At the end of the poem, Lyca, the little girl, and the lion are involved in an unlikely association. The two poems, that is, The Little Girl Lost and The Little Girl Found, are essentially [...]
The author adopts a five-point plot sequence to expose his readers to the tension the characters experience in their situation and the weight of the choices they are about to make on their conscience.
The poet creates a peculiar rhythmic pattern vividly imitating the natural jellyfish's movements by using the epithet "fluctuating" and the repetition of "it opens and it closes".
It is quite comical that one of the conditions in the case of a default of the loan taken from the Jewish Shylock by Antonio is the repayment of the loan in form of one [...]
The author is going to look at some of the major similarities and differences between the three versions of the story.
The poet employs the abundant use of imagery and symbolism in passing the message, ideas, and the subject of the poem.
At first glance, it may seem that this literary work describes the events of the future, in which people left the Earth to move to the moon.
The main character of the story, an old African-American woman is a symbol of all the oppressed members of the Black community that have suffered humiliation and prejudice.
Perhaps that is clearly illustrated by the quote that presupposes that whoever can control the past, has power to control the future; while whoever has the ability to control the present, wields the right to [...]
Through reading and writing works of literature, people get to think about the world they live in, about the presuppositions and traditions we come to know, the wondrous and unexpected, as well as that which [...]
Stephen Crane's The Open Boat revolves around four shipwrecked men: the captain, the cook, the correspondent, and the oiler. Thus the danger of the wind and the waves natural forces are so awesome that without [...]
The climax of the story is Brently Mallard's return home and the situation when Mrs. The point of view in the story is categorized as the third person limited omniscient as the story-teller is not [...]
The beliefs and norms of the people in Panem are centred on the self-interest; they are obsessed to acquire the comfort and lifestyle of the affluent people.
Death of a Salesman has a good share of symbols, which the playwright uses to communicate the themes of his great work creatively.
In "The Lottery," Shirley Jackson exposes the pitfalls of conformity and mindless adherence to authority. Concerns from the post-World War II era are reflected in "The Lottery's" depictions of conformity and unthinking adherence to authority.
For instance, the separation stage encompasses a "call to adventure, refusal to heed the call, and a crossing of the first threshold". The last part of a hero's journey according to Campbell is the Hero's [...]
First of all, speaking about similarities between the main characters of Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" and Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", it should be stated that both of them are an embodiment of men of strong [...]
The present paper argues that in Part 3, the author displays satire through the characters of Laputa's desperate rulers and Lagado's gifted scientists, who waste their time for useless experiments, and senile, envious immortals, whereas [...]
The main features of the Renaissance culture which also determine the elements of the Renaissance literature are the philosophy of humanism, the secular character of the art pieces, and the orientation on the antique patterns.
The analysis of the poem "Parsley" shows that Dove used the parrot as a symbol of the essential things in life.
The role of friendship in the Epic of Gilgamesh is vital. This essay unfolds the theme of friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu that develops in the course of the story.
In the second part of the poem, the poet asks the rose to remind his lady love that she is still young.
The story of Icarus and Daedalus is told in a Roman source, Ovid's "Metamorphoses"; the Isle of Crete was blocked by the order of King Minos, but Daedalus wanted to return to his home, Athens.
Laurel is the hometown of Blanche DuBois. The lies of Blanche DuBois were concocted to win male suitors.
The Merchant of Venice is a play about a man who is wronged and almost destroyed by fortune, but then he realizes he has the power to influence his destiny.
Although the color palette presented in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is rich, the problem of differing social status is most vividly described in the novel through the use of golden and silver colors that stand [...]
The justification for this is that the girl's mother had eaten a Rapunzel from the witch's farm. Her long hair is a symbol of a bond that links her to the outside world and from [...]
Since her grandfather worked on the railway, the poet imagines that their household was similar to the untamed West of the past and that he never imagined that this would be the place where he [...]
A great variety of cognitive metaphors highlighted in the poem outline a great desire of a woman to be loved and gain respect on the part of a man.
All these kind of punishments provokes the image in the readers' mind that God has done what he warned to Adam and Eve.
The name Fortunato is a symbol of the genesis of Montresor's plan for revenge. The attire is also symbolic of the sacrificial element that applies to Montresor's revenge.
Alcott depicts the life of the teenagers and tells the story of how they marry to become wives and mothers. She captures what goes on in the mind of a woman and her ambitions.
The relationships between Dorian Gray, Lord Henry, and Basil Hallward are all different yet interesting to analyze. The Picture of Dorian Gray explores topics of male friendship and feelings.
This essay examines the similarities and the differences between the Roman and the Greek god Apollo, and his importance in the leadership philosophies.
The Laguna ritual for giving a deceased member of the tribe a decent send-off involves tying of a feather in the hair, smearing of symbolic colours on the face, wrapping of the corpse in a [...]
The pumpkin is the first symbol in this story, which is also the symbol of Halloween. In that way, according to the story, Allison is kind, honest, and eager to help, which directly contradicts Clark's [...]
In the relationship, Julia teaches Winston the idea of love, and the love feeling is then manipulated and directed towards Big Brother.
He also pretended to be a beggar to test the loyalty of others and to devise his plan of overthrowing the other suitors.
The poet demonstrates that from childhood, the leading character is orientated to be a girl by being presented GE stoves and iron as symbols of womanhood.
Despite the fact that human beings have a passion for understanding God's mind, their minds cannot fathom the puzzling creation of a lamb and a tiger."The Lamb" and "The Tiger" are two poems written by [...]
The poem "Fable of the Mermaid and the Drunks" by Pablo Neruda depicts the violent attitude of men toward the mermaid, a symbol of nature and the female gender.
The abstracted and personified idea of "Mother Nature" has in the nineteenth century began to shift towards the image of a machine with fixed laws of motion.
He was quite critical of many of the social conventions and this story is a criticism of the requirements of class and social position.
This attitude of a hard-working woman, well-grounded in her Christian faith and yet longing for a change in her life, is illustrated through the imagery presented, the allusions to religious tenets and the changing meter [...]
In the play, Othello strives to emphasize that his blackness is insignificant impediment and highlight the advantages of his origin revealing the positive features of his character and behavior.
In his speech to his brother-in-law Creon, the proud king voices the desire to find the murderer to secure not only the wellbeing of his state but his safety as a ruler as well.
The primary objective of The Hunger Games is to provide entertainment for the residents of the Capitol and to establish their superiority over the people living in the districts.
The complexity of the structure of The Narrow Road of the Interior emphasizes the specific manner of writing of Matsuo Basho.
The prophetic dreams that both Gilgamesh and Enkidu have are used to show the weaknesses of man in front of destiny.
Othello leaves Venice in the company of his wife, Iago and Cassio and Desdemona's attendant known as Emilia. Othello's love for Desdemona is a major weakness that leads to his downfall.
The story is considered to be rather sophisticated in analysis and structure consisting of three volumes "the Fellowship of the Ring", "the Two Towers", and "The Return of the King".
The play presents readers with the world of royalty and the well-knit state; the world of Duncan, his two sons, Banquo, Macbeth and the whole of Scotland and England.
He has the gift of imagination in the highest and strictest sense of the word. In the Romanticism of Wordsworth there is the consciousness and will of a return to natural sources.
Evaluating the facts, it appears that the address to the theme of stereotyping is seen through all the parts of "Cinderella" as Sexton resorts to the use of a considerable variety of stereotypical ideas and [...]
Throughout the novel the major character Nick who was the narrator managed to bring out the main themes of the novel as well as developing other characters.
With imagery that allows the reader to experience his trials and worries, the story describes his experiences and hurdles on his way to his new "free life" in New York.
In her book The Gift Is in the Making, Leanne Simpson collected a retelling of the legends and stories of the indigenous peoples of Anishinaabeg. The plot is designed to emphasize the importance of respect [...]
While the tale has various mythical and magical motifs in the form of Gods, Goddesses, nymphs, witches, and magic; one of the most interesting and a rather unusual aspect of the story was the astounding [...]
Nora is referred by her husband as a songbird, a lark, a squirrel, names that suggest how insignificant she is to her.
Thus, the speaker sees herself as a victim of the doctors just as the Jews were victims of the Nazi in the concentration camps. She used Jew Nazi illusion in the poem to pass her [...]
Loureen is a victim of abuse, and the question of how to respond and react to it is posed within the play.
Again the faery is inviting the child to the world of faeries which is full of wild and water with no grievances like the current world of the child.
Harlem Renaissance also referred to as the New Negro Movement led to the evolvement of a new identity of the black culture between the the1920s and the early years of the 1930s.
It is a horrifying story told from the point of view of a dying Negro slave, who is standing at the place where the first band of pilgrims landed in search of liberty.
In the first stanza, the mask that Dunbar talks about is the mask that hides the real feelings and thoughts of the African Americans.
At the end of the story, the Behrani's son tragically dies and the colonel, overwhelmed with pain and frustrated with his fate, decides to kill his wife and himself.
The idea of friendship in The Kite Runner is considered to be one of the most important, particularly in terms of how friendship is appreciated by boys of different classes, how close the concepts of [...]
The readers are encouraged to reflect on everlasting truths and the role of a common woman in her daily life as a mother and wife.
In a nutshell, the complication is the internal fight, in the young woman's mind, as she wrestles between the Haitian culture and tradition that is against prostitution and her financial survival in the Haitian society [...]
It is worth mentioning that the nineteenth century was a period of intensive upheaval of American Indian tribes, which was caused by the danger of disappearance of oral traditions because of the fragmentation of Indian [...]
The effects of this war persisted to the second half of the 1940-1950 decade, merging with the beginning of the Cold War.
The writer used the name of the play as the name of the main actor while other characters in the play helped in development of the predominant theme in the main character.
The newly established nation that appeared as the outcome of the revolution was eager to proclaim its patriotism and to share its feelings of pride with the rest of the world.
Arguably, the central theme of the poem is the personal journey of self-discovery and the events that influence the decisions made on the way. Therefore, she managed to overcome the traumatic experience and return to [...]
One of the elements used in the poem is anaphora in the first three lines, starting with "If ever.."., making an accent on the beginning of the verse, attracting the attention of the audience.
Later, despite the grandmother's plea, she is still killed, true to the young girl's statement; the grandmother follows the rest in death.
It is the turn of the 20th century, and here we can see the role and position of women in society.
Romantic literature is characterized by several key traits, such as a love of nature, an emphasis on the individual and spirituality, a celebration of solitude and sadness, an interest in the common man, an idealization [...]
After Celie's marriage, her younger sister, Nettie, gets the opportunity to leave her father's household and move to Mr. In the end, Celie reunites with her sister, who returns from Africa with her husband Samuel [...]
In the contemporary world, the West views the East in terms of oil and Islam. Occident reporters and scholars misrepresent the East and, therefore, propagate the notion that it is the moral duty of the [...]
It's ironic when Torvald says that he pretends Nora is in some kind of trouble, and he waits the time he can rescue her.
In the case of Hamlet, he surrenders his own life and future to the will of his father, albeit following significant hesitation, not to mention the passage of an entire play.
By opposing the monster created by a scientist and the creator, Victor Frankenstein, the author alludes to the true meaning of being a human beyond the mere form of existence but rather living by virtues.
This essay discusses the rhetoric devices George Orwell uses to convince the audience of the credibility of his arguments regarding the ambiguity of political language.
The book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and the film The Boy in the Striped Pajamas are both stories by John Boyne about Bruno, a nine-year-old boy narrating his experience in World War II [...]
The primary goal of this essay is to understand a new definition of the word 'touch', as it is apparent that the definition has a dissimilar meaning to the original one.
This is one of the aspects that can be identified. This is one of the main points that can be made.
The love and passion that is expressed in the poem relates to the poet's homeland and not his wife. The poem captures Neruda's feelings in light of possible rejection by his homeland.
As much as the tale is thought to a comic one, the events that place in this tale are not funny.
After offering prayers to the dead, the people of the river offered the sheep to them and put the remaining parts in a pit that had been dug with shadows of the dead gathering around.
The general tone of the poem is defined by the contrast of the beautiful and the ugly, the good and evil manifesting themselves through the experience of people at war.
The story begins with the excitement surrounding Nanga, a leader, and teacher who has become a man of the people and achieved unprecedented heights.
This seems to be the reaction of a badly abused child, and it may be that he has repeated his crime of shooting her.
Her loyalty is seen in the book again, when she is abducted by the demonic Ravana, who is king of Lanka, to avenge his demon sister's disfiguring.
The short story "The orphan and the elk dog" tells about Long Arrow, who is a young boy. This essay explores how the author of "The orphan and the elk dog" uses literary elements to [...]
This paper examines romantic love as the source of joy and fulfillment in "Romeo and Juliet" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Love is the source of pain and suffering in "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
As aforementioned, the plot of the two versions of this story is the same; the storyline of the two versions carries a clandestine love affair between Anna and Gurov with a happy conclusion where the [...]
In the poem, irony is used to portray the wreckage and damage done in the city with repetition of lyrics from the song "White Christmas".
When her husband returned home later and tried to cut the bread, the blood poured out of it, making the wife tell about the visit of her sister earlier that day.
I find the ghost one of my favorite because of the hope and information he gives Odysseus."The ghost reveals to Odysseus that Poseidon was busy punishing and killing the Achaeans ". From the encounter with [...]
The Morlock live in the underworld and only to appear during the daytime to hunt for the Eloi and feed on them.
Judging by the way the short story handles the themes, plot, and literary tools, The Last Leaf is a literary masterpiece.
Woodfield is in the stage of depression in his grief, he loses his son and suffers a stroke. Woodfield and his former boss are in the stages of depression and acceptance, where Woodfield feels restricted [...]
The girl invents a story about her being on a swim team in high school to strike a conversation with Elizabeth, Kelda, and Jack-Jack and convince them that she has coaching skills.
The 'fearful trip' is an illusion to the troubles that the Americans including the president have to go through during the American Civil War while the phrase 'some dream that on the deck, fallen cold [...]
The author's depiction of Ebro valley in this literary work is symbolic of a choice to have a child, and the dry, treeless land on the opposite side is representative of the life after abortion.
Although the dark and horrific motifs of Frankenstein may appear to contrast with the bright tones and subjects of such poetry, there is a clear connection, as established in the text, between the poetry of [...]
He gives the money to his brother who purchases a corsage for Sally and a new black shoe for the dance.
The award-winning Doris Lessing wrote the short story "Old Chief Mshlanga" literally to depict the aspect of discrimination that was prevalence in Southern Africa. One of the key themes of Lessing's short story is the [...]
Le Guin's short tale "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" is a first-person narrative written from the point of view of the narrator who is not directly involved in the events of the story.
This essay offers a psychoanalytic reading of the novel Sons and Lovers and addresses the psychological needs of Paul and Gertrude Morel both conscious and unconscious and examines how the dynamics of their relationship mirror [...]
It is a satirical play that highlights the life of Willy Loman, the main character, a traveling salesman who has worked for Wagner Company for thirty-four years and ends up a failure because it is [...]
It is essential to appreciate simple moments, everyday joys, minutes with a loved person, and beauty in the little things. Hence, in order to be able to fully enjoy all the beauties and joys of [...]
The quote is indicative of the loneliness that Kurtz experiences and depicts the intensity of his emotions in being away from his homeland. The character of Kurtz conveys symbolism that is important in understanding his [...]
The persona of the poem is the wife or the lover of John Anderson. On the surface, the poem expresses the thoughts of a wife as she and her spouse near the end of their [...]
The object of the poem is the definitive extoling of the British Queen who is seen as the vehicle of advancement and modernity in India, which is described as a "Jungle".
The animosity Jack generates for his mother and the notion that he bans his mother from speaking in Chinese serve as a harsh recall of the family's pain.
King Lear and the other characters that were at fault in the beginning of the play are redeemed in the end by the tragic death of the most innocent character.
He wanted to talk about his perception of death and framed the poem in a way that seemed like he was talking to death.
In the end, Cinderella marries the prince in the ultimate triumph of her pious beliefs and acts of good over evil, and she goes to the very top of the socio-economic ladder.