonialist cruelty also leads to a democratization of [...]
In the film industry, the audience has to be captivated by the proposition in the pictures. In order to catch the attention of the viewers the film has to be striking and enjoyable.
It is needless to say, of course, that Visconti's decision to relocate to Italy in 1939 did not come as a result of his patriotic feelings being awakened Visconti had simply decided to pursue the [...]
This essay is an account of the rise of the Iranian cinema in the post-1979 Islamic Revolution era, and how it shows the present cultural and social norms in the Iranian society.
The film was based on John Steinbeck's novel "The Grapes of Wrath", but to the word, the ends of the film and of the book are different.
The movie retells the tale of the Oklahoma family of the Joads during the 1930s that have lost their farm because of the Great Depression.
It is obvious that a better degree of the use of film sound improved the storytelling in modern cinema. In the "final mix" dialogue, music, and sound effects are brought together to create a complex [...]
There is no denying the importance of the fact that the desire to become a Christian minister in youth deeply influences some of the themes and images that could be found in Woo's films.
The feature is that the story is already fully visualized, and the movie director is both restricted by the fiction images, and on the other hand does not have to bend the fantasy and think [...]
Comparing Wang Kai-wai's "Happy Together" and Ang Lee's "Brokeback Mountain" clearly state the social, political,cultural or cinematic relevance of the chosen place and period or should also include and overview of other films representing [...]
The current research paper deals with the analysis of interconnections between experimental current in cinematograph and artistic subjectivity of directors, scenarists and other people who are engaged in the creative process of film-making.
First, the author argues that drama and film have a different understanding of conflict, and in its nature film is closer to the novel in terms of conflict progression and the time that can be [...]
The director has explored various facets of imagery and the act of seeing and tries to portray the concept that the gaze the detective puts on an object is basically flawed and that while the [...]
In meeting Lawrence Bender at a Hollywood party, Bender encouraged Tarantino to write a film which then became the Reservoir Dogs, a dialogue-driven heist movie that is said to have set the tone for Tarantino's [...]
These include communicativeness, the measure in which the narrative divulges knowledge, and the depth of the knowledge divulged, in other words, the degree to which the viewer is informed about the inner life of the [...]
This article will discuss the leadership style, behaviour and traits that the main character of The King's Speech had and what are the learning outcomes from the case of the leader in the historical movie.
It is evident that there is a significant difference between the scores used in modern cinema and the music composed during the early history of film music.
It is the very beginning of the whole story, and this beginning hints at the intricacy of a plot. When watching the same scene with music switched off, it is impossible to say that it [...]
It is also critical to mention the use of Dutch angles, which means that the shot does not parallel the frame of the camera.
The result of applying the database concept to the film is the representation of the life from the social perspective as a set of illustrations that are hardly connected in terms of the causal relations.
In this essay, it is important to discuss how Beyond utilizes integration, interactivity, immersion, narrativity, and hypermedia because Beloff unites several artistic forms in her work; she allows the involvement of the viewer in the [...]
Manovich's theory about the crucial role of a database in the development of new media finds a direct proof in the famous movie "Man with a movie camera" that amazes the viewer with its innovativeness [...]
The user of a narrative follows the links in the piece of media according to the sequence established by the creator while the user of a database is free to follow the links in any [...]
By clicking on various elements of the reality, the viewer has an opportunity to read the important notes, change the images, and move through the different levels of the virtual world by exploring numerous intersections [...]
In this essay, I will discuss the notions of database and algorithm according to works of Manovich in the connection with Man with a movie Camera film that reveals the usual life of citizens and [...]
This drastic switch was brought by the change to the studio system and the rise of television, Doherty says: "Since the 1950s, moviemakers have been forced to narrow their focus and attract the one group [...]
Therefore, the standards of the classical film industry, designed for the films to be profitable, were just as relevant in the post-classical era as they were in the 1950s.
There are a lot of approaches used to enhance the expressiveness of the movie; one of them is a specific use of clothes that the characters wear.
While at the beginning of the movie Birju's rebellion is targeted against the unfairness and aims at defending his family's dignity, by the end of the story he turns into a bandit who craves for [...]
The changes have led to the emergence of new business models in the industry. The location of the major filmmaking companies in New York City remains a historical fact, which led to the development of [...]
First attempt to introduce the idea of moving pictures traces back to middle of the seventeenth century, when Athanasius Kircher "who projected crude hand-painted images of the Devil...on the wall of a darkened chamber by [...]
Blockbuster films refer to the big budget films that hinge their success on the identity of the stars in the films as well as the advertisements surrounding the release of the films for extended periods [...]
One of the key defining characteristics of the films created during the silent era is that it was not possible to synchronize the sound that accompanied the motion pictures.
Such critics believe silent films were the "purest" forms of cinema, but the introduction of synchronized sound led to the erosion of depth in motion picture films.
The DFI organizes the Ajyal Film Festival to present the film products of its most talented young actors and producers to the government and the business community, as well as the rest of the world.
The staging of the film in a suburban setting of Los Angeles was very relevant because of the crime and violence history of the place.
Either way, it was the film manifestos, which dictated the comprehension of experimental films as well as the avant-garde films. In addition, the manifestos comprised of the initial film theories, which were existent within the [...]
This paper discusses the significance of early cinema for our study of the history of the cinema. In the study of any history, there must be some traceable path of development of the subject matter [...]
The first public viewing of a film made by the Lumieres brothers marked the beginning of cinema in France before the 1900's.
These actors help to make characters in a film and when they blend with them, they are able to create a great film which comes out real to the audience.
The storylines of the films that fall into the film noir category of the period were mainly inspired by the criminal outcrops that arose in the United States in the period after the Depression.
Other than this a prominent quality of this genre is the development of negative behaviors in heroes or ant-heroes usually generated by Femme Fatale which is the depiction of Women in Film Noirs in a [...]
The paper explores the movie scene during the 1950s era in the elements of types of films, presentation and perception of their audience.Mr.
In the view of this retired citizen, action movie was the main center of attraction to movie theatres in the downtown area.
With help of this method, the idea of the movie can be exposed to the audience in the most exquisite way.
Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that the movie gives a good example of what such people's traits as egoism and altruism can lead to, once they have been too exaggerated.
It is used in the film with an objective of closely aligning the audience with a serial killer. They both do this by providing the resolution expected by the audience at the end of a [...]
The author of the book had provided a critical overview of a number of theories devoted to films and supported those with the examples to show that his words are not empty. The great part [...]