Art Essay Examples and Topics. Page 15

5,582 samples

Music Influence on Feeling Movie Scenes

It is the culmination of the movie, as it sets the foundation for further developments and the conflict resolution between the antagonist and protagonist.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1154

Franz Liszt as a Romantic-Period Composer

Most of the composers during the era were inspired by the desire to entertain people and achieve eternity though music. One of the outstanding figures of the Romantic era was Franz Liszt.
  • Subjects: Musicians
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1101

Descartes’ Epistemology in “The Matrix”

The present paper analyzes Descartes' epistemology in the light of the tripartite theory of knowledge and uses a science fiction film The Matrix to understand Descartes' influence on the human understanding of reality.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1386

The “Wrecking Ball” Song by Miley Cyrus

Officially, "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus is the success of a beautiful voice and a charismatic performance, scientifically it is a brainworm with many layers designed to penetrate human brain on the unconscious level.
  • Subjects: Musical Compositions
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1140

The Ars Antiqua Music Concept

Ars Antiqua is a Latin word describing ancient art from 1100 to 1300 in some parts of France even though the exact infiltration of the usage of the word in other places has not been [...]
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2210

Comparison of Color Themes

This reflection is the color of that particular object. In painting color is used to exhibit different effects.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1201

Ancient Artworks Comparative Analysis

The two art works vary in different aspects, first and foremost the pieces of work vary based on the materials that are used in their preparation, the head and bust of a man is made [...]
  • Subjects: Sculpture
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Four Scenes from the Life of Buddha

The show has presented four major events from the life of the Buddha: the Birth and the Dearth of the Buddha, the First Sermon at the Deer Park, and the Image and the First Teaching [...]
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 817

Giacomo Puccini: Madama Butterfly

This observation, and the fact that the opera was among the first literary works to expose the differences in the way of life between the Western and Eastern world, are the unique features of the [...]
  • Subjects: Musical Compositions
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2123

Deriving Meanings in the Works of Art

In order for one to be able to understand such a work, he/she should also have an understanding of the ways in which an artist may visually present the ideas he/she has in his/her piece [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 567

Othello and Desdemona: Emotional Strangers

Unaware of what is happening, Desdemona continues to show her fierce devotion to her husband which both blinds her to the truth of Othello's murderous emotions and feeds them.
  • Subjects: Theater
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1243

Film Analysis-Danton

Despite the fact that the armies crossed the borders, the fierce battles of the revolution took place in Paris and its environs.
  • Subjects: Historical Drama
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 871

Weinberg and Shostakovich: Life and Relationships

In the article "What Was "Shostakovich," and What Came Next?" the author Peter Schmelz focuses on disclosing the heritage of Shostakovich and how his life in the Soviet Union impacted his work.
  • Subjects: Musicians
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 556

Decolonizing Museums: Perspectives and Progress

Thus, the paper aims to explore the impact of Wilson's installation on the discussion about the need for museums' decolonization. The study explains how narrative frameworks can be critically studied to improve the reflection of [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 677

The Film “Parasite” by Bong Joon-ho

All the rich and elite districts of Seoul are located on mountains and hills, while all the poor districts are located in the lowlands.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 715

The “My Neighbor Totoro” Film by Hayao Miyazaki

In her biography of Miyazaki, Napier uses the filmmaker's life and background to construct a discourse of the "Miyazakiworld". This source is important to my research because it provides the genesis to the backstory of [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1220

Pre-Recorded Rock Concert: Fundraising

The phenomenon of mega-events is a unique conjunction of forces that calls into question the fundamental nomenclature of mass culture and the understanding of the nature of political action.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 514

Late Bronze Age Iib Egyptian-Style Objects

In addition, the article parses the influence of the material culture of the Egyptian style on the creation of the social identity of the inhabitants of Egypt.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 886

Researching and Analysis of Ecology in Art

The ecological issues are represented in the biomimicry of design and integration with nature. Cucuzzella examines the Anthropocene imagery in art and design installations and their educational value.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1135

Aspects of Screenwriting as Practice

The many possibilities of the screenplay as it relates to the text and performance make it critical in the development of a story.
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1290

Jazz Music: Methodological Issues

It is the application and understanding of socio-cultural issues and methodologies that are crucial to understanding the evolution and development of arts in general, and jazz in particular.
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1815

Artwork of Odd Nedrum in Relationship to Kitsch

The canvases are studied from the point of view of the presented contextual information, the context of the canvas and relation with the epoch when the pictures were created, a comparative description and contextual analysis [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 925

Famous American Photographers

His contributions to photography were challenged as it displayed most of the cultural and aesthetic conventions that were ahead of his time and did not fit in with the dominant notions of the kind of [...]
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1103

Swedish Cinematography: Wild Strawberries

Deemed a classic and one of Bergman's best films, thought-provoking themes such self acceptance and discovery as well as human existence constitute the thematic core of the film.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 542

Changes in Ancient Greek and Roman Art

Many of the sculptures from the Iron age were relatively simple and heavily stylized, reflecting the limitations of the tools and techniques available at the time.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2764

Kouros and the Kritios Boy: Comparative Analysis

The Kouros and the Kritios Boy represent the artistic evolution from a physical awareness of the environment, as reflected in the archaic style, to an optical one, as highlighted in the classical period.
  • Subjects: Sculpture
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1414

Persuasion on Benefits of Modern Music to Society

From pop to rap, electronic to jazz, classical to country, there is something for everyone in modern music, and it can be argued that the sheer breadth of music available today is a great benefit [...]
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 603

Visual Art: Evolution and Origins

One of the first historical pieces of evidence that can be attributed to the manifestation of creativity on the part of human ancestors is a pebble from Makapansgat.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 280

Lunch Atop a Skyscraper: Analysis

On the particular day when the photograph was taken, the workers decided to humor the photographer because of their excitement over completing the construction project.
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 553

The Film “Get Out” by Jordan Peele

Rose's family is an example of groups of people with an unhealthy obsession that dehumanize black people in the same manner as slavery.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 611

The Painting “Rust Red Hill” by Georgia O’Keeffe

It is the artist's magnum opus, and it serves as a living testament to the vision and foresight of the museum's first director, Richard Brauer. This is supposed to be a picture of the outdoors.
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 553

Discussion: The Role of Imagination

Imagination plays a crucial role in both the arts and mathematics, but the ways in which it is used and the goals it serves can be quite different.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 328

Arts as a Means of Expressing Knowledge

Each artist and philosopher tries to give their interpretation of art, and while some think that art is nothing more but a system of knowledge, others consider it to be a means of expressing themselves [...]
  • Subjects: Paintings
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 346

Cave Art: The Earliest Human Artistic Endeavors

The paintings found on the walls of numerous prehistoric caves, rich in representations of animals, human figures, and forms that combine human and beast, are the best-known examples of this trend today.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 300

Myth and Magic in Percy Jackson and the Olympians

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the mythological elements presented in the movie, analyze the hero archetype, divine intervention, magical weapons, and magical creatures, as they appear in The Lightning Thief.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 601

MDC Jazz Faculty Quintet’s Performance

Jazz combines music, feeling, and art, and the performance of the MDC Jazz Faculty Quintet is a vivid example of the perfect performance.
  • Subjects: Music Genre
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1114

Specific Exhibition Marketing Strategies at the AGNSW

The marketing strategies aim to nationally foster and improve the AGNSW profile as one of the most aesthetic galleries in Australia and globally in the coming three years to the business-to-consumer local visitors' segment.
  • Subjects: Art Exhibitions
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1184

They Don’t Wear Black Tie and City of God Films

The sound of the factory whistle blowing at the beginning of the scene and the workers' chant throughout the scene engenders a sense of unanimity and cohesion among the workers.
  • Subjects: Films Comparison
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1100

“The Hunger Games” Directed by Gary Ross: Katniss Everdeen

Similar to this, I attempt to remain strong and resolute in the face of difficulty as a high school student who faces a variety of difficulties, including academic pressure, social expectations, and personal hardships. In [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 399

The Photographic Process: Stages and Tools

In general, this guide may be regarded as a source of highly useful information that helps a person who is already familiar with the art of photography develop his skills and receive the most appropriate [...]
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 348

Museum of Ancient Greece: Architecture and Urban Planning

The religious and social section of the museum will exhibit artifacts related to ancient Greek religion, including statues of the gods and goddesses, offerings made to the gods, and ancient temples such as the Parthenon [...]
  • Subjects: Art Exhibitions
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 952

Shakespeare’s Macbeth Play vs. The Godfather Film

The tragedy of Macbeth discloses the Scottish nobleman's journey to become king, with the help of his wife, Lady Macbeth, and the repercussions resulting from the murder of the king.
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 832

Paul Klee: The Revolutionary Artist

The work represents the research on the biography and artwork of designer Paul Klee. Klee continued to paint after the war, and the world saw his new works from 1919 to 1925.
  • Subjects: Artists
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 360

The “Never Walk Alone” Song by Hope Darst

In addition, in this passage, one can also trace the change in the author's attitude towards God since the appeal says that the only thing for her to advise herself in the past is not [...]
  • Subjects: Musical Compositions
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 583

Creative Response to Reservation Dogs

When the sun sets on the reservation, We are left alone with our sorrows. Our pockets are empty, our hearts are heavy As we struggle to make sense of it all.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

Black Robe (1991) Movie Review

Black Robe, a 1991 movie, narrates the story of the first encounters between the Huron Indians of Quebec and the French Jesuit priests who tried to convert them to Christianity but ultimately turned them over [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 637

The Short Film “Boy” by Lucas Helth Postma

The movie's plot centers on a transgender man Emilie, who was born a woman, and the circumstances leading up to a dinner with several families. That is, a person's biological sex has nothing to do [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 347

The Film “Predator” by John McTiernan

This essay uses the predator monster, as presented in Jim McTiernan's Predator, to encapsulate a deep-seated sense of fear and provide a hypothetical representation of the horror that each person dreads.
  • Subjects: Action Films
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 833

The Film “Little Big Man” by Arthur Penn

The main strength of the peoplehood matrix is that it encompasses everything and provides comprehensive analysis, and that is why it is adopted in this paper to analyze the Little Big Man film in regards [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 872

Chuck Close: Capturing Humanity in Photorealism

Chuck Close's adverse childhood background inspired the majority of his paintings and messages. Chuck Close is one of the painters who used oil, mezzotint, and acrylic paintings to express his feelings.
  • Subjects: Photography
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 352

Scarface by Brian De Palma: Film Reflection

This happens because the first wave of emigrants are strangers in the new culture, do not speak the country's language, and do not have the appropriate education and cultural background.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 347

The Shape of Water vs. Master: Films Comparison

The most prominent characteristics of del Toro's themes in The Shape of Water are the pervasiveness of water, the sombre hues of green, teal, and red, and the fluidity of movement and metamorphosis.
  • Subjects: Films Comparison
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1776

The Sphinx of King Taharqo Statue

Tace of the artifact is the Sudanese resemblance of the Tahsrqo, the black king, the fourth pharaoh to rule over the combined kingdoms of Kush and Egypt. The sphinx, as a whole, represents the fusion [...]
  • Subjects: Sculpture
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 575

Review of “Fight Club” Essay by Peter Travers

Using expressive language and various metaphors, the author of the overview, states that through the mentioned schemes, the director challenges the prejudices of the men trapped by society.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 297

Spectatorship: The Key Influences

The idea of the male gaze suggests, for instance, that a painting of a naked woman may be created to satisfy the fantasies of the male spectator, revealing the social and economic processes that influence [...]
  • Subjects: Cinema Art
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 589

Researching of Roman Empire Art

The Roman Empire's art and sculptures depict the opulence and power of the Empire while also providing a glimpse into the everyday life of the people who lived during that time.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1351

“In the Time of the Butterflies” by Mariano Barroso

The film by Mexican director Mariano Barroso In the time of the Butterflies, revealed the story of the life, struggle, and tragic death of the national heroines of the Dominican Republic, the Mirabal sisters.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 709

The Film “Kingdom of Heaven” by Ridley Scott

People saw the Crusades as a method of salvation and atonement for sins, and Ridley Scott's movie Kingdom of Heaven represents one of the interpretations of that period and the Crusade contributions.
  • Subjects: Historical Drama
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 941

The Film “A Raisin in the Sun” by Daniel Petrie

The heat of the Chicago summer is palpable in the pressure cooker of the condo, sweat drips from Poitier's increasingly frowning forehead, and the internal location does not give a respite from the hot cruelty [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 850

Contemporary Asian Art in the Twenty-First Century

The exhibitions also wanted to privilege the uptake of Asian art in the global market.collection of paintings about the war in Asia was considered critical for the development of advanced history of the region during [...]
  • Subjects: Art Movement
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1735

Queen Latifah as a Hip-Hop Feminism Icon

The song was released in 1989 when the third wave was starting, and Latifah talks about the importance of women the society and the need for equal treatment and supporting each other.
  • Subjects: Artists
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1063

Native American Studies: The Stagecoach Movie

The Stagecoach movie is a classic Western movie that was released in 1939, and it tells the story of a group of people who are forced to take refuge in a stagecoach. The outlaws then [...]
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 621

“Gently Penetrating…” Composition by Westerkamp

The texture, softness, and the dynamics of loudness in this composition emphasize the style of this particular composition. Hildegard Westerkamp also puts a lot of other harmonizes and cricket sounds in the composition.
  • Subjects: Musical Compositions
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1104

Is Western Art Music Superior?

While it is agreeable that Western art music is more natural, multifaceted, and profoundly meaningful to its audiences and composers, it is appalling to deny these characteristics to other musical systems in the world.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 286

Women’s Influence on Landscape Architecture

In many cases, women have been the primary caretakers of the home and hearth, responsible for managing the domestic space and keeping the family property in good repair.
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1926

Cultural Works and the Contribution to Modernism

The main reason for integrating cultural development and sustainability enshrines enhancing compatibility and comfort among the dwellers and dynamic stakeholders in adhering to ethical practices. The architects design these buildings to create, promote, and sustain [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 868

John Trumball’s Artwork: Analysis

The death of the General in the attack is just one example of his artistry. The Portrait of the death by John Trumball is a well-known illustration of the power of art to influence public [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1157

The La Jette Film in Science Fiction Genre

Therefore, this article's primary focus is on how the viewer and the characters in the film perceive the appearance of movement and time-lapse as a form of science fiction.
  • Subjects: Film Studies
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1833

Kagana Mask’s History, Origin, and Function

Further, the deeper literal interpretation of the Kanaga mask pertains to god, and the arrangement of the earth. Kanaga masks are worn by Malian Dogon dancers and are related to funerary rites to honor the [...]
  • Subjects: History of Art
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 996

The Painter Van Loo’s Rococo Revolution

Van Loo's paintings clearly acord to the carefree style of the Rococo and play an essential role in the art revolution, due to his wise choice of colors and motives.
  • Subjects: Visual Arts
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 663

Post-Colonial Music Development

In this work, the author engages with numerous works on the theory of music, the Western view of music, urban music cultures, African music, African philosophy, and colonialism in Africa.
  • Subjects: Music
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 687

Romanticism: The Great Composers of the 19th Century

The opera is performed in the genre of musical drama and reveals the historical context of the war between Egypt and Ethiopia, however, focuses on a fictional story of unrequited love. The work is typical [...]
  • Subjects: Musicians
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 864