This is in the process of determining the rates of obtaining writing and speaking skills among foreign language students. In conclusion, the article establishes the relationship between acquisition of speaking and writing skills among foreign [...]
According to the latest news, more and more people believe in the coming of the new Prophet. The witnesses claim, he was receiving a new message from the God at that moment.
In this paper, I summarize the article and offer my comments and remarks on the viability of Salsbury, Crossley and McNamara findings on the psycholinguistic values as an important measure of vocabulary knowledge in the [...]
In the study reported in this article, Zasyekin proposes a theoretical framework that can be used to analyze translation of literary texts. The major aim of Zasyekin as expressed in this article is to prove [...]
In this article, the authors venture to discuss the statuses of the concept of phoneme in the realms of psycholinguistics. These two insights concern the fact that assertions come in the wake of departure from [...]
Of importance is the finding that the native Arabs were more accurate in discriminating vowel length contrasts in Arabic than the native Japanese and Australians.
First of all, it can be said that everything that happens to achieve something in the world is a kind of situation that may be described as 'case' in the universe.
Suslak is of the view that communities have various ways of reckoning age, and in extension the youth. In order to comprehend processes like language shift and linguistic obsolescence, Suslak is of the view that [...]
The primary goal of the dissertation lies in exploring the importance of head tilt and eye gaze as one of the ways of non-manual expression in American Sign Language.
In fact, Learning to Read is an account of Malcolm, his life as a prisoner showing how the dictionary contributed to his present position.
The prevailing diversity of people, as witnessed in the United Nations has, is, and continues to draw the attention of different people.
According to conversation analysis made, a human being has certain behaviors, which develop in a sequence of actions, allowing interactions and negotiation among the people.
The teacher taking the learners through the process of acquiring use of phonetics must have motivation as this will increase a learner's interest in learning more of the language.
Lucie schools to teach the English language to identify conflicting policy issues regarding the teaching of English to Language Learners in other states. The main objective of this study is to investigate the policies guiding [...]
After the target area of learning and the method for achieving a particular type of learning is implemented, the next step necessary for a teacher to take is to involve the students actively in the [...]
This paper will also seek to explain how social psychology has been a factor in influencing the reception and resistance to bilingualism. This paper has discussed how literacy is vital in determining the resistance or [...]
On the other hand, it is presupposed by the principle of economy of the speakers' efforts and the nature of the sounds.
The use of Derivational morphology changes the meaning of the initial word; this is by the introduction of the suffixes this combination of new words to the initial words helps in creating a new meaning [...]
Particularly, I want to examine the presentation of the texts in terms of interpersonal meaning presented in the two texts, including such elements as Engagement, Attitude, and Graduation.
The research was limited to the study of the written translations of cohesive devices in English and Arabic languages. The main question concerns the level of usage of cohesive devices in Arabic and in English.
Most of the languages in the world fall under the endangered languages category with UNESCO approximating the percentage of endangered languages to be around 60%-80%.
There has been a debate on the usage of the terms sentence and clause in English syntax with most scholar arguing that there is an overlap in the usage of the terms.
The study of the word English is said to be a derivation from the 12th century Old English englisc from Engle.
In Andorra, the language is the sole official language among the people. The fall of the Roman Empire and the subsequent domination by Arabs and Visigoths did little to stifle the domination of the Catalan [...]
The RRG theory does not rest on the description of a particular language, researching the way of interaction between syntax, semantic and pragmatics across the language and across the languages.
Lesson plan Title - Teaching phenomic segmentation Aim - Learning to count the sounds in a word Activities: Rubber band stretch: The teacher models with a large rubber band how to stretch out a word [...]
In practical aims of teaching the second language the task of grammar learning is to form spelling skills in productive and receptive forms of speech activity.
The first chapter takes a survey of the use of English around the world and the extent to which the language is increasingly finding use.
Thus, the study of the sociolinguistic variation is closely associated with the awareness of the various linguistic particularities and elements, which are associated with using language by various social and gender groups.
Institutions that moderate the use of grammar in a certain language are worthwhile because they provide the structure of a language as it should be used.
Speech community could be defined to be a system wherein "The speech varieties employed within a speech community form a system because they are related to a shared set of social norms".
The communism threat was aggravated by several factors such as the activities of the Soviet Union, the decline of China, the invention and advancement of atomic bomb courtesy of the Soviet Union.
The human experience is further based on experiences and exchange of ideas; under which language plays the role of connecting and relating the members of the community through an information-sharing system that makes the use [...]
In his article Viva Bilingualism, James Fallows analyzes such issue as bilingualism in the United States, in particular, the author argues that two or even more languages can successfully co-exist in America and it will [...]
It also can be sensed that the subject of the speech along with its content indirectly was used as guidelines in assessing certain behavior in the light of the recent difficult financial situation that the [...]
In this respect it is vital to signify the role of Chinese in the education throughout the world. This is why Chinese language is extra significant for the humanity of nowadays because of the qualitative [...]
Intertextual analysis may function as the mirror of society on the textual level, it gives the reflection of the interaction of societal elements on the basis of recurrence of ideas in texts and references to [...]
The following analysis will examine the aspects of African American Vernacular Languages as it creates variability in the language, its prevalence in comparison to the entirety of the sample taken, an examination of patterns across [...]
Lakoff is of the view that women live in a male-dominated society and for that matter, their discourse is also deficient due to a lack of confidence. In her view, the imbalance of power is [...]
The culture of the society his family belongs to greatly influences how he imbibes the culture and how he expresses his developing personality.
The last reason comes in terms of the fact that learning a second language requires a lot of time and efforts. They already have learned a language which is used in most parts of the [...]
According to, laws that require English to be the only official language that should be in U. However, supporters of laws that require English to be the only language that should be used in U.
The study of the Australian variant of English helps to identify the trends in the development of the language on the continent.
As for hooray and boo words, the thing is that the first ones outline a positive coloring of expressions used in speech, the second ones vice versa show a negative meaning of words in speech.
Adults play a huge role in the language development of children, as they need someone who uses simple language incorrect form and is flexible enough to adjust his language to suit the child's.
According to the article, an earlier study had indicated that bilinguals are better than monolinguals in holding back irrelevant information when learning a new language.
The death of languages is blamed on many factors but the prime reason for our world today is the rise to prominence of a few languages which seem to serve all purposes.
The Behaviorist theory is also criticized in the way it handles or fails to handle the patterning of language which can be described in linguistic science.
English being the global language of business and speaking English being a prerequisite to procure admission in a prestigious institution is one of the most popular second language or learner languages across the world.
The communication process involves the source of the message that encodes the information and then passes it via the communication channel.
When an essay is to be written the writer does have an idea about what is to be written but the problem arises with the organization of the ideas and with the decision-making process about [...]
Since Greece is a group of islands surrounded by the watery sea, its language, Greek took time to spread into surrounding countries as well as the western languages since the sea presented itself as a [...]
The speech 'More Perfect Union' became the basic method of Obama's address racial problem in the USA; he covered the issues concerning the current nature of politics and social misprints left on the basis of [...]
Computational linguistics refers to the definition of both science and language and is a major component of science in the study of human language.
In this context, the activities of CODOFIL are educational, cultural to the French speaking Louisiana community and strengthening Louisiana ties with the international Francophone community.
Listening skill is the primary and most essential language skill to be acquired and the mastery in this skill may indicate proficiency in the language of English."The term listening is used in language teaching to [...]
In addition to that, it is of the crucial importance to explore the underlying causes of this phenomenon. Now that we have enumerated the research methods, that can be employed, it is of the utmost [...]
In order for one to well comprehend the philosophy of science, there are some fundamental components of the discipline that need to be scrutinized and these include data, theories and its shaping principles.
The keys to achieve success are many; however the most important one is to love what one is doing, that is simply to understand that success is not the gate to happiness, but happiness is [...]
I will provide some examples of metaphoric use of language in politics and the consequences of this form of language in politics."Of all forms of culture, it seems that language is that one which develops [...]
Cook et al.suggested how the situational context influences how a person communicates: the people present; what was just previously said; the topic of conversation; the task that communication is being used to accomplish; and the [...]
And the man to conceptualize the meaning of this language in the world of ours is no one else than Hans-Georg Gadamer.
For a child with severe cases of phonological disorder, the articulation may be impaired to such an extent that children experience social difficulties and difficulties making basic needs known to others.
The other side is about the rule or patterns of the ordering and of the relationships between the words and other elements that construct a phrase or a sentence.
In the whole process of listening and reading, students try to understand the content taking base the very knowledge and concept about which they are aware of and also about the speaker, the situation and [...]
The focus is then shifted to the future of plagiarism in contemporary society and the effect of information technologies. The expropriation of the work of another person and presentation of it like your own is [...]
The two major sections of the interview were following: "personal experiences of learning to speak Tai-gi at home and Mandarin at school; 2) the languages parents use in the home with their children", as well [...]
In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.
The purpose of Umberto Eco, one of the most noted literary figures of the contemporary era, in this article begins in expressing the problem of representing space into words.
To quote Nagel: "The mystery of meaning is that it does not seem to be located anywhere - not in the word, not in the mind, not in a separate concept or idea hovering between [...]
Saussure's division of the linguistic sign into the signifier and the signified stresses that the meaning of a sign does not inhere in the signifier, but is the product of a process of signification, of [...]
According to the paradigm based on cognitive psychology, second language acquisition is based in part on information processing and in part on studies and theory that have evolved over the years on the role of [...]
Speech is the individual phenomenon, and language is "a social product of speech ability, set of the necessary conditions acquired by the public collective for the realization of this ability at separate persons".
Within the frames of another tradition, the impact of mass communication and mass culture on language and mass consciousness is analyzed in a different critical way.
The current essay deals with a crucial issue of the interrelation of syntax and lexical meaning in the process of word formation and constructing utterances and longer structural elements of a discourse.
Apart from the scientific definitions of the word malleable that describes the term as metals that are "capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the pressure of rollers," the [...]
In the studies of second language phonology, it is found that the pronunciation of learners often deviates from that of native speakers of the target languages.
The phoneme /r/ is almost absent except in the case of linkage /r/ in the elite English pronunciation of the educated south east Londoner.
When code-switching is regarded as the custom in a language society like Hong Kong, it can reinforce contacts, particularly when both parties of the conversation understand English that is being used.
The degree of development of speech inevitably affects feeling of the child when skill to state the ideas and to understand speech of associates influences their place and a role in a society.
It is revealed that the world's English speakers which can be categorized to those who speak it natively, as a second language in their own country and as a foreign language entirely have already outnumbered [...]
The paper presents two research questions and the background information on the reading performance gap, along with the significance of the analysis.
Teaching foreign language presupposes the gradual improvement of the knowledge of linguistic units and grammar rules that are needed to build sentences and communicate.
A plethora of people trying to improve their speaking face the problem of the lack of confidence, not to mention the expression in a foreign language.
The goal is to enable or facilitate communication; ELF is supposed to be the common language that all the involved people can utilize.
Phonetic transcription is anchored in the visual depiction of speech sounds. Phonetic transcription is an essential tool for professionals since it allows an excellent understanding of the meaning of words.
The existence of these problems deteriorates the outcomes of the introduced policies and decreases the effectiveness of second language education in Canada.
That is why much attention is devoted to the development of tools, models, and methods of language teaching that are used in modern educational establishments to achieve success and ensure a high level of language [...]
The author vividly presents the variety of incomprehensible examples of Chinglish phrases and objectively presents the opposing views of different sides of the discussion about the appropriateness of "mangled English".
The purpose of this critique is to evaluate the speech I gave during the class, note the strong and weak points as I see them after the fact, and suggest improvements.
First of all, in the majority of Indo-European languages, there are several similarities in the meanings of words and their pronunciation which makes the understanding of the context easier for a learner.
The question that children tend to ask during the stage of awareness and exploration are the main signifiers of the literacy development process being launched.
Another example of an authentic assessment is a simple story retelling when a student has to retell main ideas after reading or listening to the text.
The second topic that will also be highlighted is the use of everyday words and challenges arising from the real-life application of the English language for English language learners.
The paper is divided into four parts: social aspects of the invention, invention as a dialectical process, invention as an act, and classical criteria for a social view of the invention.
Thus, it is the role of teachers to encourage students not to be afraid of making mistakes and sharing their thoughts, especially in language learning.
The book The Cheese and the Worms depicts the amazing history of Domenico Scandella, a miller in Menocchio, an Italian province, who suggested a unique vision regarding the process involved in the creation of the [...]
The particular topic that I decided to study within the frame of the project is the usage of such expressions as 'to make an appointment andto make an appointment in the English language.
They are responsible for expanding the knowledge of the students and have a strong influence on the future of the generation.
Overall, I believe that this slogan is one of the best historical examples of the use of poetic language in an advertisement.
There are three main reasons why I choose this program: the possibility to learn the host culture and traditions, the necessity to improve my understanding of the Russian ideology, and the opportunity to develop my [...]
The research of lexical errors is sparse, and the study of lexical errors in the writing of EFL/ESL students is particularly underdeveloped.
I found the explanation of a concept of research paper to be the most difficult of all assignments in this semester; however, I strongly feel that despite the difficulty, I delivered a thorough research paper.
It is necessary to note that vocabulary was quite restricted and the structure of the pidgin was characterized by simplicity. It is possible to illustrate this with the help of negative structures in Chinook.
Apparently, if the subject and the object are not expressed by nouns, the subject and the object are expressed by affixes added to the verb in Southern Tiwa.
In Standard English comparative form of adjectives is formed with the help of the suffix er, if the word consists of less than two syllables, and it is formed with the help of the word [...]
It is quite remarkable that, according to the survey results, a lot of the students find the Chinese language and culture rather enticing, at the same time acknowledging that they do not like some parts [...]
The third section presents the instrument, which is the Questionnaire designed by the researcher to measure the frequency of strategy use by university students.
The following scheme was applied: I chose a card, read the word in accordance with its transcription, read its translation, and then put the card into the second pile, and so with all the cards.
The assessment of the potential and current problems is crucial for the successful elimination of further complications. In the following paper, the article concerning language development in children who are 3-6 years old will be [...]
The second young man asked him where he bought his phone and also he was interested in the quality of this phone.
For instance, census data in the past few decades never revealed the existence of such a large number of aboriginal languages in Canada.
The study aims to answer the following research question: Is the politeness theory applicable to internet interaction between Omani men and women?
In the paintings originating from the Rubin Museum of art, there is this specific catchy piece of art of Shantarakshita and his holy life in the Himalayan region in the 18th century.
I also know that by traveling, I will be able to learn more about the world around me, or a world, in particular, that is of interest to me.
Secondly, the learners have considerable difficulties in handling the English language because of the differences in grammatical and syntactical structures of the Arabic language and the English language.
With regard to current research conducted in the sphere of L1 use, Arabic can have a positive role in teaching and learning English as a second language.
The principal emphasis is put on the lexical side of the language; thus, the researchers carry out a detailed analysis of the vocabulary units that the students employ.
What is the role of a teacher in teaching grammar in the writing context? The second part of the research will focus on the teachers' perspectives on the teaching of grammar and its role in [...]
The knowledge of the two aspects of translation enables the translators' brain to read the source information and translate it instantly without errors.