In the fulfillment of the prophecy, Jesus made the triumphal entry on the first day of the week and many people accompanied Him.
Paul was a missionary theologian who forged his theological reflections in the face of his understanding of the Old Testament, what has happened in the Christ event, his own experience of resurrected Lord and the [...]
It is also vital to take into account the viewpoint that factors that determine peace and war in the world religions are based on the divine commandments, teachings attained from the scriptures and the divine [...]
We have a debt to love God because of His unconditional love for us, His will to draw us closer to Him while we are still sinners and His work in our lives even when [...]
Religious leaders attribute occurrence and increasing incidences of sexual abuse and misconduct to influence from the secular world, degradation of religious values and tolerance of the behavior among members of society.
In addition to this, the persecution of Bramanical Kings together with the anti-Buddhism propaganda was a heavy hit to the Buddhists.
In this extensive metaphysical work, she widely explores the nature of God's love, in which we are given 'snapshots' of love in the guise of: Father, Son and Spirit; Mother God, even, the comfort and [...]
This means that everything that is spoken of in Daniel's vision and which is within the prophecy that was revealed to him will end in the final event of the prophecy which is the anointing [...]
According to Elie, this state is also convenient for resolving one's problems because one can rely on the collective help of others in the society in which he or she resides or of the God, [...]
In the light of this point, it is necessary to note that the single most significant features of art and iconography that smooth the progress of its role in advancing various religious traditions, as well [...]
The Hispanic theology is shown as a representation of the religious and theological inflections of the Hispanic people staying in the United States.
Specifically, the paper explores the above concept in relation to mysticism, struggles and challenges, and purification practices meant for the mind and the body.
This report documents ethnographically the cultural scene of a women's prayer room in a local culture in the United Arab Emirates, with the view to assisting the researcher to acknowledge how the prayer room assists [...]
The Afghans, Persians, and Arabs first used the term "Hindu" to denote the inhabitants of the aforementioned regions. The aspect of worship is one of the most vital religious practices in Hinduism.
This led to the rise of many disciplines to explain incidences in a way that all people could understand and agree.
First, a healthy and ethical decision must correspond to the teachings of the bible which are the guidelines that portray the will of God.
Such events include the existence of the universe itself, the interaction between the world and the rest of the entire solar system, and the existence of life on earth.
The teachers, the state and the entire society are the main player in the act of including morality education in schools but have been blocked from doing so by the people's view of morality as [...]
In addition, the participant looked very concerned while discussing the significance of celebrating the Eucharist and the role of church in the life of the community.
Cohen's main argument about the notion of Convivencia in the Arabic speaking world and the era of Spanish re-conquest is regularly misinterpreted as researchers contrast the concepts with the harmonious living era of the Jewish [...]
Adopting the idea that Christ is good and the healing is based on the faith, the church's followers declared the easiness of the principles of Christian Science.
The book by Irving is a portrayal of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as He is regarded in the entire spectrum of the Arab nation.
Religion In the context of birth and growth of Islam as a religion, the revelations of Quran to Prophet Mohammad altered the way people thought about religion.
This definition suggests that everything must obey the rules and the will of Allah or the law of nature. Islamic religion asserts that the Quran came through a messenger or prophet of God, and Muhammad [...]
Although there is no clear definition of the New Age movement typical for the USA, it is necessary to focus on the variety of the movement's characteristic features the analysis of which allows speaking about [...]
Arjuna is clearly not able to understand the manifestations of the Supreme Lord and that is why he requests him to explain his manifestations in detail.
Ramadan is not the time of merry-making and socializing but, it is rather the time to worship through fasting, since fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan is among the Islam pillars.
Analyzing the key concepts of Daoism, i.e, "analogies", one can possibly figure out what the philosophy of Daoism manifests as the ultimate enlightenment, as well as compare the given ideas with the similar ones from [...]
The disconnection between traditional practices and outcomes is evident, in that disbelief and inability to concentrate and practice overtake the benefits and positives of yoga.
The church portrays the spiritual standards and principles of society meaning that they are the janitors of faith in a particular society.
In addition, Muslims are also to offer an amount of tax which is the equivalent of an offering that is dedicated for the poor and the needy among the Muslim members of the society.
The role of Word and Sacrament in the life of those Catholics who follow their religious tradition strictly is significant because Word of God is associated with main religious doctrines and principles of Catholicism, and [...]
From this point, modern churches compete within the market of the people's beliefs, and this statement is not a metaphor because the victory in the competition guarantees the progress of the church not only in [...]
This essay seeks to investigate the significance of the church to the African-Americans as a community center, an education center, platform for political expression and a secure refuge for the oppressed. The Church as the [...]
According to them, the Quran and Sharia laws provide parameters on the behavior of the men and women in marriage institutions.
The development and escalation of diversity in the world are seen as a significant social phenomenon in the society. The focus of this paper is to analyze religious diversity in the U.S.
Rumi also teaches on the need for self-will in faith to show how one needs to be the master of his/her faith.
This happens when the sect is forced to embrace the features of the denomination in order to comply with the law.
Hinduism which is one of the religions in the world has a lot of interactions with the modern world despite being an ancient religion.
The Jesuits in China represented one of the most significant events in the relations between China and the West. The missionary efforts in the county also played a huge role in the introduction as well [...]
Beale points towards the spiritual, historical and divine origins of the bible and utilizes this as the reinforcing factors behind his belief in the bible's inerrancy and infallibility.
On the other hand, the premise of the infallibility of the bible is based on the fact that it was created as a direct action of divine intervention wherein the Holy Spirit inspired the original [...]
3 Perception of the world among Buddhists One of the staunch belief systems of the Buddhists is attached on the notion that solution to problems can be caused through suffering.
Even after taking control of the empire, he was still in trouble since he needed the support of the local people to protect his position.
The imagination and thinking of Christians are different from what the atheists' society thinks about God in heaven and the torment in hell. Salvation Salvation is one of the themes that the author highlights in [...]
The second objective is to articulate the effect of religions on the economy and the political establishments of a society. The existence of a lot of information on the impact of religion on society made [...]
In order to achieve the in-depth understanding of the correlation that exists between the human body and the world, certain unique elements of the tonalpohualli have been used in form of a Mesoamerican augural cycle.
Based on the assessment of what is good and evil, there is no logical evidence of the presence of God and evil.
The knowledge is summarized in the four noble truths, which include life means suffering, the cessation of suffering is attainable, the origin of suffering is attachment, and the path to the cessation of suffering.
Still, the peculiarity of the religion in pre-Islamic Arabia is that people did not believe in life after death, but the presence of the mysterious creatures was important for human imagination.
In the book 1, Augustine acknowledges the forgiving nature of God and his desire to be forgiven by God. This essentially refers to his endless desire for the grace of God.
This was evident after Shadid made analyses of various publications which analyzed the threat of Islam and the Muslim community to the western countries and fashion such stereotypical messages in the realm of myth.
Thesis Statement: "Should the Concepts of Inerrancy and Infallibility in the Bible be utilized as Sufficient Justifications of the Legitimacy of Religious Positions on Social Issues?" It is quite interesting to note that studies such [...]
In the world of sport, man has internalized the concept of supernatural intervention as the basis of success. Man has always believed in existence of supernatural powers and has established religion to practice the art [...]
According to the Good News Bible, God is the creator of the universe and all forms of life including the human person.
Proverbs 15:18 counsels against adultery and urges that a man is happy and rejoice in the wife of his youth. This means that self esteem is important in a person's life to make rational decisions.
Redaction criticism is another method employed by today's scholars to analyze how the writers in the bible shaped their source material, to reconstruct the community and to establish the role of the writers of the [...]
The early church used to speak in tongues and the apostles were the first people to introduce the gift of speaking in tongues in the early church during the day of Pentecost.
The author argues that the oral character of the Quran is perceptible in every aspect of the Muslim culture, today as in any previous age of the Islamic history.
After the procession, which is often the highlight of the event, attendants will listen to a portion of scripture; this is the storytelling bit.
In other words, one can state that while religion may sometimes be the cause of evil, without religion there is no basis for religious morality.
The author of the book intends to provoke those proclaiming to be Christians to develop a deeper and unwavering commitment to Christ and to encourage those not already professing Christianity, to have an interest and [...]
Analyzing the opinions of different researchers, it is possible to consider faith as a set of the moral principles caused by the personal experience of God, while grace is a gift given by God in [...]
For this reasons, Buddhism is popular followed in China and has contributed to the growth of the Chinese culture up to date.
This paper also discusses the issue of hypocrisy in churches and the effect of the former and the latter in the subsequent decline in Christianity.
Inculturation refers to the process of going against the culture or societal values in the process of developing faith. This paper seeks to analyze the inculturation process of specific historical moments in the development of [...]
It is important to understand the concept of religious pluralism in order to give a detailed account on Christianity and its views concerning other religious bases in America.
Drawing the parallels between the story and the historical background, Cheng'en attempts to represent the synthesis of three religions as the moral foundation for the Mind China people to adhere.
For instance, in Baltimore in the year 1998, catholic relief delivered much support to the victims in the aftermath of that tragedy, catholic relief services were reported to have been the first institution apart from [...]
He also believed that the abolishment of ancient institutions that were originally inclined to Christianity was helpful to the society. He argued that Christianity had been contaminated by the supernatural and that it was a [...]
It is a form of religious worldview in which man is the overall measure that is; man is the ultimate judge of truth and also evaluates the values which are to be followed.
The monks and nuns who chose not to respect the vow of poverty became very wealthy people in the society. Women were appreciated in the new order of nuns and monks.
Additionally, God does not only chooses those who are to be protected and saved he can control thoughts and actions of all people and this is really important as impacting the actions of people God [...]
Susan and Janet asserts that, from the studies to bring materials and perspectives from Women's studies into the rest of the curriculum, they noticed men's unwillingness to grant that they are over privileged in the [...]
Wray has conducted an extensive study on the subject of social justice and suggests that students taking any course on law or social justice must go back to the origins of these laws and justice, [...]
In his article, he says that there is need to have a religion that will put into consideration the needs of each and every individual in the community as the role of the religion is [...]
The initial analogical provision with regards to the last supper was pegged on the reports of the festival as found in the bible where God is said to have instructed the Israelites to sacrifice a [...]
In his attempts to reform the protestant church, Luther wrote several letters to the leaders of the church such as Bishops and the clergy.
The outcome of the meeting was the election of Abu Bark as the caliph. It attempts to answer the question; "what kinds of arguments, methods and policies did the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid caliphs/imams [...]
The history of the resurrection is dated back to the beginning and life of Jesus Christ and is marked by a sequence of various events that hinted on the coming of Jesus Christ.
For this case, the defense argues that there are certain obvious facts and thus the case is within the jurisdiction of the court to determine.
Armstrong demonstrates political and religious history of the Muslim world, starting with the Koran revelation to Muhammad in 610 AD through to the present days.
People who have been in a long relationship and family members can be affected by the death of their loved ones and need assistance to deal with the loss.
Today, there are different sources that document the history and culture of the Celtic people and which can be used to gain further understanding of the group.
The second article called Islam, Procreation and the Law discusses the moral and religious codes with regard to the notions of reproduction and sexuality treated from a historical perspective.
The central tenet of realistic perception of religion is, therefore, the claim that God exists, otherwise referred to as the Objectivity of God's reality.
The science of the hadith involves the quest of hadith scholars to assess the narrations contained in the hadith in order to separate the true accounts from the ones that have been fabricated.
The components of the Hadith are: The text, also known as the matn, the isnad and the traf which is the part of the text that refer to the deeds and sayings of the prophet [...]
The concubine would be inferior to the wife and her happiness with the man depended on the personality of the wife.
Historically, since the dawn of oral and written communication, humans have been searching for the meaning of their own existence. Therefore, humans innately have a sense of right and wrong even in the absence of [...]
The defeat of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War and the subsequent succession to power by Britain on some of the former Ottoman provinces in the Middle East played a monumental role in [...]
In effect, the topic will serve as an eye opener to the students for them to realize that Eucharist is the source of summit of the life of Christians.
Another description of faith pertains the view that all that exists because of the creation is a gift to humanity and that all should be grateful for it.
4 Nevertheless, the group's rise to prominence was due in part to the spirit of the times when the masses wanted to break free from the oppression of the Roman Empire and the lack of [...]
The book of Acts of the Apostle was authored by Luke and he is the first one to account on this issue in the Bible.
Some of these schools include the Pure-land, the Dharmalaksana, the Kosa, the Satysiddhi, the Three Sastra, the Lotus, the Vatamsaka, the Intuitive, the Esoteric, and the Discipline schools, among others4.
The natural environment is the resources, the climate and all that is found on planet earth. The main goal of environmentalism is controlling the use of available resources, protection of nature and controlling the population [...]
The suffering of the Christians in Sudan has been increased by the Muslim dominated Sudanese government. In social matters, most of the Christians in Sudan are marginalized especially those in the south and western parts [...]
To test the reliability of the bible, this paper will focus or discuss three main lines of evidence that will illustrate the reliability of the bible and send some light on areas that the bible [...]
For this reason, science and faith are integral fields of knowledge that enhance understanding of the universe and human existence in the society; thus, theology should allow faith to correlate with science and seek understanding [...]
Nevertheless, the paper unfolds by describing the meaning of God in the New and Old Testament as the manifestation of the mind and will of God, the sacred writings of the Christian religions and the [...]
One of the common elements between Confucianism and Taoism is their philosophical belief of the "ever changing nature of the world".
Jesus was called the Son of God to mean the chosen one on behave of God to come and rescue the people of the world who were sinners.
Therefore, Christians who are regarded as the light of the world should be at the fore front in encouraging people to do what is right while shunning evil and other related acts.
The purpose of this paper is to expound on the concept of morality in Buddhism, and how the various Buddhist teachings, such as the Four Noble Truths, have enhanced my morality in me and in [...]
There is a purpose for everything that he is doing and this is what the author of the passage tries to communicate to the readers of Hebrews.
When reading the chapter, the most important aspect that came out is the need to offer thanks and appreciate other people who have done something good to use; on the other hand, the chapter reinforces [...]
For example, the acts of injustice meted on Muslims by Christians in the name of God are seen as a terrible and biased act on the side of Christianity.
Nevertheless, the parent and the institutional counselors should stay close to the children in order to take the required action in case a child is going through an acute problem.
For any inter-religious dialogue to take place effectively, there are some rules that have to be adhered to, the main purpose of initiating the dialogue should be considered by the two parties involved.
The rituals and symbols that are performed during the month of Moharram are linked to this opposition where by the Shi'is remember the war at Karbala where the offspring of Prophet Mohammad were killed including [...]
I acknowledge the idea of God being like an electronic circuit by the fact that God created everything and thus through Him we can get the access of all where as without Him, it is [...]
Believers in Islam or the Muslims adhere to the recordings of the Quran with special emphasis on the life of Prophet Mohammad and his teachings.
This paper is an in-depth exploration of the symbols used in Tibetan Buddhism and Christianity and their respective meanings. Some of the symbols of Tibetan Buddhism include the stupa, the wheel and the lotus.
The problem of evil is simply the disagreement of how such a great God can exist and evil still dominates a greater part of the world he created.
It was after he joined the camp that his faith decreased as he could not clearly understand why God could not rescue him and others that he deemed to have suffered more than he did, [...]
Rituals in religious contexts are considered as actions that denotes symbolic activities and practices that are carried out by people, for example, when greeting a certain set of people belonging to a certain age set, [...]
With respect to Teresa of Avila within The Interior Castle the experience of meditation and the measure of the ideal spiritualist was not on the basis of a person's psychophysiological position, but on the other [...]
Over the years, the human societies have changed dramatically; from the way they dress, talk and believe. Presbyterians and Methodists have not resolved on where they stand, but there seem to be some division between [...]
This article introduces some of the pearls of wisdom found in the studies made about the traditions of some of the religions of the world.